Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1922, p. 3

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/ rf iX.jfeL MEAL i^Mi;fictl£t lniim ^ppetftfle and digestion, helps to keep teeth cleat u< sweet. ITS LONG-LASTING! o€ flavor that wool chew ECONOMICAL! A five paekage provides for the whole family, 3 I l:*4* Fiuroe Is Relieved to Be Safe V Jnm the New Rome Regime. - 4?» WISSQIUI LAUDS IHEJ.S. Says Nothing but Good Can lie' Said About America, but Would Like to See Immigrant Law Changed. 1 » _=• 1 '.i-T *vSVt ' Oct 31.--Alarmist that Italy's friendly relations with Jugo-Slavia • have been endangered by the Fascist! triumph were denied by an official close to Mussolini, the new Italian premier. Stories that the Fascist! * are determined to abrogate the Rapallo treaty and annex Dahuatia. including Flume, are entirely unofficial and should not be taken as an indication of Mussolini's policy," said this official. The indications are that the government will be a practical; If benevolent, dictatorship for several months, until the elections can safely be held. There are no disturbances and no reason to fear that there will be any. The whole of Italy Is wildly acdalralyg MussolMii. ^ "Nothing lmt good can be said about the United States. One always must speak well of one's creditor--and we all owe the United States money," said Benito Mussolini. "We hope to achieve a policy of rapproacliment and closer relations and an economic entente between Italy and the United States. Please don't quote me as wishing tp give advice tQ the United States, because my hands are full right here, but I think her policy toward Italian immigration might be improved." CALL FOR CARS A RECORD -- The pessimist sees an obstacle Wrery opportunity; the optimist fl in opportunity In every obstacle. In | In the ioug run the chief aim of h» ee! man la«s is to protect the rights at I the minority. Pon't Be Fooled Low Price and High Quality Don't Go Together, Stick to Mr Tho Economy BAKING POWDER | Never accept "Just as Good" Brands; it *v> ,> will only mean disappointments and failures on bake-day, wnich are expensive. Is a High Grade Baking Powder, ^federate in Prise When you use it you never spoil any of the expensive ingredients used -- such as flour , sugar, eggs and milk. The sale of Calumet is 2H times as much as that of any other E THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Too Bad. < "Radium Is extremely valuable."* "Tea, bat It is so dangerous yon cant •rear it"--Lonlsvllle Courier-Journal. Wasted. "New, I don't like euchre." "Why notT* "Can't bear to see food poker hands going to waste" T " " " SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist! iUnless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are loot getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians^ over 23 years and proved safe by millions fot Vt* Colds s Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia '"- i *• ' ' ' ';-v- -) . Rheumatism < Lumbago Pfcin, %Paln & Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions Mamij boxes of 12 tablet*--Also bottlaa of S4 aa| 14 Railroads in the Market for Nearly M^OOO Piecee of Rollins •:? -- '•# *' Stock, * j ' tUK'kp), Oct. 31.--itattroajfe ti the country are buying more cars than at any one time in history, according to producers of steel In the Chicago district. A total of 45,900 cars are being inquired for, Involving approximately 450,000 tons of steel. The greater part of this tonnage cannot be rolled until 1923, as mills are well booked up tor the remainder of this year. BAVARIAN CABINET IS OUT Downfall of Count Lerchenfeld Blamed on Politics of His American Wife. JJerlln, Oct. 81.--The Bavarian cabinet, headed by Connt Lerchenfeld as premier, foreign minister and minister of the Interior, resigned. The diet will be convened immediately to elect a new prime minister. An American woman, the premier's wife, though unwittingly. Is in no small measure the cause of the fall ol the Lerchenfeld cabinet. LABOR UNIONS MAY COMBINE Consolidation of Sixteen Standard Organizations to Be Con- ' sidered Decembers. St Paul, Minn., .Oct. 31.--A consolidation of sixteen standard railroad labor organizations of tlie country is to be considered at a conference of union leaders to be held In Chicago December 9 aud 10, C. H. YVaugerin, St Paul, secretary of the national committee on amalgamation announced here. DUBLIN ROCKED BY BLAST Pfve Women and Two Men Are Jured When a Land Mine Explodes. Inpublln, Oct. 81. -- An explosion rocked Dfablta last night Five women and tiro men were wounded. Houses were shaken and windows shattered for a radius of a quarter of a mile when a. lind mine exploded outside the OHel house, hea<Uiu>irters of the detective branch of the national army. BONUS THIS SESSION Chairman McCumber Says Tax Legislation and Soldiere' Sti! v , , - V "v : Net to Come Up. T' rT%:"' ^ [ '" Washington, Oct. 31.--There will be no new tax legislation and no effort will be made to pass another bonus bill in the next session of congress, said Chairman McCumber of North Dakota of the senate finance committee. Filipinor Ask Independence. ^Manila, Oct. 31.