THRBE DAT CARNIVAL AL ACCIDENT A. M Sdunln. Pss**y M. N. SchMitt. SHY PhOM . WMMMUMI-I ef htereii tion of Oar Inetite- Fraak Gads Blown From Building By Battery Exp'iosie* > Leftve Your Bundles Here JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY Princess Theatre WOOPSTOCK. 11 1 . ( ' SUNDAY Afffi HONDAf OCT. » «nd #• BCTOTz LEONARD eurntf MAE MUBMf tn COMING "Grandma's Harold Lloyd To Be Given By Woodstock AMrieu Legion at Armory NOT. 9, 10, 11 The big: carnival which the Woodstock post of the American Legion will stage at the armory there on No?. 9, 10 and 11, promises a big time for everybody. Dennis Hurley, who is in charge of the entertainment and the stands, is working overtime these days, evolving oat of his own mind many new attractive features which will go for the entertainment for the general public and securing ideas from the remainder of the membership. *niere will be nothing left undone which will tend to make for a bigger, better or more interesting carnival and all residents of the city will want to attend. ,4 . ' The Woman's Auxiliary of the Legion has been given space for two booths at the armory and in these booths will sell baked goods, home | made jell, fancy work, etc. The ! ladies of the auxiliary have labored i under many difficulties since their I organization here, chief among which ; was lack of funds, and this event | should provide them with a means of j raising not a little money for thetr i organization. There is in the country no woman's organization more worthy of support than the Legion auxiliary and all who attend the carnival will undoubtedly give them the benefit of their patronage. In addition to this, twelve other booths and stands have been arranged by the Legion, all of which will add to the enjoyment of the occasion. Novelty stands, soft drink booths, etc., will be arranged artd different entertainments will be presented each night of the carnival. A popular lady contest will be a big feature of tne event and a brand new $40 bicycle \Vill be given away free. No chances will be sold on the bicycle, but with every ticket purchased for the carnival a certain system will be evolved to give the purchaser a chance on the wheel. This is not a raffle, but merely a gift to someone who may hold the lucky number, wiiich is given a w a y -- s o l d . Nov. 11, the last day of the carnival, is Armistice day and the carnival will run all afternoon and evening of that day with big special entertainments for those who attend. Several new stunts will be made public that day which at present are kept secret and everyone should be on hand to witness the big events which have been arranged for that day. We have the assurance of those in charge that it will be the big day of the carnival and that the entertainment will be such that all will want to see it. Everyone is urged to bear the dates in mind and to attend the carnival if it is possible for them do *6 • Nov. 9, 10s and 11. V, Injured By Manure Spreader Two small children of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, who reside on a farm near Volo, met with quite painful injuries on Friday of last week. Unbeknown to the father, who was engaged in hauling manure in a spreader, the children, a boy and girl, hung on to the end of the machine, France# Peterson visited school last Friday afternoon. The students are busy making Hallowe'en drawings arfd posters. We are almost despairing--our class rings have not arrived as yet. The winter basket b«U schedule la practically complete. There will be: fourteen games in all. "How's Bobby" were the first "words uttered by Frank Gans as he regained consciousness three hours after he had been blown from the pumping station at the Pearl Fisheries, south of this village, where he is employed. An explosion of a battery v^as the cause. It was Robert Green, a fellow . . , .. , . . , worker and intimate friend, in whom A number of the junior gnrls w. victim of ,„ideDt more quite elated over theirgrades in com- concerned than he did in htarelf. mercial arithmetic. Why? w>,ilP Mr We received our imitations to the Hallowe'en party and