m %• * ' , • ;• ¥• • •: i< "-f ' v.*,-, 1,4, ; ,# «* f:y -1- ' r m , ' 'V ^* J ^"T'\ i* M *:' ** ' f3. j: Jfl ;>• ^VV^?':-- Place to --*-'*••• > *fi-v ;1 .* :&/%t :.4 3tK Jm~ - , t .* { ><, "'v,*V, i, ^ * t I * TBONE iiyN. H. PETESCHi5£fifiMI rix/Wj i iv<rvL( tjiwn * N. CORSETS One of the best fitting, best wearing and most comfortable corsets on the American market today «&"?y;1We have several styles in pink "and white, sizes up to 42, priced at--$§.W, H.W. and $7M page) m Hnetrf fill and rtister oxfoitk tod tihom, i patent leather, brown and black calf and kid at ^popular prices. • - . Satin Pumps c'L and $1.19 Boys' and children's shoes in good range of stylet. : Sweaters and sport coats in knit and flannel. tv Boys' Mackinetts and sport models. Just the kind t to keep him warm and comfortable at a pc^ular Wee. ..^4;';'. ^ f Groceries always fresh and pure Wn. . n n« i . ' Goo4a Delivered Promptly Phooe 117-R J. WALSH FURNITURE jf^ 4-'. M , IT IS KRNMNC IT IS REASOMHE $5ow just a few words. We have anything you want in furniture, carpet%: nigs, linoleum, etc We have it right iiere in stock. We are not shoVing uj» our prices to unreasonable heights bull ire keeping them down where yofc; Can afford to buy anything you neecf We repeat, our furniture is dependable :mnd reasonable. We never do less. ind no house can do more. 'rA JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. ferrcd to a master in chancery, who took proof and reported that Susie Revor was entitled to have the street kept open tor the use of her property. To this report the chancellor sustained exceptions and ei^red a decree granting the prayer of the bill. lids appeal followed: ' No law is better settled in this statethan that •w hich controls this case. Where the owner of land lays it out in lots and blocks and make and exhibits a plat thereof showing streets and alleys and sells some of the lots with a clear reference to the plan, the purchaser acquires as appurtenant to the lots every easement, privilege and advantage which the plan represents as belonging to them as a part of the platted territory. This privilege is not limited to the purchaser, but is a right vesting in the purchaser that all persons whosoever, as their occasion may require, may use the streets, alleys and other public places according to their appropriate purposes. The sale and conveyance of lots according to a published plat implies a grant or covenant to the purchaser that streets, alleys and^other public places indicated as such upon the plat shall be forever open to the use of the public, free from all claims of interference of the proprietor inconsistent with such use. It is unimportant whether the public has so far accepted the dedication as to be bound to keep the streets and alleys in repair, since the question involved is simply one of private right. The easement appurtenant to each lot by reason of the existence of the plat and the sales with reference to it is private property. It cannot be lost merely by non-user where there is no adverse possession. When Alsena Smith and Geotgie Clemens conveyed lots 4 and 5 to Susie Revor, in 1901, they were the owners of land in blocks 10 and 11 abutting on Third street By conveying these lots in accordance with the recorded plat of West McHenry, which by user had been adopted by the village of McHenry and its officers and and inhabitants, the grantors covenanted with the grantee that the public streets indicated upon the plat should be forever open as public high ways, free from ' all claim of the grantors or those claiming under them inconsistent with their use as such public highways. When the common grantors conveyed the lands on the west side of Third street to appellee they could convey to him only such title as they themselves had. The easement in Third street was granted to Susie Revor by the common gran tors just as effectually as the title to lots 4 and 5 was granted. The grantee could not lose her title to this easement by a mere non-user unless her right to the easement was barred by adverse possession. The easement was created in her less than sixteen year before this litigation began and so there could be no title created under the twenty-year statute of limitations. "There