Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1922, p. 4

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I* ^ 1 4 ' as the CROWNS SPRING A SURPRISE Smf in and Mrs. fctoek called to business Tiwtiiliiji Wm. Fleming <f> on McHeniy rel*- By Taking Three Stnifht From Flivvers Tuesday Night of Tewa. iM --4 iAT #> DJ'D you ever stop to realize that a great deal of the unhappiness that is fouud in a home can to traced directly to food faults. The consistent appearance of poor bread and pastries causes untold dissatisfaction. Avoid that by usiug our guaranteed flour^ Try oar flour--you'll like H J .. • . ' McHENRY Flour Mills W«*t McHenr*. m. j Oh H«nry|| ' Indiolas . '.s! El Rectom Buick Six ,*;! Flivvers Crowns .... * 10; :iJ 21 Pet- 783 667 538 433 "333 300 i K' h* K'/. $ 1.00 paid down ,* puts in your house any. Electric Appliance Electric washers alone excepted--on these the initial payment is $5.00 the balance of the cost being payable $6.50 a month. The articles comprised in the $1.00 first payment are Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Toasters, Percolators, Grills, Curling: Irons, Heating Pads and many others. Balance of cost of every . appliance payable in easy monthly parts. L^iil., • Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS W ,x« .... .18 .....13 .......*9 9 The Oh Henrys are still "sitting pretty" in the race for high honors in the local bowling league with 22 frames won and only 8 lost/and with the speed in which they have been traveling during the past month it will be a hard job to displace . them from the lead. The Indiolas, *ho oc«upyv the second berth in the race, have not l>een piling up the big scores of late as has characterized their work earlier in the race and their backers are afraid that they*"Will be unable to retrain the lead before the close of the season, which occurs on the night of Feb 17. Only fourteen more series remain on the season's schedule-. The Ohi Henrys, Indiolas, El Rectors and Buick Six will each participate in five more games, while the Flivvers and Crowns have but four itore meetings. - -:' J: Still In the Running Altho they have been removed from . the first-place position, the Indiolas absolutely refuse „ to be counted out of the running for high honors in the local bowling league. On Thursday of last week they improved their percentage somewhat by taking two out of three games from the El Rectors, altho they were forced to exert themselves to the limit in order to accomplish the trick, as the El Rectors were giving them plenty of cause the entire series. for worry The score: thruout Indiolas 1 2 3 Total Vogt .1^9 169 169 • 507 L. Page .148 160 187 495 R. Thompson .i20 165 156 441 Laures ..... .167 i61 172- 500 Warner .... . 466 1£2 146 474 j-IT 770 817 830 2417 El Rectors 1 2 3 Total Groom ...... 181 229 548 Donavin .167 132 120 419 Ritter .204 141 160 505 W. Patzke .. .143 144 149 436 EngeW^»>... .166 175 161 492 808 773 819 2400 We've been thinking now that we . are to'ha*fHfh; a new eonaunity high schoftl., andii that the new ^ state road wiltl ^ be built through ouir^ town fif we pull together) and,that the sewer system yerjr likely I "i - be installed, that McHenry is off 4 o a good st4S£rt, and that ourE town is going to be a good place ^ •ifv. ' to hang^your hat#"" Crowns Continue to Lose Those lowly Crowns just don't seem to hit their stride and it really begins to look as if they cannot expect anything better than the "booby" prize in the local bowling league. Last Friday night they dropped two more games to the Flivvers, but came back and took the third game in a walk-away. E. M. Geier, of the Crowns, came in for the evening's first honors, getting a total of 569. The scores; 4? Flivvers Gorman Bolger t R. Page Spurting Weber . Crow*s ComWi/ Perkins Bickler Whiting Geier .., 198 .....186 .....168 174 815 . 204 188 189 .....121 185 • ' 178 198 167 183 174 845 2 162 - 161 182 153 •198 3 Total 187 459 186 - 527 132 152 174 731 3 176 170 112 163 191 435 448 522 2391 Total 532 469 383 437 569 787 791 812 2390 Crams Take Three From #Flivvers The Crowns, who have been occupying the cellar position ever since the start of the race, sprung a real surprise on the bowling fans on Tuesday evening of this week by trouncing the slipping Flivvers three straight. The losers put up a game fight and rolled a better game than some of the leaders have registered of late. The scores: Crowns 1 2 3s Total Conway .. . ,178 147 147 472 Perkins ... ...m 175 168 480 Bickler . :.;i2S 156 177 461 Whiting .. ...186 148 193 527 Geier ..... ...204 * 183 192 579 883 809 877 2519 Flivvers 1 2 3 Total Gorman .. ..yiS2 170 185 487 Bolger ... ...189 168 168 525 R. Page ... ...148 169 185 502 Spurling .. ...163 115 171 449 Webar ; . .. ...173 159 149 481 and that would be have a home pt own t^ hang and perhaps when 806 781 858 2444 Town Team Loses to Woodstock The town team journeyed over to the county seat on Monday evening, where they met defeat at the hands of the Woodstock quintet by thirtythree pins. E. M. Geier, of the local team, was away off form, to which fact the home team attributes its defeat. This is the second time these two teams •. have met this season McHenry winning the first. The third and deciding meeting should be an interesting 9QS. Tfce- scores: you get ready build it^ that you will let us help you plan We thank you¥ McH£NRY "A fa -• : McHenry 1 Meyers ......214 Vogt .163 mcaardsoa ...143 Warner . .