Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1922, p. 5

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af Stick 8CHABFEII BROS. JDiaying tadlhiafcni^ Long Distance Hauling KdBnr]r3 & Made by the McHenry Flour Mills is made from the hearts of the wheat; it will cook in boiling water in fifteen minutes and makes a most delicious cereal. , Your grocer sells ifc : f5,1 v McHENRY Flour Mi :-M - West McHerr PLACE YOUR > A*. ORDER TODAY M. M. Niesen McHnry Phone 4# DAY-OLD CHICKS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR IJVE DELIVERY GUARANTEES-CHARGES PREPAID |6 Cents and up--Leghorns, Rocks,: inorcas, Orpingtons. Produced , Wyandottes, Anconaa, •elected flocks, bred i>'£~ r high *egg production. Send fpr free illustrated catalog W' id price list. McHenry Poultry & Egg Otfe ^liS^iphoiie Ill-R We Have This Ready For Yon HERE'S WHERE YOU CANT MAKE A MISTAKE. Put this STEWART in your ear at lew cost. Banked by TWO YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEED SERVICE. "A STEWART they •ay--Keeps trouble away." le superiority of a STEWART is all in the "HEART Of* THE BATTERY", contain the most durable plates made, the best separators and built for service--not a price. However we'll save money for you, if you'll let us. Suppose you let us give your old battery the onee-ofer. Inspection FREE. Sold exclusively by OVERTON & COWEN WEST McHENRY. ILL. HARVARD. ILL. i> ' . . . • t cream, manufactured under per* * <>4, . >«•' t" •*" ' 'Jf? m feet sanitary conditions, you are iiv" sure of quality. It is carbonate^ W IT. and made up from pure food*, - ^ . Our factory Is always open to inspectioii V / : v Visitors Welcome 1 a}4/'I M.M * >:» McHENRY Id CREAM FACTORY . C. UNTI, PROP. -M r !>- ij ^Hous? Cleaning. ^Thatls Thorough (Cleaning afe" 4 IT can be done every day by means of the ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER. Rugs, furniture, hangings, all included and ^ ^ * ' there will be no drudgery in the opef#« tion, for you simply guide the machine. • ' .**• . » Electric / Vacuum Cleaners ¥ Sold on Monthly Payments Public Service Company : m Northern Iffinois Aw Ghufden wi1! son's. id Whiting is on the tick list m *: Mra^'A. W. Smith was a Chicago shopper Monday. Miss Susan Speaker was a Saturday guest of Miss Ethel Bell. Sam Smith of Janesville, Wis., was a Sunday guest in the W. E. Smith home here. Miss Myrtle Biggers went to Rockford Tuesday to attend the funeral of an uncle. Mrs. Ben Jubten went to Chicago Saturday to visit relatives, returning Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Wood stock were Sunday gUests of Mrs. Rilla FOBS and family. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caif. Memorial day services will be held at the church on Sunday, May 28 MOT© particulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey went to Chicago last Thursday and drove home a new Lexington automobile. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kitchens and son, Byron, drove to Chicago Saturday and visited with friends until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walsh of Grayslake were Sunday guests of the Matter's sister, Mrs. Ed. Whiting, and family. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley, accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Bradley and daughter, Winifred, spent the week end at Starved Rock. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and daughter, Georgia, of Antaoch were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon, on Sunday. The Ringwood people are putting on a home talent play at the M. W. A. hall on Friday evening, May 19, entitled "Pa's Picnic." T^he admission will be 25 and 35 cents. Everybody is invited, so come out and spend an evening of fun. The proceeds go to the Ringwood M. E. churd|. _ • JOHNSBURG Hdstery and underwear 4f^firickson's. Mrs. Ben Schaefer spent Tuesday in Chicago. Emil Debrecht of Chicago was a visitor in town Sunday. Jos. H. Huemann transacted bust ness in McHenry Wednesday. Ed. Degen spent the week end as the guest of relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Miss Barbard Smith passed Thursday of last week in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Geo. Nell and son, Frank, of Woodstock were callers in town last Sundaj£ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt motored to Milwaukee, Wis., last Sunday. Rev. Wm. Weber Attended to business matters in McHenry\Tueeday of this week. / Miss Helen Althoff Alt Kenosha, Wis., is spending the ^eraek with relatives here. Miss Cora Olson of Antioch was a caller in the hotnfe of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith Sunday. Mrs. S. H. Smith passed a few day recently with her sister, Mrs. Joe Freund, at Kenosha, Wis. Misses Mamie and Kate Althoff of Elgin were week end guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Schaefer. Mrs. S. N. Schmitt* in company with her mother, Mrs. John B. Young, and two sisters, Tillie Young and Mrs. Arthur Smith, of McHenjy, spent last Friday in Crystal Lake. FOR SALE--Four sows With pigs. Peter Weingart, McHenry, m. Phone 605-W-2. 