Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1922, p. 10

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Wj\ iW-. v '4 K'« w 4?<K »-,7.** „ > r «* ^ ,'ri ***• «* .* v *k « i^£«l ^ " S %*$;*» * s> mm •Ai (p*!. 4*-, ^Vv" »> •* e Place to ^Your;Dru|s My v v >ynf^ ,, , ~ iV;i» TKSrnrjN. H. PETESCHliSMH ,j*t*> *'^i. j*~< !C "'fei: ;: jhgkT £li£&fed£^il' Now is me time fo get one oi our Suits for the little ones, colors, khaki and blue, trimmed in red or blue. These are of a very good quality and will stand lots of wear. Another special feature that we have are the "Little Mayer" two piece suits,- all sizes, plain colors, JO>alciao4 tel us show them to you. ' •> * > * V : {P* \> ,V*.v;},. i'* •' % 1 - • < .<:*' < •.a&k.&.i&i.kl'- ' • *%?» •% fStst"- I 'S-v" :-m SfcVr.? >.#>? ;• -v4j « * • ; • ' i-Sr SMITH BROTHERS? McHenry, Illinois ,'--3 -W«have a new snappy line of fancy and plain : i , dress ginghams in all popular shades, 27 to v! 32 inches wide, priced per yd. from.. .21c to He# ^ A fine line of percales in checks, stripes and .< ' fancies, the fast color serviceable kind, 36 ,'>* */'; inches wide, per yd 25c to Jle^ £ Otii" line of silk is the finest ever sfyown in towp.^^p Taffetas, satins crepe de chine and figured silks in^fl;4 popular colorings for vestees, sleeves and trimmings.! ' ^ LOWER PRICES ON ALL SHOES 1 Oxfords in pfctent leather, tan, brown and black, per pair * __ $5.M and $7 Jt ^ Pumps in black satin, plain and beaded, also patent leather and kid _ $4.5# to $7.5#' ^ A complete line of men's, boys* and children's shoes popular styles and prices. Our groceries tent with quality goods. m Good* Delivered Prompt hr Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH •#y" '•* We' wish to say to every cHfoeu of this community who, during the coming year, expects to jaeed ANYTHING in the line of FlIRNfTrrgjjy; tfcat we are out strong for your trade. i We have determined to put in a stiff bid fSfffofi1 business that has been going to the mail order bouses, and all we ask of you as a fair minded citi- ; a*n is to GIVE US THE FIRST CHANCE YOUR ORDERS. Surely this is no more than fur to your hom**' w^cbant- Then if we can*t please you (quality and quickness of service considered), we will bear our 1 loss without a murmur. ^ cba»ce to compete for your trade is a| Maywt hav«it? - llS Senior Note* 1/5 •V" Pior«nc« Conway was abMftt Moil- ' the bwwnent iKher mouse ditcorered. Esther Felts is suffering from ft paltifui burn received while making: sm|> in chemistry laboratory. Mary Pender Walsh wms absent from school all day Monday and Tuoidijr morning on account of sicknoNL, Several of the senior girls aJ» studying to take the teachers' examination at Woodstock, March 16 and 17. \ "4m Mc|tS wmm ;/#!• THURSDAY, MAWCH 9 ^ ^ " j :: Flwi B«Vtes Co PRICES: SndiiCtnM { JACOB JUSTEN # McHENRY, ILL. Mr. Tread way attended the teachrs' convention in Chicago Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of kUlk week. Needless to say we were to see him back. The favorite remark of Mr. Treadway's "that we are still children" has proven true. We discovered (after months of planning) that, most of the senior girls aren't old enough to take the teachers' examinations at Woodteek. Miss Peterson told us last week that the English IV class is a typical woman's cluh--«11 we do is indulge in idle talk. She also advised Glenn Wattles (he's the only boy in the class) to send in his resignation to the club and spend more time studying. - Jnaior Notes Tfee spring like dax* of last week Started the boys talking about baseball. A dark cloud is again hovering near. Examinations will take place in two weeks. The teachers are giving us longer assignments than usual. Must be trying to see how smart we are. Coach Moser and his bunch of subs were defeated by the first team 83 to 16 at the outdoor gym Saturday. Bohr starred in his fancy stunts for the subs. Sophomore Notes My! Some of we sophomores have weak lungs. Don't you think Cornelia looks thin? The mice ate her lunch. Blanche Meyers visited 1^1 high school Monday afternoon. ^.";v We wonder what Mr. Moser likes so much about