are anxiously awaiting next Friday night. The teachers have started to give standardized tests in the grades. So , ^ unfortunate victim was picked far the results have been above Up unconscious as he lay some disaverage. . tance in front of the station. He was All the English III students agree raghe<1 to McHenry, where first aid While Mr. Green did not figure in the accident, his friend evidently had been under the impression that Robert was near at hand whan the explosion took place. was tendered Mm, and later removed , \ if Clothes Designed by Lower "Prices Better fabrics at lower prices gives your dollar more value this Fall Kaufman's ClothesjarYotii^Men 80 - *50 There is a smart swing in the new Fall styles is going to please you. The tailoring emphasize* the better quality at a glance, and at the jwices the values ate appaiwij^v.^ These clothes are guaranteed RAY McGEE . McHENRY, ILLINOIS T, "" s sr..; i* perfectly with the statement of Coolridge, "I take unceasing delight to~his"horf»e. *n Chancer. j ^a8 first feared that his eye sight The Spanish classi notpro^ jjjght have been affected, but a thoro gress very rapidly during Mr. String- examination relieved this fear. Reer's illness last week and we were all ^ from his home (Thursday) glad to see him back. morning are to the effect that he „ ... .. Forty-eight of our pupils in the quite a comfortable night and when same was suddenly thrown into I lower grades are now drinking milk at apparently is none the less off as the gear. Before the father had time to the forenoon recess. The number has 0* ^jjs experience. realize the* presence of the children more than doubled iteelf in the last The accident once more sets forth and thus throw the machine out of week. the true character of this young man, gfear, the older of the two, a girl, had The Hallowe'en party, to be given no matter what may happen, is sustained a severe laceration of the | by the sophomores to the remainder ever looking after the safety of others scalp, while the younger one escaped jof the high school, will close promptly ever thinking of his own. It is with but slight scratches. Dr. N. J. .at 11:45. The usual school parties recalled that a few years ago he Nye of this village dressed the will all close at 11:00. probably saved his companion, Robert wounds, it requiring several stitches ' A committee of teachers, Miss Qreen, from drowning in Fox river, to close the wound sustained by the Phalin, Miss Claxton and Miss Kinney, ^ ^wo were out on the river In a little girl. At this writing both ax« are selecting and planning a public boat wj,en the craft started to sink, getting along nicely. . j program to be given by the grade prankie, on this occasion, left the boat - students within the next two months. and swam to shore, altho he could Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Schoewer and I >£j,e high school boys and Mr. swjm bat very little at the time, daughter, Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben gtringer have been busily working in ^jg act kept the craft afloat and al- M. Schoewer and two children drove gymnasium for the last week. Jowe<j the other passenger-to reach out from Chicago last Saturday even- They expect to have the gym ready ghore in gafety ing and spent Sunday as guests in the for basket baU soon. They are also _ -- -- . w . home of Mr. and Mrs.' Peter J. maki plan8 to accommodate large Mrs. Chas. ^ Kennedy rf Woodi audiences this winter at their games, stock county chairman of the SWva- Their plans will allow everyone who tlon Army campaign, - P comes a good place to see the gaoies. Senior Notes Josephine Olson visited school on iCCVTim JtTPJUMWlIT Tuesday morniritf ty bid her class ^,|,ll\iirlEilr vLlAnlFILni f*my"do« Herman "g* So ' FOB SALB^ml Maxwen5.