Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1922, p. 4

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(lusrrfi and 1 Methodist uriite this coming Sunisnior. Thankseivine service at the Universalist church, will be the usual eleven The sermon of the Mr. Sanger, will SHIPPERS ^itf) your rrMW! to us at Elfin and itlwajr* fct high4Mt prices. Klfcfa th* butter •;«f the rouatry. We m*narwcMire Ifcrenin arwl butter. Writ® for tag*, lion and our i|uot»tions. i wny^ aitk your dottier for you* FAV- ,, : SbiilTF tcet'renmaod HILLflnE Creaa»» >&#? Wuttor. Made in Klpta." utter Co. Elgin, Hi. be entitled "Oar Thar.k-effsriRgr.M Altho there will be no morning churfh service at the Methodist church on account of the union service,^the Sunday school will meet as usual at ten o'clock iifthe Methodist church. As will also the Epworth league for their evening service at 6:80. All friends of the church will find a very hearty welcome at each and all of the Telephone 93-R. WM. QT SCHREINER Agent for County Fire Insurance Co., Illinois Bankers' Hog Insurance Co., Reliance Life Insurance Co. Auctioneering McHENRY :: ILLINOIS TAKI senior the MicHen Wert McHenry, Agency For services and are especially w**d to attend the union services of our churches. Making Imprnvemente N. J. Jus ten & Son, the West Side j undertakers and furniture men, are j making quite extensive' improvements j at their place of business. A new; work shop is now being added to the east side of the building, which will allow the enlargement of the store proper by adding the south end, which is now used as a work room. The additions and alterations will be com- tjme> however, he has been away pleted in plenty of time to allow the : an(j before leaving he disman proprietors to give their patrons the t]ed his outfit He is now installint very best of service during the coming holiday season. WBINSCHENKER'S (ommunity Express l>raying Mid Long DMaset Haal> teg done By the hoar «r Jdk Pornlture moved with cave bp •UM> of loitg experience. M< WENfcY A. M Sch«*iU. ft--. Phone -W-Wsl U.N. Sctuattt. S«cy. McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. The cheapest and »f«*t insurance on earth. Rates and other information may bo had upon application MkhM Freund, Agent, MeHenry •i Tarty Says What could be sweeter than a roast of young home killed pork--we have it--and what could be fairer than the let live prices we are asking for this strictly prime young pig pork? Ask mother what is better for pie crusts than a pail of Frett's open kettle rendered lard. YoA may fool father when it comes to telling lard but mother knows. Give us a ring for a trial order, we will make you like it. £ GROCERY ST.WESTMdfNRy.tU PHONE 3 Rubber OF ALL KINDS FOR ALL WORK) AND WEATHER" WEAR, HEAVY AND LIGHT, FOR A GOOD LINE OF RUB® BERS CALL AT SMITH BROS. McHenry. III. First Universalis! Church The Sunday school meets at 10:00 .tour's license with the government, will fwhich allows him to receive and transo'clock. next Sunday as usual. The great enthusiast and .now has rigged church service at 11:00 will be $ union np at his home on Riverside Drive Thanksgiving service, the Methodists one Gf the most complete sets in thfs and Universalists meeting together at village. He has taken out an amathe Universalist church, and Mr. Sanger, the Methodist pastor, give the sermon. All are welcome to ,mjt messages. His call letter is this Thanksgiving service. |9-CEB. John M. Grimes. Minister. J c. Roemisch has a receiving and -- -- - ^transmitting set established in the DR. C. KELLER home of his parents on Waukegan 30 ,Yoam Experience In Testing Eyes street. He io also licensed and the (irinding by your own optician. The cali letters assigned him are 9-CMX. following are some of the prominent William Kennebeck of Maple avenue citizens who got glasses during the is another of the amateur operators, past two weeks: Mrs. J. Regner, Mr. While his set is only capable of reand Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Mrs. Pubs, ceiving, he hopes soon to install a Peter J. Heimer, Mrs. Brefeld, John transmitter as well. His call letters J. Buch, Mrs. Emil Lasch, Mr. and are 9-CSL friends tendered a surprise at her home on Main street last Sunday evening, the occasion being her seventeenth birthday anniversary. The evening was passed at games and dancing and atx an appropriate hour a delicious chicken dinner was served. She was presented with a suitable gift as a This was two years ago. Since that i memento of the occasion. Those present wore: Misses Alice Miller, Pauline Freund, Greeta Chamberlln, Doris Bacon, Harriett Bobb, Arline Harrison, Eleanor and Mildred Kinsal a, Floyd Foss, Leo Winkel, Earl Walsh, Edward Kennebeck, Herman Nye and John Vycital. Tftat^he Interest in radio Is on increase is seen by the number of young people who are joining the rank* of the radio fans. Cloice Wagner was the first of the McHenry young men to become sufficiently interested in the new invention to install a receiving set here. tied his outfit. He is now installing a new outfit and expects to have same in operation within the course of the next two weeks. Joe Buch is another of McHenry's Seven big band numbers at the Empire theatre, Dec. 6. Only five more weeks until Christmas. Buy your gift goods at Erickson's. Auction Sale! Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Mrs. A.. H. Watson, Mrs. Ben Thonneson, Mrs. Ben Justen of Ringwood. --Office Hours:-- Mondays, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Call phone No. 9. Make appointments by phone. McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS BIGGEST AND BEST YET Among McHenry people who have installed receiving sets thus far.and [who are now enjoying concerts and listening in on other matters that are ; being broad casted daily are: Dr. N. jj. Nye, Rev. M. J. McEvoy, C. W. ' Stenger, W. L. Howell, John F. Miller, | Carl Weber and frhos. McCabe. PLAYING WITH MATCHES I hfee Year Old Boy Sets Clothing on Filro Monday Morning i PRINCESS THEATRE Woodstock, III. -m •"V • '>•! j Prompt assistance from th.e iti ! and John R. Smith, a neighbor, prob- I ably saved the life of Earl, the three- ! year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal J. Ravens, who reside on a farm southfast of this village, between ten and eleven o'clock on Monday morning of ; this week, when the little fellow got into the match box and set Ms cloth- ; ing afire. , " I The father was not at home when ! the accident took place and the mother had gone to the barn to do some work. Earl, with two other children, one a ' e;irl a trifle older, while the other was i a younger child, had been left in the bouse by the mother. During the mother's absence Earl spied the match box and, child like, started out to examine its contents. He then struck a match and probably frightened by the flame he let the match fall with the result that it set i fire to his clothing. The older sister started for the barn to call her friother and apparently the brother [followed her from the house. The ' ' ' £0 »** . * % # ^ Let this be a "Radio Christmas.* What could be more acceptable to the children as well as the grown-ups, than a good Radio Receiving Set? Listen in to the wonderful music broadcasted on Christmas day from all parts of the country, not only on Christmas day but ever} day in the year. Grand Opera is now being broadcasted certain nights from Chicago. Now i$ the time to order your set if you want a^M'ery before Christmas. We represent the best and|most reliable sets made. It pays to get a good set Exide Radio batteries are built especially for Radio service and are recognized the best. We also sell B. Batteries, Tubes, Head Sets, Baldwin, Magnavox and Western Electric Loud Speakers and parts to build your own sets. ^ W. L. Howell & do. Phono l«l-rR McHenrjvlJl. Sunday & Monday November 26th H 27th „.j 4. fi ^ •*** boy's screams attracted the attention of a neighbor farmer, John R. Smith, who was repairing a fence near the Ravens home. He ran right over, reaching the lad about the same time as did his mother. Between the two they literally tore the burning clothing from the boy's body and thereby (probably saved his life Altho he received quite severe burns about the face, right arm, body and leg, the youngster will recover. Dr p. G. Well4 was failed into attendance [ VILLAGE TRUSTEES MEET Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned vt^tll sell at public auction on tiie Hanly "farm No. 2, situated one-half mile" south of McHenry, on the McHenry-Crystal Lake road, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 commencing at 12:30 p. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 59 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- . 13 Milk Cows T#o%«*r-old heifer, 15-motltils-old bull, S^months-old bull, 2 veal calves. 3 Head Horses Gelding, 7 years old, weight 1400 pounds; mare, 9 years old, weight 1400 pounds; j yeari^, ^ 1000 pounds. ^;!v' * Hogs " Twenty-eiglit shoats, 1 Duroc Jersey sow, 9 pigs. 100 white and brown Leghorn chickens. Hay and Grain 1 Eighteen tons clover and timothy hay, stack straw, 400 bu. oats, 75 bu. barley, 500 shocks corn. Machinery, Etc. New hay loader, new side delivery rake, new Superior drill, McCormick corn binder, new truck wagon, truck wagon and box, milk wagon, 3-section drag, 2-sec. drag, McCormiAc mower. Hayes . corn planter, 2 new walking plows, 2 cultivators, potato hiller hay rack and box, double heavy bfeeching harness, double driving harness, new single harness, riding ad die, 500 chick bfooder, 2 rods chicken wire, 5 gal. thermos waterer, pump jack and belt, hay rope and forks, and other -articles too numerous to mention. Household Goods Cole's Hot Blast range, Cole's Hot Blast heater, kitchen cabinet, dining room table, 8 chairs, cupboard, 2 dressers, 2 beds, 11x12 rug, 14x16 linoleum, side board, 3 rockers, kerosene stove and oven. