•AM t ; f?- *7$ % *- r; I, *J V" v ^ /£ f v," *"s < jL ^;/a? 5" T F "•" '>{' »'•" • ***'"* -jv<s r c» ri '$&. '.•*•' ••'*, #*«'• cS* V J ^ „ %A*. . *<*•. ' • X>' H «• « 5-/ ^Jr 5 ;;' f; • 'i , ••>:•*. $*•".- The Place to ' V; ' *'"v » . ' Buy Your Drugs; „ , tw§? > V«. •, ~^<h *>p«. «t : *< ~ *,.>*>*•<?^ «J. J%£ sM*-.<~'*. • • -' "'•:<.'.j®v^'vKr.s>®K^*,"¥;r5.' .'si-;3™"* raoncm-JN. H. PETESCHMSMlil ' • ' •.,";-,;S;V.' :, .--^ • v^"- -.. ><;w , - *•&>.* "'•• .' -FOR- . .£ 20'« Discount on all bathing suits, wool M - or cotton, sizes from 24 to 46, a good line Hto select from. Friday and Saturday only* WVfZO% Discount on all white canvas oxfordsf f ?and pumps, ladies', misses' and children's, wiw* all sizes and a good line of styles to select ; from. 25% Discount on ladies' and misses' black boots and shoes. We have a good range ^of sizes and styles tq sfelect from. Buy ^ now for your falftieeds. S. Above discounts are for cash of above goods charged at these prices*; Good* Delivered Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH f'i1 "fcr1* ': *4 A l?A~ 'C ' g: 1' fe ' « / Our stock of porch and lawn furniture is very complete and offers a varied selection. We can also supply you With window shades and awnings in various colors and designs. Let u% •how you our stock and quote ouj^ JUSTEN McHENkV, ILL. *&Jfc m i m When you get the McHenry ice . cream, manufactured under perfect sanitary conditions, you are sure of quality. It is carbonated , < apd made up from pure foods. ^ 1 'ILLAGB PORCH AND LAWN Visitors Welcome McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTl, PROP. ' •• '• • - • / - . • <is Sen by PlaMciler Roportcn aai Banded Into Oar Office by Oar Friend* * Miss Eleanor Phaiin passed » day in Chicago last week. v William .Tencks, of Ellrin, attended to business matters here one day last week. Mrs. John A. Montgomery and children passed Tuesday at Lake Geneva, Wis. John Jus ten passed a few days, last week &s the guest of - relatives at Waukegan. J. H. Miller and son, Henry, teft Tuesday morning on a business trip to Flora, 111. Richard Givens, of Elgin, wits the guest of McHenry relatives Sunday and Monday. Miss Marion Davlin, of Waoconda, called on McHenry friends one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin and children, of Round Lake, were visitors in town Sunday. ^ Edward Jencks, of Chicago, passed a few days last Wftfik as the guest of- McHenry friends. Howard Fulton, of Chicago, was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mi s. M. L. VanNatta. Mrs. George J. Schreiner and Miss Theresa Freund motored to Elgin Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Davis, of Chicago, was a recent day guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Joos. . Miss Maude Granger, of Chicago, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson.- Mrs." George Scribner and daughter, Gertrude, of Chicago,-were recent guests of relatives here. James Burke, of Chicago, was the guest of McHenry relatives,, and friends over the week-end. James Holian, of Chicago, passed the first of the week as a guest in the home of Mrs. M. McDonald. Paul Miller, of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending a few weeks in the homes of J. M. Phalin and Win. J. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabor, of Chicago, were recent day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fay. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause and son, Clarence, of Woodstock, called on McHenry friends Sunday afternoon. Miss Eva Stilling passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Emma Pint, of Chicago, is spending the week as a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mrs. John Ryan, of Stevens Point, Wis., was a guest in the home of Mrs. M. McDonald the first of the week. Julius Greenfield and John McMann, of Chicago, were recent day guests in the Greenfield summer home here. Vincent Shay, of Chicago, spent several days this week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Miss Henrietta Farmer, of Capron. 