Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1922, p. 5

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AN y0Uft BAKING M*Kt VLgflSANT TASK* WE'feel convinced frcm our customers' experiences that our flour will meet with the same favor from you that it has established with them. H careful selection of grain ingredients and expe.rt milling under sanitary conditions avails, thenour flour it best. . • . ; •'** _ Try our flmU ' yo»*H Hto McHENRY Ffour West McHenrv. III. mm You need ammunition for the battle of life. A good, healthy body is essential for the campaign. There's one sure way to secure this healthy body. Buy our pure groceries, we will sell you the best, at prices as low as some people charge for the other kind. M. M. Niesen McHenry Pho.i® 4# PHILIP JAEGER t GENERAL COflMISSSON MERCHANT .-v SPZCIAL ATTCNTION GIVKN TO TBE SALS OP ^4» 'i*1, "'JjjF?* , •. Drewtd Beet, rtutton, Hop, VmI, Poult||t Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ' -- ' This is the oldest/house oa the ittwt l^ags and ptioe lists furnished on kpplioation. COLD STORAGE FREE SS^AACSSR* CHICAAO. ILLINOIS. ESKIMO PIES n" ' < OTHING but the very best of everything is usedji} making up our Eskimo Pies. It therefore behooves you to ask for the home product in this new iced delicacy and thereby assure yourself Of thebesft;: -i"".:^ ••;• :• " 1 'V, , ^ ^ -**- \^' K. * V *•--, McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP... -;" ---------------- ' --•fa--*------i Fordson Tractor L^|p:Uiy & *'-"i ,-v^.? ' V* New Price $395.00 F. O. B. DETROIT REDUCED FROM $625.M Again Henry Ford shows his great interest in the American Farmer by reducing the price of his tractor to a little more than the cost of a good team of horses, which the tractor will eliminate on any farm. This is what the tractor will do for you, Mr. Farmer-- and we can prove every statement: It will enable you to do your work at the i^it ' \"J; time. • > ,.-i - It will enable you to plow deeper. It will enable you to do better cultivation erf soil • It will enable you to eliminate help. %• It will enable you to eliminate horses^ ? will enable you to eliminate most erf the hard work- It will enable you to interest your boy in farm- - iog- 'It wfll enable you to work more land, because r ; the tractor will do nearly three times the. .. amount of work a team of horses will do. - All bf the above means more profit to you. In fact, the FORDSON TRACTOR means making farming profitable TODAY for it cuts costs and enables you to produce more. DON'T DELAY ORDERING YOUR TRACTOR because we will never be able to supply the demand this price will create. Plows and Disc Harrows have also been §-/• -V. . * .greatiy • V'- r » - . ' ' : • STAR GARAGE ! JOHN ». KNOX. Prop. m You save when you trade afErtekson's. Sidney Smith of Chicago was aeon in town Sunday. S. H. Smith transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Quite a few from here attended the caller in town Tuesday morning. Abe Miller, our merchant, is spending a few days in Chicago this week. Mr. Causer of Chisago was a week end visitor in the home of his family here. Jack Gibbe and Leonard Anderson motored to Waukegan Wednesday on dance at Ringwood last Friday night, .business. Mrs. Geo. Nell and son, Frank, of E. R. Goodrow at Woodstock was Woodstock were callers in town Sun- * business caller at the E. E. Cropley day . home Tuesday. Miss Lillian Freund of McHenry j Quite a number from tibia locality spent Thursday last with Miss Julia attended the old folks' dance at Ring- Smith. Iwood last Friday evening. Fred Scfraefer and Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Thompson and Peter Schaefer were callers iJf town Mrs. T. E. Hodge were callers in the Sunday. < E. E. Cropley home Wednesday even- Mrs. Jos. Michels of Harvard spent ing. a few days last week as the guest of! Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Rauen of Kenrelatives here. oeha were here Wednesday to attend J. B. Hettermann and C. If. Bickler the wedding of the former's brother, attended the automobile show in Chi- John Rauen, which took place at the cago Monday. * home of their brother, Math. Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Block of Chi- * | TFBP *X>TTAT cago were week end guests of Mr. and Otto Rezek of Cary visited friends Mrs. Jos. Schaefer. . here one day recently. Miss Margie Smith of Chicago Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin spent spent the week end with ly-r parents, Sunday at her home bere Mr and Mrs. S. H. Smith Mrs. Frank Bacak was a Waiter in J. B. Hettermann, C. M. Bickler and Chicago one day last week. Jos. J. Mertes were m Chicago on Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock vis- Tuesday of this week and while there ited ^utivee here Sunday evening, were shown thru one of H. G. Saal's j Rev M. ,r. McEvoy of McHenry factory buildings, which they found _ on friends here Sunday, to be a model m cleanliness and per-j Mr Mrs T A> Bolger and f<lta. FOR siilJS--Oberstadt West McHenry. McHenry,"111. FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. Inquire of Henry Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phone 626-R-2. 32-3t fection. A large crowd attended the card fly visited at D. A. Powers' Monday. ! Ralph McConnell of Woodstock vis party at Uie parish hall on Sunday fiends in this vicinity «ne day evening. Miss Francis Michels was week. awarded the first prise in five hun- Mr an<j Mrs. M Knox and family dred, Joe Freund the first prize in visited relatives in Woodstock Saturcinch and Elmer Huemann the second. jay afternoon Mrs. Joe Huemann won the first prize Miss Mary Gannon of Woodstock in dominoes. visited Miss Florence Knox Friday J. B. Hettermann, one of the owners eveninK and Saturday. and proprietors of the Central garage _ here, has just completed a special »UNLAWFUL TO WEAR INSIGNIA course in aluminum welding in Chi- Gf American Legion or the Women's cago and with a new equipment for sea J. in C. Holly, 82-tf WANTED--Two "detract" tractors in good running order. Must be cheap. Answer Plaindealer. 31-tf FOR SALE--A few choke Poland China gilts bred for April farrow. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. 80 FOR SALE--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove .lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry, 111. , 88 FOR SALE--Two cows coming in soon, 3 two-year-old heifers, silo filler, 12x30 silo and mower. Ben Adams, West McHenry. 111. 34-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16-tf pire five passenger touring ear for Ford. Car has just been overhauled and in good condition, but too heavy for owner's use. Inquire of Chas. Paul, McHenry, 111. S4-lt* BABY CHICKS--Lowest prices. The kind that grow fast and make the best layers. Eleven varieties. 95 per cent alive delivery. Postpaid. Write today for free catalog and price list. Universal Baby Chick" Co., Peoria, 111. 34-tf The Plaindealer for news. Read The Plaindealsr posted on local ha.jpeningB. A. M. Si-hiiw. rnn >, -MbiN. Wrtwlw. Mkoae «*>W-1 ^ ^ Phone UMt-l k ' t': % McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTU. FIRE INSURANCE CO. The cheapest and Safest insurance m earth. Rates and other informatlaa may be ha<l upon application Michad Freund, Agasit, McHcmr WANTED TO EXCHANGE--An Emsuch work the place is now prepared to turn out this class of welding as Auxiliary of American Legion The attention of the public efficiently as the larger shops in Chi- called to the following , of the crimcago or any other city. The process inal code of Illinois with reference to employed is an entirely new one, be- the illegal wearing of the American ing discovered only a short time ago., Legion emblem or the emblem of the With the new welding equipment the Women's Auxiliary of the American local garage is able to take dure of Legion: everything in the welding line. RINGWOOD Get it at Erickson's. Miss Gene Ingram spfcirt the week end with Woodstock friends. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Sundiay with his daughter, Mrs. C. J. Jepson, and family. Peter Peterson and son, Kenneth, of McHenry visited at 8. W. Smith's home Sunday. Miss Adele Heimer of West Mc- 1. Unlawful to wear badgt or emblem. 2. Penalty. An act to prohibit the wearing or using of the insignia or badge or other emblem of the order of the American Legion or the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion by any other than members of the orders. