Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1922, p. 5

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« ifF'*' w mm, v l!.ff«f'*-iw )<p^, , l.u»w^ praspssp^wpil *n* v" • * V ': , ---•• •; ••••• "" .U - • • ' /:"• W* •t;. :'4 Republican Candidate for Sheriff of McHenry ' County Lester Edinger, candidate for Sheriff is now devoting all of his time to his campaign. Mr. Edinger is 28 years old, married, has two young children and resides with his family at Woodstock, Illinois. Since the close of the war, Mr. Edinger has been emloyed at the Oliver Typewriter Factory. He inlisted in the Jational Guard in 1913 and became a Lieutenant in December, 1914, and a First Lieutenant in November, 1917. He served with the National Guard on the Mexican Border in 1916 and was called out with Company G, on July 25, 1917, for service in the World War. He sailed for France in May, 1918, and served in the front line trenches until the close of the war, being stationed on the Somme and Argonne fronts. During much of the time that Company G. was in France Lieut Edinger was in command of the company. Mr. Edinger is the only ex-service man who is a candidate at this time for the office that he seeks. H6 is clean, honorable, intelligent and efficient McHenry County has honored one of her former service men in the person of Charles F. Hayes, our Circuit Clerk, who has demonstrated by his conduct oi that office that the boys who fought in France are as capable of filling civil positions at home as are those who stayed at home during the war. , The vice, part of 250 men while under the enemy fire at the front, was a valuable experience for him and his friends believe has fitted him for public service in his home community. Among his most ardent supporters for the office of Sheriff of McHenry County are the men who served with and under him overseas. They speak in highest praise of his loyalty and devotion to duty, his capabilities, intelligent moral and physical firmness and fearlessness in the most difficult emergency and his pleasing and lovable personality. These are some of the reasons why his fellow ex-service comrades urge his candidacy to the favorable consideration of the men and women voters of McHenry county. Personally, Lieut. Edinger is no politician, knows but little about politics and his aim in seeking office is to' serve well the people should they see fit to honor him with this preferment. ^ For Highway Commi--iamn ^ v Upon the earnest solicitation of many of my friends, I have decided to enter as a candidate for the office of highway commissioner and will be grateful for the support of the voters at the coming spring McHenry township fleclioi . John Bofio. For Assessor v ,, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry and will appreciate your support at the polls at the coming town election. 37-tf William H. Althoff. training had by Lieut."Edinger during his war ser t of "which time he was in command of a Company VOTE FOR Lester Edinger For Sheriff at the Republican Primaries Tuesday, April 11, 1922 New Rubber : Belting 1 I -- PRICE PER FOOT- 2 Ply 3 Pl> 4 Ply !•-' 3 5 Ply - .14 . ^ . -i:v; .2S .»•' » '.<>» .3* J Ci,; ••-*» •M» " AJso^jjultfys. hangers. shafting. leather betting arul h large supply of hose. I'sed belting Kt a sucrlftpwl prU-f Money ret Ui-oed if good* are oti«*rwiw than represented. ' ' Write for prices oh any width up to 5W Inches. . CLINTON SUPPLY CO. 117 S. Clinton St. Chicago. IU. f Phone -Main MM $5 paid down i puts it in your house $6.50 a month equal to . 22 cents a d a y • • ^ . complete* pa y ideal fm a FEDERAL Electric WASHING MACHINE. with a Swinging Wringer Electricity to do a week's washing cost* about 5 cents » Demonstration si any of our Sales Rooms Public Service Co. Oi NORTHERN IIMNOIS Did You Get a Copy? "How to Build a Fortune" is a subjedt and a question that is near to every person's ambition. Made into a booklet setting forth certain well defined principles for getting ahead, it is a subject of unusual interest. You will enjoy reading this booklet. You will be fascinated bjr the application of its principled You will benefit financially froth the ensuing results. If you have not received your, copy, we suggest that you get it immediately. The supply is limited.. A * Ask for your copy at your local swi ofEcc. y. . r ^ INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT WESTERN UNITED No. 9 SIP mm r *y" ; Y rOSOKAL ITERS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE SCHOOL NOTES <*• hy l*laimlealer lie porters and Handed tale m* OIBee by Out Prinuh Mrs. Ben Hfller was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Rose Worts was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Ted Breyer of Chicago called on McHenry frieiids Sunday. W. L. Howell was a Chicago visitor a couple of days last