w, %5* 4 .r^KTfw w* ^NEW ddldow hrtmkfast bteti rw^r A new de&^ht forfr^r } t : ' ^ "tjfc& itdja •:U .jrvited raisin toast! the entire family. Made with big, plump, tender, seeded raisins--Sun-Msid brand. The raisin flavo* penneates each dice. -: You can get such bread from any grocer or! Wfce shop if you insist. No need to bake at; home. Once try it and youll always have this kind. You'll serve it at least twice a week. Fine food for business men and children to the energizing nutriment and the iron ' this famous, healthful fruit. Make dainty bread pudding with left-over slices. No need to waste a crumb. Order now for tomorrow's breakfast. But be sure to say you want "one of those fniif fruited raisin loaves.'* S*"" . W#? <3 ( AERIALS AND HOW TO INSTALL THEM $ Suli-Maid * Seeded Raisins Make delic ioua bread, piea, puddings, M Blut Package cakes, etc. . Aak your grocer for tkHh lor free book of tested recipe*. ^ Sun-Maid Raisin Growls > Membership 13JOOO 'V.£it*f>ei»t. N-16-6, Fresno. CalM. Send Africa for the African*. • Propaganda Is being skillfully etamlated in Africa against the whites. r£hese activities are said to be centered In a colony of American negroes. The blacks want the Dark Continent for themselves. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 BELL-AMS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS f St end 754 Packages.Evaiywhere OAKY A Risky Bet "The Sinn Fein extremists and the Ulster extremists as well risk too much," said Padralc O'Shaughnessy, the Irish ship-builder, at a dinner ia Boston. "They remind me of O'Flannigan. "O'Flannigan, with big bandage round his head, was hobbling down the street on a pair of crutches. "'Faith, O'Flannigan, what's happened to yes?' said O'Reilly. " 'I bet O'Donahue a dollar,' said O'Flannigan, 'that he couldn't carry me up a four-story ladder, and I won.'" The Gauge. North--"Dobbs thinks the world Is continually getting better." West-- rwell, I'm making pretty good money myself." FLACKD ANTWHSU ATTRACTS AMD KILLS ALL sinca MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 aa at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. top your vital organs healthy with The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles sine* 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three sues. • aak far A* same Gold Modal am wy has and accept so imitatioa Radio Tubes Orders filled same day as received DETECTOR (No. 200) $4.00 AMPLIFIERS (No. 201) $5.00 Cash with order 5% discount on orders of $50 or over RADIO TUBE MST. CO. 1437 1.1 Ave. N«w Y«rt% N. Y. Grace Hotel •" • cmcioq Jackaoa Blvd. ana Clark St. •aw-SMr a tfi^n'St «nm Stock jutfi «m 61 reel to door. dAe ccoleraatne,d c hoomtelf.o rAt a•b ale t, e apelwacljer ,or vour wlte, Bother or Mate* Farmers, Attention! I want Immediately Kolas ffcrm or ranch la •xebaaf* far hi«h-grade m«4ara Okleam In com* property Hoildtafta flt.OM t® with aat Income from il.OO* td lUMWjpar rear. Alw tolS2 blocks vp to Write ttooddaayir. ^ GEORGE STEWART | » S . b S a l l e CHICAGO "X Waatod--la eMrf eowly Mil vacant a aalea 'J man furnishing team or auto under our proven profitable plan. Earning* large even for beg inner# Writ® for particular* Er Ward's Medical Co., WlnoM, Minn Eat. 1IM Thousands Have Kidney ..Trouble and Never Suspect It; Applicants for Insuraace Oftea .is*-" Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ia •ooa realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is SO common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose appliestiqps are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sires, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Shaw's Latest Introducing an American admiral at a dinner In London, the irrepressible G. B. S.. after telling how pleased he was to present a representative of the great American people, added: "We speak the same language, but through different orgnns."--Boston Transcript. t Cuticura for Pimply Faosa. To remove pimples and blackhestft smear them with Cuticura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot yater. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to include Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement ' One ef the greatest advantages of wireless telephone receivers Is that an elaborate or expensive aerial is not required. Although good seta with vacuum bulb detectors may be used with an Indoor aerial, or eten with • bedstead or wire springs aa an .