Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1922, p. 5

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(Not lac.) ilON MERCHANTS •r- -3S FULTON MARKET IH FULTON STRESS* . DISTANCE Piti)N|i MONROE 3iM ChMtu S.ftA CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 5f&&. -T ' Get the Furniture' Hobby Oufeof-town folks »re buying our best furniture. "My~home is my hobby,"" Said a customer who bought a truck load of Leath's Beautiful Furniture tbe other d*y. Look over this good furniture--prices are no higher--often 4o*er- A. Leath & Co. Store* Mn^MNNibBt tannJ«Uia4ATt. •IK Moit,tir4|«h8L _ I Claire. MMoalcTempk- 'T? Mlmh. il-U Mate. f»ori», 32S South Adam* St. Chip pew* Ftfita. 13 W. Sp.i--.jfr- ,;Hri •:5- : «. >*fr - • • • - ' ' V l t * . Our Htirthxtonet Magarin^^^ J&, Mailed Free--from Elflni.../-- Free Delivery for IM miles More Light There is no thing that brings more delight, comfort and Convenience to your home than electric light and power. r*- The new 4-cylinder Electric Light Plant is as much ' superior over the oue cylinder as the present day auto oyer the old one cylinder converted buggy. . - Its smooth, slow speed and steady performance will '4ltirnish two thousand candle power of beautiful light ^Without a yrink or a flicker. M It is a real delight to see it run and a demonstration ;;never be forgotten/ - , H; *»;' PRICE, WITH BATTERY h^XttED JSte" ' * . Larger plants in all sixes up to N thousand candlepower ' I SEE HENRY JANSSEN OR PHONE ROUND LAKE NO. t «Sr 9 w J**i»l M* *Pof 0M last WHland of Joseph Schafftoy deof tbe County of iK&Banry ni SbA of Illinois, hereby gives notfe ».tha* he will appear before the Couftty Court of McHenry (bounty, at the Court House in Woodstock, at tite January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at'vArich time ail perhaving claims against said are notified and requested to for the purpose of having the adjusted. All persons indebted to Estate are requested to make ediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tins 16th day of , A. D. 1922. lMt Henry J. Sch#ffer, Executor. n Ad»iaiatratT*B Netiee C. Percy Barnes, Atty. Estate of Anna Catharine Bishop, Deceased. The undersigned, baring ben appointed Administrator of the EUtate of Anna Catherine Bishop, deceased, late of the County of McHem-y and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of October, A. D. 1922. 18-St Lewis C. Bishop, Administrator. AUCTION SALE Having decided to quit teaming1, will sell at public auction at the Methodist parsonage i^ West Mc- Henry on Saturday, Nov. 4, commencing: at one o'clock p. m., the following articles: Black mare, 9 years old, wt. 1300 lbs.; bay gelding, 12 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; 60 chickens, double harness, heavy single harness, light single harness, 2 truck wagons, hay rack almost new, set of dump boards, milk wagon, feed cutter, com shelter, power or hand, double roller; single row cultivator, Deering mower, potato planter, corn planter with 40 rds. of wire, walking plpw. 2 sets of drags, Deering corn harvester, grindstone, emery wheel, set of heavy wagon springs, set of light sleigh runners, 4 new bee hives. . Henry Ahreaa, Prep. Wm. G. Schreiner, Auctioneer. " COMES#* OF A WEEK IN OBfc BUSY VILLAGE As Seen by Ptaiadealer Handed lads Our Friends QUARTER OF CEpTOT Clipped Fran The Plalrtaahi of Twenty-five Tears Age im OAs* If Frank Hutson is building a barn on his farm west sf town. Qsrj Frank Wattles shipped a car of very 'fine hogs on Monday of this week. Mrs. F. E. Martin patmnd inf% Sat-j '^le platform in front of Miss urday in Elgin. » ] Story's drug store is receiving some Mrs. Chas. L. Page was a Chicago neede<i repairs this wfek. visitor last Saturday. j Chas. Nordquist and Lloyd J. Sut- Louis Wrede of (Chicago spent 6*1 ton Monday for Denver, Colo., wick end at his home here. Miss Mildred Kinsala spent Monday in the metropolitan city. John P. Schreiner passed Sunu«y as the guest of friends in Elgin. Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer was a metropolitan city visitor Wednesday. James T. Perkins passed Friday send Saturday in the metropolitan city. where they will spend the winter. Simon Stoffel adjusted a loss for David Davis at Woodstock for the Phenix Insurance company on Saturday. Wilt Tonyan, son of John Tonyan, formerly of this village, and Miff Lizzie Smith were married in the Volo Catholic church Wednesday. Married--At St. Patrick's church in & tiodtz on the lots ft* Mfed of Dr. C. H. Fegers in north part of the village. Married--At St. Mary's church, Mc- Henry, on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 24, i8»7, by the Rev. Father Kirsch, John Glossen of McHenry and Mrs. Christine Williwas of Chicago. The telephone men were again in town last week painting the crosstrees and numbering the poles. They started from Madison, Wis., and passed thru here on their way to Chicago. Last Thursday being the twentyfirst birthday of Lute Lincoln a party of his young friends, consisting of Harry Eldredge, Harry Wightman, Frank Bennett, Chas. Nordquist, Lon •'>» mortgage has been lifted tt° Aen-iWe her s^^-e ' & >gi, . most as lifetime. Jnnmway all metal are easily cleaned. No home for lice and mites. Are more than wood and alcheap. Will ten nest sections. four, six, eight and Two sizes, for large and small ^ five bird*. 