Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1922, p. 5

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-TUB--' , Made by the McHenry Flour Mills is made from the hearts of the wheat; it will cook in boiling water in fifteen minutes and makes a most delicious cereal. .'i • ; • ,'W" ' .V' .. : -it"' v ^ flcHENRV1; ^ Flour Miilsfe V? West McHenrv. III. K **' • I • tmrnk r£r •> '• *'•*** ? PLACE YOUR ORDER, TODAY v;vV^^) • 1 • s>i-• • * M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M DELIVERED TO DAY-OLD CHICKS YOUR DOOR. [ic • L1V& DELIVERY GUARANTEED-CHARGES PREPAID Vj ' 16 Cents and up--Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Wyaodottes, A neon . Minorcas, Orpingtons. Produced from selected flocks, bre£ *•'*V-x for high egg produclion. Sepd tc>r free i 1lustrated catalog and price list. 1 • % r^T. . ' 4 •" McHenry Poultry 9t Phone Itl-R r t: CASH SPECIALS Here is a list every housewife should read in detail--it fers the most desirable groceries at prices greatly to your advantage. Don't overlook an item. Fancy Peaches, large can tie Fancy Apricots, large can -- SSe Kellogg's Corn Flakes, large, lie Snredded Wheat Biscuits -- 13c Illinois Club Coffee, ll» Savoy Tea, i lb. pkg. .. Uc Queen Olives, quart ja»,.U'.*-_Me Peaches, fancy evaporated - -Me JOHN STOFFEL Am. Family Soap, 10 bars 4tc Royal Baking Powder, can„..4Se Hunte Cocoa, t lb. can lie WEST McHENRY Fulton Provision Co. 4 * t/c i (Not Inc.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ittii FULTON MARKET JUONG DISTANCE PHOIflt 9M-9M FULTON STREET 1 MONRQE 3*3* . .£ Charles J. Zak •/' ^ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS i ,•> - * V, * "Mxvk-r ^ - si>-• . -' v - • .When you get the McHenry ice , earn, manufactured under per- % t sanitary conditions, you are, , ^ w jure of quality. It is carbonated ; J; and made up from pure foods. Our factory is always open to inspection^, rVisitors Welcome • : Nr ' McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. ALL DAY AT STATE LINE BALL PARK KTWEEN RKXHOND t GENOA JUNCTW1 Uuly 4 UNDER AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION SPORTS AND RACES FOR CASH PRIZES Big^Ball Game WILMOT ibs. STATE LINE--PURSE $250.19 40--PIECE BAND--40 ' . Plenty of refreshments on grounds. Something doing every minute. Come and bring your friends ' ' ' - I 1 " " ' General Admission • , 56c and 25c ^ i ; ** • ; _ ^ j n / *£- ->T " ^ ^ ->3\ L * ' A • J<. , 7 A/" \« ^,,1*' ^ J, * -1' * A sid<iEKflSPP^li8lh0iMM percales WlnnmwimSt Miss Mayroe Schaefer was a business caller at McHenry Saturday. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for two Fourth of July brides. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Adams were Chicago visitors Monday and Tuesday. ^ Mr. and Mrs.' Math. N. Miller of Iowa are spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jereak. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Gertrude L. Miller at McHenry on Tuesday morning. Miss Rose Miller has returned to Chicago after .spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes and daughters, Clara and Marie, spent Sunday at the home of Peter Schaefer. Rev. William Weber returned to his parish home after two weeks spent in the Alexian Brothers' hospital in Chicago. Miss Theresa Smyth of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. wad Mrs. John Sntyth. Stubby" Smith still continues to sell real estate along the river at a merry clip. Last week he was sue cessful in the sale of six lots. Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Geyser and daughter, Josephine, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams. * J. Miller. Everybody and his brother will attend the July 4, 1922, baseball and harness racing meet at the old Lake county fair grounds, Libertyville. Better be there. Quite a number of our baseball fans accompanied the team to Wilmot lost Sunday afternoon and, altho our boys lost the game, those who saw the contest were well pleased with the performance. Watch Johnaburg from now on. Several from here went to McHenry last Sunday afternoon, where they witnessed the production of "Penrod" as presented at the Empire theatre by students of DePaul University, Chicago. All were pleased with what they saw and heard. The Central garage has placed into commission a large wrecking car and henceforth will be better able to serve those in trouble. The proprietors of the Central believe in keeping abreast of the times and are always ready to make additions that will add to their efficiency. Seventy-eight children will make their first holy communion at St. John's Catholic church here next Sunday morning at nine o'clock. The class As one of the largest ever assembled Spr a like event and the ceremonies are sure to be witnessed by a large congregation. First mass will be read at 7:30 o'clock. The JohnsbUrg baseball team journeyed to Wilmot, Wis., last Sunday afternoon, where they dropped a hard contest to the local team by a score