Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1922, p. 10

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Healinj from • Higher you. It cannot W 'earned from books. The Healer taaohes you the laws of nature and 1» know yourself. 1 do not ask you have faith in me. It is no faith care. It is an actual fact that my hau<ta have an effect on your circulation and by improving your circulation and teaching you how to live, eat and drink, the deceased parte of your body must build nhd grow new, then you come out into health and happl- I try not to take cases I cannot help or cure. If I caanot help you I {tdvise you what kind of treatment is beat for you, and if you need an operation I tell you so. Everything in its place, I believe everybody working to relieve suffering humanity is doing (heir best. I believe there is good in work. I make calls h^Ajjjgfn country. My price is% riipH^ble. diagnose free. PROF. F. A. LEACH, 1 A 2 Spurling Bldg., Tel. 886 Elgin, HL Orpkaaa Need Help The Christian Home Orphanage of Council Bluffs, Iowa, which cares daily for 250 children, and which, for nearly forty years, has been a haven for thousands of destitute children from all parts of the country, and which depends wholly upon the voluntary contributions of charitable people for its support, has felt the effects of the close times to such a degree that unless speedy and liberal help comes the work will be seriousfy injured. In order to keep its doors open to the hundreds of little ones that apply , , . .annually for food and shelter, the everything for some people, hut home is appealing to the public for is no one tiling that is a cureal, lunations at Thanksgiving to clear only God's great love and that »j wo* of <Wbt and enable it to meet flte to all without price. |the calls that come to it daily. We When a person re sick, suffering, I our ^ ^ send a do_ diicburaged and has tried everything gs Hbera1 as ^ihle help this worthy institution, which needs help now as it never has before in to get health and cannot find it, then is when the Healer starts his work. f{e gives his strength, his life and his >ery soul and out they come under Iftit terrible loed of suffering into the - light of health and happiness. Send me your name and address or telephone to me and I will send yoB a booklet of testimonials so you the past. Address The Christian Home Orphanage, Council Bluffs, Iowa, or leave your donation at the office of this paper and it will be forwarded to the orphanage. To each little girl making any purcan read and see the work I have | chase in oar dry goods department we done. If you watch the papers for j will give one McCall's doll pattern testimonials that I will put in, then free. L. A. Erickson. PETESCH'S - - mii* ! e;; *' ..: •• - ' ' V * - •-..yr-'.v lr3- vyrp:i'. ~ • PJtt*, J - • f fr- "Vf/ • i;. |The Place to •; Buy Your Drugs V , A , 2!§«iJ!L!N. H. PETESCHiM££ii! THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR J T FURNITURE T IT IS DCPENDAMC -mm in IS REASONABLE flow just a few word#. We have any- Ihing you want in furniture, carpetf, ^ isUgs, litioleum, etc We have it right here in stock. We are not shoving up .$ur prices to unreasonable heights but are keeping them down where yoll ytan afford to buy anything you need, We repeat, our furniture is dependable Mfrnd reasonable. We never do fftnd no house can do more. JACOB JUS I ^ i McHJENRY, ILL. For the Party ent CM ttflte the p ICE CREAM We make it in all standard flavors and sell it in bulk or bricks. Special orders given expert attention. Alio a complete line of bulk and fancy box candie% fr«ite, cigars and tobaco# «;« >1 J. ,•••*.'.' • 7':.: '• ' ' 4 f' • ' McHEHRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTl, PROP. MONDAl"^EN IN© ColMjl TaMea Doctunent In Order to Give Time For Investigation--Has Many Signers To make or not to make the village of McHenry into a city te the prayer of approximately one hundred men and women. A petition asking that the above question be sumbitted to the voters of our municipality at the next regular or a special election, to be called for the purpose, was presented to the village board at the regular monthly meeting of that body on Monday evening of this week. The presentation was made by Frederick A. Beller. Altho most of the members of the board had been aware that such a petition was being circulated among the voters of McHenry, the presentation came as more or less of a surprise and found the village dads unprepared to take official action. After a short discussion, the