^-*192 Geier ....^,4117 i ' • Woodst»c|^^ 1/ McGee . ^>^.^166 Bending ./», .143 Michaelis , ^.180 Schroeder ,«7*178 Griffing 3^tC^205 2 179 166 156 160 148 810 2 160 164 170 188 174 8 192 166 160 181 160 859 3 188 147 159 167 177 Total 585 485 •4± ffc>A£» 533 466 SCHOOL •f Interest Front Oar Iaatitution of Learning election held on last to bo a success. 'W^ ftaurfc you, voters. Those that ware absent from school this week becauss of sickness were [Lairt week's delayed scltool notes] Augustine Freund and Jessie Whit- Senior Notes Gladys was absent Monday on account of illness. The sewing class are , remodeling woolen garments and aren't finding it a great deal of fun A peace conference will have to be practising to be a village postmaster held in sewing class if the Irish and hy reading all the papers as they are German sewers don't lay down their passed to them. ,ing. The sophomores need not make fun of the freshmen because they are green. (Look up the meaning of sophomore). Some of the algebra I boys are 2528 Total 514 454 509 528 566 872 851 838 2561 George J. Donavin parsed Wednesday with'relatives in West Chicago. arms. Esther in English IV: "He traveled in Europe for his wife's health." The poor wife must have been very ill if her husband had to* travel for her health, instead of going herself." Can, ^ou picture-- Jimmy Hughes winking at a girl? Lillian Doherty in a long, tight skirt? \ ' Dorothy Walsh about twenty-five pounds heavier? Edmund without a black «ye f^'V 1;' - Glenn without a grouch? ». V--' Viola with black hair? Florence ^Conway weighing 90 lbs.? Pender without her freckles? *: • Rose about 25 inches taller? Esther making a long recitation? Mary Frisby not hearing. ©verything? v'.-'•;/ •: V;'V Arline without• rolling hip eyes? Gladys without a grin? Mary Bolger without a thread' in her hair after sewing class? Mildred without her les softs? Junior Notes The juniors are the first class to be 100 per cent in the savings account. The juniors will begin working on their play in the hear future. Watch for the date of the play. The sewing class find remodeling of garments very interesting. Th«»y have become expert*' ft the art erf ripping. , The jhmors will know what an essay is by the end of the quarter or Miss Peterson will be. sadly disappointed. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller and Ben Miller visited school one day recently and report that they -found the work good, but the conditions too crowded. Sophomore Notes We are anxiously awaiting the junior class play. Miss Cassells gavejM m lecture on politeness Monday. -- We all wonder where Cornelia got the new wave in her hair. We have just learned thAt Sir Roger's lover was a perverse widow. Weston and George have come to the conclusion that animals reason. The dictionary is very busy lately. Reason: We are reading Sir Roger. Warning to the builders of the new high school: "Make the windows low." The seniors arent the only ones with Friendship and Girl Graduate books. - We have very interesting discussions in Miss Peterson's English II division. The sophomores have come to the conclusion that nothing can be worse than "essays." • Most of the high school are taking advantage of the cold weather and the mill pond. Norma must have gotten the species mixed when she said that the dog was a good bass. Teacher: "What :ri||i^dies mean." Bright pupil:. ""Short stories." Miss Kisch in geometry: "You will all need compasses in your examination so start saving your pennies." Clyde 'Carr has been absent from school three weeks on account of sickness. Everyone is glad to see hie happy face again. Leo Thelen said that the new ironing and pressing board (when it was in the crate) looked hiore like a cow stanchion to him. Ella Harrison had a birthday Tuesday and was g}ven a surprise party by some of her friends. We, know they had a good time by their smiling faces. Miss Pryor told us a very heartrendering story in modern history class. Our eyes were swimming in tears as we thought "what if our husbands should have beeto tbs unlucky ones." Freshman Note* - ' Six freshman girls are anxiously awaiting a surprise from Miss Kisch. The ancient history class .will have debate Friday on Caesar and Hannibal. Ask the freshmen if an infinitive takes an object and wait for their reply. Several of the pupil* of the algebra class will spend two