Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1922, p. 6

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mMf- m w * c'trnm ,.c. \- ;w% m ANNUAL MEETING f McHenry County Soil Improvement Am. Tuesday, March 28 The annual meeting of the McHenry •' ^bounty Soil Improvement association #ill be held at Woodstock on Tuesday, Hareh 28, 1922. The meeting will start at 10:00 a. m. There are many matters of vital importance to the farmers of McHenry county to be taken up at tiis ^^tafeeting-, i. e.: 4 , 1. Reports of the work for the past year and the outline of the work for v Ifee coming year. ; f v 2. Election of officers, executive Opmmittee and board of directors. *. - s 3. Changing the name of the Mc- - " flenry Count Soil Improvement asso- Ration to the Mchenry County Farm „" "v^ vu reau. , 4. Revising the constitution of the Jf^arm Bureau. ^ 5. Discussioif^t; the milk niarket- An problem. v. E. B. Heaton, director of the milk * marketing department of the American Farm Bureau Federation and secjjetary of the committee of eleven which has been appointed by President Howard of the A. F. B. F. to study milk marketing problems, will address the members of this meeting. Mr. Heaton has made a careful study of the milk marketing organization and will have concrete information for you. Dr. F. C. Bauer of the University of Illinois will discuss the soil problems of McHenry county. The University has just issued a complete report of the soils and soil needs for McHenry county. Dr. Bauer will explain the reports and give specific information regarding the treatment of the soil upon your farm. The soil survey reports will be ready for distribution on March 28. If you want to know about your s&il and its needs hear Dr. Bauer. If you are not satisfied with the present price which, you are receiving for your milk, attend the meeting and get information about the milk marketing plans of the American Farm Bureau Federation from Mr. Heaton. If the plans meet with your approval, jret back of them and put a milk marketing program in operation. GETTING MARRIED? The low prices on good furniture ai <Leath'a makes you feel like furnishing a home. Come . in and see the Beautiful Home Outfits. A. Lcadi & Co* Elfin. 7»-74 Grove Ave. . Rocklord. Opposite Court Monte Dubuque. 576*584 Main St. Aurora. li-H Island Ave. Freepot* Galena St. Waterloo. 312-SH I 4th St. Beloit.hl7-b2Mth St. Joliet. 215-217 lefferion St. Janesville. 202-204. Milwaukee St.. £tu Claire. Masonic Tempi*. Oahkosh. 11 -13 Main. Peoria. 32S South \dams Stw Chippewa Falls, 12 W. Spring St. "O, 1 See," says h Leatfc a K) OUR Successful Home Furniahlng* Rr I' f : . ' 20 irfEN TO PATROL HIGHWAYS QJJARTEK OF CENTURY Supervisees Approve Appo**tm«nts and Puthkae of Road MtehfaHy < , Twenty-ire T*aa A**,. [Woodstock Sentinel] "• Mfr«. J. J. Bishop vu reported quite McHenry county is all set to begin sick the flnt of the week, 1 ^ patrolling the main travelled roeds | Harry Holmes came over from after April 1 of this year. Then .Woodstock, one day lost week on a roads officially designated as state aid sick furlough. and state roads, which extend over; T. J McHenrJ. Apply to ^r w*fte N. J. J us ten, administrator, West McHen- Itewia Clipped Frew The PtaioiMter r?t m STRAIGHT.SALARY |35.0d per week and exfpenses to man or woman with rig to introduce POULTRY MIX- B^pY CHICKS--Full blooded stock. CARPENTERS WANTED--When applying state just what you can do antl wages expected. Apply to or write J. P. W«ber, designer and builder%of bungalows, McHenry, 111. Phone 101-J. TURE. Eureka Louis, 111. • * Mfg. BABY CHICKS--Loweit prices. Walsh and wife ware ceiled Eleveh kinds, full blooded stock, post- Co., East St. Leading breeds. Low pric 40-11*! paid. Alive delivery. Big catalog free. Capacity, 1982 million and half chicks. