Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1922, p. 5

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? -w yt&: The Solon Mills depot was clos4; ^Ffc p-tfce first of the year, since which time "trains are flagged in order that passengers may ride. Prepaid freight will be put off at the depot, while farmers are still able to ship their 4iilk or cream. The contest in defense of the cigar- «tte, which is being conducted under ^ ti»e auspices of the Woodstock Amer- ' kan Legion poet, is arousing considerable interest. A cash #rize is offered for the best essay, of which a number have already been submitted. John Charles Thomas, nnlddrt il one of the country's leading baritone singers and now appearing in light opera; is ^pulling down" the snog salary of $2,500 per week. Mr. Thomas became known in McHenry county thru his marriage to Miss Ruby Rotnour/formerly of Richmond. Mr. Thomas appeared in Chicago recently. WP ft isnow tiirife to place your order for SprifigSeeds. Let us know what you will need so that we may " ^^idecaocordin^y. . ... ^ r . . . . - MILLjFEEDS OF ALL KINDS * • 'f A: 'F- • - s GROWING DONE PRONPTLY AMI EITICiENTLY ; Give tos a trial. We know we can plea»e yon McHenry County Farmers' Co-operative Association Plants ac McHenry. Crystal 1 ake. W oodstock Main Office: West McHenry ^C. W. Gibbs, Manager Why "Station to Station" Long- Distance Calls Cost You Less • « You can save about twenty per cent on your toll * bills by using our "Station to Station" long-distance service. To complete a call for a telephone number or for a listed telephone rather than for a particular person requires less time and avoids holding the line at the distant point while search is made for the person - wanted. Here are some samp»e forms for putting in "Station itfStation" calls. Signal the operator In the usual way and ask her for long distance. When the long-distance operator answers say: "Give me St. Loois; Mala 1IML Will talk to anyone." _ » "Give me Milwaukee, Wis.; Smith,. Brown ft Company. WiU talk to anyone." "Give me Louisville, Ky.; James Robinson's residence, 648 Mulberry St. Will talk to anyone." In a very great majority of cases it is found tlMf: a call made in this way either reaches the particular , person wanted or the person who answers can take the message or handle the business,. " Specimen rates for "Station to Station" and other ; classes of long-distance service may be found in the telephone directory. The manager will be glad to give additional information. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Peak of the Load • ; /. It comes at the breakfast, luncheon and dinner hour. The demand is sudden, tremendous. - "Peak of the load," says the gas engineer. "What a convenience," comments the house wife.- And both, refer to the biggest ^rviqe^ftfobJip W the public utility business^ ' V To get gas service when, where, and how you Want it without warning, with- - out telephoning for it, means that we must - have "peak of the load" equipmeni to meet "peak of the loan" demands. . A This equipment is costly. It takes a tot of money to keep it in good condition, ready at all times to serve you. And the maximum number of men must be employed to operate it whether the call comes #raot. : Vital things, these. And they must be paid for if you are to get the gas service you demand, in the way you if •' „ Think it 50,We EGGS PRESENTED STATE OF ILLINOIS U INCOME TAX CHANGES tion. The UBoat of such personal 1*r hxo Should so^rt, r- 'a"ggTregla"te nIeft in' come of such husband In Law Since Year Ago and wife is in excess of $5,000, in rp. , . , • which case the amount, of such per- H. Darwin. C»e ul IM Cm,, ten, loc.1 income ^ ^ ^ »2'000- U •tad.-, <* Wmhhv*. •^ Pl.indeal.r « this we^t .brS Il •"Par"te Glft > its "»<•«» some important ^ m«, Thn. i.- of L. H. Darwin, - *^U£"'S T E" "ta P. L. Henriquez of Chicago, who owns . ®f ch j ang'es in the income which would be payable if the exsummer home at Fox Lake, nimrods ^*. ?K^e are llsted ,n the act of 1921,1 emption were 12600 bv mora than who use the waters of Fox lake for ^ *h ^^whidT ** amount of net incon»« ™ «- fishing will, within the course of the « which took effect the next three years, be given the pleas- „St °*.t*ie year> according to David ure of fishing silver trout from thin Blair, commissioner of internal revenue, Washington, D. C. silver trout from body of water. _ , . A box containing 50,000 silver trout - urns are required of ev$ry single eggs was recently presented to the persof1 w^ose net income for 1921 state of Illinois by the Washington jW^ or over. game warden thru Mr. Henriquez; . ,Ve5^ man"^e^ Person not living with the understanding that these1 m nusband or wife whose net ineggs were to be deposited in the come w*s $1,000 and every married waters of Fox lake. The request haa'^T800 withs husband or wife whose net income was $2,000 or over, cess of $5,000. The period for filing returns is from Jan. 1 to Mar. 15, 1022, when made on the calendar year basis. since then been granted. The eggs were presented Henriquez particularly to gjei placed in Fox lake. No doubt a new to Mr. 'an<* every poison whose gross income them ^or year was $5,000 or over must make a return, regardless of the supply can be obtained each year for amount net income. This requireftihiea nnewxit ^thkwreue, .yTeJUa.rUs s--o atht--a it. tiih--e c-y--cil e lTiGnt w&s not confcain6d in the revenue may be complete, thus assuring fishermen who reside at the lake or may visit the place silver trout fishing every year thereafter. It will be the third year before one will be allowed to catch them. act of 1918. For "willful refusal" the present income tax returns, the federal law provides a fine of $10,000 and a year's imprisonment In the making of an income tax return for the year of 1921 every tax- Believing- that tnost of the residents should present to himself the Fox Lake, those havinc summer 0 owing" questions: What were your profits from your business, trade, profession or vocation ? Did you receive any interest on bank account?