board decided to table the petition for the time being and thus give the members an opportunity to study over the proposition individually and collectively and at the same time to obtain legal advice on the matter. Some of the members of the board looked upon the petition as another step to hinder the progress of improvements which the village has in mind of installing here, while others were more favorably impressed with it, and thus the matter stands. In an 'interview with Mr. Beller, The Plaindealer scribe was informed that those responsible for the circulation of the petition had the best interests of the municipality at heart and were of the firm belief that McHenry as a city could and would flourish a great deal more than under thevpresent village government. It would do away with -the two sides of town and intead of electing the aldermen and mayor as has been the custom thruout these many years the city would be divided into three wards with two aldermen from each of these. The mayor, of course, would be elected the same as-in any other city. According to those who are anxious tov see the proposition brought before the voters, there is^'t a thing in law which is going to prevent the village board from taking favorable action on the matter and therefore feel reasonably\sure that the question will come up for a vote within the due course of time. TWO INJURED IN FALL Rockford Carpenters Employed Here Receive Painful Injuries Harvey Anderson and Adolph Abrahm, two Rockford carpenters employed at the new St. Patrick's church, were quite painfully injured here last Saturday morning, when a scaffold on which they were at work suddenly and without warning gave away, precipitating the workmen to the floor below, a distance of about sixteen feet. The men were engaged in nailing plaster board on'the ceiling above the sanctuaty when the accident took place. Fellow workmen immediately rushed to their assistance and carried the injured men to the personage adjoining the church, where Dr. D. G. Wells was called into attendance. While the men were suffering great pain from the fall and shock, an examination by the physician in attendance failed to reveal any broken bones. Upon the physician's recommendation, however* the injured men were taken to the Woodstock hospital via ambulance, where they are now convalescing. On their arrival at the hospital it was found that both men had suffered severe sprains to their ight ankles. These, together with minor body bruises, caused their suffering. Reports from the hospital as received on Tuesday afternoon are to the effect that the patients are doing very nicely and should be able to return to their homes within the course of the next week or so. Itei SCHOOL NOTES Interest From Ofrlnatitu tie* of Learning fcicHPNRY'S jJtfUfcapAY. NOVEMBER S . ne leather Pushers , AND • Catherine McDonald IN The Woman's Side FRI. & SAT., NOV. LO ALL JOHN M. STAHL PRODUCTION . M m " t J « * w-- -AND : ^ A SUNSHINF COMFEBY ' : V &UNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 ^ t)ustin Farnum • '--IN--. ^ Oath Bound '.'jr'd -rr T; J . --AND-- $0, Y'A UNIVERSAL COMEDY MATINEE AT 2:3t' TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14 Buffalo m AND- \ --IN-- 'Mi Wolf Law "ST Ho*. 14* is oiPlwiy monih. The clothing school for local leaders begins Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 10:00 a. m. and contiipp^pj:.JP$i||Y $|p' 17th. Dean street »eW biSo« in Woodstock by Miss Margie Haugh, state specialist in clothing. The program, as you see, holds rare treats for every day and you can't afford to miss any of them. Program";;' V November ^ v , 10:00"'a. m.^--Making tailorec! twists from commercial patterns, size 36 to 42 2:00 p. m.--Lecture, Commercial PaV terns and their Alteration. November IS ^ 10:00 a. m.--Demonstration on wi/wk ing machine attachmwits. * 2;00 p. m.---Lecture, feel* For Ma» terials, ' , November 16 10:00 a. m.--Designing tissue papffr patterns on dress forms. 2:00 p. m'^~Lectur«, Shopping HaUtt. November 17 10:00 a. m.--Human proportion chart.' 2:00 p. m.--Lecture, Line and Design. The morning Sessions are laboratory peritods open only t(> delegates from units. ITie afternoon sessions are lectures on the above subjects and are open to all Home Bureai^ members and friends; The girls of the high school sewing class have also been invited to attend these sessions. Jessie E. McCulloch, McHenry County Home Demonstration Agent. Notice Notice is hereby given that dogs will not, be allowed in my place of business on and after this date. Peter W. Frett, West McHenry. ' •!