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented ] in the general assembly, that it shall TT „ „ , .... i be unlawful for any person to wear Henry . S.turd.y grat »f Ml.. L or >ny ^ („ Bernice Smith Miss Vera Beatty of Woodstock spent Thursday last with her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Miss Winifred Bradley went to Chicago Friday morning to apend a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson motored to Belvidere one day recently and visited the Jay Bennett family. Mrs. Ray BartholfF and daughter, Beulah, of Richmond spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Happy Hall returned from signia of the order of the American Legion or of the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion or use the same to obtain aid or assistatK there by, from any person, unless he or she shall be entitled to use or wear the same under the constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations of the American Legion or of the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion. 2. Any person convicted of a viola tion of any of the provisions of section 1 of this act shall be deemed by the court guilty of a misdemeanor ,, .. Bl. . , i and shall be fined in any sum not less M.nito™c, W.8;, S«turd.y •»«!!«!«,„, Mtma (,i6.oo) dollar. <uxl not .nd .s n°w hrip'ng the Ducey f.rn.Iy ^ h|nK|rvl dol. at Richmond to care for a baby boy. j The fourth number of our lyceum course was given last Wednesday night by the Magician Argus. It was well attended and thoroly enjoyed by everyone present. Peter M. Justen will be at the Ringwood State bank on the following Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist the public in filing returns: February 7, 9, 21, 23, 28 and March 2 and 14. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell attended the wedding of the tatter's brother, John Rauen of Spring Grove, last Wednesday at Johnsburg, when he Under this law it is illegal for any person to wear the emblem of the American Legion or emblem of the Auxiliary yho is not in jrood standing. Drastic action will be taken in cases where it is proven that this law has been violated and post commanders are urged to see that no one wears the emblem unless they are members in good standing of the American Legion. Rivtrviews Install New Office™ The installation of the newly was united in marriage to Miss Eliza- i elected officers of Riverview ca'nP> Rbeth Freund of Johnsburg. iN- A-> w*8 hel<i in dining hall at Kenneth and Jay Cristy of Wau- Justen's hotel here Thursday evening paca are here looking after business ^ast week, the event being attended interests. They expect to start farm- by about 200 members and invited ing March first on the farm now guests. Mrs. F. E. Cobb parried out occupied by the Fred Gibbs family, the role of installing officer in her The Gibbs family has many friends pleasing as well as impressive and neighbors who regret their leav- maimer, while her assistant, Mrs. Geo. ing here, but they all join in wishing Bohr, as ceremonial marshal, filled the the Crispy brothers success in their position faultlessly. At the close o adventure. ^ the work the installing officer was -- • ' presented with an R. N. A. ring, Mrs. OSTHND a Bohr with an R. N. A. pin and the re- Little Johnny Penn has moved away J tiring oracle, Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, and March 1st three more pupils will; ^th a |5.00 gold pieee. The out-gobe taken from our school. ' ing oracle and the newly installed Earl Sherman, wife sad little son, loracle, Mrs. Al. Krause, were pre- Buddy, visited over Saturday night g^nted beautiful bouquets of carnawith friends in Wauconda. jtions. The presentation of these No school Wednesday. The teacher, ] tokens was followed by a most pleas- Howard Phalin, attended the wedding ^ program, which consisted of readof his brother in McHenry. jng-s by Misses Blanche Pryor and Mrs. Margaret Wallis of McHenry, Elsie Vycital, vocal selections by Mrs. the nurse that cafed for C. B. Durkee, j c. Holly, Miss Blanche Meyers and is paying the family a visit. Birs. B. Thonneson, an instrumental The household goods of a family! S0i0 by Miss Isabelle Niesen, duet by were moved to the Wallis farm Mon-! Misses Lenore Cobb" and Lillian Buss day. We have not learned their name., a trio by Mrs. J. C. Holly, Mrs. The farm house on the farm known 1^1. Krause and Miss Blanche Meyers, as the T. A. Abbott farm is vacant. 3. Thonneson presWe<Kat the piano. Mr. Merrifield and family moved to After the program a cafeteria lunch- Wisconsin. v . 