Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1922, p. 7

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ra *||' "" -'~™ • Regular meetings first and third Si*?-/ Tuesday of each month at 8:00 n*jli|lr AJ1 ex-jarvice men weliicago. M$. Pay was also in over SJfc: Phone £' V ^ Reasonable Rates ; j SCHAEFBR . f Draying and Long Distance Hauling McHenry, 111. m: Made by the Mclfenry V: Flour Mills is made from the hearts of the wheat; it will cook in boiling water in fifteen •V;^Pv.'Vm> i' nutes and makes a . Most delicious cereal. y.^c;.|Your grocer setttit* > ^ - t ita&r •' ^'tlour Mills Waat McHenrv. IB. f ^ : V - v f>£%cE' ,Qp^ff0OA|S^ V f V" • I K w b V ' A s e :1 iy , *! * * •• x ¥ M. M. Niesen McH«itry Phone 41 DELIVERED TO DAY-OLD CHICKS YOUR DOOR LIVE DELIVERY GUARANTEED--CHARGES PREPAID Cents and up--Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Wjandotfces, A neon m, 4^,'Jm-** Minoreaa, Orpingtons. Produced from selected flocks, bred *£%?* for high egg prndiudtion^Sfnd^^ «§taloj^j &v; and price list. ' " , • - fr. •> t f ' a S p a ' J M - McHenry Poultry & Egg Co. Phone tll-R •'«*» Now is the tine to let os give yo»r old battery the ONCE-OVER If you need a new battery--put in a STlSW-. ART--famous for increased POWER, reliable performance And Longer Life. They coat less and tavemoney. "A STEWART they say- keeps trouble away." You can't make a mistake for STEWARTS are backed with TWO YEAlt GUARANTEE. EXCLUSIVELY SOLD BY OVERTON & COWEN WEST McHF.NRY. ILL. HARVARD. ILL. Id WAN r > 7 • . . ; *r,V When yoa get the McHenry Ice manufactured under par- :ft " ^ ' ***•' ,r. ^ l V ^ tv m feet sanitary conditions, you are -T ^t = y sure of quality. It is carbonated i • , • , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^made up from pure foods. ^ fete •-J?: Welcoirt* ; !|9Stes v" fc Oar factory is ilviyi open to in»pection sn ' -.. . •• _UMJMUJUIlJWa*ll^iiMWW»M^^»M™ilWri rrirf*^ "" ICG CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. 3&£>:*X P" Si- U&X.,, I#- . ' ^ •/ /Ar '"'>-2 ^ ' cW* U* L^f\' v , ^r' "-4 >>» v- ' ••' v / > *' "tylt "is*" ?•!$- ... use Cleaning That Is Thoroug rf^ Cleaning 1 i' ^, >:V TT can be gone every day by nseaiisi#lrf| ^ |lthe ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER.; ^ Rug^, furniture, hangings, all included and j , \ there will be no drudgery in the opera- 1 -s|tk«, for you simply guide the fnachiM. New '•J % '.•c * *>: -K ,•' I V - • •• '" Electric Vacuum Cleaners £ "Vv •'•it/. i*k •: . •v? •;*. 4*1' "• :-«oM Public Service Company jp - - - • - »#n m < * • >• V • fer ,V v > " •Z ' • '• ^ • i*P* V ' -P: for i*s store. a_„ is of Woodstock was calter in town Motldky. :odge, who has b0/m quite ill, is still confined to her Mrs. AL Bennett of- Pox Lake was the guest of Mrs. J. Pester over Sunday. Earl Monear drfve a new Studebaker car out ft W Chicago Monday. H. TibbeQs of Chickgo was ft guest in the C. G. Hardy home over Sunday. . Wm. Monear of Richmond was a caller in the Jas. Jackson home on Monday. Ed. Geaser of Chicago was a guest in the home of his family here over Sunday. Mrs. Victor Aim took the noon train for Chicago Friday, where die spent a few days. Miss Maude Spatilding of Chicago was a week end visitor in the home of Mrs. Wm. Davis. Quite a few from this village attended the township exercises at Richmond last Friday evening. , Mrs. W. F. of Harvard is at the home of his parents here Son day. ' Miss Mp^Mkin of Elgin spent Sunday'ftil^^ith relatives and tniiMtfuty. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Doherty and daughter, Miss Nellie, were visitors in Chicago Saturday. Miss Mar^rxConway spent Saturday and Sunday witlf her Bister, Sr. Mary Celine, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Wilcox and children of Marengo were callers in this vicinity Saturday evening. M JOHNSBUSO The famous Black Cat hosiery at Erickson's store. The commencement exercises of the parochial school of this village will take place at St John's parish hall here at 8:00 o'clock on the evening of Tuesday, May 80. The following program trill be given: Song--Roses .......Children's Choir Dialogue............ Grades 3 and 4 Declamation--"Guilty or Not Guilty". Song--Two Kittens. .Grades 1, 2 & 3 , Dialogue Grades 1 and 2 ™ spT/mg * few <*ays ^ ^IRecitation--Busy Band..Grades S &4 mother, Jars. Fannie Overton. 1 le&.. SALl B. PriHy 111. 419*/ FOR SALE: Two floor show cases and one plate glass wall case. Will be sold .right. J. D. Lodtz, McHenry, 111: 60-tf ~WMk Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, L.^ona, and Mrs. Emily Weliman were business callers at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Hodge of Lake Geneva, Wis., was a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Sunday and Monday. Dwight and Annabelle Osborne of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborne. Mrs. E. E. Cropley, who has been nursing in the Frank May home at Spring Grove for a couple of weeks, came home last Thursday. Our little village is getting to be quite a summer resort. Mrs7 Fannie Overton has rented her hothe to Chicago people for the sumiper. Mrs. Wm. Davis, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Thorn at Hinckley, 111* baa returned to her home here. OSTEND Get the best butter that money can buy at Erickson's store. Alvin Weiss drove to Woodstock Sunday and accompanied his parents to Aurora. Miss Rebecca Metcalf of Elgin was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hobart. C. E. Jecks is still using his new Fordson tractor and hopes not to be injured with the machine. The teacher and pupils of the Ostend school will hold a picnic at Mc- Collum's lake Tuesday, May 23. Frank Kaiser, wife and children of Woodstock^ visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kaiser's brother, Joe Harrer, and family. Mrs. Ethel Lambke and family were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of their uncle and annt, Warren and Ammie Francisco. Farmers are as busy as they have been any time this spring. Corn planting is well begun, but still there are many acres to plant. Clark brothers claim the honor of planting the first corn in this locality on May 6. Joe Harrer planted on May 10. Who planted earlier? Let us hear from the one that did. Mrs. Maud Clark still makes regular trips to Dr. Nye's for treatments. She is very much improved in health, but the doctor says just a few more treatments and he hopes the cure. Mrs. .Florence Dana and daughter from eight miles north of Evanston enjoyed an automobile ride Sunday out to spend the day with C. B. Durkee and wife. Mrs. Dana had a home with the Durkee family for several years before her marriage. RINGWOOD . v Harvest hats for men, women and children at Erickson's. The Bowman Dairy company is treating the factory to a coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs.. Krey and Mrs. C. Rager were Elfin shoppers last Thursday. The Brefeld family ware Sunday guests of the Stock family «ast of Johnsburg. Miss Vera Beatty of Woodstock is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mi1, and Mrs. S. H. Beatty of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday at Mooseheart, 111. Mrs. Miller and daughter of Milwaukee spent the week end with her brother, Gus Weliman.. E. C. Hawley and family and Louis Schroeder and family motored to Delavan, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Emma Brown and Mrs. A. W. Smith spent the week end with Miss Mary Smith at Rockford. Miss Corabel McOmbcr of Highland Park is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson this week. Mrs. C. W. Harrison spent several days last week with her brother, Charles Hotchkiss, at Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyman and son of Chicago were week end guests of their sister, Miss Martha Dailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anteliff and Mr. and Mrs. Speaker of Richmond were Sunday guests of the Clay Rager family. TERRA COTTA Real values in men's work shoes at Erickson's store. Mrs. Mary Grant was a caller at Crystal Lake Saturday, evening. Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry called on relatives here Sunday. Miss Marguerite Kaux Fxi- Dedamation--Girls.. .Grades 1 and 2 Declamation--Boys.. .Grades 1 and 2 Song--Woodland Echoes.......... Children's Choir Declamation--Some Bill ............. Das Boese Gewiasen--German drama 11 Girls Song--Boys....Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 Drill--Rainbow Ribbon 14 Girls Nigger Night School--Farce..... 6 Pupils 7th Grade Farewell Address 8th Grade Distribution of Diplomas ^. ; IEW TRAIN SCHEDULE ^ TaKea Effect Over the Chicago * Northwestern Railroad FOR SALE--Four sows with pigs. Peter Weingart, McHenry, 111. Phone 605-W-2. 48-tf FOR SALE--Oberstadl residence in West McHenry. 8ee J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 82-tf ly situated ^ppps, borderteg on will pond. C. 0wen, 600 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 48-4t 4&AN accommodate a few head of young stock. Dry cows or colts. $1.50 per month. Saf^ Rogers, West McHenry, 111. 56-lt BABY CH1CK 9-rFull blooded stock. Leading breeds. 9c each up. Postpaid. Alive delivery. Big catalog free. Capacity, 1922 million and half chicks. Farrow-Hirah Co^ Peoria, I1V 85-tf FOR 8ALB By the ten, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry, 111. 28 FOR SALE--The Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Jus$en, administrator, West McHenry, HI. 16 FOR RENT--Scott's 15-room hotel at Scott's landing, Fox Lake. A money maker for a hustler. Apply to or write E. B. Scott, Fox Lake, HI. 60-81 FOR SALE--<A two flat building on the bank of Borden's lake. Three mi nut* y walk to depot. Large lot, nicVsnore. Building 20x40 feet. Gas, electric lights, luge cistern. Inquire at this office. 50-2t* '•f;J McHENRY , 4 AND FOX RIVER PASTURE LAND--Situated three miles south of McHenry on Fox river. Will take limited number of heads of dry stock. J. J. Flqsky, McHenry, m. ? 46-tf GIRL WANTED--For office work. One capable of doing bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. No other need apply. H. E. Buch, McHenry, 111. 49 FOUND--A 32x3 automobile casing. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Gerhard Wegener, McHenry, 111. 50-lt FOR SALE--Six room house, together with one acre of land, situated in the north end of the village of McHenry. Math. Glopsen, West McHenry, ni. Phone 606-M-2. 43-tf Northbound--Week Days Effective Monday, May 29, No. 699 will leave Chicago at 8:45 a. m. and arrive at Willk*ms Bay at 11:15 a. m. Effective Monday, May 29, No. 649, leaving ^Chicago at 3:45 p. m., will operate via Crystal Lake Jet., instead of via Crystal Lake, arriving at Williams Bay at 5:35 p. m. No. 541 will continue to leave Chicago at 4:30 p. m., arriving at Crystal Lake at 5:45 p. m., connecting, with No. 761, leaving Crystal Lake at 6:05 p. m., arriving at Williams Bay at 7:10 p. m. Effective Saturday, June 3, No. 775 will leave Chicago at 12:01 p. m., Saturdays only, arriving at Williapis Pay at 2:05 p. m. ~<&0i Northbound Sundays vu.• Effective Sunday, June 4, No. Ttt will leave Chicago at 8:30 a. m., arriving at Williams Bay at 10:40 a. m. Southbound--Week Days NOT 754, leaving Williams Bay at 6:15 a. m., arriving at Crystal Lake at 7:29 a. m, will connect with No. 640, same as at present, leaving Crystal Lake at 7:85 a.arriving Chicago 9:00 a. m. Effective Monday, May, 29, No. 644 will leave Williams Bay at 6:50 a. m., operating via Crystal Lake, arriving in Chicago at 8:40 a. m. * No. 758, leaving Williams Bay at 4:05 p. m., arriving lit Crystal Lake at 5:28 p. m., will connect with No. 508 as at present, leaving Crystal Lake at 5:38 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 6:55 p. m. Effective Monday, May 29, No. 690 will leave Williams Bay at 6:00 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 7:15 p. m. Effective Monday, June 19, No. 778 will leave Williams Bay at 5:35 a. m., Mondays only, arriving in Chicago at 7^6 a.m. • f Southbound Snndsyg No. 754, leaving Williams Efey At 6:15 a. m., arriving at Crystal Lake at 7:29 a. m., will connect as at present with No. 712, leaving Crystal Lake at 8:00 a. m., arriving in Chicago at 10:00 a. m. # Effective Sunday, June 4, No. 770 will leave Williams Bay at 6:15 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 8:15 p. m. Effective