** -;~f li* ^ ^ '•-•x, 1 , -t j- •,'t r . ,»i -A- -}- • ..-V ~'Y f. i-, \ s v » *'<<;¥< i > , 'i f-, m v. .r v J"" '\4 Jr h,'( • 4 *• Out*U> Jhtm ERE are children's shoes of l ^. ,# v traordinary sturdiness--shoes that _ / ^are more than a match for a boy or ^ ' // 1 ability to wear them out. "Special^ T. % x v shoes withstand the •:y<s:r : j^^ridtlng, climbing hours of play that-*' V' . ^ ^. ^aise havoc with diildren's footwear^ ^ < !'•;* * J " Bring the dbildren here for a fit4-4**-* .A ^ * t ^ ' ib; v, t ^ " jlcHENRY, HA. ^ ji'We can help you cut your children's shoe ^ tS i and we will do it with painstaking attention^-,'. ' [' to proper fitting; so important to tender, fP0w^e,?. s , * - Ing feet. We carry a complete line of Mayaf;- "Special |iAerit" shoes for ba»»--"•••••/- K-: and girls. Cdl dlfldren. , • . . . " > h $ vi- t , 1 'i . "> v'.=- -v," ^.. Shoes • f i jkJ • f v -Vv vifvfHK' i • - ' * 'LVsf f - " " ' "" ' ^6s " * "-T* # f ^ '< • * >-/ i * i : i^iis the one where your funds are safe. r.' -f--:'tv mmm •\ -vS •' t'..: -v-t " v ^ r "; 1 ' V ^ ' " i ' i ' '* ' i - v • : ., - v-fl,-,. ^ »r. - Why gtlee chances ;whh'm Sertotl## • 'fty i */:'5 ; * , f •• S'i .- Q'2- , -• a *y • thing as an investment which means your ft <:»• f a, ftitute security? *•; ». Ai.'. v>\- • • • 1 ti'-f v h Jlittef'/!- v.r -€\y- It doesn't cost anything to talk the <*' f VV 'Wm -j *<" jfif %!> " 'i;f matter over with your banker, and it gives ^ . . . . , - *•-- you a very definite advantage over the $. */* * ?man who follows a "hunch" without inr ^ 7 ^ . %. -~.i • .• . ^ - ' •<</:, ; -i " . •- < v V . . r. -vs. - i^;"- ' p: Of. • Q>n$pU f$r& %"f •, ^ •-# i.. v v --1 . 1*. r\ r > ' " Junior Neites ^ The girls are commencing to practice basket ball. We were glad to see Leo back again Thursday. Thank goodness, those exams are over for another ten .weeks.' Some of the freshies are quite worried about their note books. We all appreciated a day off. We needed a day off after those exams. The English III class are wondering whether Chancer was married or not The stenography I class are having a very hard time trying to typewrite without looking at the key board." Miss Ashburner says the English 111 class turned in the best set of examination papers. „ Aren't we smart? Miss Kisch in geometry: "4--2 equals ?" Clyde: "Six." Oh, you sophomores!" . Warning to the !fnnli$Kr!>etff have your hearts tested^ immediately after getting your examination grades. In spring, when students feel sleepy and lazy, they call it spring fever. What is the cause at this time a year ? THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Wanda Hawley ; • . -IN- •' . Her Face Value --AND THE SPORT REVIEW i i I ii Mami :?3\i sv .at* i*, ';rrr";; \': •. <*<. • •- . •:>* ». • . " t v » , • « rna.v4*>»w z&'-y:* Wf give export electrieal service on any make of £arm Lighting Plant or Battery. New reliable lighting plants $175.00 and up installed. Wiring material sold -below 1914 prices at Henry JanBsoB's, Bairofr |U.«,, -. 6 ' ' "" ' ' " ' M-i ;v * V here last Saturday evening. An exceptionally fine crowd was present to enjoy the happy occasion. Music was provided by an orchestra from Richmond. Befreehmehts Jilso pcTVCi _ v * *« M Entertained at Daaee "Bur gentlemen members of 'Mc* tfiMiry' chapter, O. E. S., of this village very delightfully entertained [tanks will double the capacity of the at a social dance at the Masonic hall Will Add More Tanks The cement piers are already completed for three more gigantic storage tanks to be erected by the Valvoline Oil company on their property just west of the railroad tracks. The new • < ' «•* Vv'-" c - ^ ' i * , »«" 6 it halt nrftfipnt • • W " " ' f ^ ; n : l 1 # 11 * t. *! • . - >' < - * " ,y"' • S " ' 'i-j •S.>ri •»..}<• \yi-"f •;* 1 ":l ,.f?'W •»! e hkv6 a lhnited amotmt of CANE-MOLAt FEEDING MOLASSES, COTTON-SEED MEAL and UNICORN DAIRY RATION which we wish iOLmove to make room for other feeds. •J 'fe"4 r,., 'if# t, ' V f_ (i -" 'f f-' ^ i -j. W3m. '•% V 1*1' CANE-MOLA'is msule from CuW cm* ^ •y || in Addition to having feeding value equaJ tp corn, ^0, is a tonic and appetizer lor live 'f. J5I' strong, new barrels. * • ^ « : i Drop in and see us for SPECIAL PRICES *c-j . 'r&ztyi. V. ;,.f <•-: C: > >f: t ^ jtt mil wMMttt m > emutt wwo> swi>i»«i>h.wi A-'- «H Jiifei'": ,y. •:«! • W;/! ;fr . . . . . . . . . . . i^.w« McH«nor. 4 .,Vwi- •' . W:fv ':X& /'jV ^ Ivi" ^ i"; 8? rjS, < • ' ^ it ^ . a" V .'US

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