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, 111. &>-tf various cities and villages together death of Mas. John Bishop. * chick*. Universal QBaby Chick Co., and extending to the county line- on i Tommy Walsh, the efficient assis- Peoria, 111. . 87-tf all main travelled routes, almost two tant at McOmber's hardware store, FOR SALE Four new chicken brood hundred miles in 'extent, will come has been on the sick list the past er8 250 egg incubator, fueless cooker, under the hew system of county .week. steam pressure cooker, canner. Mrs. maintenance on the date mentioned. | A. C. Spurling, who with.his family Fred Hatch SnHnir Grove Ifl Tel At the December meeting of the has been spending the winter !n Chi- Richmond 743. ' 40-2t county supervisors the road and cago, returned to his home here last „ . „ „ -- ~ . bridge committee, of which C. H. week. FOR SALE--Ford ce*pe, 1*20 model, Ackmann of Union is chairman, was Misses Powers & Frisby will open goo<* condition, equipped with.£|ta>ck authorised to purchase road graders a new millinery establishment in tlfe absorbers, spot light and many extras, and other machinery and employ Schnorr biiilding on- the W<eet Side on ^ barbain. Inquire at Overton's, twenty men to be selected from all'April 1. . ,Garage, West McHenry, fll. _ 38 parts of the county and assigned to J Duck hunters are" getting' quite FOR SALE OR TRADE---A 1-ton Reseparate stretches of road for their numerous in this section. Quite a public truck, overhauled and in A-l care and improvement !number of good, bags were brought in condition. -Will trade for^grain, live The committee organized by elect-'last week. istock or cows. N. M. Bowers, West ing County Highway Commissioner! Died--On Sunday, March 14, 1897, j McHenry, 111. Phone 71-M. 40-2t* C. L. Tryon as secretary and- he will Eva, youngest child of Jacob and have direct personal charge of. the Mary Justen, aged 2 yeers, 11 months FOR SALE--Seven passenger Lexington Minute-Man Six tqnring ear in fine condition. Will be sold cheap. Can be seen at the McHenry garage, N. F. Steilen, McHenry, in. Phone 111-R. 35-tf FOR SALE--Second hand cars in first-class condition. Buick six touring, Dodge touring, Republic truck arid Ford roadster and touring car. Central Garage & .Repair Shop, Johnsburg, 1)1, Phone 640-J-2. 39-4t **% HUDSON SUPER SIX We wish to announce that we have takeu the agttncjr for HUDSON and ESSEX automobiles, at a vepr inoderateprice, so-nothing more nefed be said. THE HUDSON COACH at S1935#eftvrted THE ESSEX COACH at $1470 delivered There are seven other models ranging in price from $1195 to $8120. delivered in McHenry, freight and tax paid. At these prices HUDSON and ESSEX car* represent the greatest automobile value on the market. We have a HUDSON COACH on the floor, now and Will be glad4o show aad demonstrate it to you, at your ©onvenienc^EL - ' __ MOTOR CARS 7? STILLING'S GARAGE Phone H C. A. Stilling, Prop. work thruout the county. The following are the men who have been appointed patrolmen: 1. Cole Peterson, Woodstock. 2. Thos. Bonnichsen, Woodstock. 3. Oscar Anderson, Huntley. 4. Wilbur Moffat, Crystal Lake. 5. "John Grant, Richmond. 6. W. C. Harm, Spring Grove. 7. C. E. Dougherty, Hebron. ' 8. M. Dassow, Greenwood. 9. C. Hammond, Alden. v • 10. John Leonard, Woodstock] 11. H. Huckstadt, Harvard. 12. Chas. Propst, Harvard. 13. Alby Udell, Harvard. 14. John A. Paulson, Woodstock. 15. Robert McComb, Harvard. 16. Harney Hicks, Marengo. 17. Grant Anthony, Marengo. 