•trial, yet an outside aerial will always give better results. As I have already mentioned, a single wire will do as well as several, the main thing being to get the aerial long and high in order to catch waves which ve not interrupted or Interfered with by surrounding b u i l d i n g s . Steel bridges, electric wires and similar objects. Next or- rather most Important 1b to hare the aerial and lead-in thoroughly Insulated from al> surrounding objects, for even wood, wben damp. Is an excellent conductor. The best material for an amateur aerial for r e c e i v i n g is a S t r a n d e d phosphor bronze or copper wire, 'about No. 14, although •olid copper wire, copper- covered steel wire or even Insulated copper wire w i l l serve ev- vVv. ery purpose. For In- r sulators, use porcelain \ • cleats. These may be used both where the ' lead-in is attached to Walls or other objects, and where th# aerial wire is attached to the supports or guys. The accompanying figures., No. 9 and No. 10, Illustrate aerials Installed, the first showing the Wire attached to a chimney or similar structure and to a wall; the other, an aerial which is designed for a tin Or slate roof and which obviates making attachment Where the lead-In wire enters the bullAac II should be of rubber Insulated wire ant) may be brought in at the corner of a window, either by cutting a small groove or by jamming the window down until the wire flattena and If buried partly In the wood. All joint! in the aerial and lead-in ahould be scraped bright tightly twisted and soldered, finally being wrapped with Insulating or adhesive tape or covered "n-rrr" I V> .(Si lM V\ IS I 1111 11IM s Thereby Promoting D8t5lw amfAdnessKd1te9t.Gattki OpfamiMorpfetea* L NOTNAHCOTIC unrWTaram It*#,i * mm AhdpfttlRene47« Gonstipauofxand Diarrtt** and Fewrishness and *»?* 'c: >. XxjssoJjSlhsp wfWYPHK LFAD m •act Copy oI Wrapper. Special Care of Baby. IBhat Baby should have a bed of its own all an agreed. Yet tf ia more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ape to«# a man's medicine In an attempt to regulate the delicate orgaafeai el that same infant. Either practke ia to be ahnnned. Heither woel*. be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's tnedirfiyi mut b* prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially pnniaisj for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this:--It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, Use digestive organs oi' your Baby must receive special care. Ho Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the me of pHm«wiy prepared for grown-ups. * •• ^ H0TMLR8 SHOULD BEAD THE BOOKLET THAT IS AWOTO EYCTY BOTTU OF FUTCWTT* CASTWB* GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TH« CKNT»U« COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. with "spaghetti** tubing. For the best results, be sure to run your lead-in from the end of aerials towards the station which you most frequently wish to hear or towards the most distant station which you desire to pick up. Very often, this will make a vast difference in results, especially with a small receiving set Care in follow* ing directions will insure (pod remits. 10 Cents Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie PUTNAM FADELESS DYES--dyes or tints as you wish MORE ABOUT AERIALS Improvement Goes On. Although recent statistics state t h a t 92.6 per cent of American farm houses have telephones, only 27.1 per cent have electric lights, 21 per cent have vacuum cleaners and 16.2 p<>r cent have electric washing machines ' If there are several sending stations M various points from your set. It Is often a very good plan to run several aerial wires at right angles or radiating as shown In figures 11 and 12. connecting them together and running the lead-In from the point where all join, us shown. Sometimes this principle may be reversed and several lead-ins muy be carried from the outer ends 01 the radiating aerials and joined to form a single lead-in and will bring even better results, figures 13 and 14. These several lead-Ins may be connected by means of an anchor-ring, figure 15, to equalise the waves or currents, or they may be provided with multiple point switches as shown In Figs. 13 and 14. This swttch arrangement has the great advantage that you can largely cut out stations you do not wish to hear by using the lead-in towards the station you desire to hear. This will result in the others being fainter or weaker In comparison and they can therefore be more effec- Vinous indulgence leads a man to perpetrate a poor joke and his bearers to laugh at It. There Is horse sense end motor sense; and the latter usually consists In going just a little slower. like honesty. others pays. consldfrapM for ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE FOR THE FEET New Hair to replMa «M, •koaU be |i*v- Idc «ll the tlaM. IMt S wOi "llT ieIf Mjromatr talt--Dsat get Mi, |H Q-Bm today -- It's I •4 MATTKKWfeKb. ril.i.O»\ n, t'l SHHINS is made to order, any aUe, lew Factory Price*. Catalog free. PBORIA BEDDING AND j 8prinkle one or two Allen's Foot--Ease | powder* in the Foot Bath and soak and , rub the feet. It takes the sting out of t Corns and Bunkms and smarting, aching wet. Then fat lasting comfort, shake Af "n'8 Foot™Kaae into your thoea. It takes ' the friction from the shoe, rests the feet ' make* walking a delight. Always use it for dancing parties and to break in new • Over One Million Five Hundred I Thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet I were used by 'our the war. Army and Navy during tually tuned out by your instruments. Aerials are most peculiar affairs and a little experimenting will enable you to determine the best size, height and type to use. It Is well known that wireless waves are directive, or In other words, that they