--A concurrent resolution introduced into both houses of the legislature, backed by both polltl? cat parties, authorizes election of offl? dais of "the Republic of the Philip? pines" and formation of a constitution. raise Labels in Furs. i New York, Oct. 31.--More than-100 for coats, made in Germany, with false American labels sewed in tbem to evade duty, have been held up by customs officials during the last month, R was stated here. Five Nations Agree to Parley. •<, Washington, Oct. 31.--All five of th# Central American republics invited here to confer December 4 on measures of closer friendship and co-operation have accepted, the State department announces. Nicaragua accepted. ATrying Period Through Which Every „ Woman Most Pus ion. CfcMB Letters Follow Phil*., Pa.--"When I was going through the Change of Life I was weak, nervous, dizsy and had headaches. I was troubled in this way for two years and was hardly able to do awork. My friends advised me to e I<ydla E. Pinkham 's Vegetable _ Compound, and I am very sorry that I did not take it sooner. But I have got good results from it and am now able to do my housework most of the time. I recommend your medicine to thoee who have similar troubles. I do *t like publicity, but if it will help other women 1 will be glad for yon to use my letter."--Mrs. FANNIE KOSENSTEIN, 882 N. Holly St, Phila., Pa. Detroit, Michigan--"During the Chance of Life I had a lot of stomach trouble and was bothered a great deal with hot flashes. Sometimes I was not able to do an? work at all. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in your little books and took it with very good results. I keep house and am able now to do all my own work.. I recommend your medicine and am willing for you to publish ray testimonial."--Mrs. J.' S. LIVERNOIS, 2051 Junction Avenue, Mich. The critical time of a woman's life usually comes between the years at 45 and 60, and is often beset with annoying symptoms such as nervousness, Irritability, melancholia. Heat flashes or waves of heat appear to pass over the body, cause the face to be vety red and often bring on headache, ^ and a sense of suffocation. Another annoying symptom which comes at this time » an Inability to recall names, (fetes or other small facts. This is liable tomake a woman ioae confidence in herself. She becomes nervous, avoids meeting strangearrss and dreads t" o go out albne. Pinkham *s Vegetable feiiseatt BilHinfl--CHICAGO--Bee. 5th to lOtb, 1922 THIS is one of the World's Greatest Slows WHERE A "WINNING on say breed or variety places the owner in touch with the buyers from all parts of America. THE COLISEUM 13 RECOGNIZED as the World's Greatest Sales Show. Our HEAD-LINE JUDGES give added value to your winnings aod assists you In your breeding problems. REMEMBER the best stock in the eooatx? is produced la the yaris of the small breeders.* THE COLISEUM SHOW gives prises down to 8th In all Classes, sad THIS YEAR WILL GIVE AN INDEX CARD on all non'-wlnnlng specimens. BIG CASH AND SPECIAL PRIZES on all breeds UTILITY CLA8SE8 With same money prizes as Standard Classes. Our premium List is ready and free to you. Tour name on a postal card will bring It to you. Write today for yw*r free list. Remember the dates, December 6th, fth, 7th, 8th, 9th and Wth. Entries close November 15th. TH1KO. HETVE8, Sffrrtaiy, Onrtwte Bufldlmt. INWANAPOU8, liiv. Address After Nov. 7th, Lexington Hotel, Chicago. 111. festernCanada specially adapted to this time, It exer- Lydia E. Compound is esj help women at cises a restorative influence, tones and strengthens the system, and assists nature in the long weeks and months covering this period. Let it help carry you through this time of life. It is a splendid medicine for the middle-aged woman. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs and contains no harmful drags or narcotics. Vast stretches of undeveloped fertile agricultural Jtaid "I in the pa* tan years. Native Cranes are Ridi and A1 Cattle fatten upon them without any grain being fed. I imited capital on hijrh-priced lands is not a success, neither an tenhnt succe these ay be purchased from the Railway Companies responaible land companies or from Prw hemsst--4 of ISO seres each are to Detroit, Lvdia E. Wnkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia R. Pinkham Medicine Co., JLJIIU, Maaa&diusGtta. This book contains valuable information* 1 VII.age Prays for Harvest. New England, N. D„ Oct. 81.--The Whole village of New England knelt in prayer to give thanks for a bountiful harvest, the first (me in four years. Last spring the town agpojjpied & dpy to pray for good crops, • *" • y fi f * %•< h *•«»>, ,#L. ..*>i . . .v, . aJC . * ,„4^; 00 YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA 7 -- " • Try 0fr»« T«r Inhnlc i t to soothe thrsst aadoasal Rub on Bade and chest to relieve congestion. Take internally to stop coughing sad remove inflammation from tin\assol throat and lungs. 