18. Christ PfeifTer, Crystal Hake. 19. Henry Ehlert, Crystal Lake. 20. Louis Schroeder, Ringwood. and 15 days. ' . The Harvard Independent and the' Nunda Herald both came out in a new dress recently, which greatly improved their appearance. An infant child of Henry Block, aged about four weeks, died on Monday. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church on Tuesday. Mrs. Matilda Bishop, wife of John Bishop of Waukegan, died suddenly at her home in that city oh Tuesday Mflirening of last week, March 9. v Mrs. Mary Thompson, wife of .the late Robt. Thompson, died at her home in* Ringwood Wednesday last, after a long and painful illness. Harry Dunnill and brother of Fox itake shipped $58 worth of piker pickerel and bass to Chicago last week, the result of six days fishing. The social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Perry Friday evening ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE William Tarnow of Carol, MeHenry township, who last fall was brought into the McHenry county court for cruelty to his wife and non-support of his family and then allowed to go fr^> , ^ Upon a promise to do better in tifp». ^ future, was again lodged into the Mi»*'. Henry county jail last Saturday ^ I cause he had failed to keep the pror*-' , ise he had made to the "court last faH», fV-i.'l1 Bootleggers and blind piggers a p., surely having their troubles over Lake county, where the state's attorney is ever on the job to rid tH» county of this undesirable as well tt unlawful traffic in liquor. The attot#' 1 ney's latest arrest occurred at Wa|», . kegan last Thursday night, when hjf»* seized the driver of a big touring car" which was loaded down with fifty odd „ gallons of choice-wines. For County I hereby announce my cai the office of treasurer of McHenry*. county and respectfully solicit that# support of the men and women v at the Republican primaries in Api 1922. 40 FRED A. WALTERS.^ • * I. *• cy f«pj iroteM^ Apifl, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. ,Sayler daughters of Woodstock passed Sup-, day in the home of their parents, and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Black Cat hosiery at Erickson's. I The roads in the county which come was well attended and a very enjoyunder the new system have been cut'able affair. The receipts were someup into twenty sections, numbered thing over $5.00. from 1 to 20. The- patrolmen all live i Benjamin Robinson, an aged resion or near the route to which they dent of Nunda, is about to sue that have been assigned. Of the above corporation for $3,000 damages for appointments all have qualified, ready injuries sustained from a fall on a defor work, except John Grant of Rich- fective sidewalk. mond, who, tho a candidate for the J Geo. Stickney died at his home in job, since his selectiorv jias HHA sent Nunda Thursday, March 11, 1£97, word of his acceptance. 'aged eighty-eight years. He was one Under the new system the highway °f the oldest settlers in McHenry commissioners in the several town- county, having resided here since ships hereafter will have nothing to , 1835. do with the care of the roads desig- I From County Treasurer Keyes we nated as stftte aid or * state roads, learn that he has paid bounties for They will leave them strictly alone, Jwoodchucks crows and sparrows for spending the township money only on three months as follows: 10708 sparthe other roads, while the county thru rows, 336 old woodchucks, 4 young its highway commissioner and the! woodchucks and 34 crows. patrol system will inyrove and main- ] Died, March 8, 1897, at her home in tain their part of the roads, which are Chicago, Nellie, daughter of John P. generally speaking the main travelled Bowe and the late Margaret Bowe routes between the several cities and!