Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1922, p. 5

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-> ' * iif'.ir'W'{i/':^}M ^fc't ;.,'^ sA3ft£j • /'-tzi&fe&S * ti "V *tb$\ A ' mt^i'4 am* <**.+, m-^«~': y^'V %< \ ?; * *i**~ s ;* •*'"- 7' ^"i^r •fy* hi-m . . . . . . 'Vrf, • • :'i * -i *"mi-|i*t$ '"VV \'it"- #^-1! '• /'•*'4,- • >•, *H*s * t ":*Vr *W J«(-f-Tr^.- - •«•-*•• - -**$« -'-;>• -/^ ; *'; ^"" ; "*>*"<£ * , r >*,m •*•*' ^ • - • ' • • ' * ' " * ' ; * ' • / ' ^ - • * ' ' " ^ • ' « % - . ' ' • • - * * • . ; * f&W\ -hQ "? '-' * X<& *:- ••"•••>. --..> ' - • v-;it A* * -'*• : * -if*?*. viM ' >,vVv--$&L.* x Ik #a . #n> ;-•>" NO. 19 VOLUME XL VIII MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31. 1922 *•"• additional personal ! „Jdr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chi- •cat>° passed the week end in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. ud Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. E. J. Mansfield, Mrs. W. A.. Martin, Mrs. Byron Wright and Mrs. m- Hobart and children of Wood- Stock were guests in the home of Mr. . and Mrs. G. E. Bassett Monday. Mrs. Ed. Walsh and sons, Edwin •aid Robert, of Chicago passed severed days this and last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. Walsh wa» ateo out the latter part of last week. Dressmaking Reasonable Prices .itpr' |IR& B. ROBERTSON <3overdrier BfiJg., •- #*t floor l^tteBenr* BL Miss Helen Fay was a Chicago passenger last Friday morning. Mrs. Mary Freund and son, Alex, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hageland of Chicago, Peter Adams of Richmond were among those from a distance to attend the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Huemann here Ust Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stock and sons, George and Jacob, motored" to Milwaukee, Wis., Monday, returning home the following day. They were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lindsay, former McHenry residents. Miss Gladys Mason, cou3in .of Stanley Warrington, and niece of Everett and Arthur Hunter, is expected to arrive in McHenry from England some time in the near future. Miss Mason resided in this village about four years ago. TelephooeN®. 108-R. I y " SIMON STOFFEL % *&« • Insurance agent for all classes ftf: property in the beet companies |r 4< WEST" McHENRY, - ILLINOIS ALFORD H. POUSE ,£'%tiiorney^Ijwr: rm- Ssi Pksna'IT ! :-We«t MfHwry, in. Miss Anna Knox has returned to Elgin after spending a two weeks' vacation at her home here. Mrs. i Benninger of Chicago was the gue^ of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz the first of the week. Miss Vera Buss returned borne Sunday after" a ten dayB' vacation spent at Burlington and Oconomowoc, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stuffel and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bachman of Woodstock were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin May Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Schultz and Misses Bildegard and Frances May motored to Chicago on Wednesday, where they will spend the rest of the week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evansom and son, Walter, and Mrs. Evanson's father, Mr. Hicks, of Evanston motored to this village Tuesday afternoon, where they called on friends. Mr. Evanson during the past few years has been holding a very lucrative as well as responsible position with the American Radiator company, covering the Chicago territory. WEHLY PERSONAL ITERS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE Aa Seen by Plaindealer Reporters aad Handed Into Our Office by Our Friends MeHENBY POST, NO, 491 Airrirnn Legist / Regular meetings first and tkfrd 'M Tuesday of each month at 8:00 o'clock. All ex-s srvice men welcome. Phone 49 Reasonable Rates •CHAKFER BROS. / braying and Transferrin# Long Distance Hauling McHenry, 111. Pistdkee Bay Hotel (Formerly Mineral Springs Hotel) BEAUTY SPOT OF THE LAKES ^ All rooms with hot and cold water and ^ electric fans in each room. hy Special Stank sad Ohfeken Diaaen T\" vi Phone 604-M-Jfe A . ^UriLUAM P. PETERS MGR. A. M Schmitt, Ptm. M. N. Schmitt, Secy v"' -|PboM «-H-l • ' y^-"i McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. The cheiapest and safest insurance on earth. Rates and other infoiteatton may be had upon application Michael Freund, Afent, McHenry THCYRe REASOW ABU? Too! To Leath's Always Biggest Values (• ?• .-'> ' 'IHk>. Stores filsln, 71-74 Grove Ave. Rock ford. Opposite Court Dnbuqoe, 576-584 Maio St. y Avrora,3I-3A Island Ave. Piftport, 1^-105 Galena Su iw v- Waterloo. 112-314 E.4th St^'- $***** Beloit, 617-421 4th St. Joliet, 215-217 Jefferson Janeaville, 202-204, Milwau|cee Kan Claire, Masonic Temple. >• Oehkoah. 