1 W-. i-, on diaplqy m ' ;-i-, v'; STEILEN'S POULTRY FARM M<Menry, Illinois w ! '"W -FOR Light Wines and Beer ' No Saloons ESffSSi . .. The nation-wide industrial depression is causing voters to ask themselves which is better--to submit to added taxes and decreased Governmental revenues running into billions of dollars (which is the result of the Volstead law)--or to restore light wines and beer, the taxes upon which will help to pay the nation** expenses and thereby ligftggfc den upon our citizens. *> Dry leaders are sending out a smokescreen statement that the drys will not vote on the wines and beer referee* dum, hoping to catch the wets napping. This is the first opportunity the sovereign citizens of Illinois have ever ^ had to register their disapproval of the tragedy of prohibition. Resolve to disregard this dry camouflage and encourage every patriot to rise in defense of our ancient rights and. liber ties, and cast your vote on November 7th next, not only for light wines and beer, but make it effective by voting for Edward J. O'Beirne, the wet Democratic Candidate for Congress, in die ^ Illinois, and all oilier wet candidates. WMMMCM TIE A8S0CUTKHI OfT» JttTWUL fttMOTMl Hallowe'en Party .. Coafte to the Hallowe'en party at the Volo M. E. church on Friday evening, Oct. 27. Prise for best costume suitable to the occasion. All kinds of games and loads of fun. Ghosts, witches, spooks. Everybody welcome and a good time assured all. ber the date. - . CREAM SHIPPERS Sbtp your rream to as St Blgla and al ways get highest prices. Elgin IK tbe butter center of tbe country. We manufacture both ice cream and butter. Write for taca. Information itnd our quotations. "Always your dealer for your FAVORITE Ire Cream and HILLSIDE Creamery Butter. Made in Elfrin." B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. Elgin, HI. WEINSCHENKER'S (ommunity Express Dnytaifet&l Long PtoiM t>d. tag done by the hour or jok Farnitnre aiwid with cure by PHONE 35 McHENRY : sj Increased Use of Gas We do not say much About it, but as an industry we are growing by leaps and oounds Look at these facts: Last year the American people consumed three times as much gas as they did twenty years ago and double the amount used ten years ago. In 1860 the largest gas holder in this country held but two million cubic feet of gas. Today holders are built with a capacity of fifteen million cubic feet. If the gas now used annually by the American people were all made and stored at once, just for one day, it would require a tank large eaough to cover the entire State of Rhode Island and more than fifteen feet high to hold it all. We are making quite a little progress, doa*t you think? Use the Radiantfire for intermitent or auxiliary hefrfng.' v * United Gas Co. 1 No Collection 'it- Mrs. John Niesen and daughter,'! ^ villaS« on Wednesday morning, Marie, were Chicago visitors last Sat- ^ ^ Father CNeil, nrday. , Charles Givens and Miss Mollie Mrs'. E. E. Bassett and daughter,Fri8b7- v Floribel, were Elgin visitors last Sat- Prof- J- s- Bnner, former principal urday. ! of-the McHenry public school, now of Jacob Juste* attended to business Harvard' is rejoicing over a fine nine matters in the metropolitan city last Pomid ***> who &rrive<J ** his hom6 Friday. | one day last week. Patrick Mariarty of Chicago spent I Michwel Justen and ^ who the week end as the guest of McHenry jusfc moved mU> their nww resident friends. 'n village, were serenaded by the a G. Harris of Chicago spent the iMcHenry Mi,itary band on Tuesday week end as the guest of fnends in evening of this week* McHenry. I work of digging the trenches Francis (hnd Edward Bonslett of for ^ water mains ^ been oom- Chicago passed the week end at thetr menc*1 and the work in ®very home here. of the water works system will be Mrs. win. Spencer and daughters, pushed ™Pidly forward. Dorothy and Berteel, spent Satunlay! R Waite ^ 8ecured toe contract in Chicago. |for building the new residence of J. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and tnTn^~-- ' ---- rrr of Waukeipan spent Sunday afternoon ! in McHenry. j Miss Mtie Noonan passed a few days ' last week with relatives in the metro- i politan city. ! Miss Marion Van Patten of Chicago was a week end guest of Miss Esther Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund of | Woodstock were callers in town Sunday afternoon. j O. G. Treadway of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. J. E. Pufahl and daughters, Pauline and Adele, passed last Saturday in the. metropolitan city. Alfred J. Richardson snd Howard Wattles visited friends at Harvard last Friday evening*.,. - Mr. and Mrs. Wnfc*G. Schreiner and - sons, Maurice and Willis, were Huntley visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Maxwell «»ui children of Evanston spent the week end with McHenry relatives. Walter J. Freund passed Sunday In the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reynolds and children were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Miss Blanche Meyers of Chicago spent Sunday in ther home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mrs. John Walsh, daughter, Genevieve, snd son, Ray, of Fox L were guests of relatives here Sunday. . Miss Christine Maynard of Crystal- Lake spent the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs. Franklin Ensign. Miss Pauline Schmitt