111., passed several days last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson. Dwight Williams, of Athens, Ohio, passed a few days the past week as a guest in the hoop of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and children passed several days this week as the guests of relatives at Rockford and Caledonia. Mrs. Edward Comiskey and friend, Mrs. DeCamp, of Chicago, spent Sunday and Monday as the guests of McHenry friends. Ben Schoewer and children, of Chicago, pas?ed Sunday as guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer. Miss Mabel Conway passed a few days recently as a guest in the lionre of her sister, Mrs. Howard Cairns, near .Richmond. Edwin J. Heimer, of Chicago, passed the week-end as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. Mrs. William Welch, daughters, Mildred and Helen, Misses Etta Powers and Anna Frisby motored to Elgin one day last week. Mrs. Chas. Eggart, of South Oak Park, and Mrs. Mathias Leickem, of Chicago, were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. David Johnson. Miss Clara Miller, accompanied by Miss Mary McOmber, of Chicago, left Sunday morning for a two weeks' visit at Boston and Springfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ensign and children attended the funeral of a relative at Richmond one day last week. Misses Clara and Sue Degen, of Ke- ^'McHENRVS .• •• ~ i " i ii ii • i ii y -i'-l t X^.fflUKJKDAY, AUGUST X7 i:P\ ^'PARAMOUNT NIGHT V ;- |lary Miles Minter -• * - ' in ' Her Winning Way ^TF.; --AND-- A GObDWYN COMKDY i ; it. & SAT. AUG 18 & 19 Hope Hamptoo J'Star Dns£ "\f- --AND-- A JIMMIE AUBREY COMfEDY SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 Chasing the Moon AND ' ^ UNIVERSAL COMEDY MATINEE AT ?*• ' '^TUESDAY, AUGUST i»a t f L F r a n k M a y o * IN "Afraid ANDA LARRY $EMON COMEDY ^M^EbNCSDAY. AUGUST 23 Cullen Landis IN Watch Your Step r-.C SI • --AND %. VITAGRAPH COMEDY I^HURSDAY AUGUST 24 panied by his father, A. E. Granger, who resides near Wauconda, left Friday of last weeK via the Ford way, for Elcho, Wis., where they passed a couple of days as guests of their brother and son. While there D. I. went out and caught a good, big mess of trout and among the places of interest visited was the Indian reservation. The distance, approximately 300 miles, was covered in 14 hours on the way up, while the return trip was made in exactly twelve and one-half hours. Not so bad going for a flivver. Lady Foresters Enjoy Outing. Thirty-five members of St. Clara's court, W. C. 0.. F., enjoyed a most delightful all-day outing at the Theo. Schiessle cottage at McCollum's lake last Thursday. The trip to the lake was made via automobiles. A picnic dinner .was partaken of at the noon hour, while the afternoon was spent at cai^s, bunco and lawn games. First honors at Five Hundred went to Mrs. Josephine Heimer, while Mrs. George Schaid carried away the high honors at bunco. Mrs. George Bohr-carried awfliy the honors at the lawn games. Another Carload of Fords. Another carload of Fords was received here last week by the local dealer, John R, Knox. All of the cars have already been delivered to purchasers who had been on the waiting list. In the future more prompt deliveries are assured. SATURDAY, AUG. 19 WOODSTOCK-ILL* 4^BIG RACES 1--3--5--15 Mile |REE A-rajfc&CTIONf BASEBALL 's&k-r BANDS '-.ft' mA-Ai-' W 'IZk tr-%% r^.: -A 'm •m m&K & ***** r*' ^.Instilling confidence into others as' pone's own dependability is necessary 'W ^attain real sucees%,;;: ^,,;^^ J -Every one kn6ws tfiat a cemifi Stattd- :A. just naturally follows a gook banking ft"' \ 'e ' • ' • Mil connectiao. 