week. Mrs. Nellie Bacon passed Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Edward J. Brefeld was a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. Edwin Von Drasek was a business caller at Algonquin Wednesday evening. -V John L Sutton is spending a few days with relatives in Elgin and Chicago. ^ Ben Bonslett of Chicago phased Sunday as the guestof McHenry relatives. . '• F. A. Beller' attended to business matters at Springfield Friday of last week. Miss Kathryn Weber is spending a days as the guest of friends in Elgin. Miss Anna Wolff is spending a few days as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Mrs. W. C.Fetts and daughter, Harriett Esther, spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Clara Miller passed Tuesday as the guest of friends -at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly of Chicago are spending the week with McHenry relatives. * John Montgomery of Chicago spent the week end with his wife and children here. Atty. Chas. T. Allen of Cary attended to business matters in town Wednesday. Fred A. Beller attended to business matters a Detroit, Mich., the first of the week. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a Crystal Lake visitor on Thursday afternoon of last week. Joe Von Drasek spent Thursday afternoon of last went with friends in Crystal Lake. Miss Eleanor Averill of Woodstock passed last Friday as the guest of Miss Ruth Kent Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughters, Viola and Rosalie, Were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Miss Winifred O'Connor of Harvard spent the week end as the guest of Miss Mary Bonslett Miss Marie Wallace of Elgin spent the first of the week as the guest of Miss Rose Laures. Mrs. Chas. G. Frett and daughter, Margaret, of Aurora were guests of relatives here today. Mrs. Chas Davis of Lake View, Wis., is spending a few days with rel~ .tives in this vicinity. I Fred C. Schoevver returned home Monday evening from a week's visit with .Chicago relatives. | Geo. H. Johnson attended a lumbermen's convention at Hotel Sherman in Chicago last Thursday. I Mrs. Fannie Overton of Solon Mills is a guest in the home of her son; R. I. Overton, and family. j Jacob Brefeld was among those to board the Chicago train at this station last Saturday morning. { Mrs. Carl Nelson of Elgin passed the first of the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. { Mrs. George Stoffel, who has been teaching in the Ridgefield schools, is ill at her home in this village. j Mrs. Jos. W. Freund is spending the week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Kent, in Chicago. • Miss Mary C. Burke passed the latter part of last and first of this .week with friends in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer of Kenosha, Wis., are spending the week ' as the guests of relatives here. } Mrs. Mary Pekovsky of Chicago is i spending a few days as the guest of McHenry relatives and friends. Mrs. Geo. Mix of Chicago passed jlast week in the home of her sister, Mrs. John Miller, on Main street Arthur Patzke of Aurora passeti the week end in the home of his par lents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patzke. I Miss Emma Pint of Chicago was | a guest in the home of her parents, I Mr. and Mrs, John Pint, Sunday. William Schaefer is- spending several weeks as a guest in the home of ;Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers at Elgin. Miss Mary Moritz of Chicago was I a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. j John H. Miller Saturday and Sunday. I Mrs. C. W. Stenger and daughter, i Margaret, spent Saturday and Sun , day as the guests of Chicago friends. | | George Justen of Chicago was a j guest in the home of his parents, M> j and Mrs. Jacob Justen, over the week | aid. j Mrs. Ringling of Baraboo, Wis . j spent several days the past week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. / Mrs. Leonard Kimball of Chicago passed a few days this week in tlt« home of her parents, Mr. and Mr John Smith. J. W? Freund and daughter, Bita, mer's daughter, Mrs, M. J. Kent, in mer's dauhgter, Mrs. M. J. Jtent, in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and son, -Keith of Woodstock were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins Saturday and Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., were week end guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting, ao{tb^e9t of town. - - * Ite«M «f Interest From Odr hwtitatiea of Learning Senior Notes English outlines due Thursday. Further comments unnecessary. The Senior Girls' Cut-up society planned a joke, but it didn't work. English IV is looking forward with pleasure to reading Burke's "Conciliation." Misses Esther Felts and Viola Stilling were Chicago visitors over the week end. Gladys is all, smiles. Miss Kisch told her Tuesday morning was the last time she would tell her to take the front seat. As the members of the English IV class see themselves a year from now: Gladys--On the way t6 operaticsuccess. Arline--Manager of an . orphan asylum( for cats). Esther--Stenographer- fiw' county superintendent , \ - V ^ Lillian--Proprietor Af * ehicken farm. Mary Pender---hivfento* vt cttnary feeder. . v';;V ' Mary B.