of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Mrs. George Meyers passed Thursday and Friday of last v eek with her children in Chicago and Morton Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sutton and children of Chicago spent Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jus ten. i Miss Clara Stoffel passed the latter part of last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Weetfall, hi Chicago. Miss Julia Weber of Evanston was a Sunday guest in the home of her father, Nicholas Weber, east of the river. Carl Bidder of Chicago spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ,C. Bickler, at the McHenry House. Mrs. Henry Heimer, Jr., Mrs. Math. Freund and Miss Helen Justen motored to Waukegan ang Elgin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Homy Kinsala and son, Billy, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with friends at La- Grange. Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago passed last week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daughter, Kathryn, passed the week end as the guests of relatives in West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Weetfall of. Chicago were Sunday* guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. A. C. Granger and a party of friends' from Chicago are spending the week* at the Geo. Johnson cottage at Emerald Park. Ray Kolles went to Champaign last Friday, where he attended the University of Illinois home-coming, returning home Sunday evening. Mrs. Rose McGee and son, Eugene, of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the first of this week in the home of Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Sunday in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting, northwest of town. Mrs. Howard Cairns, Miss Mabel Conway and Edwin Knox spent last Wednesday with the latter's wife at St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago. Mrs. Ray Weinke and son of Chicago spent the latter part of last and first^of this week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kennebeck. Atty. Weinke was here for a Telephone Now 1S84L SIMON STOFFEL • Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies Howard «*AJgu>s. Wj Surprise VfBtt At a cost of Northwestern MdtkMad pi eyes have ereetefa hai I story brick bdlAKt at avenue and Kinxie , stnst contain a reading nam, baths, 14 sleeping rooms, gymMaifin and an emergency room for use as a At a meeting of the Chicago Shippers' Union held in Chicago week it was decided to raise the price to |1.00 per 9-gallon can for the months of November, Deesntet and January, an increase of 15 cents over the present figure and a raise of from 5 to 10 cents over the usaal price for the winter months. j- 1 • WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS ALFORD H. POUSE m •\ AMmr-M-Lnr Phone IS Cash & Garry Bargains Boys' Wool Flannel*8t Men's Flannelette Night Shirts ....HAS Women's Flannelette Gowns Me Children's Flannelette Gowns SSe Children's flannelette shakers SSe Outing Flannel, 36In. wide..lSe Extra Heavy Outing Vlannel, 27 in. wide, per yd.^.....^..lSt JOHN STOFFEL, 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, goo& quality, per yd 4Sc Unbleached Muslin, 95 in. wide, special, per yd lie Comfort Oh allies, 36 in. wide.lSe Plush-back Wool Shirts and Drawers, per garment ILM Horsehide Work Gloves, pr. Me Turkish Towels, bleached sari hemmed tie West McHenry, IB* THE NEW WORLDi BEGUN "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" S The most momentous event of Earths Jpe near establishment of God's kingdom In this thrilling and reassuring lecture will bring positive proof, by linking KMe with present-day events, that the Kingdom will soon completely supplflnt existing r earth and, because of this fact, there are people who will actually never go into the grave, lecture is not a dry discussion of '* attempt to convert you to some new, but it is a glorious proclamation at "Ail Kingdom" which Jesus said must be . L^ /world for a witness before the end comes. V'^ YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR FRANK MAYBURRY of Belvideie «t the EMPIRE THEATRE, SUNDAY, OCT. 29th McHENRY, ILLINOIS x AT It&S A. M. If you are prevented from attending the lecture and desire a copy in book form, 128 pages, address below. It hae been translated into thirty-one languages; state language desirea. I. B. S. A. Marengo, Illinois Seats Free r*m 9T.XC- i-W - T< v - .-2 --U St-*.- - /, •>' Y O U R I N V E S T M E N T A S S A N G £ - -V, w ritf ?•' % 10 Regardless of how attractive ,*jan investment may be from other viewpoints, litde counts unless- ' * your original investment is safe J The7%Preferred Shares of this company are safe because they are backed by tangible assets greatly excess of all outstanding secii? v prides of the company; the cotn> * - *f>any's earning power is several ^1^;; Jtimes all dividend and interest s "Requirements; the company's fu£ £ mW -% w ... » ., ^ture isassured because it supplief daily necessities to310,000peopl|> s;in 87 progressive communitiesi- { If you, as a careful investor^- ! iconsider safety of first imporsf^V1 lance--rnvest m the 7% PrefC -ferred ^harcs of this company^r*^ •>• ASK TOUR LOCAL GAS OFFICE InwMi K tt/Qolf ATVI VtR',Tlt .• % M -m ^ 1 " WESTERN UNITED CORPORATION # N*.M & J; ::y-y - 4' i J t -flTr. 4^ ;

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