-* Have you any property from which you received rent? Did you receive apy income in the form of dividends or iatereet front stock or bonds? Did you receive any bonuses during of Fox Lake, those having summer homes there and the thousands who visit the pretty summer resort annually will be very much interested in the generosity of the two above named gentlemen as well as something along the line of silver trout, Mr. Darwin has very kindly written a story concerning this specie of the finny tribe, which we take pleasure in presenting to our reader^ this week: • Silver Trout • . The Silver trout so-called is in real-; ®^#r' ity a landlocked blueback or sockeye , /ou make anT Proflt on the salmen. It is known in different lo- of stocks- bonds or other propcalities as the "red-fish" and "grayling." It has entirely lost all instinct to go to sea, but being of the , . . salmon family it spawns only once-- commissions ? at the age of four years--and then dies. i" . _ In the state of Washington it has _^°™e? been found in the greatest quantities in Lake Whatcom in Whatcom county and to a lesser extent in Lake Washington, adjoining the city of Seattle. With these lakes as a muclous we i . * * *-- -- --wi^ have planted these fish all over thel"*™4 appropriate the earnings of state of Washington. Assuming at'8UC children? If so, the amount the erty' real or Personal ? Did you act as a broker in any transaction from which you received Are you interested in any partnerjshipj* or other firm, from which you QUARTER OF CENTURA Items Clipped From The it Twenty-five Tears AF* James B. Perry was appointed by the county convention as delegate to represent this town in the judicial convention to be held at Elgin Feb. S. McHenry county was instructed for Judge C. H. Donnally. Died--At the residence of Ids mother in this village'on Thursday, Dec. 31, 1896, N. L. Holmes, aged forty-five years, His funeral was held from the residence on Sunday morning and the remains laid at rest in Ridgefield cemetery. The marriage of Miss Amy C. Owen, the lovely and accomplished |daughter of the late Edwin M. Owen of this city, and Mr. Charlecs C. jChapell of Elgin was solemnized at jthe home of the bride's mother on [Wednesday evening, Dec. 30, at eight o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Straub, pastor of Hie Univergalist. church of McHenry. Miss Jennie Chapell acted as maid of honor and Benjamin Oetzelman as best man. Miss Ethel Owen and Master Newton Owen acted as ribbon bearers. Too Modi Hootch A native of Woodstock was taken quite seriously ill a short time ago and on being questioned by the doctor who attended him admitted that he had been drinking moonshine whiskey. As a result of the confession three homes in that city were raided. In one of the homes a small still was found in operation and in the second a still was found but not in operation nor was any whiskey to be found, while the third place raided produced only parts of a still, but no booze.1 Woodstock authorities are determined 1 to wipe out moonshinging in that city, j A girls' band of fourteen pieces has been organized in the high school at; Delavan, Wis. Jack NicW „ • i BITCHING AND TIL n/ •>'"Tl * V iwfc«L n> Phone 122-M Margaret Wallace NURSE Phone lXKnSf . -tot' - is KeHenry, 111. A. S. Parks was a business ! at Barrington last Friday. Have you any income from royalties or patents ? j Have you any minor children working? # Do you appropriate or have the at first it was only a lake fish, we are very much surprised to find that results were obtained by planting them in some of our eastern Washington streams. At that we think, however, your great success will come from planting them in lakes and the deeper the lakes the better. They should be planted in lakes having inlets, as the fish enter these inlets to spawn. You will find them starting to spawn about the 15th of September and they may continue thru until the middle of January or the first of February. In our state they furnish tfee best J ^very married fishing during the months of July ^ r must make and August, which only serves to make them the more ideal game fish as this is the vacation time of the year when our people go fishing. In different bodies of water the fish attafn to different sizes. I have seen some fish from parents of eight or nine inches in length grow to a four and three-quarters pound fish when planted in lakes near Spokane, Washington, a distance of about four hundred miles from where the eggs were taken. The story of the silVer trout is this: The blueback or sockeye salmon only ascends those streams for pawning purposes which have lakes as their sources. The mature salmon returning to spawning purposes reaches to this lake and remains | must be iiicluded in the return Of in come. Has your wife any income from any source whatsoever? If so it must be included in your return or reported in a separate return of income. Did you receive any directors' feet or trustees' fees in the course of the year? Do you hold any office in a benefit society from which you receive income? Answers to all of these questions are necessary to determine whether a person has an income sufficiently large to require that a return be filed. Every married couple living toa return, either separate or jointly as desired, if their aggregate net income was $2,000 or