' m yfr ' Nfltke Pouse, At*. DaoMsed. b#M AP~ ilfcHm Ww* Wffl and of Sarah Geary, deceased, !i» County of McHenry and gives notice the Coun- MeAany Coantv, at die Court Hooae in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in Maf HfXt, at which time all persons havtagf clafrns against said Estate are QOtM and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estat*. are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 9th day of March A. D. 1922. Mary Zimmer, Executrix Oat Far Precinct Committeeman Atty. A. H. Pouse has publicly announced himself as a candidate for precinct committeeman, precinct No. 2. * The present incumbent of the office is P. H. Wattles and we have not learned whether or not he will seek re-election. Ttoa r„, .r~ ^ poiated of Henry Buchert, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 20th day of February, A. D. 1922.%; - >mil BucherV 39-St h"* ' Administrator. F*r T6# H Cler k I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming town election. 39 Chas, B. Harmsen. ry Schreiner, deceased, late of unty of McHenry and State of •reby gives wliai that he will U|ijito before the fooaty Court of County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term,' on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28th day of January, A. D. 1922. John P. Schreiner, S9-3t Administrator. ' •" Notice 1921 taxes are now due and should be paid. For the convenience of McHenry tax payers, payment may be made at the Fox River Valley State bank, McHenry, 111. W. S. McConnell, Co. Treas. CASH & CARRY STORE •%> ' *L J. BREFKLD, •.1' " C" * h? L - .,1' b . V' * - - WEST McHENRY, IU&S& i It Always Pays to Pay Cash & k*tf~ It has been proven that quality linked with a reasonable price is the strongest ^ selling combination. We give you the highest quality groceries at prices usually less than you pay elsewhere. ,•** X £v,"j • .. :iV"> W FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF OUR REGULAR PRICES - Elgin Creamery Butter, per Ib^^^.Uc F a n c y P e a n u t B u t t e r , p e r l b . 1 8 c Fancy Brick Cheese, per lb.--_ _ Se Boneless Codfish, 1 lb. cartons ..24c Pickled Lambs Tongue, per lb.___._8ic Snider's Tomato Soup, 14 on. can_..15c Calumet Baking Powder, 16 oz. can 32c Hipolite M. M. Creme, glass jar... 25e Baker's Cocoa, Vzlb. can.."-. 22c Jello, assorted flavors, per pkg. 11c Virginia Swansdown Pancake Flour _ 14c jiinute Tapioca, per pkg.. Hatches, per box. Jc Quaker Oats, small pkg. .. 9c Oatmeal, bulk, per lb w-^ic Kelloffg's Corn Flakes, per pkg--wte Lux, per pkg. Kitchen Klenzer, 3 cant . Gold Dust, large pkg. American Family Soap, per bar. ..AVit f. & G. White Naptha Soap, per bar l^e Clothes Pins, 3 doz lie .lie Me He SKisi.', ^NOTICE--- :V a. mM there will be * Cake Bake, a prepared self rising cake flour. • ' March 18th we will have our demonstration on Bremner Bros,' cookies. <t.: ,v. - Don't forget to come, all you can eatJF11E&. •£.U 3£*r;-: -r ,-*V. ->6. '- .'"Vi-v ..t^s ~--V Monday _ ^ The^^P^^^^^IMl in regular session #1 w-wfe'wiii# presiding. Trustees present: Doherty, Erickson, Knox/Krause and Wattles. Absent; Overton. The minutes of tjhe last regular and continued meetings were read and approved. The following bills were ftmA and approved by the finAnce committee: * Peter J. Heimer, storing hose cart • • 20.00 John J. Vycital, batteries...* .70 F. G. Schreiner, printing. .£W V 19.00 Public Service Co., lighting Hm and traffic lights 142.01 Legal Adviser Pub. Co., election supplies 5,.» ' 1.61 N. H. Petesch, fumigation for • R. F. Conway's A elec sup.. ,6.16 John Walsh, marshal services. 125.00 W. G. Schreiner, telephone A postage M. L. Worts, gasoHnii.*.-.^^ Lumber Co., eoaV ii „2^6 *8.65 McHenry wood 13.68 Joe Engeln, Ibr & sup on pump 6.76 A.' H.* Pouse, stamp & having Water street changed to Riverside Drive 7.86 Geo. Meyers, ibr on streets... 2.80 Schaefer Bros., drayage & *Xp 2.02 John Bonslett, Ibr on waterworks A rubber stamp..... 16.05 M. A. Thelen, Ibr on streets.. 82.00 Motion by Wattles, seconded by Krause, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, - -seconded by Erickson, that the village board aecept the Owen, Stenger A Allen subdivision plats one and two, located inside the corporation. Motion carried. Mr. Stenger and Mr. Allen appeared before the meeting and agreed to fix John street up in good, passable condition; also the culvert that crosses over John street. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, that the treasurer's, collector's and clerk's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Krause, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, that the village make application to the Public Service' for power to run the new electric pump. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Erickson, that the sewer ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Wattles, to adjourn. Motion carried. Simon Stoffel, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Gtark. Peter J. Freund of Woodstock was in town last Friday afternoon and while making this office a call intimated that he and his family would again become residents of this village before long. The Plaindealer for news. Thui4Kjf»' IRIINI^FJip^-l^arS the last W candidates for county (| to be voted for at the primary 11. I The list w1uu prises. One .Of-.flMMf James F. Casey of Woodstock haa decided not to be a candidate, although a few days ago he had fully decided to run and Ipi authorised The Sentinel to annotate* tfeat fhct. The other surprise la the candidacy of Miss Hattie Dake of Harvard for county superintendent of schools. Miss Dake was a candidate for this same office eight yean ago, that time running on the Progressive ticket, at which time she was not successful. All of the candidacies filed are on the Republican ticket, except one, Fred D Kimberly, who has no opposition for senatorial committeeman on the Democratic ticket. This office pertfcins merely questions effecting the action of the Republican or Democratic parly as to how many candidates for the legislature the party shall nominate. Two Republican candidates have filed for this office, Charles B. Wluttemore of Marengo and M. A. Cermack of Woodstock. \ I The complete list of candidates who have filed for the several county offices and the order in which they will appear on the ballot is as follows: County judge: Charles P. Barnes, Woodstock. ^ •? Robert F. Marshall, Harvard. ^ County clerk: Guy E. Still, Woodstock. Frank J. Hendricks, Woodstock. County treasurer Fred A. Walters, Woodstock!! Roy J. Stewart, Woodstock. \ Sheriff: * Lester Edinger, Woodstock. >. > Charles Wandrack, Woodstock. George J. Ehlert, Crystal Lake. Superintendent of Schools: Oswald G. Treadway, McHeaiy. * Hattie Dake, Harvard. ? vi;! ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE According to a report as made by | the poor farm committee to the mem- | bers of the McHenry county board of i supervisors at a meeting of that body held at Woodstock on Tuesday of this j week, it cost $4.70 per week to take! care of each of the inmates at the, : - u • T? W$k For Lake coun|£ new law, ii at the April in the McHenry county the mm* of nty> w®the .led to iiii will „ .... primaries nominate a county as well as a probate judge. The population of Lake County has reached such proportions that the business of the county and probate 'court will be handled by two^ fridges in place of one.. ...... ^ . Pierce Spew Fieid I Belvidere Repto&ljfeen: Representative William L. Pierce of Belvidere is a candidate for return to the state 'legislature from the district composed of Boone, McHenry and Lake counties and his petition has been filed at Springfield for the primaries set for 1 April 11. Mr. Pierce occupied a prominent position in the last legislature, but war- not inclined to be a candidate again owing to the fpet that bis legal practice is large and requires a great deal of attention, but of late influential citizens of the district, particua theatre^c-i lunday even-#4"5' Our Gerald J. Carey party in Woodstock! ing. . . .. Edward* J. Knox and Clarenco^f Niesen were Chicago visitors last Sun- * • *); day. ' Mr. and Mrs. George F. Ijndsay^X -< * passed last w«fk as guests of relatives at Richmond. . ~ ^ . Mr. and Mrs. Robert FVisby drove^" over to Waukegan Sunday and spent *4 the day with relatives there. Mrs. W. G. McClurtoek • Mollie Ryan of Chicipo mMnai days this week as guests in the of their sister, Mrs. D. G. Wells. Chicago ladies will leave tomorrow^ for California, where they «xpee make their future