11-13 Main. f;-, Peoria, 325 South Adams St. ** Chippewa Falls, 12 W. Spring St. , Any Leath store can s&ve JtiU money (Mi furniture, floor coverings or stoves. Why? Because in buying for 15 stores we buy for less, Mid that's the reason we sell for les& Yes, you can always save at Leath's. WtKt IS A STORE THAT SERVES VOU R\6HT* THW fOODS YOUR-- ?ALATS >N*LUDEU^rtT OUR foods will make your palate a friend of your judgment if you will but come a shopping here. Whatever you may need in the way of teas, coffees or spices or other staple groceries or table luxuries, are to be found here properly «erved and accommodatingly served to you. * Welch lav Mr. Hen IWi • •FRET TS: 1MARKET fiT GROCERY IN STWESTHcHOny.ILL PHONE I v-A { ^ i m *%$ r*i- i" r. J m IN psMrt tw moatim Plrwtooe has built and marketed more tires than in any similar period in its history. Thia steadily increasing public preference is proof of the recognition by car owners of the greater values offered by Firestone. It is a tribute to Firestone men--ail stockholders m the company--all actuated by the operating principle of Most Miles per Dollar. The high average performance of Firestone Cords is without equal in the annals of tire making and is reflected by the general tendency to specify Firestone for hard service. Taxicab •nd bus lines, buying tires by As asik. an iMifcetrsslly •Mate Cords. > ; There are qmlity of Firestone tires bat chief among the special manufacturing processes are double gum-dipping, thvs dim mating internal friction by insulating each cord strand, and air-bag cure, insuring a well-balanced and perfectly ih^ed product ' V; ': £)oa't speculate" fer thrse yaa wtt fed the right combination of price and quality in Firestone. Come in and let us tell you about the Oords are giving other you kMK % •/Magfcix.L* UNDIPPED CORDS Sold bv--- SJ? •'* JOHNT m KNO^i m t.h.& ^Vv: £?* 1 . -4 *><• « w Mesdamea A* J. Kamhols and F. C. Feltz passed Tuesday in Elgin. Mrs. Henry Heimer ar.d son, Harold, were Cliicago visitors last Friday. Miss Bernice Bonslett spent a day last week in the metropolitan city. Chas. G. Berner transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. J. W. Bonslett was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Friday. Miss Lillian Buss spent several days last week with relatives in Chicago Mrs. George Stoffel is spending the week as the, guest of relatives in Chicago. W. L. Howell was a business vis itor in the metropolitan city last Friday. Miss Etta Powers spent Thursday and Friday of last weak at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Alice * Knox has returned home from a two weeks' visit in Rome City, Ind. Mrs. Math. Freund and daughter, Marie, spent Friday last In the metropolitan city. John Slavin of Antioch spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Anna Knox. Loren Martin left Wednesday for Belleview, Fla., where he expects to spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Chicago passed last Friday with the former's mother here. Joseph Stenger of Caty passed the week end in the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, and family, Miss Varina Wentworth and Miss Pearl Costick spent Sunday with the former's relatives in Elgin. Atty. George Geier of Chicago was a gueat in the home of his brother, E. M. Geier, last Thursday. Miss Louise Evanston, D. D. S., of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of Miss Clara Stoffel. George Buss spent the latter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. August Wille of Chicago passed the week end in the home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. John Miller. Donald and John Givens and sisters, Leone and Kathleen, were the guests of Wauconda friends Sunday. Martin Hackman of Fairbury, 111., is spending several weeks as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W. F. Burke. Miss Edythe Petesch of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bach and chil dren of Chicago passed several days last and this week with McHenry relatives. Edwin J. Heimer of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. Miss Gertrude Kisch and mother of Evanston were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett last Friday. Mrs. George Garrity of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sehoewer. Miss Mabel Krumpen of Lake Geneva, Wis., was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels, Jr. Mrs. F. Sanger arrived in McHenry from Cleveland, O., last Friday and expects to make this village her home in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Gans. Mrs. George Mix and grandson, George Wille, of Chicago spent last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kimball of Chicago passed the latter part of last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Austin and George Conway of Detroit, Mich., am spending a few days with relatives in and around McHenry. Mrs. Raymond Baur has returned to her home at Keokuk, la., after a few days' visit in the home of her uncle, Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and daughters, Mildred and Helen, passed Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison at Woodstock. Mrs. W. F. Vogt and children and Alfr.ed Richardson motored to Elburn, HI., last Friday and were guests of Mr. apd Mrs. Arthur Groom. John F. Miller has returned from his European trip, reporting a fine voyage both ways and an exceptionally pleasant time while abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simes, Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baron of Hebron were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron. Walter K. Conway returned to his studies at Notre Dame, Ind., last Saturday morning after a two weeks' visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and liipt CwmajF. Geo. Phalin spent last Friday at Aurora. Miss Fear! Claxton spent a few days last week with Chicago friends. Mrs. Chas. B. Harmsen and daughter, Elsie, passed last Thursday in Elgin. F. H. Wattles and Chancey Harrison