is no claim of title under the seven-year statute. Practically all of the record is composed of evidence tending to show a use, prior to 1901, of the streets and alleys south of John street by the owners of the lots and blocks in that territory inconsistent with and adverse to the right of the public and others to their use. Most of the argument of the appellee is based on evidence of this character. All of this evid*nce is immaterial and all of the argument based upon it is not pertinent to the issue. The right that is being considered is a private rifrht of Susie Revor and she is not concerned with what occurred prior to the time this right was created in her in 1901. She and the public with her have'a right to the free and uninterrupted use of Third street in traveling to and from lot 4 and appellee has no right to interfere with this easement. , The decree to wrersed the cause is remanded to the circuit Court of McHenry county, with directions to dismiss the bill for want of equity and for such further proceedings as may seem advisable, consistent with the views expressed by this opinion. SALVATNON ARMY CAMPAIGN K McHenry's Quota la $350 and Quota For McHenry County la $3,000 When you get the McHenry ice cream, manufactured under perfect sanitary conditions, you are sure of quality. It is carbonated im frnm mire 'ifv Oprfactory is always open to inspection &-•' * Visitors Welcome %&;w: UNTI, PROP McHEN*Y« \' BoacorarosCTCNT - -i , IRSOlAY, OCTOBER 26 PARAMOUNT NIGHT GEO. FITZMAURICE'S Production Three Live Ghosts •. AND •, SOCDWYN COMfflDY . * 'Hpi. & SAT., OCT. 27 4 2*. Naniazca Hawaiian Entertainers j • . AND r-- A GOLDWYN FEATURE Yellow Men v - BILLED A* fivnter BTowa His dead LAKE SHOWS IN ONE. frlcei, 39 fc M Cent* ^jpUNDAY, OCTOBER! ^ TOM MIX IN For Big Stakes AND • UNIVERSAL COMEPY ^MATINEE AT 2:3* TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 ' Gladys Walton •* --IN He Girl* Who Ran Wild • AND *?;AN ARROW COMEDY lV;jji], -- fWURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 . PARAMOUNT NIGHT Glorious Day AND . • THE SPORT REVIEW . A SAT., NOV. 3 * 4 d <w.ari Laernmie AN ALL STAR CAST HEADED BY HOUSE PETERS VIRGINIA VALLI MATT MOORE JOSEF SW1CKARD A UN i VERSAL PRODUCTION John DeMotto, 727 DeKoven street, Chicago, twenty-one years of age, was killed at Fox Lake last Thttriday morning when he palled a loaded ohot gun towards him in a boat, the fall charge of the shot entering his head, practically severing the top of same. Mrs. Fred Jensen, whose husband conducts a boat livery, saw the accident ffom her home. 'DeMotto, with a companion, J. R. Salero, 724 DeKoven street, Chicago, was just returning to Jensen's boat landing. The companion, who was rowing, had hi^ back turned and they were Hearing the landing. > 4. Mrjs. Jensen saw the victim of the terrible accident lean forward in the craft apparently to pick up the gun. An instant later she saw the flash of the gun and the man slumped forward in his seat and fell' into the bottom of the boat. He was carried to the village hall at Fox Lake, where he passed away about an hour after the accident, which occurred about ten o'clock in the morning.. Coroner J. L. Taylor was sent for and the inquest held, the jury returning a verdict to the "effect tjjat his death was self inflicted and accidental. After the inquest the body was taken in charge of Undertaker Jacob J us ten of this village, who brought same to this village and prepared the emains for shipment to Chicago the following i|iorning. According to ' the very latest advices received in Waukegaft, the immense Johns-Manville plant, now under the course of construction in that city, is to cost $30,000,000. The plant will be the largest ever erected by the big concern. Henry greasing bers, conJlw*a Oct. ifc,« IgiPW Miss Van^lpn, was prdWftte of much entluiMtiim. The w0fWpfi we going out to their work feeling ttttdl better equipped to tell to members the benefits to he enjoyed thru membership in this organization. They are very sanguine of attaining the goal of one hundred new nemfaen for the Home Bureau. The stages In citizenship and clothing are proving very attractive. Hie clothing school, to be held by a specialist in Woodstock on Nov. 14, 15, 16 and 17 for