hours writing rules Tuesday evening. Senior Examinations Friday. We wish to thank the voters of the community for voting "For" Hie bond issue. Review and review and review some more. It hardly seems possible that we could have learned so much and forgotten so much in ten weeks. If thou hadst- served thy books with half the zeal thou served pleasure thou wouldst not be worrying about exams Thursday and Friday. Dorothy W. in English IV: "Longfellow was a descendant of John and Priscilla Dean." Dorothy evidently believes in, combining movies with English biographies. Freshman Everybody is glad the esttto< are coming. Why do the freshmen detest English? - Viola Leach was a visitor s | The debate in the class was decided i ancient i favor history of the A. M Schmitt. Pre*. Mkm« iW-W-i „ , M. N. Schmitt, Secy Phone 423-R-l McHENRY TOWflSktP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00. The cheapest and safest insurance on earth. Rates and other information nay be had- spoil . ' Michael Freund, Agent, McHenry Many good points given on both sides, bi|t we all know that Caesar was the greater military general. Earl Whiting passed a few days this week in Chicago. DR.-N.J. NYE' Physician and Surgesa X-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Hours: • -• J 7:00 to 9:00 a. n^;.'41 V. 1:00 to 8:00 p. ml . 5 -x " 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Thane 62-R :: McHenry, DL come Thursday and New Rubber Belting Sr. PRICE PER FOOT--•>- Inch SPljr J Ply 4 Ply i 11-2 2 3 4 5 6 8 M .•71-2 M M M .1# J M .25 £ 1 .4* M Also pulleys, hangers, shafting, leather belting and a large supply of hose, used belting' at a sacrificed price. Money returned If goods are otherwise than represented. W rite for prices on any w^dth up to ftp Inches. CLINTON SUPPLY CO. 117 S. Clinton St. Chicaso, III. Phone--Main 9664 Pictorial Review That dress you are going to gel will make up the prettiest with a Pictorial Review Pattern. We have them from aoae higher. Also have Pictorial Crocheting and Knitting book, Pictorial Embroidery book, Pictorial quarterly Fashion JOS. J. MILLER McHenry, 111. Cash & Carry Dollar Sale Women's Comfy Slippers, elkskip Man's House Slippers, leather soles , Men's Caps, all wool material, fur inbandk... 1 ...... Children's Felt Juliets, leather soles ., Women's Slipover Sweaters, slightly soiled Men's Dress Shirts, with soft cuffs -'•»»>'^||-- Men's Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, two foiP... . .v.. I . .. Corsets, new, sizes 23 to 26 only ' ^ J Ijv Go,d Roast Coffee, 3 pounds..-. Muslin Gowns, nicely fc?Massed--- - MM .91.M .fLM MM J1.M ll.tft 11.00 $tM $1.00 JOHN STOFFEL . -i- WEST McHENRY [ace fieiw Iti-J Vij-C" McHenry. tU. 3V? 4 » 5 tonir anCSliort Haals Will Go Anywhere MeHsnfy, nihwls A. Loath «c Co. Storss RISiBi Gio»«Av«. RockioH, O990** CouitRMi>> DnkuqMi Wt IM Mala St. Aufora.Il-JJlatantf Av«, . .. .. Freeport. 1CS-IN Galena It. Waterloo, SU-314 E. 4th B^oH. *17421 4th St. Joliet. 215-217 lefferaon St. ianesville. Nl-Nt Milwaekee Eau Claire. Masonic Temple. Oshkoah. ll-O Main. Peoria. 32$ South Furntshsrs erf STARiT^l J AN. 28 5 'W. A once a year event--Leath'g February Furniture Sals. Young Folks wait for it--every year produces better-prices on good furniture- Wait. Beautiful Homes PWaHPSffilah from fontta? '4% Says Lctth's K^A , 1 1VA TTENTION ; •••' . ^ -V» - . ' * t ; 4 - -- , v. - : -1 ; Now is the right time t6 bring your Automobile or tractor in for overhauling so as to have the machind in shape for the spring driving or work. We pride ourselves in having one of the most completely equipped garages to be found outside of the larger cities, which, together with expert workmen, places us in a position where we can safely guarantee the public the best work and service to be found anywhere. We are experts in automobile as well as tractor repairing, so •bring in your machines NOW and have them put in order. , , - ^ ^ V , v I.«*• vV; J; » ^ t . * . T . . It •'•WW:'#-, ' COTRAL GARAGE & REPAIR SWF JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS CLUIMBE .>te tyri5V." and boys' clothing at greatly reduced prices. this clothing ctfnsists Q( isi?es takep l^ our ^tock a^ repr^^ exlxaoFdixiaty values. _jbL m 's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Sizes 2*2 to 18 year$ c -$10.95- w '-'•W ii- 9$ big Reductions m \t. • T^iii WMen's Wool Hose FINE CASHMERE.:.. ! 3 pair for $1.00 HEAVY WOOL HOSE.... 13 pair for $1.00 Red uctiops, o» ~ freshman class Friday* JicHENRY Young All late patterns $19.50-$29.50-$34.50 tft i.. i1*; 'i|i Something that will appeal to the o $16.50- Boys' Suits Nearly all with two pair of knickem m m.sP?r- • M, s f/"-1 4^. "s$ l 'X*' • "JS • : m I- 60-,, m:.: ft $ Men's Dress Shirts One lot broken patterns ipecial at $1.00 *? * *:• •,• . ' - • •-".•4.4. ee & Cdnwhy™ >4; -m - t,-•- ' > i\ • '-?£*•

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