travel more strongly in one direction away from the sending aerial, than In others and while this has been largely obviated in upto- date stations, yet the ordinary receiving aerial is directive and will get stronger signals if the lead-in Is towards the sending station, or Is pointed towards it, so to speak. I know of several cases where amateurs failed utterly to hear voices, music, or even telegraphic spark signals from some station and yet, merely by altering the direction of their aerial or the position of the lead-in they could he^r everything perfectly. So you see a great deal may depend upon the simple aerial, even if It consists of only a single wire. On the other hand, many amateurs have obtained splendid results with a wire run around the wails of a room near the celling; a wire run through a hallway; a wire dropped down an air-shaft or elevator-shaft, or even from an Iron bedstead or be»i spring. It all depends so much upon local and climatic" conditions, surroundings and other conditions thst no hard and fast rules can be made, but despite all this, nine times out of ten, a high aerial, well above surrounding buildings and from 100 to 150 feet long, will give the best results. But remember that if there are elevated tracks, steel bridges, trolley lines, electric wires or steel structures near, you should run your aerial at right angles to them in order to avoid failure through leakage or Inductance. You must also bear In mind t h a t the "ground" Is almost as Important as the aerial, for without a good ground the set will not Work. A water, steam, or gas pipe will usually make an excellent ground, but before using It be sure there Is no Insulated joint between the connection of your wires and earth or that the pipe does not enter an earthen or tile pipe near the ground or In the cellar. In making the ground c o n n e c t i o n , scrape the pipe clean and bright and solder the wire to It. li tills is not possible, wind the connection with tln-foll and fine wire and wrap it with adhesive tape. Where j no pipe Is available carry the ground I wire to a sheet of copper, an old copper boiler or a copper tank or basin filled with charcoal and buried at least five feet under the surface of the earth, A lightning rod or fire escape will sometimes make a very good ground. But it Is not so much what you use for a ground as how good the connections are and how well the object is grounded. Do not use sa electric light or telephone, telegraph or door bell wire for a ground. To re» peat, be careful of your connections and sure of your grounding. Use 10055 Pore Varnish , sad sate how BMfe hsttw It vmss. hew leaf ' Sfhtsr ikarUtaU seata Mt thne mteat*a, osaf d Mbmew wUoaoadt.i faVUary- I alshaa aWla»U< «n raatai ar btaalae, or entiiahn aalarlae Batter. wU set |lte the MARTIN'S S3 VARNISH •athlaa bat pare an, alia aa* tar- Sa*«riar Iesa sSaliaatt* l^a appaaraao aad r fa* Saws aad lata iftafer i MAKTW VARNISH CO, CUsae*. BL Mmkmrt o/ ltO% Am Vmrnitk** EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA Round Trip for Single Fare l i - f i Plus Two Dollars Good First and Third Tuesdays in Each A splendid opportunity is now offered those who desire to make a trip of inspection to look over Western Canada's Farming PossflMHtles Recent advances in the price of farm products and die paesfMRpof farther increases will warrant an increase in die price of Western Ceaaila Perm Lands, now exceptionally low considering their producing vafcee. The depression is now over, and normal times are at hand. Western Canada came through the late trying period with • stoat heart and a Bftparedne.% to take advantage of die better times that we are approaching. To take advantage of the km rates now in lore* and for other information, apply to C. J. Broughton, R. 412, 112 W. Adams St., Chfcnmt J. M. MacLachlan, 10 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, luelu Authorised Canadian Government Ajgrents 1 SAVED SHOPPERS FROM BEES Pstent Magic Exercised by California Constable Earned Him Vote of Thanks From Women. heard of the snake bee charmer la the ttff We have all charmer, but a latest To Constable A1 La Cunha of Hayward, Cal., goes the medal. Alone and unaided. La Cunha rounded up a swarm of angry bees and conquered them without a single sting. The bees in question, having outgrown their dwelling of ten years over the shop of Edward S. Warren, the. swarmed toward the courtroom of Judge Jacob Harder, Jr., through streets filled with women shoppers. La Cunha witnessed the flight of the bees and then his magic became apparent. He beat a tattoo with a stick upon a tin can and the bees became "charmed." They ceased their flight and settled on a nearby tree. The shoppers hearing of his daring, gave the constable a vote of thanks VERY CLOSE TO THE TRUTH aa te Better Still. Turner--"Theory raises a man's iopes." Brookes--"But practice raises ids wages."