(nee Noonan), aged sixteen years, villages. ' sister of Mrs. Vjos. Frisbie, John, It will be interesting to wmtdr the! Annie» Maggie and Alice. working out of this new system of I An a,ccldent occurr^ °" the „ „ road improvement, which has been |W" nefr th* Cot!f advocated by many people for a long!wo 8' m| es sou o is^vi - time past. It is the system which has i ,a*e- on Fnda/ la u st' ^h,cJ been in use for several years in Wis-ithe mstant death of John Mahr« consin; where it has been a success. The men employed to patrol the roads are hired to give their full time < innimna niWiDTIRWf to the work during the months of i VliAvull IIjv UiLl AlllPllili I their employment, which will be from -- , ... April 1 to some time in the fall. They | WANTED~A £lr T ^ ™ in must furnish their own teams and ; cream Par>or c- u"ti> McHenry, 111, harness, but the county will furnish FOR SALE-r-White Leghorn roostenfc the scrapers and other machinery. ] Inquire of Mrs. Jos. H.* Justen, Mc- During the winter months these men Henry, 111. ~ 40 Will not be steadily employed, onlyjp^ SALE_Oberstadt residence >. aith L erl1S nee^, f,°r thei! 8erv,ce8: for West McHenry^ See J. C. Holly, jbrakeman on the freight train which : passes this station at 11:05 a. m. which they will be paid on an hour ; iifpiipnrv 111 basis. During the slimmer their pay ' ' 82-tf will be at the rate of $140 per month. ROOMS FOR RENT---Inquire of or Their duties will vary as the coun- Mrs' ^ry Simon, McHenry, ty commissioner and road committee111- Phone 105-3. . 39-3t will determine. In some places they FOR SALE--A quantity of choice old will perhaps haul gravel to build up seed oats. Inquire of Jairte« Hunter, sections of road which need it, in,West McHenry, 111. 39-2t other ttM, thy will dreg OT ;F0R SALE-I„w« t« ^ ,t„™ .Wisconsin barley. Cha,. U condition possible. It will be conPage, West McHenry, 111. 40 tinuous work during the summer, each man having a stretch of about nine' FOR SALE--Horse, buggy and her miles to take care of. * jness. Very cheap. A. S. Parks E. J. Thomas of Wwdttock h.r V"C McHenry' Phone 88"J- 39 gone into the taxi business. Mr., FOR RENT--Rooms in Stegmann Thomas at one time resided on a farm j house and land adjoining. Inquire of between McHenry and the county > Mrs. Chris. Stegmann, McHenry, III seat. Cefunty Jtitfge y To All Voters of The County - In November, 1918, you elected me to the very important office of Judge of your bounty and probale courts and I have discharged all my official duties to the very best of my ability and judgment, and my opponent does not claim that 1 am incompetent or that 1 have not made a goodi iwcord. ^ I am now asking a renomination aw*,. altho» nothing would please me more than to be able to meet each voter personally, yet, on account of the unusual amount of county court work at this time, I am kept so busy at Woodstock that I cannot get around to see many of you. I do not feel .,tnat I would be justified in neglecting the county court work, even to make a personal canvass for a renomination, but if you approve of my record as your judge and feel that 1 should not be. turned out and a change made at this time, wiely because another lawyer happens to want * iw ce' ' greatly appreciate your support at the approaching primaries. Charles P. Barnes V«ry sincerely yours,. CHARLES P. Bkkffea LOST--Somewhere on streets of Me Henry, a wood pole for store awning Finder kindly notify C. TJnti, McHen ry, 111. 40-lt FOR SALE--A quantity of rye, also some Murdock Yellow- Dent seed corn. l«wis McDonald, West McHenry, HI. Phone 638-M-2. 39-2t* FOR SALE--One black mare, 9 yrs, old, wt. 1700; one black gelding, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1450. Inquire of Chas Ensign, McHenry, 111. 