homes... ?"' Al^ Waite Dnii Just before closing our forms to to pw« we learn of tlie death of Mis& Alice Waite, which occnrred at Sest|i*:: havenc Eljfin, this (Thursday) monit^*: ing. Miss Waits has made her hom0&: at the Elgin institution -for months psst. fPy: -kf< ^ .jitKA J ^ x • a>$5 riikj' • " M'i' • V-'1 - " •; <•£* H *• ; vS. Tomorrow and Saturday of this Big Sale. The most unequaled value giving event dwnes to a close. Hundreds of thrifty buyers have already taken advantage of the big bargains that we have offered. WE WANT YOU TO SHARE WITH US BEFORE IT IS TOO ptATE AND REAP THE BENEFITS THAT THIS SALE STILL OFFERS. ^ ^ • We have gone through the stock again and cut many of the broken Ktfer % clean-up. Bargains that were already bargains have again been cut for the last two days of this big sale. CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHINGS and SHOES, for men and boys, ALL NOW MARKED AT A FRACTION OF ITS TRUE VALUE. 'K -3 P: EXTRA EXTRA, EXTRA FOR THE LAST TWO DAYS ,vv,, 4 , Any overcoat in the store, good assortment to select from on Friday *nd Saturday. Your unrestricted choice, all to close out at one price. GET HEKE EAKLY, AS THEY WILL NOT LAST VEKY LONG . uj/r- - • - y. '> ^,"r. * 1v- - ^ ^ ' ,f N - Yr,'J* V4;'- o.v5y V i;.... NOTICE: We want to thank each and every person toho attended this / • it the success that it has pr&ven to be and to let you know that we cer-~:^ ^ '.ty ' .tainly appreciate the generous response that this sale brought forth from ttieA': P pPe°Pte of this vicinity. WE WANT AT ALL TIMES TO SERVE YOU AN& >J 'JiESVM YOU SIGHT AND GIVE YOU 100 (JEKpt ix VA^ip. f^WVEBY DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN THIS STORE. ' ; b 1 'Y'r 'X<\. will not permit the quoting of all prices but come expecting REAL VALUES and we guarantee that you will not be disappointed, but more than satisfied. ^ FRIDAY & SATURDAY* ithe last two days of '5. ' • •w ^ ... ^"'r nV -r' • --3. ^- * ... /** rr> '/$ w;,;.s•*>, ' ' ' '• • * • t~ ~ V-V, *| ' j! Tl WSf0§i #- - ,.,^S county year. poor farm during the past tifci We've been thinking m improvement it .J would make {n the looks of your home if yoit e«ul'dt"^ ^ induoe your huSby to tear off tha%; ^ , ?/< old side porch that is nearly •.•* falling down an^r put up a mo* i" t oozy sun-parlor ^ "" in its With « little lumber and some shingles and a fe# sash you can make a vary useful room oui of -' the old y*' '1 ^ wreok^ ^Ind y«u >j^.: can't imagine utoat a niee plao#;-i^i%:^ "> • M V1"' is' oriv'g^eol^ wints^i da; sit in a nioe i warm sun-parlor and .mend th^^ ^ oooks, or do - some fancywork« ; d# •' read r.f-1 ohat with your n® i ghbsr , \^nd 5^"^ will be s hTow little n it will oosiV ~ ,j We thank yosteis^ MoHENRY LUMBER 00. Simplex flashes a warning sign to the -car behind. At the least pressure of your brake pedal, the stop sign goes into effect, whether you are slowing down, turning or coming to; a full stop. Write for circular. ~ SIMPLEX ADVANTAGES--It costs much leas than electric signals. It does >M set out of order ss the others do. It does not use up current, and therefore cMises no drain on the batteries. It does not cause its owners battery expenses every month, which the electric signals do. on account of the constant turning on and off EDWIN HALL West McHenry "* * ' iV'- .VJ m - • ^ ^ ,(Not imc.) ,, - f' - • COMMISSION MERCHANTS * »-3% FULTON MARKET M4-996 FULTON STREEfe LONG DISTANCE PHONE'l MONROE 34M 59^. :I Charles i, aSd|- U*r, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS e&v, v • ^ J • y iFMJ J. !^<WIpur stock of seed has arrived, the very best 4^pand our prices are right. •s. ' ^;iwe also have a f?w boxes of fancy Roman Beauty ^ MILL FEEDS OF ALL KINDS VKTn# . . . , , ' * ' - * m:- -.-v. vis a trial. We know we can please yop 10BI l^Fl'ICi£lf1XT ^ McHenry Cranty Farmers* Co-operitive Assoditin Plaats at McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry C. W. Glbbs, THE WORLD'S * . ^, ; *>& • ,* w FULLY-EQUIPPED AUTOMOBILE open m f .y Models .... , GkMed ^ Models j'A • v4^- V' V Wlet, Michigan^7' *•' **' %r - ^ - \ I. v 'W:.- . -v V * ;.v m | la n6w sold in McHenry and vicinity by 5 s - " McHENRY G4BAGS |.W. SCHAFCTtR, Prop. . r rRONEH v V « ' - WL, T • ' *»-. H •: '*•-%> iit: *¥'-• -