the school notes. Margaret surely believes in repeating the title of her oral theme. Cora Beth and Ruth Whiting of Ringwood visited school Friday afternoon. Ask some of the sophomore girls if they think Ringwood is very far from home. Georgie, tell mother to arrange for an afternoon nap. You do look sleepy in English class. Miss Peterson is training us for the junior class play. Beware, sophomores of your English! We received a terrible shock -Monday when Miss Pry or said our exams would come in two weeks. Some of the bookkeeping class, make typical gold fish and the typewriting room is a very suitable aquarium. We know that there is one sophomore girl who will never again attempt to drive to Volo, at least until the pavement is completed Sounds of the library after school hours: What book have I got due? Oh say! That's an awfully good book! Isn't our Latin awful? I wonder where the sixth encyclopaedia is? „ Why don't they put "Desert Gold on the book report list? Who wrote the Scarlet Letter? Great Scott, there goes .tfce bell. Run. • ^ -t-* **• Freshman N*tei^y^;,. -if Book reports are due March ?. Wednesday is our'algebra test day Sophomores: "Isn't Julius thrilling?" - Take notice! fikWS of UM sophomores are wearing their hair up Caution to Latin II students: Don't talk unless talking to yourselves." A few freshie boys like to sit over in the junior row in front at the teacher. It looks like summer in the study hall. Miss Pryor's derk has been converted into a . regular flower garden Several of the freshman boys are not studying very hard. Have you any remedy for such a disease? Most of we girls are becoming very brave and are quite accustomed to see a mouse jump out of our coat sleeves. A Stolen Automobile A Cadillac automobile was purchased last fall by W. K. Kimball of Lake Forest and the car has been stored in the W. W. Monear garage at Richmond, during which time Mr. and Mrs. Kimball were in the eouth, the Monear and Kimball families being related. Last week W. T. Grear, Chicago detective for an insurance company, came to Richmond and identified the car as having been stolen and on which $2,200 of the $4,000 in sura nee had been paid the owner, Mr Kimball will be out the purchase price of the machine unieaa h« find the parties from whom it was purchased and they make good his loss. That other stolen cars are said to be owned by residents in and near McHenry w»s a statement ssade bj Mr. Grear. Mrs. Mary Dalbey Resigns Mrs. Mary Dalbey of Woodstock, who during the past three years has served in the capacity of hoitae advisor for the McHenry County Home Bureau, has resigned. Miss Alice Bennett will fill the vacancy until Mrs. Dai bey's seeeeseor kaa been jsjk pointed. " ;V ^ J • > ,, fill. A SAT., MARCH lO A Sl> if*... uHd W I. D8HV * vftfo A COLDWYN PICTURE AND j.f s e. A CLYDE COOK COMEDY ' • ' ^ ^ ~ i .• 1 1 • »--Hup*, i • 4 SUNDAY. MARCH 18 Li\ Ale of Two WorMs M * -AND A SUNSHINE COMEDY MATINEE AT 2:3t TUCSOA*. MARCH 14- ; '"ifA UNIVERSAL FEATURE^" •y? \ AND-- • ^rv. , No. '5 « m in. Games of varenjoyed for a few Wm. Bacon; consolations, Mrs Stevens and ;Mrs. A. C. Barrett. OeHcious refreshments were tasfi HDhred. The next meeting of the ,^biel will take place at the home el 1ft*. John F". Miller at Rosedale on Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all. classes Of PVP^rll1 in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLHtOIS ALfORD H. POUSiE Attcraey-at-Law '• . Phoa» tS ... :|5;; Wert Meflenry, HI. A. M Schmitt. Pie». Phone «?-W-l M. N. Schmitt, Secy. Phone S2\-R1 if ai tti keep! McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL rare INSURANCE OO. The cheapest and safest insurance on earth. Rates and other information may be had open application Michael Freund, Agent, McHenry m •tafilMa mm/mm***?---- 4 The time of the year ~ %hen mud and wet Weather are plentiful, jft>u will need new shoes 16 protect your feet and thus save doctor bills. Below we list a few of our many remarkable J£>w figures: * Men's Dress Shoes. 94*St to ISJI Men's Work Shoes 9S.7I to 17JM Ladies' Dress Shoes. 