t x Jiff, k {** *~ +• %'WV; «»• •-; - M -• ss; -.varagSj rm+M Mtes Harriett Bobb was a Chicago isitor last Saturday Wm, J. Welch wm a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Cora Beth of Ringwood was * guest of Miss Marie Niesen Saturday. Miss Ida Huff was a Chicago shopper Wednesday COMERS AND CKMBRS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUST VILLAGE WEINSCHENKER'S if r*;3 *.:" -iJ t ^1%< , f.*'»* i.W •* .<-, . M CREAM SHIPPERS *a» - *, ' ' " "T: *>>• " -* I , -^t ! Announcing 5 V'"-r - - 5 * V " " ' " ' v^Again Chevrolet Motor Company has emphasized, its admitted leader* J? v ' fc * V-'lahiip as producer of the World's Lowest Priced Quality Automobiles. 0«?£ I " -v ' *' fThe 1923 SUPERIOR models--one of which is here illustrated--repre- I^S?%|ipfe!^tent the most sensational values in modern, economical transportation igaflifftl^ver established. EQUALITY has been still further improved by more artistic design an4 ' 1r |f 1 . ^•^Pded equipment.'. x t t , * ' • E C O N O M Y h a s b e e n i t i l l f i y u t f a e r i n a c a a e d b y e n g i n e e r i n g r rfaWmrf 'g; a,,„ v.,. i ' i"'M *-t* *•* •M;„ s\%' fpnd added facilities. * *.\ 'A? ^ ^ :|| ^--/^kVICE is now offered on aflat rate basb by WXX) deakta ^ ^ ,?•$>' t ;> -^PRICES remain the same in spite of added equipment and more capcn^Vffi • \'UL .;«ve construction, which have greatly increased value. * j v | ^ # i S o m e D i s t i n c t i v e F e a t u r e s Prices f» q b. Flint, Mich. V -"Streamline body design with high sjhood; vacuum feed and rear gasoltae ... *3tank on all models; drum type head pamps with legal lenses. Curtains open 19 v •*%.*' v **; *Wkh doors of open models. Closed ' -/J; / WleU have plate glass Ternstedt ' . . v Regulated windows,, straight ssii de cord ir *- ; sun visor, windshield wiper and . * .;^ ftdash li^Kt. The Sedanette ii' cquip|wd ^' auto trunk on rear. * V r-v'TT r1 X,^W. w i-k- • V" it*1 Rve Passenger Touring %25 Two Passenger Roadstef ' " 510 Rve Passenger Sedan - ' . 860 Four Passenger Sedanette 850 Two Passenger Utility Coup£ 680 V mi See these remarkable cars. Study the ^>ecihranons Nothing Compares With Cherrolei MCHENRY GARAGE J. W. SCHAFFER, Prop. , ' --r- • • ' • % • =a^e • ' 1 .ip 1 -i'W • • V *" ^... :•'**{ ^0- *A.'i •1^' •' r ^ . . .. . ! K , ^ ;• "7"^' ^ ;' H..- •, ,; V t/- «• < • WE SAY IT AGAIN ) Va ^ •la'"!'., w' ' i ^i. J.! v • rA^.,-\ *' ""• *'• • $-r, ,4 ii 'ISwTtO •'. Hu,^J;S5r ";. f: 1 "i •'/; -' -•£' - h • v- t'- ••*?«-"*- V •- - r- .?• ".t. 7X. f^ #?• B •& >• 4 k "• i , » :• I'v'.-v.V" ' y the installation of the new "CONSTANT POTENTIAL" method of charging batteries at considerable cost to us, we can now recharge batteries in six to eight hours time and in Jpi addition this new method gives a better, long-lived charge to the battery, also at a reduced cost to you. * • VTi. »-» . <£" .Sv 4-s j i The new price of recharging a six volt battery is $1.00 when •' •tetoen out and replaced in oar, including free rental oi service bfct- , ;£9^?r one day. %y the customer (without removal or installing) 75 cents. sr-'. >ivv»' Your inspection is invited! Let us show you the modern Qiethod of recharging batteries. It is to your advantagj^ ... '* , >>•./. .p** 'v! ; v-*.w *- • ' \ •)'« S. fc.4-1 t, . H ' •* :' 4*J v #:> : .A.i RADIO * t mi rMMURTERS $ > % 7 * - : 5 T ? N : ; : v . a " 4. ' "• "C * *' * ^ 11 * * f ' •*.'*• ' ,V -T: -V"-*.., ..•.v'W.i* A'- ? 1 •"i *&!#,,»».W4« 4 -*4>- ..«» •• vi* r j£i«t •*.» .-^lk ~' v.,r- R'KNRY, U. PBONE 101-1 - ,>. •* --- . !*'" ";i : • v , " r*' ]\ >• -'•• »' ,„ _ t... Mrs. P. XL Watties passed last Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider were Elgin visitors last Saturday, Miss Rose Laures spent Wednesday as the guest of Elgin friends. Arthur Ryall of Aurora attended to business matters here last Thursday. Miss Dorothy Knox spent a few days last week with friends in Chi cago. Dr. O. E. Moelmann h»g gone to m Colorado for a month's stay with relatives. Misses Eleanor Kinsala and Carolyn Miller passed Saturday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Allen Brown of Chicago Was a week end guest in the home of Mrs. Leah Brown. - Henry Elaadkar of Aurora was a business visitor in town a eouple of days last week. <' Mrs. Stephen Heimer passed last Friday and Saturday with relatives in Kenosha, Wis. Miss Mayme AylwaJrd of Elgin passed Saturday and Sunday with Mc- Henry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake were guests of friends here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone of Elgin attended the Sullivan-Burke wedding here last Saturday. Mrs. George H. Johnson passed a few days last week with relatives in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bobb and son, Komo, spent Saturday and Sunday as? the guests of Chicago friends. Miss Florence Hatton of Chicago* was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago was1 tk week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel Miss Marguerite Farrell of Chicago passed the week end in the home oi (Mrs. D. A. Whiting, northwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Skinner and children of Elgin were Sunday guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jencks. Mrs. Emily Stanton of Long LakS spent a few days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Powers. Mrs. Alsena Smith spent several days last and this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. S. Chapell, in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of I Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Nellie Clemens attended the Severs-Chapell wedding in Chicago last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robiaon of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. J. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger spent Sunday With their daughter, Margaret, who is attending Longwood academy in Chicago. Miss Marie Morits and Jack Dwyer of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mrs. Rose McGee and son, Eugene, of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the first of this week in the home of Dr. C. H. Feger Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Frisby and Joe. Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of their mother, Mrs. Anna Frisby, south of this village. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriett, of Woodstock spent the week end in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Leah Brown. Miss Arline Harrison is spending a two weeks' vacation from her duties at the L. A. Erickson store as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Mildred Gullachson and Marcellus Meyers of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen, Miss Rose Worts and Robert Hawley left last Thursday on an auto trip to Condo and other points in North Da kota. Mrs. Simon Stoffel spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Chas. G. Frett, who is confined at St Joseph's hospital in Aurora following a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., were week end guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting, northwest of towp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schuenemann and children of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. Mrs. A. K. Burns and son, Robert, of Oak Park passed Saturday ^pd Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. George H. Johnson. Mr. Burns was out for a week end visit, Mrs. Franklin Ensign spent the latter part of last and the first of this week with her husband, who is recuperating at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago following a recent operation. Mrs. Herman Salzmann and little daughter of Woodstock are spending the week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. J. Bauer. Mr. Salzmann was here for a week end visit in the Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and two children, who recently returned from Montana, and who are now residing at Woodstock, spent several days this week in the home of Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j J.Welch. v: V, ? r . ' < ^ W^ .At*', • •j'lmi" 'f ' ji'iTft'r **-i'ft .' Ship your cream to us at Kigla and always ' get highest, prices. Elgin Is the butter center of the country. We manufacture both Ice cream and butter. Write for tags, information and our quotations. "Always ask your dealer for yoor FAVORITE Ice Cream and HILLSIDE Creamery Butter. Made in Elgin.* B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. Draying and Long Distance Haul- % done by the hour or Job. Furniture mowed with can by men of long experience. PHONE 35* McHENRY Netiee «• *• P«bHe The citizens of Hdtwy mm drip aa opportunity to have tfcair ined and glasses made t» adiir at reasonable prices and under 0B£nMtae. Have made glasses lor 20 years for such the Bishops, Freunds, Rev. D. Lehane others. Office hours, at my home on Fox river, one blaA nerifc ^ of village limits, from 2:6# to 8:tt Monday of each week. PIMM ft. 'ifc. prestone MM-DIPPEDCORDS 1 m • ,Vf' v p M,- > * 1 'V>?V '• t 'V, 1 *'-1" EwaiiftaiBlbttHattlt-' •ifwcsioiw BuHds °the finest Cords HARDLY a goes by bat some «H goes oat ol his way to tell as that Pfre- Htom Qhan-Dipped Cords are tk beat tkes built. Cords--as only Firestoae buOds llisui wfli ghre you many extra thousands of mUse of wear. And for fall and winter driving there's aotfdng like them. The strong, nsfllsnt H»es<ans carcass of gum-dipped cords, can stand the liardst ponishment. With the reputation Flreetons Cords hold. It is not surprising that so many mutmlets la this community have made them standard equipment. The demand for Firestone Cords In tike last few months has broken (0 records. Prices were never so low aa they are MR Perhaps never again can mileage be sdi W cheaply. Decide now that you will get Most Mites per Dollar. Drop In any time and letfs talk tires. •ynM^ky ' "-I % \ 4.1 1 si-'iv. 'v A SV^,?0' JOHN R. KNOX A. A,5y; J, - v ' «3'4V.' •*• " >L * ' 41 *. - • x * •*.?' L .4 • • •' ' a** 1 f i'•*> •&!: ' >\ ~ ~ r' I•? -.> ;-vT'ir ^r^.:. SELECT AN INVESTMENT OF CHAEAGTER • s^:: ih•.? r/i.-v; 4- •fall ushtts tti hew styles and modes in dress and habit. Most of our customs change but in* vestment principles remaitt • steady the year round. jt,w ( --'; The same factors of safety, ; yield and marketability based on earning power and essential seiv vices of the company remai^| i unchanged. They are the same factors that have made the 1% Preferred Shares of this company a strong investment for so many of your neighbor^ For Fall--let your investment be in the 7% Preferred Sharef ^of this am^any. . - . .,= • Mr fit, ASK/YQPR LOCAL GAS OFFICE TODAY , ' Investment DepaHment WESTERN UNITED CORPORATION 1 Hfo? ttm.U .* L'iii v .'4"&I • r Ti I «8l •