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possessioft of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. FRANK J. MAT, Prop. C. W. Stenger, Clerk. jlti Adjourned Session at Village Hall Last Friday Evening William deMille %\ PROOUCTION Nice WALLACE RE IU BEBE DANIELS, CONRAD NAOEL. JULIA FAYI, . CLOTHES Tint Will Appeal to You When you step in one of our suits or overcoats you look correctly dressed and feel that way. • • ' / : ' They are correct dress because they are authentic in style and are accepted wherever men of fashion gather; also because in quality of fabrics. Thoroughness of worknjanship~ and skillfulness in tailoring. They are the highest attainf :. $tte& in clothes' bbildlng^% McGEE'S CLOTHING STORE • McHENRY, ILLINOIS .... . .. ^fov. 30th & Dec. 1st FtwctH ll*r r«» FritzJ f" Council Room, Nov. 17, 1022. The village trustees met in adjourned meeting with President Stoffel presiding. | Trustees present: Doherty, Eriek son, Knox, Krause, Overton and Wat- * tl66 ) The mWtos of ^tiio ^ mooting "Iwere read and approved. t Motion by Doherty, seconded by j Overton, that the minutes be accepted 'as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Krause, that the sewer ordinance be accepted as read. Ayes--Doherty, Erickson, Knox, fcrause, Overton and j Wattles. Nays--None. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that the Wm. Bonslett addition called Lake Vtow be approved. Mo* tion carried. N Motion by Doherty, seconded by Krause, that the president and purchasing committee take steps in regard to a fire department apparatus and report to the next meeting. Mo tion carried. Motion by Krause, 'seconded by I Doherty, to adjourn. Motion learned Simon Stoffel,, President. {, W- G. Schreiner, Clerk. Boy Breaks Shoulder While at Play Joseph Glossen, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Glossen, who reside on -a farm west of town, seems to be having more than his 'share of ill luck. It is only about a year ago that the little fellow underwent quite a serious operation at a Chicago hospital. He is attending St. ,, Mary's parochial school and last Friday, while playing with a number of - [ his mates, he accidentally fell to the* ; ground with such force as to fracture */• i jhis left shoulder. Dr. D. ^ G. Wells If: i was called into attendance and under his care the little patient is getting on very nicely. Leave Here JOHN STQgPBfc, wwt McHENHT Fulton Provision Co. (Not Inc.) " *'"4 >' COMMISSION MERCHANTS -vr tllLTpN MARKET , XQNG DISTANCE P9IQK& / I.** FULTON STREET ~ ^ MONROE 1 - Charles i. lak' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS -V •' .. ; -'V^ ;.j •? j • -Jr" • ' V Hie t <1 There is no thing that brings; delight, comfort and con-| lience to your home than electric light and power. $.> . M X i .3 The new 4-cyMnder Unimote ' f, -ipas much superior over tbe ones % $£ <^rlinder as the present (Jay auto ' . Ofer tbe old one cylinder eon-^®^; *|rted buggy. v It's smooth, slow speed and ly performance will furnish, tfro thousand candle power of beautiful light withoutn wink or ^icken;, :; ; •_ \' y* ^ It is » t««i delight to see It 1 Jn and a demonstration^ will l#ver be forgotten. - • | * - - " i JPRICE WITH BATTBRY INSTALLED $U5 Unimotea la all tiies up to jt thousand candtepower • see '> HENRY" JANSSEN«3P® OR PHONE ROUND LAKE NO. 6 yp'i. \ , 1, -f* 1 i pl'Jy A •M-'i •J:-* - ^ I • - sjrf ' r f '/j .'l! THE CLARIONOLAS We sell them at cost price. Come in and hear them play. We guarantee each and every machine. Open Sundays. Sold at- A. J. Pouliot's Boat Factory. McHENRY :: :: ILLINOIS COMING TO Woodstock Dr. Dieterich ; i SPECIALIST la Internal Medicine for the ^ i - past twenty yean r-r' i •' . » - 1 Cook Thanksgiving Dinner -1 on a Brand 'NeWl DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at THE WOODSTOCK HOTEL: Saturday, December 18th Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. 1 ONE DAY for ConmltatKni ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Atty. and Mrs. ,Wfti. Perkinson of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parentis, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. George Hanly and daughter, Grace, of Elgin were guests in* the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A Sorter or«r iV,v' i Dr. Dieterich is a regular graduate in^ tnedicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Illinois. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired. his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you . have been ailing for any length of time an<f do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consultation on this trip wjll be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must* be accompanied by their husbands. Address: S36 Boston Block, Minr What a joy it is to use a spotlessly clean, shiny bright, efficient new range. How good everything seems to taste and how easy it is to prepare dinner when there's no fire-building or fire-tending to bother with. And do you know that some gas ranges cook the whole dinner automatically, without ycir' being in the kitchen at all? Oven heat regulators make this possible. / « ^ 3 Make your selection this week, if possible, to ; insure installation Ji:^ ample time for Thursday November 30th. ( • ^ i • <<< •: .. .. " V1 ^ 5,1 J 111:1 ' k- , " • icftm imipr.' i • . ^ c*, i •>"I -Atv " h r\\" * 'r-t Mr For Women, for Men, for Street Wear, f^rVior ' ' You will find that "Ball-Band" Light Weight Rubbers give the same kind of satisfaction that has been given soman? years by the heavier styles. Women like long-wearing as well as good-looking rubbers. Xfewr also wapt More Days Wear. . . ' " "Ball-Band" Rubbers, either light or ?&avy, are the good-flt^g, and fine-looking kind. ? " ft • , M -t ^ % f *4$+ » \i „.4 JOHN STOFFEL, r £.<, ti-T: . ••*-5;.,

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