--London Answers. Porter Had Fairly Reasoned ¥K|iy the Boots Were Plaoe# v Outside the Door. I had been tramping through the Virginia mud all day, and stopped at the little Inn. I was tired and Immediately went to my room, a small one with a large bed occupying most of the space. As usual, I placed my shoes outside to be cleaned. Next morning there they were, ss muddy as the night before, and being number twelves, they carried considerable soil. I went down to the lobby, and in order to teach the porter a much-needed leeson I called him up before the onlookers who were sitting in the office. "Why didn't you clean my shoes, boy?" I asked gruffly. "I didn't know yon wanted 'en cleaned, sah," was the reply, j "Why In thunder do yon reckon I put 'em outside the door?" "Well, sah, I allowed there wasnt room Inside for 'em, sah," was the an- SWEftur-flTchange. Marks of Can Ethel--"Her face shows marks of care." Clara--"Yes; she Isn't very clever at making up!** > Something to Look At. "Anything to see in this town?* Inquired a recently arrived guest "Well," replied the landlord of tfc* tavern at Oblong Center, "a lady barf ber has Just opened up a shop In the next block. T0n might klnda ramble around and--" "I have seen lady barbers before.** "I suppose so. But prob'ly yoe never saw how the nale population of a village act when they see barber.--Kansas City Star. So Fussed He Nameu Wrong Vim. The minister was putting on a brand' new collar and was having the asaai trouble with It. "Bless the odlariT* lie ejaculated aa he tugged and tugged. "Bless the blessed collar!" "My dear," said his wife, "what M.. your text for this uornlng's sermon?* "F-fourteenth verse. ftifty-Afth Psalm," he replied In short gaqpa. " The w-wonis of his month were (tug) s-smoother than butter, hut then was (tug) w-war In his heart,'" jBoa ton Transcript i *1 : If the conversation flags wbt i visit* era are calling, the entrance of the family dog Is a great spur. As much of heaven la visible as «e have eyes to see. Radio for the Heathen From an announcement by the Union college, missionaries will have an easy trail to travel in the future. It has been said many times that radio has a niche in every line of human endeavor, and it is only a matter of time before Its usefulness will be realized. Every day seems to prove the truthfulness and foresight of this statement. Here we have the announcement of radio's most unusual adaptation, "Radio for Heathens." Radio broadcasting as in aid to the dissemination of the Gospel of Christ la now being considered by missionary bodlea. By means of a stogie LAY OFF LIOMT POLES Electric light companies using hightension circuits are warning radio amateurs to "lay off their pole lines. It is dangerous. Aerials attached to hightension line poles will pick up by Induction enough of the high voltage "Juice" to do a very good electrocution or start something that the fire department will have to finish. Wash poles, trees, chimneys are recommended, but the fellow that uses s strange pels la flirting with a trip through sDacn* transmitting station one missionary would be able to reach remote sections of his field frequently and give ei»» courageinent to native converts. Pron>" inent missionary workers are watclK ing the development of radio in the expectation that the time is not far off when it will be practical for thei* work In distant lands. The Lightning Danger.' ' 'Went lot the fact that yoe heard someone say that the antenna attracts lightning keep you from en- Joying a radio outfit If the aerial is properly protected It acts more as a lightning rod than a menace to die building. Enter the /UrO-Phone. f A radio concert was given In the office of Walter M. Ballard of Washington over the newest of radio Inventions, the "alr-o-phone." Tis new type outfit has a spedrf patent loop, doing awuy with the outside aerial. The loop is arranged of a pedestal and can be set in any patf of a room inside the bouse or hali. It can be used when the. walls are na£ more than seven feet thick. Another feature of the outfit is that It does pa^ require s ground wire. (Il Watch me," said a the strong swimme "I'm not afraid" • 1 > So he matched his strength jgrainst the swirl of the rapids, and laughed at the danger, and kept repeating the stunt, until--^ It was the day the life-savers had been waiting for-~-timit 4*? tile call for help came. . :<•! ' V,! It s an easy matter to smile il coffee warnings when vou're foingstrong. But a good many strong iwimmers won't risk the rapids, aod a good many coffee drinkers beginning to think of the feeofiaa. . Coffee can disturb nerves and digestion, and often it docs. There's a safe and satisfying ><M>urse for everybody in the •election of a table drink. Postum has charm without harm. It's the safe drink for r all, and probably, therefore, it's the better drink for you. Thousands have found it better, g0d fully satisfying, for them* Year gracwr has both Conns of Postum: Instant Poaram (in tine) made instantly in th« cap by the addition of boiling water. Podoa Caraal (in packages oi larger balk, for thoe* who prefer to make thedtiak while the meal is being prepared) mmdm by fa oiling fcs taltyM i t-u i&nikft- %i - - "There's a Reason"/or Postum "lfade by Poetarz Cere*? Com , InCn Battle Creak. Mfctiga* Nf rti • s:m *5* i'r £ • .BBj* ;4tv *" W*m mr