Sunday, June 4, No. 772 will leave Williams Bay lit 6:30 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 8:40 p. m. Effective Sunday, May 28, No. 776 will leave Williams Bay at 6:46, arriving at Crystal Lake at 7:47 p. m., connecting with No. 746, leaving Crystal Lake at 7:50 p. m^ arriving in Chicago at 9:18 p. m. Dance at NelPe There will be dancing at Nell's Columbia park pavilion near Johnsburg bridge on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, May 28, 29 and 30. Thos. W. Harrigan's orchestra of Chicago has been engaged and will furnish the music on each night. Mr. Harrigan's orchestra made an instantaneous hit with the dancers at Nell's last week and the announcement that this musical organisation has again been engaged should bring joy to the hearts of the patrons of the place. Dance tickets, $1.00 per couple; war tax, 10 cents; total, $1.10. A very cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend. Palatine Next Sunday : Next Sunday the McHenry Baseball club Will have as their opponents the fast Palatine team. Palatine has been going like a house afire thus far this season and the visitors are coining to McHenry confident of taking away the day's honors. McHenry|is growing better with each game ana, even tho Palatine does succeed in winning the game, the opponents wilr know that they have been in a real^ ball game. McHenry isn't € going M> see the visitors cop the game if tb<& can help it. Turn out. Almost everything at Erickson's v. FOR SALE--Owen h< modern improvements, 11 rooms, with large, FOR RENT--Seven room house, together with chicken house, well, cistern and about one acre of ground. Suitable for garden. Abundance of cherries and apples. Nice shade. Two miles from McHenry, close to Fox river. C. W. Gibbs, We6t McHenry, 111 Phone 620-W-2! 50-tf !* AS k SUMMER RESMT : <V ^:y*lk: iaaiiMMiiM -ATRENEHA1TS DANCING FAVUJ0N ROUND LAKE, ILL,,. , ^ , ----' " 'i'""* 4>--jiNffiv,ai. Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday T' W75 May 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th , s McCORMICK'S ORCHESTRA TICKETS, Per Couple, %s - $1.09 . j. •(*$' • •'*. J >>}.i ^. s ^ ^ Why not make this bank your place of deposit?. Some day you may need the assistance' we ca# H ' give you. ' ' ' ' ' » • * %% We will at all times feel a personal interest m ^ you, and we want you to feel free to seek our advice and council. . , ^ - , Three per cent paid on savings deposits. ^ . V ' .»W ^ tf 'i. » V, •/ V* » i ' i • -T • -l .• J*', ^ ^ m- * l>! ./*'i&y < .,.5K !?••.!»•* , W: V 1* vr iThe Possession of Money signifies power--it paves the way by which 11 . ordinary man can help others and, himself. Therefore it is perfectly proper that you should mw^ ... *• 11V1VlV1V X1" If*--- ***•*»« J ' W** lrr"' ^ ' <V • '1' • ( u > f- strive within reasonable bounds to accumulate it* : v; £ Deposit your surplus in the Fox River Valley State Bank, where it will draw 3% cpmpound in*; terest, and the temptation will not be so great f£» squander that which you will need for future yearti. Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, GiRALD J. IjARET, Cash. "They're still talking abput the Gnlbransen and me'^ "Some friends came over the othtr night--all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about our Jjew Gulbransen. -A i -1 played Grieg's To Spriagfejl's rather difficult, you'll admit. "Everyone listened attentively until 1 finished--and then what applause! "I--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of playing-- holding the interest of my musicial friends! The same friends who were prejudiced against playerpianos. I was proud of my accomplishment--! was a real musician. "And here's a little secret: I could 4ever have done it without Gulbransen Instruction Rolls. Four simple rolls and the right player-piano--that's all. Just like mniting a wish and having it come trwd"1 N. A. HUEMANNj J'i: m. ... 1^, mtm a :J.. * S- f\ > H % V * : n ^ s . Sj»kV, aft ."'. !>" %'i e A ; .if; -d ;•* *...... . "v~ .'X . . MS**/.' -rf J Illinois FREMONT HOY, Pres. |Vest McHenry'

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