of 5 to 4. Johnsburg took lite le$d early in the contest and held same up until the eighth inning, when Wilmot succeeded in putting over three runs with the assistance of the umpire. Wedekind officiated on the slab for the Johnsburg team, while Debrecht did the catching. Johnsburg showed vast improvment in their playing last Sunday and from now on the boys feel that they will be in a position to give the beet of teams a real argument. Next Sunday the Dundee Tigers will come to Johnsburg to do battle with the home club and if the team puts up the same article of ball as displayed at Wilmot we can see where Dundee is in for a neat trimming. The club hopes that the fans will again come to their support by a big turnout at next Sunday's game. The players wi]^ do their best to show their appreciation. Stick with the home club. The players, in turn, will show their appreciation by winning ball games from now on. CM-- eat and watch us go. BINGWOOD Mrs. C. D. Bacon was an Elgin shopper last Friday. A carnival of bargain! Erkkson's clearance sale. Mr. and Mrs. Krey were Sunday guests of relatives at St. Charles. Ed. Hopper attended the funeral of A. M. Brown at McHenry last Fri day. Miss Ruth Whiting spent several days last week with friends at Dun dee. Carroll Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., was a week end guest of Ids brothers here, Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Martha Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young entertained the 1 attar's parents from Chicago over Sunday. C. J. Jepson and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson at Elgin. Misses Josephine and Marion Hepburn are entertaining a lady friend from Kenosha, Wis. . Mrs. G. A. Stevens and Mrs. Martha Bradley spent a couple of days last week in Chicago as guests of Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Harold K el ley, accompanied by his mother and nieces, Cora Beth and Helen Lawrence, motored to Harvard Monday to visit Mrs. James Conway. Robt Bacon and friend from Grant, Iowa, arrived in town Sunday. They motored thru and will spend about two weeks with relative! and friends in this vicinity. There will be fast baseball and four regular honest to goodness horse races at the Lake county fair grounds at Libertyville on July 4. Do not miss this, it will 'be the beat ever. the graduating exercises at college this week. Miss Mary Harrison is one of the graduating class this year. daring SOLON MILLS Erickson's June trttmnffiw 5R||»|«unpe Attend sale. Will Cornish is still very ill at this writing. Unioe Austin spent part of the week with Emily Cole. Mrs. Clay Hardy visited Rockford friends the past week. Mrs. John Pester has just returned from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Wayne Foss of Ringwood visited Mrs. Adelaide Coates the past week. Miss Mae Aylward entertained her brother, Frank of Woodstock, Sunday. We are glad to say that Miss Sarah Hodge is much improved at this writing. Mrs. Margaret Wallace of McHenry is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cornish. Mrs. Henry Buchanan is entertaining her sister and mother of Milwaukee this week. Mrs. Walter Cropley and daughter, Leona, were shoppers in Chicago one day last week. A. J. Palmer of Harvard was a guest in the home of C. L. and Chas. Osboriy recently. Chas. Westlake, Mr. Pinny and Lee Hodge attended the ball game at State Line park Sunday. Wm. Schultz, son and bride of California, an officer in the regular army, are visiting in the parental home here. Mrs. Aubert and Mrs. Gieser and family and guest, Mrs. English of Chicago, visited at Fox Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Aylward of Spring Grove were callers in the home of the former's sister, Mae Aylward, Sunday. ( » # Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, Leona, visited the former's mother in McHenry Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Kenneth Edwards, John Simmerley and Annabel Osborn motored up from Elgin Sunday and spent the day at C. L. Osborn's. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Linn and daughter, Helen, Mrs. Lyons and Mr and Mrs. E. E. Cropley motored to Lake Villa Sunday. Mrs. Lynn Overton returned home from Champaign, where she had been attending the com me ncement exercises at normal school. Miss Leona Cropley will attend Madison University during her vacation this summer. She has been engaged to teach at Libertyville again the coming year, making three terms in succession. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutton were given a surprise at community hall on Monday evening, June 19, in honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. A large crowd of friends and relatives were in attendance and all made merry of the event. Miss Esther Nelson, formerly a teacher in the Libertyville school, is spending the week with Miss Leona Cropley. Next Saturday these young ladies will leave for Madison University, where they will take a short course. Miss Nelson will teach in Wyoming the coming year. Boost the booster and boom the boom. Attend the July 4 celebration at Libertyville and . promote Lake county's interests. The L«ke county fair boosters should be for this baseball and harness race meet. Everybody very cordially invited to attend and aid in making a real get-together event for the welfare of all. / " OSTEND The famous Black Oat hosiery at Erickson's store. Mrs. Frank Going of Chicago spent several days recently with her friend, Mrs. Abbie Martin. The rural mail carriers are all on a strike. They are never oat of style. Rural ""carrier No.' 5 from Woodstock started on his vacation last Saturday. Edwin Collin is subing for him. Watch the columns of this newspaper next week for the entry list of fast trotters who will go some at the big 4th of July celebration and race meet at Libertyville on the best race track outdoors, Lake county fair grounds. Mrs. Spaulding, who once with her daughter had a millinery and dressmaking shop in McHenry, passed away at a hospital in Elgin and was brought back to the home of her daughter at Woodstock, Mrs. Ella Parks, and laid to rest in the cemetery there. The children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Peter and Sarah Ingalls Francisco held their reunion on June 18 in a grove. There were forty-five present, the eldest one being Mrs. Julia E. Lincoln, a daughter of the above named, and the youngest was a great-grandson, Gordon Everett Lambk*, seven months old. There are two great-greatgrandchildren, only one being present, little Helen Elaine Palmer, fourteen months old. One grandson, Glynn Francisco, had a few days before sailed for South America. All the children of this couple are living except Albert L., who died July 27, 1907. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES * A new Masonic lodge was recently instituted at Lake Zurich. The new cement rpad is now practically completed thru the business section of Wauconda. An ice making machine is now being installed in the plant of the Borden Milk company at Marengo. Fully seventy-five per cent of 212 patrons of the Bowman* Dairy company at Harvard have joined the Milk Producers' association. Kenosha will soon lose its title, "the gateway to Wisconsin," if the of CttMfftH ing a ni """ acrojififlif filled. The new town is to be named Chiwaukee. A mammoth chemical concern, the Abbott laboratories, expects to erect fifteen buildings at Waukegan within the course of the next year. When the plant has been completed and operations started the concern expects to give employment to nearly 2,000 people. The McHenry baseball team will play Libertyville at the special 4th of July celebration at Libertyville. These contenders are yery good teams and will play a right smart game. McHENRY POST, NO. 491 American Legion Regular meetings first and third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 o'clock. All ex-ssrviee men welcome. repaired by Hall & tins Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL ^ Insurance agent for all rlsssna «t property in the best cattpaafas &LFORD H. POUSE WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Ptatt M West Phone 49 Reasonable Rates SCHAEFER BROS; . Dmying and Thuufafilf Long Distance Hauling McHenry, 111. Why You Always Can Save on Leath Furniture mm t.w.w • ' ,1^,: A. Leath St Go. StoMNjt Ufh, 71-74 Grorm Ar*. Rockford, Opposite Court 1 Dubuque, 97MN Main St. Aurora, 3!-S3 Island Ave. Freeport, ItS-lW Galena St. Waterloo, S13-314 E. 4th St. Beloit, U7-4214th St. Joliet, 215-217 Jefferaon St. Jaoeavillc. N2-JM. Milwaukee St Claire. Masonic Tempt*. Oshkoah, 11-13 Main. Peoria, 32S South Adams St. Chippewa Falls. 12 W. SpriQaSi. It |oo boy 1M pounds of racar jam gat a lover rate per pound than if yob bay tat •> single pound. Jnst so with us--w® buy tor 14 big stores and we naturally bay for less. That's why we can sell for less--and also the > ywm can alwafssave en UsttlfHMtnr*.- ••• Grayslake Theatre SATURDAY ft SUNDAY v Charles Ray "Mketeen and nmiis* Comedy--Ninety Days or Life NKtT tVElSNtSDAt • ,f Tom Moore f-•v.- : IN "KATING THE . V Christie Comedy Popular Prices BASE SAIL STATE LINE BALL PARK SUNDAY, JUNE 25 I'| ilfflUktil) Dundee has the fastest team that has appeared at the State Line Park this year. Game 2:15. . Association Umpire Admission, 15c ud 35c TAX FREE THK UNIVERSAL CAR •• Balance REASONABLY PROMPT DELIVERIES STAR FORD FORDSON LINCOLN Sales and Service m. JHIS BANK WISHES TO EXTEND TO NEW COMERS % Jegiif' •' •3 .. •v^y- N to this community, whether they are to become permanent ~ residents or but for a limited period oI time > dupag the summer season, '?: ^' ' 'If We extend to ALL an invitation to call upon us and become gcquainted and we will extend such accommodation as is consistent with safe Banking, doing it gladlff r 7 'i- '"41 •>Ci m ; v McHenry, Illinois GERALD J. CAREY, Cash. FREMONT HOY, Pras.

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