delegates and members only, is A iBat of household tutMUwm on • Mc Oct. 80, at the II. L. Va N«tt» residence on Wsukegas consisting of 2 beds, 2 springs, 2 tresses, commode, 2 dreaeen, chair, 2 rocker#, parlor fxthtitub, ' tet table, sanitary cooek, laundry stove, refrigerator, dinir room table and 5 chairs, high cl and other small articles too numerous to mention. W. G. Schreiner, tioneer. Plaindealer ads bring results. AUCTION SALE! The undersigned will sell at public auction on the McCurdy farm, 3) miles northwest of Grayslake, 1 mile north of Rollins, If mile south of Lake Villa on the Cement road which will be open on day of iale WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 1922 Commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp. Lunch at noon 80 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 80 21 HEAD PURE BRED HOLSTEINS J1 This Herd will be T. B. tested prior to sale and sold on H day reteat 1 Fresh, 2 Forward Springers, balance due to freshen this winter, 5 with A. R. G. Records; 2 Heifers, first calf; 2 Heifers, 1J yrs. old; 4 Calves, 6 months; 1 Calf, 2 months; 1 Bull, * yrs. old, son of King Segis Pontiac, Dam a grand-daughter of Pontiac Korndyke ana Sarcastic LwL With an A. R. O. Record and C. T. A. Record of 14,000 lbs. of milk in a yr. and nearly 600 lbs. of fat. One ean of milk a day for 100 d«M. Here is a chance to get * daughters and 6 grand-daughter* of King Serfs Pontiac. 15 High Grade Holsteins, 3 Fresh, 5 Forward Springers, bal. Milkers 6 YOUNG HORSES 6 I 36 PURE BRED DUROC JERSEY HOGS 3* 6o*e, Spring Gilts, Shoats and 1 Boar, li yrs. old, a litter nMMtaiWlct • first prise winning hogs of the Lindenhurst Farm at Lake Villa MACHINERY, TOOLS, HAY and GRAIN * L. H. Freeman and L. H. Pepper, Auctioneer* L. H. PEPPER, Prop. I'jim&fi. -• > • * w •<, &;>v To the thriftless money says, « To the self-respecting, forward-lool ing citizen it says, (<I am yours, I represent your best working days. Be careful with me for I am your best friend. Put me in the bank where I am safe and will work V^for you. Remember I move the COMING ifi, UESDAY. NOVEMBER % the Days of Buffalo The strongest and largest social service and relief organization in the world, now on the job in seventy-three nations and territories, the Salvation Army, will have its annual appeal for funds, starting this week. The cam paign Will be run this month thruout the country. The past year has been the most successful in the history of the Sal vation Army work. The claims are for work of a developing and everexpanding organization. The appeal is not for bigger salaries for the officers, for their small salaries have been cut within the year, but for support in carrying forward the work of helping the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, rescuing the unfortunate girl,- reclaiming the prodigal, nursing and caring for the neglected child, reaching the unreached and saving the lost. Organization work looking to the campaign is now 'well under way. Mrs. Chas. Kennedy of Woodstock has accepted the chairmanship of McHenry county. McHenry's quota is $850 and McHenry county's is $8,000 and with the co-uperauon o£ nveijuiie *« can easily go over the top. Any time a need is frit any where in the community, if appeal is made to (he advisory board the Salvation Army will be notified and care for it. >-• • AND" A UNIVERSAL FEATURE The Lone Hand THURSDAY. NOVEMBEf*Jfe The v Pushers f Open your Savings Account The amount doesn't count. • •* - > •- ^ju f K . '1 iSSmm. couniy is composed oi tne louowing men of Woodstock: E. H. Waite, chairman; Hoyt E. Morris, F. E. Eckert, John M. Hoy, G. L. Murphy, W. E. Fish, F. E. Stfahlstedt, Chas. F. Renich, H. Charles, F. J. DoaVHaislet and a S. SU1L '• ru- x -V;T- ,/.• Vv a ^ We have a limited amount of CANE-MOLA FEEDING MOLASSES, COTTON-SEED MEA|L and UNICORN DAIRY RATION which we wish to move to make roam for other CANE-MOLA is made from Cuban cane, and III addition to having feeding value equal to cojp, is a tonic and appetiser for live stock. Put up III strong, new barrels. 4' ,1l,< Drop in and see us these items. *•. - i >. t ' 111* . I WE Al£ IN TK MIKET m A count or WNDKEB SEC0N0-UW JBTE SACK) ;A -.H V V: V. Sr. h rnoofv Or, ML t Li r,' 5: ;