48-tf FOR SALE--Oberstadt residence ilk West McHenry. See J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 32-tf 606-W-l. chicks. 111. Farrow- Sundajr with McHenry friends. C. S. Owen of Chicago was a ness visitor in town last Saturday. Floyd Aylward of Elgin passed the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. * FOR RENT--Two with oonvemences. office. furnished rooms Inquire at this 48-tf Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hale of Crystal Lake were McHenry callers last Sun* V.^ *¥ , ... .%% *¥*. i-.' TERRA COTTA * - everything at Erickaon's store. Thomas Frisby spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. J. H. Gracy was a business visitor in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Stella Peck spent with her daughter in Elgin. Mrs. Lee Taylor was a caller in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Neva McMillan was a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby spent several days last week with her daughter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green.'of Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J. M. Phalm and family called at the B. F. Martin home at Round Lake Sunday. Miss Beulah Larkin of Elgin visited at the home of M. Knox from Friday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and finnily and Miss Beulah Larkin called on relatives in Woodstock Saturday evening. 'refreshments were served. High Mr. and Mi's. Frank McMillan and honors at five hundred went to Miss daughter, Eleanor, and Miss Marion, Verona Smith, second to Mrs. N. E. Shales were callers in Woodstock j Barbian and the consolation to Mrs. Saturday. - I Jos. J. Miller. At bunco Miss Mae Glenn McMillan, Vernon Knox and Jus ten was accorded high honors, Marjorie Grant took the final eighth Miss Helen Schneider, second, and grade examination at Crystal Lake j Mrs. J. N. Miller the consolation. A Friday and this week received their most delightful evening is reported Miss Esther Stofftl is spending a as the gueet of friends in CUeliow Miss Cecelia Aylwmrd of Chicago is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J..McCarthy. William Sutton, Junes Doherty and George Phalin were county seat visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mullin of Oak Park passed the week end with McHenry relatives. P. S. Webster and Ed. L. Wagner of Chicago were business visitors in McHenry Monday. # Lisle Bassett and Donald Harrison passed the week end with relatives at the county seat. Mrs. Ben Hutson and daughter, Alta, of Woodstock spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. John Knox, on Center street. Miss Margaret Monroe of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Martin. Mrs. George Smith and daughter, Amy, of Elgin were the' guests of relatives here over the week end. J. E. Pufahl And daughters, Pauline and Adele, spent Saturday as the guests of relatives at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Parker and Mr. and Mrsi F. V. Cobb of Chicago were week end guests of McHenry relatives. John Coakley, Clarence Bolger, Edwin Cooney and Marsilius Stafford of Woodstock were visitors in town last Saturday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters, Charlotte and Mary Elisabeth, passed Sunday with relatives at Caledonia. Ralph and Raymond Van Natta of Chicago were Sunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Misses Marion and Irene Conway and Anna Farley of Elgin were week end guests Ih the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mr. and Mrs Howard Cairns of Richmond were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Misses Rose and Mayme Becker and Nicholas Berger of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. M. B. Laures. Mr. and' Mrs. Ray F. Conway and LeRoy Conway passed a couple of days last week with their brother Walter K. Conway, at Notre Dame, Ind. Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin and children of Chicago passed several days this week in the McLaughlin home here Mr> McLaughlin was here -over the week end. Miss Kate McLaughlin passed aev eral days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray at Geneva, having been called there by the illness of heV niece, Marjory Murray. Mrs. Hal Chase of Youngstown, O passed a couple of days this week as the guest of Miss Esther S toff el. Mrs. Chase was formerly Miss Sylvia Hille and at one time resided in this village. Attorney Charles Fisher, Henry Muntz, Phil Howard and George L Briggs of Minneapolis, Minn., came to McHenry Monday morning and from here took a boat to Fox Lake. The quartet was out seeking a loca tion for the annual outing of the Wal tonian club and as a result of their visit the Lippincott hotel at Fox Lake has tentatively been agreed upon as the place for holding the annual outing. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES Forty young men, who arrived in this country from Sweden a short time ago, passed thru Woodstock last Thursday morning enroute to Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Schlottman, fifteen-year-old 80Q of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schlottman, who reside on a farm south of Crys tal Lake, met with a serious accident one day last week when a team he was driving in a field became unman ageable and ran away, throwing the lad across a disk to which the team was hitched. The lad was carried in this manner for a considerable distance before a post stopped the runaway horses. Hie boy suffered an ugly gash across his back, which required fourteen stitches to close the cut This wound affected the nerves of his lower limbs so as to cause temporary paralysis. He also suffered other bruises about his head and body. Entertained DriH Team Mrs. M. J. Freund, chief ranger oif St Clara court, W. C. O. F., of this village acted as hostess to the members of the drill team of the court at her home on Pearl street last .Thursday evening. The time was spent at five hundred and bunco, after which FOR SALE--A three room cottage at Griswoid lake. Call or write Nick Kennebeck, McHenry, III. Phona 634-M-2. 47-5t FOR SALE--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley 8tate Bank, Me* Henry, 111. 28 FOR SALE--House, barn and eight lots. Will sell as a whole or will ell lots separate. John G. Schrauth, McHenry, ni. 35-tf FOR SALE--The Michael Juston estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Jus ten, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 PASTURE LAND--Situated three miles south of McHenry on Fox river. Will take limited number of heads at dry stock. J. J. Flusky, McHenry, 111. 46-tf GIRL WANTED--For office work. One capable of doing bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. No other need apply. H. E. Buch, McHenry, 111. 49 FOR SALE--Six room house, together with one acre of land, situated in the north end' of the village of McHenry. Math. Glopsen, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-M-2. 43-tf FOR SALE--Owen house, 11 rooms, modern improvements, with large, beautifully situated grounds, bordering on mill pond. C. S. Owen, 600 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 1 48-4t BABY CHICKS--Full blooded stock! '• )y': Long-Distance Telephoning Is Easy Do jteil'tealize' hdw easy arid simple it it to make a long-distance telephone call? Just call "Long Distance" from your own telephone. Our operator does the rest. Hie service is good, the lines ane adequate to handle your calls, and the charges are reasonable "r 'vf«C Get acquainted with the money tnd time saving "station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY i • - Mi; promotional certificates. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Market your eggs at Erickson'*. Miss Theresa Knox was a Chicago visitor last Sunday. John Drymiller was a Chicago visitor Sunday evening. L. A. Erickson transacted business deville by those in attendance. Woodstock American Legkm Sponsors their first benefit show at Beverly theatre next week Thursday and Friday, May 25 and 26. One feature of the performances. Bob Dailey of Beloit, twenty minute vauact Also Buster Keatom's "M i -To the man who believes in keeping . ^ t money working all the time, our Certi- xft] f ficates of Deposit will appeiL ^ , *'\r " v 4 „ ,«-• 's4/ * nfly r.,-i " ' These Certificates provide an ex- *fonal method for the investment til temporarily idle funds. f '"A. •'** neverfluctuate ^vorth 100 cents on a dollar, and Illiberal interest 4 . « *"" Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, Illinois GERALD J. CAREY, Cash. The Plaindealer for news. m.*.: at Rockford Monday. Ed. Sayler of Elgin was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer were Chicago visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer were' Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss **-""»"» Thelen passed a few Js-* H. **"'« 4s, "Ok"' [two act comedies, "The Boat" and "When Romance Rides," a pictunza I tion of Zane Grey's novel, "Wildfire," [which has just completed a week's run at tike Roosevelt theatre in Chicago. Admission, 25 cents. Shows at 7:00 and 8:45, also matinfMf. , "They're still talking about the Golbraosen and me" *$ome friends came over the other night -all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about our new Gulbransen. "I played GriegV.*To Spring*, rather difficult, youll admit. "Everyone listened attentively ofklfit $ finished--and then what applause! MI--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of playing--holding the interest of my musicial friends! The same friends who were prejudiced against playerpianos. I was proud of my accomplishment-- I was a real musician. "And here's a little secret: I eotiftf Sever have done it without Gulbransen Instruction Rolls. Four.simple rolls and the fight player-piano--that's all. Just like jnnjjing a wish and having it come triner,- . i:&f£W |f. A. HUEMANN, 'APayfR " " vC »,* <i - ' *> FREMONT HOY. Pres. WestMt Henry

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