39-2t* WANTED TO RENT--Cottage fur-1 nished or unfurnished right in town. Best of references. Ed. Buhr, 26ifl Lincoln Ave., Chicago. 38-3t* FOR SALE--Store building and ground. Property has a 92-ft. frontage and is 132 feet deep. Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. 88-tf FOR SALE--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire jat Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry,' 111.' 28 FOR SALE--House, bam and eight lots. Will sell as a whole or will sell lots separate. John G. Schrauth,, McHenry, 111. 36-tf FOR SAI^B--Quantity of good mfxedt hay in barn, $18.00 per ton, by weight 'or measure. S. S. Rogers, West B<c- ; Henry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 40-lt Ftiit SALE OR BKNT--The Michael Juats^ esiate hpua* ojqu .. A. . *».! Jk ~ - CASH & CARRY STORE Ek JS ^JtEFELD, Manager WEST McHENRY, PERSONAL SHOPPING advantages over ordering from the home. Some tWnk bhly of the trouble, but they have a change of mind after they try personal shopping on account of the savings. It's enjoyable, brightens up the week like those big red apples brighten qp the side board--gives the table a touch which the home chopper misses. Owing to a misunderstanding oT dates our demonstration on Bremner Bros.' cookies and crackers will take place on March 25th instead o£ March 18th as advertised. Don't forget date, March 25th. . v * . ' v HERE ARE A rEW OF OUR I|©CKBOTTOM PRfCfeS - ' -' ^ Good Luck Milk, tall can. Wiscohsin "Sweet Peas, No. 2 can, 3 cans „„ _ '.5ic ^ Fancy Country Gentlemen ~ Corn, %f" No. 2 can... .. ...171 ^ Lake View Pork and bean», No, 2 can, 2 cans 25c Fancy Red Kidney Beans, Nfo. 2 can 16e. Fancy Pumpkin, No. 3 can • . 14c/ Orange MarmalsTde, honey sweet, jar 25c Parlor Brooms, 4 served, each Cake Bake, makes cake, per Pure Horse Radish, per bottl^.. .. Cod Fish, boneless, 1' lb. pkgv?_.^ _ M a z o l a O i l , p e r p t . p a n -- - Crisco, 1 lb. can t-ul.' Fancy Sweet Potatoes, No. 3 ean Fancy Red Salmon, tall can _ Snider's Catsup, large bottle - Campbell's Soups, per can. . Fancy Curraatt, 15oz»pk 45c 50c?- 12c .24# zie' 2JC 18cf Mel 12e Sunmaid Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. pkg._2Sc ^lincemeat, per pkg4.- patches, per carton, (12 b«ixe8^r.ilK ux, per pkg _^.;:^4lie «tch Cleanser, pert*aft_ 4^-- TjFiamboo Toilet S6ap, ii lloats, 3bar8.1#e •^ep, pulverized smip, perpkjf _ .2Jc ^VhileSoap Flakes, bulk, 2 lbs,25c ^ American Family Soap, per bar list 15c :2Sc ISc ,17c J7c . le .25c 25c lAiooStt Bfui. Diamond A Lard, lb... 15c Good Luck Oleomargarine, per lb._.22e F&fxy Creamery Butter pcrlbf^flOe inona Bird Seed, per.pkgi_ __ • Pearl Tapiwsi, per pkg fortune Egg Noodles* 3 pkg?... Wheat Faxina, 15 oz. pkg..... iPillsbtiry Health Bran, per pkg, ^|Grape Nuts, per pkg, J jKellogg's Corn Flakes ^ Yellow Split Peas, 2 ltMk.I** < l^Lima Beans, 2 Ibis. 'r > J The right of way is given the man of courage and foresight. These attributes • are charadterfetic of the successful man. They form the foundation on which he? built his fortune and his reputation. Hundreds of people in the Fox River district.are demonstrating their courage to save, and their foresight to provide for their future, by investing in the Preferred Shares of this company* • . v>*: &;&?.'% LJ1 can l^y the foundation of your ipccess and happiness by investing pr tfiiese Preferoed Shares. , - ; ^ They are a safe investTTifentl&r feve ryone.^v You know the company and manage* ment; you know its dependabifety. ihe partial payment plan-makes it easy, ; * - ' * * >flsk ymtr bcal gas office for further pdtticubaa.* r ^I«V. f:*/ -3$ 1 ^•11 Western UNITED i CORPORATION %. ^ l B? ; f yr.,.; i-.T mm* .p

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