5^»;" it'. - • V; •rV-i-1$> *<•*£? :S3f A-:. -j ' i I-.' If you maintain an account in this I9- flstitution it helps you to this end--if yo^i ^o not, then it will be to your interest to fleam more about our facilities and servile sA.iy-? v «5i •• .'J4. '1^ There is no undue formalityin and talk it over. • r •£- : W '-A^i jC, »"""" '<fc. - * k>k&: ^ Richard. &arthelme$s in "To)'able David. * mi i.u 1 1 . THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 "Smiling Through" Prof. Treadway at Chicago University^ ? Prof. O. G. Treadway, who during^ the past two years has been at the head of McHenry's school system, is^' now taking a summer's law course atff' the Chicago university. This is his, sixth summer term at this school? and his plans now are to remain there^ during the coming school year in the?) hope that he may be able to receive^ his degree next spring. Whether or not he will take up the practice of law after his graduation next spring has not as yet been decided by him. He may decide to put in another ygjy- or two at school work. «£ • a * . Zr.'-MV nosha, Wis., passed last week as quests in the home of the former's Johns burg Property parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen. Chris Bremer, of Chicago, acting as Mr. and Mr. George Chamberlin agent for the owner, last week disand family and Mr. and Mrs. McCor- posed of the Theo. Stock property, at mirk, of Milwaukee, Wis., were Sun- Johnsburg to Adam Bildner, of Chi* day guests in the home of Mr. and cago. The property, located just west Mrs. J. H. Miller. |of "Stubby" Smith's place, consist*, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schuenemann and of a *»ouse and a trifle more than sev^ .laughter motored out from Chicago 'en acres of land. The purchaser wilt and spent Sunday as guests in the!1*5 ^ven possession immediately, aU home of the former's parents, Mr. ith© he will not occupy same until next v and Mrs. John Schuenemann. *pring, when he will move out front Mr.,nd*n,.KirkH.rrlMBMd«l Chi ( c°lto- H! °°^^ maki"* and Misses Lois Bolt, and Mar, I"*. Zoia, of Woodstock, were Sunday callwM i' 'A'.®?'. GetYour Share •of Extra Dollar ers in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. * Mrs. George Stoffel, Misaoe Leah Jaquet and Marie Egan, of DeKalb, passed the week-end as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, on Main street. Mrs. John Peterson has returned to her home in Chicago, after a few new holdings. M L. Sloay EatertaiaaHL^i M. L. Sloay, whose summer home if located on the east side of Fox river near this village, entertained a com* pany of neighbors and friends on Monday evening of this week. Violin mur sic by Messrs. M. A. Conway and Wm» Quinn and comic selection by H. A.v Watson and Armin Carmier, the lat> TT Is all true--every word of the now® that's -*• going around about Firestone mfleaae records and the phenomenal sales resulted. Chances are you really haven't lull story of the wonderful success of stone Cords. We'd like you to call the actual facts. That is one sure way to your next tire purchase a buy. Well explain the bl tampering of rubber--double and the air-bag cure -- spedal processes. The unusual mil--f being made •vwywhm •tir your ambition to raduc* the op«rMiaff own car. A call oa « anttfla no obligation. -- divide the distances thw Cords mn Plmtww prices. Than yoal! b* convincad that HUM par Dollar moans what it my. Drop im--Any Tim* FAM1C MM WSIU'W . IM IWX VM MaSK IU«alar Me 30x)K Extra !a-o*!5 3«a*r4t) g . 4 , tOAS 38rf . > weeks' visit as a guest in the home ter of Chicago, assisted in making the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. occasion an exceptionally enjoyable Winkle. She was accompanied to the one. Old time dances were also encity by her niece, Dorothy Wormly, 1 joyed, after which a luncheon wW ia cnfnHinor n naak tiierft. 'fifirYfid hi" Mxfi. SloaV. • v-•. ot - OUM-DIPPEn CONM S o i d b y . JOHN R. KN05^ ~ f M3S,Z T« ^!iPIWs