9SJ9 to flM Ladies' Every-day Shoes-- tLtt to K.N Boys' Dress English Wslkia/ Shdes, black or brown.$M9 Bejfs' everv-day Work Shoes 91.M JOS. J. HIUER McHenry, III. putt it in your b<HMe| $6.50 a monthr tpo a day completes payment for i Electric with a Swinging Wringer Electricity to do a week's washing coats about i coots at any of our Sales Rooms rf* ••iliffiVft ii'-' Public Service Co. OF NORTHRRN TlXtNOlS before and Caesar FRi: 4 SAT.. MARCH 17 A "THE SHCIK* A 6C0MC MKUW9 fMNKflM CtQammomUQklmt PRICESt » and 3f CMt Incladinc War Tax To When It May Concern of the residents of McHenry have asked Frederick Beller why they did not get a chance to sign the petition to have the state build state highway No. 20 thru Waukegan street, McHenry, as the state has surveyed this route. The reason is because no one was at home when the party called to have same signed, but in order to give these people a chance td sign up a duplicate is now being signed. The real estate, insurance and few business men who have not signed up and do not do so now place themselves on record as being opposed to giving the farmers and summer cottagers, living across the river south at Waukegan street, a much shorter route to McHenry and the depot. Those who wish to sign caU up 97-J and ask for Frederick Beller. Bootlegger Captured" John Hoffman, convicted bootlegger of Fox Lake, who was captured in Chicago on Tuesday morning after terrible battle with detectives and ah officer from State's Attorney A. V. Smith's office at Waukegan, was taken to the Lake county jail Tuesday afternoon, where he serving his ninety day jail sentence. He will alee he reqpHied te psy • fine of 176®. , - • " • : : y 3 , ' • - V * f ' - '•* t V wa. wa - '•Sjf '• « . Im* .. • S/f' -- m':i^ ' r. . $>"&*•*%- &.T;' ^4; ip%: J-2 - - OFFICERS c.«. mm. -PRCplDEMT f. S. WEBSTER, --VICE PBESIDENT 8KN0N STOFFEL. VICE PRESIDENT CAUL W STENGEL CASHIER iL J. E1CHA0SOH, --ASST. CASHIER - • cfrvV-y^ vv.,'* 'J , > % i ' :U< ' and "I should" lies Success pr F^ilut|, u. ; * <; V i. • . <- • • ' N e < flhr i : -V "•*> * ;":,4C -V-J '-K % * ,r. EMM wMiUm __ ;v- Ss^psptv:- * j4 j ~«\f-r •** • c* DIRECTORS L L WAGNER, CHAIRMAN C. H. FE6ERS P. S. MITER >> simon mm ^ F. H. WATTLES F. A. BOfiANDCt W. E. MAttEY RICHARD B. WALSfl t, IP "*1 "THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT" | p -;tvy4x: * • 5R?! 'i&s * % 4>' ^ v-4-. t ? Wjiii to Stimulate Trade SHOES <^ie lot Men's Dress Shoes, pair.,. tu» • ^uths* High Cut Shoes, strong and ^sturdy, just the thing for hard spring wear, per pair $lH Soys' High Cut Shoes, per pair $S4I C|ne lot Men's Fine Quality Heavy Work Shoes in black or brown _ .$2.18 One lot light Work Shoes, per pair.$2.SI -Weare also offering, during this sale* various small lots of infants' children^ Atid ladies' ^hoes at interestingjtfice*. OVERALLS lien's Blue Denim Overalls, medium weight per pair,- - JJf'A Men's Blue Stripe Overalls fw lien's Heavy fflue Denim Overalls_$1.4l •5;.v ; KITCHEN WARE f / One k)t Parlor Brooms, each IK One lot Fine Ouality Brooms, each. ?§e billow CloAe® Baskets, each ii<ii . St Dennis Cups & Saucers, per doz. $2 J# iOne lot Entineled Ware, a fine t at each. lie lot Enameled Ware, all large w -- * *3i\ DRY GOODS ^ , 32 in. Outing Flannel, per yd. ^frA1t Cotton Dress Plaids Jfc* yd. . *e 25c Quality Checked Dimity, per yd..lie Children's Garters, black or white., lie Babies Crib Blankets, each. . 51c Ladies Water Proof Kitchen Aprons Sic One l o t L a d i e s ' W a i s t s , e a c h . . , 5 1 c One lot Men's Wash Ties, each..... 15c Boys' Cotton Slip-over Sweater Vests 51c Best Quality American Prints, per yd, ItHe&ttHe L-B^ I»V||»>" ig'l aV-ii GROCERIES Armour's Corn Flakes, small pkg. Armour's Corn Flakes, large pkg. ICfe tic Quaker Oats, small pkg.^--. lie Quaker Oats, large pkg.,%^, 3 lbs. High Grade Bulk G86m:^%. 10 lb. can Dark Karo Syrup.. IQ- -lie 5 ib. can uark Karo Syrup 10 lb. can Light Karo Syrup ^ ' 5 lb. can Light Karo Syrup... 5 bars Jap Rose Toilet Soap..: _J5c 5 bars Hardwater Castile SoapuM^llc -GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, ILL. c >! i-Kv.

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