took in the Aurora fair one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ensign and children were guests of relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Robt. Patzke, daughter, Letah, and son, Walter, were Elgin visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Pich of Chicago spent the week end with her sister, Miss Emma Thelen. * Mrs. John Knox and Miss Rose Laures passed a day last week at Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Myrtle Cobb of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kambolz are spending a two weeks' vacation with relatives at Marengo. John H. Brefeld of Waukegan spent Sunday with his ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. John Boyle and sons, Edward and Earl, attended the fair at Aurora a couple of days last week. Mrs. Libbie Western of Dundee spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Claxton. N. C. Klein and daughters, Mrs. Fred Sehoewer, Mildred and Eieanor, were Elgin visitors Monday. Miss Josephine Fischer of .Elgin was * week end guest in the honys of her aunt, Miss Emma Thelen. Miss Clara Degen of Kenosha, Wis., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry JDegen, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Stoffel of Milwaukee, Wis., spent several days last week with McHenry relatives. Miss Helen Brennen of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Miss Genevieve Brefeld of Chicago is spending a short vacation in the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Maxwell and children of Evanston spent Sunday with relatives in and near McHenry. Misses Bertha Haven and Daisy McAdams of Racine, Wis., spent the yeek end as the guests of Miss Pearl Claxton. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago is spending a two weeks' vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Chas. G. Frett and son, Leonard, of Aurora called on McHenry relatives and friends last Saturday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann over the week end. Mrs. J. E. Pufahl and daughter, Pauline, spent the latter part of last and first of this week with relatives at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and little son of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Miss Mildred Gullachson and Marcellus Meyers of Chicago were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen and sons of Richmond passed Wednesday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton and children and Mr. and Mn. William Marum of Chicago were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen Mr. and Mrs. Geurge Messerer of Blue Island, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meinung of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Martin and daughters of Woodstock passed Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of the formef's sister Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Freund of this village and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund of Johnsburg motored to Chicago last Sunday, where they visited the latter's infant child which is receiving treatment in a hospital in that city. Mr. and lira. Guy Herrick and sons, Norman and Howard, of Waterman, 111.; Mis§ Dorothy Dudley of Lincoln, Neb.; Dr. Reed, Walter Wyburg, Raymond, Ralph and Glenn Van Natta of Chicago spent the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Earle Monear was an Aurora vjs-1 James Burke of Chicago itor last Saturday. [week end with McHenry F " •* .u - ;, * We'gi*e«xpefft eketriod service on any make of Farm Lighting Plant or Battery. New reliable lighting plants $175.00 and up installed. Wiring material sold below 1914 prices at Henry JansssttVBound lake, 6 Iky a ¥ SAVE STEPS! no idea how many steps you take back and Forth to the stove changing irons. Together with the strain of standing several hours, a half day's ironing Is about the most fatiguing work a woman can do! Save these scores of slow, heavy steps to and from the range. Use a gas iron an & see how much quicker and easier the work moves along. You won't feel so "done «itM when the ironing is completed. 'V*'/ ?13^WesteroUi)ited' 'S&.and Eledric Compaq •i£iL fa I Term Thorough Preparations in all Commercial Subject* BOOK KEEPING, ACCOUNTING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING aad i| * ALLIED SUBJECTS „ - > 'tV* fill WRITE FOR INFORMATION 'fe * >ip *• - .-A *4 •k'1 , .a 1 v -lb' f' * $ 4 •v.4! ^ 1 ' 4 *' ' • IB v*; & .,9 rm ELLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE K1PPBERGKR BLDG. ELGIN. ILLINOIS >4f* i \tS i:--' • * V, Big Auction Sale of Beaotiful Olson's WOODSTOCK, ILL. Saturday^ Sept. 1922 commencing at 1:00 o'clock p. m. ; 39 LOTS, 1 LARGE HOUSE ^ AND ONE $10,000 STONE GARAGE TERMS EASY Watch for aeroplane, Friday at 4:00 p. m, which jrill drop cards for your signature. Bring them in; you may secure three building sites, candy or money, all given away free. <*»?• '3 - ; • - >**;<? ' i Wt-j k « *4 ' ">^iL I v*'" 'I 10 ;I1 FEDOAL UND t Sn-MVISWN CO. KS NOWCS, HWA ' ->• • fx0XGrand /tr-f ^vr ELKHORN Every Day a Big Day LABOR DAY rt«! 7 Running Races , 2 Big Baseball Games •4 Best of Harness Racing; J $10,000.09 in Stakes and Purses ' j Sensatioosl, Spectuahr, Free 2 Bands Every Day ill &Vr •; • i s ' -4% J sM :?• \ I.- '-.. k '/ i . , '• i: i I*' M.:,; •:~k\ »i'-&

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