--Co6k in Alaskan mine. Glenn W.--Featherweight challenger. Viola--Fancy skater in Switzerland. Dorothy--Thin lady in circus. Mildred--Salvation Army lass. Junior Notes Um! Don't we wish we had some more of that roast chicken? "What are you going to do tonight ?" That seems to have sunk so deeply into the minds of some of the juniors that they cannot refrain from continuing to ask the question. The member:; of the junior class have not fully decided upon their future careers from the looks of a few of those themes that were handed in Monday. The topic of the themes was "As I see ntyself two years from now." Many and varjpt were the answers, as you may guess. We, the junior class of the McHenry community high school, wisfo to take this opportunity to thank the orchestra which so willingly rendered such fine music and also Mrs. Kercher for the use of her dog on last Thursday evening. Thru some mistake these were omitted on the night of the play. Sophomore Notes Beware, Ethel, or youll be placed behind the piano. "Success comes in CUM; failure in cant's."--Anonymous. The front seats in the assembly are reserved for those who grin. We wouldn't mind leaving a holiday once in a while if they'd tell us before. Notice:--Margaret Stenger has opened a beauty parlor at her home on Main . street (Looks that way anyway)., Anthony, in modern history: "If America would declare war on England, would the English language be prohibited in the schools?" Some geometry people are getting brighter every day. They even go so far as to manufacture new propositions which are very useful. Freshman Nolea The science dM* Js stadying flowers. The English I book reports are due Friday, March 3. We did not have any Glee club practice Tuesday. Mabel Conway and Matilda Freund were absent Tuesday. Some eighth grade boys have been visiting the high school lately. Jessie Whiting and Floyd Hopper have special seats during the fourth period in the morning. Last Tuesday during the storm the Latin I class could not continue with their recitations because there are no lights in the room. Does that suggest anything to the people of McHenry? Painting, ^Decorating Paper Hangtftg and Calcimtning% ' " ONLY FIRST CLASS WORK »- • Alfred Peats' Sample Book of the Latest Design# " , f > H. KASCH phone a»-M McHENRY, ILL. For Highway Commissioner * t hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the approval of the voters at the coming election. Peter Smith. MR HAPPY PARTY COUNTY JUDGE CHARLES P.' BARNES Candidate For Retomintidi r 1; HI$ ONLY PLATFORM -v His Record is Your PrimrlM Tuiimil, April 1L lt» Electrical Work Bell Work House Wiring Electric Fans and Motor Repairing We install and repair all kinds of Electrical Equipment " i PRICES RIGHT WORK GUARANTEED LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE YOUR WORK GEORGE J. HEIMER Phone, McHenry 90-W Hfb be given by the Volunteer Fire Company t of Grayslake, at the Grayslake Opera House Friday, Mar. 17 Remember this is the regular Firemen's Dance. This means no one will be permitted to go away without having a good time, justcome here, there will be a prize winning costume here for you» your wraps will be taken care of free of charge, your auto or horses will also be taken care of free of charge. More than a dozen prise groups have been arranged and all but a few are cash prizes, fthfie r.„.; all remember that there will be a supper served at midnight. SIX3PIECE ORCHESTRA DANCE TICKETS* 59c A PERSON WHEN MARCH WINDS BRING RAIN AND SLEETFIND COMFORT IN THE CHO\CEST MEAT m 'T'HE March winds either sing or howl according to the mood you're in. If you eat the meats that we so politely sell the March winds will be whispering to you a happy message of the Springtime to .come. (or Mr. Happy FRETTS {MARKET ? GROCERY M#IN 5T WEST HdWW,III PHONE 3 -- Don't tow We take great pleasure in announcing that we have just installed the latest and most up-to-date welding shop equipment on the market, thus enabling us to &ke care of your broken parts. :? The new equipment is especially adapted to the welding of aluminum and every . job turned out by us is absolutely gua|^ * anteed to be perfect. • , By bringing your broken castings uyi parts to us for welding we can guarantee you a savings of at least the price of new ones. * CENTRAL GARAGE & REPAIR SHOP JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS mmmtrn A;" *V-v -•..

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