'WU * KUCGB • S«vT«rk .aw and Medicine. **I should think you would have been tempted to take the law in your own fiands with that bootlegger." "What he handed us made as too sick to worry over any kind of law." replied Cactus Joe. "All we coold think about was medicine." The man who wants nothing gets it. I Anyway, It Pays. About ten days ago Cautle lost a »10 bill. He advertised his loss and • two days later a man called and delivered to him the bill. Cautle gave the man a reward and thought no more about the incident, yxcept to reflect that mankind was more honest than most people were willing to admit. A few days luter he changed suits and In the hip pocket of the other'suit found the $10 bill that he had supposed lost. It seems difficult to draw a moral from this tale, bat It undoubtedly must be one In favor of the great American art of advertising. can the tenant burdened with high rents hope to succeed. The place to overcome these ia in Western Canada -- where timd u ckeafi where a home may be made at low coat, and where dmtrytMt, mint! farming and itockrauing Land may or from responsible coooosnies private owners. be had in the more remote districts. XoelSasHatiJ Htarator*. asps, dveriohSBtoia »TCdB0Sd raihrur raUs«sts^wrtta e. i. moutHimi. tsssi 4tt, mw. MssMSt.CMesss. III.; J. M. MeeUCNUN, Mlalsf •on Anas* E.. Dstralt, Midi, mtMn ma CMmlut Dominion ef CmMla. ^3 Superfluity. "Pa, what Is a nonessential tadn» try?" "Well, for example, my sob, making artificial files." Gives Old Capes Glow of Ntw Putnam F««M«ss Dy«s--dyes «r tints as Following Instructions. Gene, the three-year-old daughter of the teacher of the Bible class, was the proud owner of a much-beribboned hat. Her daddy advised that she put the hat beside him on the front pew while she went to her class. When the little ones marched back. Gene noticed the pew occupied. She looked perplexed, then dashed from the ranks and cried: "Oh, heavens, daddy, my hatl" • * There's a Reason. My little son went to a party with me. While at table I reminded htm of Ma manners by saying. "Norhert. yon forgot to say please." "Norhert, ye* must say thank you," etc. .Be replied, "But, mother, rm used to It"--Chicago Tribune. : JV Poets remedy. are born--and there's '• '(j m 'A;,. ;< nreads the new mystery stoi OR GIRL $0. "4M, . By EDGAR WALLACE s ^ In THE CHICAGO DAILY* NEWS f Beginriing Thursday, November 3^"' ••Sfhe story--the newspaper serial story--has bs--"^"TJ| 'com* the habit, and a very good habit, of the great <§ majority o. f American newsp. ap. er readers. The reason is not far to seek. , After the strenuous day the evening story, moving on the wings of imagination, brings with its complete change of thought and interest a benediction of mental rest that makes an almost universal appeal. ( In presenting "The Green Archer**--• new story of mystery--The Chicago Daily News introduces a new feature of added interest in story reading--a distribution of $3,000 in prizes for the best solutions of the story's mystery. Here is a battle of wits that should provoke the best efforts of the reader to rank • I f f - MKrM*".*- • * \ * , • * v1 ' • " S i : ? i > one of the one hundred and, sixty victors in tin ^ itest. The Chicago Daily News is pre-eminently ~ family newspaper, and its long established daily installment of a high-grade serial story is a feature intended specially to commend it to the home circle, ^fo emphasize--and advertise--the fact that The Chi- ©ago Daily News is a newspaper particularly intended Hor women's reading, the condition is made that the three thousand dollars in prizes shall be paid only for Explanations of the story's mystery sent in by women jjnd girls. All may read, but only women and girls may Inter the contest--arid win the three thousand dollars. -""A-.'r •m Conditions of tit AWAf(! o?f* ^3,000? I. To the reader from whom The Daily News receives by mall at tar pohUestion offices, 16 North Wells street, Chicago, mocomplete an^ correct solution-in all its details of the entire mystery in „i.Mi«hed Wed*- as it shall be disclosed in the final chapter of the story,^to be p j. ncsday, December 18, in The Daily News, the sum of 91.000 jnll be paid. Tie entire sum of $3,000 will be awarded in M0 prizes as foUows. Far tks bast • For tlx second best solution For tlu third best solution • For tiu fourth beat solution - .. ••••• ••••*' For the next best two solutions (S75. For the next best four solutions ($50 For the next best ten solutions ($25 *«CM For the next best forty solutions ($10 each) :v.m :t^ e«cn> ••••• Fee the next host MM hundred solutions ($5 each). king a total of ess hundred and sixty prise*« . . . . .$3,000 2. "The Green Archer," beginning Thursday, Number 2. *"1] "n^nue in a daily installment until Friday, December 1, on which date all Jut the filial chapter will have been published The interval between F^ay^)ccember 1 and Saturday, December t, inclusive, wfll be flowed for forwardiaf the solutions of the mystery. 8. The final installment of the story, disclosing the Ushed in The^Daily News Wednesday, December 15. , Full particulars in THE CHICAGO DAILY Sold by all newsdealers, who will supply a reprint of the story, from the first chapter to date, FREE.

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