^«n. when he cannot find his books? Poor ««Jounng cr. Stalling, littl. "Abbie!" McHenry. III. . ^ Earl Walsh certainly enjoys type- FOR SALE--Self feeder hard coal writing. Watx^i out for those fair stove, nearly new. Peter Diedrich, McHenry, 111. Phone 646-R-l. 20 (formerly Mineral Springs Hotel) BEAUTY SPOT OF THE LAKES All rooms with hot and cold water and electric fans in each room. Special Steak and Chkkea Diners Phone 604-Bfc® WILLIAM P. PETERS :: M<?R. McHENRY TQWfVfiHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSUBANCE CO. Ilw cheapest and aafeat iasunuM* m earth. Rates and other information nay be had upon application Michael Freund, Agent, McHei*jr Schoewer here. afternoon in McHenry, completing the local organization for this community. WANTED--Knitting, plain sewing, mending, spinning work and curtain stretching. Inquire at this office. 20* FOR SALE--House with two lots on John street. Inquire at the home of George Buss, West McHenry. 19-2t* • maidens, Earl. 1 It surely was a treat to see Mr. 'stringer's smiling face again after a week's absence. » Floyd Foss can write excellent advertisements, especially theatre acts. Give him a chance to use his talents. The girls in commercial arithmetic are certainly proud of the compli- jF0R RENT--The farm known as the ments they received on Monday morn-. John A gchaefer place near McColing, especially their alertness. ^ lum's lake. Mrs. Nick Bohr, Mc- Pauline Freund is to be the recip- j jjenryf m, 18-tf ient of an Underwood speed certifl- j _ cat. and bronie medal. Her record!F<» ?ALE-Four burner KM is forty-one words per minute. Con-:?™1 ^ wth gratulations, Pauline! I just like new. Mr Duker (in economics): "There [McHenry, 111. burner gas stove springs and mattress, Inquire of P. F. Lodtz, 20-lt are numerous species of chickens. In FOR SALE--The John A. Smith regard to genus, Doris, what is the, homestead of 169 acres. , Two miles genus of value and price?" (»ast of McHenry. Stephen H. Freund, Doris (proudly): "It would W the j McHenry, 111 Phone 643-M-2. 3-tf chickens." FOR Junior Notea 1 „ gome of the juniors ought to ^rrite a book of short^»%eries. Some of the juniors are having wild SALE--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 dreams about their rings. FOR .R ENT--Four room The juniors are as anxious tor Fri- (electric light and cistern day night as the freshmen. „ |mg stove for sale, wood The bookkeeping students feel very S. Parks, West McHenry, 111. Phone dignified lately. Why? They re^SS-J. 20-lt flat, gas, Also heatstove for sale, wood or coal. A. ceived their salaries this week. FOR SALE--Registered Poland China Our first book reports are due Fri- boar, Liberator Orange, No. 421787. day. Oh death, where is thy sting? j The pupils of the stenography class | feel proud of themselves. They can J write 1-10 of 300 words per "minute. The English III pupils wish with all their hearts that Chancer had died before he wrote the "Canterburg Tales." Classical index to high ach<»l classes: Freckled freshmen , ^ Sophisticate sophomores, Jazzy juniors, ' ..Stupid seniors. '£'>< First Methodist Church ; Sunday school meets promptly1 at ten o'clock. The present excellent attendance insures very successful work on the part of the classes. At the church service, which begins at 11:00 o'clock, the worship theme will be service, the subject of the sermon being "The Next Step." The Epworth league service will begin at 6:30. The splendid union meeting with the Crystal Lake league last Sunday was thoroly enjoyed by all attending. The league is planning a number of big things and expects the co-operation of all to accomplish them. On Sunday afternoon the yearly canvass will be" made in accordance with the form letter mailed to the constituents. With the earnest endeavor of all our friends we will be assured of success in this matter. < First Universalis* Church I^Next Sunday, following the general theme of "The Great Ideals of Religion," Mr. Grimes will discuss the specific topic, "The Faith Ideal." He will have abme rather surprising things to say on this age-old subject of faith, presenting it from a point of view that is as new as the subject is old. A cordial welcome is assured all who come. Next Sunday is rally day all who belong to the Sunday school are urged to be present on time, at 10:00 o'clock. The church service is at 11:00 as usual. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Deinlein and daughter, Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maim of Chicago spent Sun- "jday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Two years old. Prolific breeder. E. G. Peterson, West McHenry. Phone 603-M-l. 17-tf FOR SALE--One Jackson touringp car, one 2-ton Republic truck, one 7- .passenger Buick touring car. Prices very reasonable. Star Garage, Mo Henry, 111. 20-1* LOST--On Friday morning last be* tween Johnsburg and McHenry, a log chain. Finder kindly return to Peter F. Freund, route 3, McHenry, and re* iteive rewafd. 20-lt* FOR SALE--Apples, $1.50 per ho.; pears, $1.00 per bu., hand picked and assorted. Cider apples and pears, 5# cents per bu. Ringwood Nursery, J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, III. 19-3t POLAND CHINA BOAR$ FOR SALE--The best breeding lines combined with individuality that won premiums at McHenry, Kenosha and Latee county fairs this season. Price, $26 to $40,- fully guaranteed. Geo. 3\ Richardson, Richmond, 111. 19-41 MR HAPPV PARTVj CHOICE.MEATS LIKE THESE APPPALTb l*lt| I For pure foods ! SEEM SO REAL To ME r\0 pure foods seem so real to you? Do you realize the necessity of providing your pantry with the proper meat provisions? Give us a chance to supply your larder. You'll find our prices reasonable we are sura. Watch tor Mr. Hippy Party :fretts: 1MARKET * GROCERY" INSTa. sr?*1 rttju S3 Attachments are givea by u* Free . v to each ^ Purchaser of a ^ FEDERAL, Electric . Vacuumi T Cleaner, - which i#*- " ' delivered on payment of $1.50 down Balance in Monthly® Parts Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS u y* ^ <•' I?": m. '. - t:- C0MING TO •I H, , . .. '• *• THEATRE #1® McHenry, Illinois r.\ Friday & Saturday, Oct^ 27--28 AlflAZCA HAWAIIANS HAWAIIAN ENTERTAINERS 6 Playing Hawaiian Melodies, Popular Music, Steel Guitar and Ukuleles * »*atoiung; Princess Marie, the youngest Juvenile Hawaiian r ; ; EiUartainer on the American , "&.• . u- 4 A-., '• ^ f ALSO A FEATURE PICTU** cfYELLOW MEN AND GOLD" f,; - ¥ HX. \\ r M FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China boars, sired by Gersfcdale Timm and Giant Price Again; also offering for sale my herd boar, Gerstdale Timm, grandson of the $6,640 Gerestdale's Jones. James Hunter, West McHenry, HI. Phone 617-J-2. . 18-tf r t, ' # A •'•'i1',. M' *•.. ' - 'r ' '*• J- < v v Wa gire expert electrical seniee M any make of Farm Lighting Plant or Battel^. New reliable lighting plants $175.00 and up installed. Wiring ma terial sold below 1914 prices at Henry Jansaen's, Round Lake, ' SB> ::St m •f >'• i tu you give 15 minutes this week for a lifetime i " of foot comfort? Probably not one person in ten realizes that there is anything particularly wrong with his feet--and yet army statistics have conclusively shown that at least seven people out of every ten are suffering from •ome form of foot trouble. As you study the chart at the top of the page, you will note, perhaps, certain symptoms which have occurred •ome time with you. _ This week--from now until close of business next Saturday-- is Dr. Scholl's Demonstration Week. During this week an opportunity is offered to you to find out, definitely, positively, the condition of |v your feet and the collective S§* methods, if needed, which will ^ bring relief. w If your feet tire easily, if they ache and burn and perspire, if a moderate amount of ; walking seems to bring excessive fatigue, if you have corns ' or callouses or bunions, weak arches, "weak foot" or flat foot, or pains in legs and hips that are rheumatic-Ufccin their intensity, you owe ittb yourself to find out the real cause of these conditions.. This week, also, we will be glad tc present you with the f|| items listed in the coupon be- ' low,as long as our supply lasts. M m SPECIAL COUPON-FREE! Thia coupon will entitle the holder, when signed tad praM oar store, Foot Exercise Chart 2. Booklet, "Treatment and Care of die Feet" 3. One sample of Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads «mL if desired by the undersigned, a complete foot sad shoe < analysis and dcmoastratioa» ( Name.... • • n i » Address.. JSMITH BROTHERS J