over, or if the aggregate gross in- . come was $5,000 or more a year. | Gross income includes practically every dollar the tax-payer received during the year of 1921. ! Net income is gross income late the exemption and the deductions specifically provided for by the act Probably the most important change effecting men of moderate income is in the amount of exemption allowed^ Under the act of 1918 a married with an income of $5,000 or less was entitled to an exemption of $2,000. Under the act of 1921 the exemption is raised to $2,500. The act of 1921 also provides an exemption of $400 for each dependent under eighteen years of age or incapable of self sup- DR. N. J. NYE Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Hours: ^ 7:0ft to 9:00 a. u i i : , v J v , 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. : ' - 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Thdawjtt-R :: :: McHenry, Hi. New Rubber Belting .«ri-2 .« it M .X 1 PRICE PER FOOT-- -i*#' 2 Pfjr iP* * Ft)r tPlT S 1-2 2 » « I « 31 • M Also pulleys, hangers, shafting, leather belting »aod a large supply of hose, used belting at a sacrificed price. Money returned If Roods are otherwise than represented. W rite for prices on any width up to 38 Uiches. CLINTON SUPPLY GO. U7 S. Clinton St. Cbictio. III. Phone Main MM PHILIP JAEGER QBNBRAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAL* Of Orcaaed Beef, riutton, Hofi, Veal, Peultrj. < v Hide*, Etc., Butter and Efgt * ' This iB the oldest boase on the street Tags and o* application. • ^ COI.D STORAtie FREE Wholesale Marlcat "• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Special Election, January 14th, 192! COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 156, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS (Place • cpos* (*) in the apace to the ritfrt of Ike word iwiicatiat the way yea deeire to TetoJ The proposition to authori*e tl» Roard ol Rducatlon io ?«rae bonds of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, to the amount of $125,000 due in numerical order; $5,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1926 to 1928, both years inclusive; $7,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1929 to „ » 5. ^ --7 -K^-V< - • - i * 1 •' -HJ, ^ ' 'i-V,' % A l v':< 1933, both years inclusive; $9,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1934 to 1938, both years inclusive; $10,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1939 to 1941, both years inclusive; which bonds are lo bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semiannually. Agaiast '•t ' - - SVthemtf until ready to deposit his ^ , - , , of the |P°rt because of physical handicaps. i oi«. a«+ r> . t_ iu. i spawn when he goes into one inlets. Sec. 21(j; Art. C.: In the case of a The fry resulting thereform comes i sLnfl®Pfr80n/ a Per8,onal exemption into the lake and there remains until |® ' or m 0486 °* a it is about one year and four months ^°* a J marned Person, living old. In other words, it goes down to !wlth husbandior wife» 8 Personal extie second sorin* after its birth. emPtlon of unless the net in- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true specimen ballot to be voted in the Community High School District, No. 156, McHenry County, Illinois, on January 14,1922. Secretary of Said District. sea-the spring While some go down the first spring after their birth, scientists tell Us it is only those which go down the second year after their/ birth that return as mature fish and that the others are lost. This is the only species .of salmon the fry of which does not all go to sea the first spring after their birth. •So it was that about twenty-five thousand' years ago, at the breaking up of tiie ice age, when the ice moved off what is now the site of the city of Seattle, and for the first time disclosed the outlines of "the Straits of Juan de Fuca and the Pacific coast line of the state of Washington, there were a number of those blueback or sockeye salmon caught in the lakes thus formed and prevented from reaching the sea. Some of these lakes did not have their salt water mtlets restored for thousands of years and in this time these salmon entirely lost their sea-going instinct. This is the story of the so-called silver trout or the landlocked blueback or sockeye salmon, told possibly not quite so briefly as you would like to have had it. In the great majority of the counties of our state the sportsmen are very enthusiastic over the silver trout and there is no finer pan fish to be found in this state than the silver trout. In some of the waters ! which we have placed thehi they have become very gamy. They are gen eraliy more easy to catch with bait, but in some of the waters they take a Ay m great come is in excess of $5,000, in which case the personal exemption shall be $2,000. A husband and wife living together shall receive but one personal exemp- WOODS 'THEATRE ' IIUIMlPflk AT DUBB4 Uiom present* (ark Oram's (jreatesb CVia^y MNECnCBI \XNKEE r AJCTHfn# corner SUfUtm rM. Gul bra risen Nov/ Playing Continueua 11a.m to 11 p.m. POPULAR. P9ICKS Listen--mechanically* produced music is pretty tame compared with the human playing anyone can do on the Culbransen. Listen--your ear tells you it is real; you warm up to it; you try it yourself--and" you are For the Gulbransen is not a "player-piano" as you have known them. It is more truthfully a piano you learn to play in two weeks instead of two years. Instruction rolls show you how to play with every form musical expression. You'll find it an ever-growing, delightful recreation; an unequaled education in music. % « •• N. A. HUEMANN, West McHenry V ' V* ' i**.

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