'eon was served, during which several C. E. Sherman Is repoted on the j toasts were given. The installasiek list. Nothing serious has been ! tion will go down in the history of the reported, but he is t»ot able to see to j wimp as the most enjoyable ever held. fa"n^ra"?* . . , , . . . | ADDITIONAL PERSONAL C B. Durkee is slowly but surely I _ , , . XT ., «• ry,: . - u- * .. n 1 Ralnh and Glenn Van Natta of Chi. r eco,v,e r,i ng, f,r om, his. rec„e nt ill.n ess, rie', ,cago passed. .t.h e week, end, as guest*, in is able ,t o. take s^ho rt walks outside and 1i th;e8 home of their paren,t s, MMr,. and. renew his appetite. j M T v Natta Henry Penn and fcrntty <~»«dfr«n j M(jUer „d Mrs. Mary U,. WJ1.» ftrm la.t w«k tack to ^ Qf ^ ^ Ch.<»go. Th«r res.ded on th.,^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N, j. Wallu farm the past two years. Ij Justen and other rreellaattiiv es in this j vicinity. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and (Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Parker of SOLON MILLS Mr: and1' Mrs. Chas. Osborn Richmond callers Tuesday. Henry Buchanan was a business j go and Miss Ella Parker of Libertycaller at Richmond Tuesday: i ville were week aid guests of the Dean Thompson was a business mar's mother and sister hec^ J , - D R . N . J . NYB • g X . . :i i. ^ PhysiciaB and Suargoea ' ."V X.Ray Treatment and Radisgra^h Office iteurs: 7:00 to 9:00 a. m. 1:00 to 8:00 p. n. :'v sv 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Thdne S2-R McHenry, HL ; ' * ^0 "I.*"' • »"* ' )t ^ »* r" S ^ ' _ % -r" -J * -'V. New Rubber Belting •--PRICE PER FOOTT--- tadi 2 Ply 3 Ply 4 «jr *Ply 1 .« M 11-2 .•71-2 .#» I M .1* $ 4 M i * 9 Also pulleys, haiyters, shafting, leather belting and a large supply of hose, used belting at a sacrificed .price. Money returned If goods are otherwise than represented. Write for prices on any width up to 36 Inches. CLINTON SUPPLY CO. 117 S. Clinton St. Chicago, 111. Phone--Main 5#M ?OUT€NESS RV)L£S> Tvws SWOP YOU SET • - That'S HOW THEv mst attracted Me TK7E give polite and * * prompt attention to the wants of our patrons We furnish them with food of unquestioned wholesome ness. We wait upon them in a manner that makes them glad to trade with us. Our prices are pleasing to a degree of real economy. Waiefe fbr Mr. Happy Party FRETTS IMARKET U GROCERY8 fIN ST WEST McHENRY ILL PHONE 3 -- Pictorial Review That dress you are going to get will make UP the prettiest with a Pictorial Review Pat- , tern. We have them from 20c to 35c, none higher. Also have Pictorial Crocheting and Knitting book, Pictorial Embroidery book, Pictorial quarterly Fashion . k ti n tr JOS. J. MILLER McHenry. III. m A Each one of our customers has a ere- x | dit account with us which' enables purchases to be made of " Electrical Appliances ON EASY PAYMENTS Outstanding in Oils extensive family is the FEDERAL Electric 3 WASHING MACHINE an addition to household equipment of great economic importance--a machine that takes over the hardest work in the home and does thoroughly at a cost of about 5 cents a week for current. You can buy the FEDERAL for $5 down and $6.3$ / a month Particulars at our near|(j|f,: ; Sales Room Crystal Lake Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS We've been * * thinking how &any of you have spettt a lot of aoney for a oar or toae V'yJ other luxury whfen yo11 night l|Ate ' . . •••" :. «r •-* Si put >;that 'aoney i nt Ahome^ ^ Of coiir se •tO*'K man who sells 6irt 1 * ' has to live and we like to see >\|n do'well, but we '%J think a town of home owners more subs taunt ial town than a town of ear owners, and we want this t#, be a substantial : towrt, ao if 'ya)|k- 4 have not alrefcdy purchased a home, and if you haw% a little money that you expeo4 W spend for something worth while1* we wou^d like to have a ichat with :*?A ' • ,5 you before the automobile sales*' man gets fe thank yo«u ; 1 MoHENRY LUMBER CO. INCOME TAX SERVICE Mr. Peter M. Justen will again be Remember These Dates Ifebruary 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th,. 11th, 20th, l&rch 3rd, 4th, I5th and every Friday evening from February 3rd to March 10th, 7:00 to 9:00 o'clocl No Charge For This Service s- . "" " • ' mti Fox River Valley State-Bank ^Hfirry. IMin^ii - v (GERALD H CAREY, C«*H. FREMONT HOY, PR«*. : ^ ff ^ ^ ^ K ^ . ' V i V ' Lfer

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