Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1922, p. 4

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CAN THE :xmy- i 'si i ii >f • * •'••^•-••v^i ADDRIOHAI. Mil A. J. Schneider and Mr* F. l>r«t«tk Debate to Be Often at the Cobb passed Tuesday in Elgin. M. E. Church Tuesday, Dec. 12 i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Asmalaky of --- | Chicago spent last Thursday with Me- !» The dramatic debate is an entirely Henry relatives. new form of public discussion. "Can; Mr. and Mrs. J. McKay of Crystal the Law Be Enforced" will be the'Lake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. topic debated by E. E. Hudson and A. Erickson Sunday. v : Balph Owen at the Jf. E. church here j Miy Clara Stoffel passed a few days on Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, at eightj this week with her sister, Mrs. C. C. ©'clock. . Westfall. in Chicago. This new method has aroused the i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson and ^Interest of public leaders thruout the children passed last Thursday with • itate since the first of the year, when 'relatives at Oak Park. -tie dramatic debate made its appearance in Illinois. Recently at a National conference of Anti-Saloon jfeague leaders at Milwaukee the dramatic debate was given the hardest Jtj&t imaginable. It was placed on fhe program at the conclusion of a I Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ensign and children spent Thanksgiving day with relatives at Crystal Lake. j Phil Meyers of Chicago was a week lend guest in the home of his parents, ! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl and Jour day convention at which the daughters, Pauline and A dele, were nation's greatest prohibition orators Woodstock visitors Sunday, bad spoken. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries returned '•H. The dramatic debate started at home from a two months' European .ibout a quarter after nine'at night, j trip last Thursday evening. Ordinarily under such circumstances j . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartelts of Harpreat pert of the audience, tired and i yard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sauer and family. Phil Giesler and sons of Chicago passed the week end with his sister, nnxious to get home, leaves the iijall during the final session. But not Jne person went away until the dramatic debate was over. Ernest H. i Mrs. Geo. Meyers, and family. Sherrington, secretary of the World j Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher passed League Against Alcoholism, later Sunday as guests in the home of the %rote 0. G. Christgau, author of the'former's brother at Oak Park, dramatic debate, that in his opinion! Glenn Wells of Galesburg spent the the possibilities of the dramatic de- j Thanksgiving vacation with his parliate from an educational standpoint ents, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells. %' • ; re unlimited. He expressed the hope | Mr. and Mrs. L. ^A. Erickson and _ that every state in the union will daughters passed Thanksgiving day ollow the example of Illinois and a8 the guests of relatives at Rockford. / ;t>lace enough teams in the field to George A. Steilen of Chicago was a oover the nation. J. Stanley Brown, guest in the home of his parents, Mr. president of the Northern Illinois antj Mrs. Gep. P. Steilen, on Thanks- % jjitate Teachers' college at DeKalb, giving day. ^ tfter hearing the dramatic debate j Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Westfall pf |v.. ?'-"im>te, "It is one of the most striking Chicago passed last Thursday in the t " Examples of teaching thru the objec- home of the latter's parents, Mr. and :i live method that I have yet seen." I Mrs. Sinrfbn StoffeL Jf ; , At Joliet the Ottawa street Metho- j Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of ', , " iist church was, packed for the debate Woodstock spent Thanksgiving in the Jy 1 fen a Sunday evening. For the bene- home of the latter's parents, Mr. and ij; fit of those unable to hear the debate Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. W' the first time a return engagement j Mr. And Mrs. Hilary Rohenkirch and • was arranged for and two weeks later children of Chicago spent Thanksgivthe church was filled again on a Sun- jng day with her parents, Mr. and day afternoon. Large crowds have Mrs. Geo. P. Steilen. f-t attended a dramatic debate thruout j Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr. §;; the state and almost invariably a re- antj Mrs. George Stoffel were dinner turn date for which larger crowds are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron , . promised is asked for. The dramatic on Thanksgiving day. ft • 'debate is presented not as an enter-; Miss Maybelle Wheeler passed tainment, but as the solution of the Thangsgiving day as the guest of |;v problem of prohibition enforcement friends at Ridgefield. and on Friday * ' Everywhere now. For this purpose visited friends at Elgin. aljtate and national leaders, including. Mr. and Mrs.' James. Walsh and John H. Kramer and Howard H. Rus- daughter, Vera, of Woodstock were •ell, declare the dramatic debate to be ^ visitors in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby p. "j fne of the most effective methods on Wednesday of last week, ^"•^fcat can be used in the fight against Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bauer and daughjter, Isa belle, and Mrs. Russell Mead of Waukegan spent Sunday in the the lawless liquor traffic. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Met la. Regular Monday Eveaing Council Room, Dee. 4, 1S& The village trustees met in regular sion with Pres. Stoffel presiding. • Trustees present: Doherty, Erickson, Knox, Krause, Overton and Watlies. _ The minutes of the continued meeting were read and approved. home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker of Burlington, Wis., spent the latter part of last week in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Mrs. Clifford Cambridge passed -ldlt week as the guest of relatives at Kankakee, 111. Mr. Cambridge was also a visitor there over Thanksgiving. • Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters, Lena, i Clara and Esther, and Mrs. Robert ^ The following bills were read and Thompson were guests of Mr. and vfipproved by the finance committee: Mrs. F. L. McOmber at Highland Park 3L26 •Public Service Co., electric power for pump $ ' N. H. Petesch, supplies used at . Jas. Perkins' house F. G. Schreiner, printing Jas. B. Clow & Sons, supplies for waterworks Public Service Co., supplies -H. C. Nickels, lbr on ww..... ^Public Service Co., lighting j sts and traffic lights Weil-McLain Co., supplies for > waterworks, Jack Nicholls, lbr on ww..,.. •Henry Stoffel, superintendent of waterworks services .... John Walsh, marshal service.. W. G. Schreiner, telephone and postage . Walter J. Donavin, labor on waterworks ...... .... Theo. G. Stock, lbr on ww..... , M. A. Thelen, lbr on streets with team Gfco. Meyers, lbr on street with team ......... v..... . Wm. Herbes, lbr on streets... Joe Engeln, lbr and supplies for waterworks Jack Nicholls, lbr on dumping grounds J. W. Smith, hall rent Nov. 17 Alexander Lumber Co., culverts McHenry Lumber ,Co., planks. Alexander Lumber Co., coal .. Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes be*accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Wattles, seconded by Doherty, that the treasurer's, collector's and clerk's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that the bills be accepted as 0. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, to adjourn until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer and Mr. | and Mrs. Alvin Brans of Forest Park 5.26 1 passed the latter part of last and the 19.26 first of this week as guests of Mr. and < Mrs. A. J. Kamholl. 18.68 I Those from a distance to attend the .36 funeral of Mrs. Eliza L. Parker here 13.60 last Sunday afternoon were Mr. and i Mrs. F. V. Cobb, daughter,-Gladys, and 138.16 son, Sherman; F. A. Parker, Carlos Parker of Chicago; Mrs. Sibyl White 98.12 of Schenectady, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. 16.00 Alva Voorhees of Beloit, Wis.; Miss Ella Parker of Libertyville; Mr. and 60.00 Mrs. Frank Dunning, Mrs. H&ttie 110.00 -Blackman of Elgin, Mrs. Wm. Wilson 'of Evanston. 2.25 QUARTER Or CENTURY complete terns GVpM From The Plaindealer «T Twenty-«ve Tear* Ago jeet "reported the laras After a few days' honeymoon trip -e companies, their Mr. and Mrs. Wynkoop will be at hom* . w v - IcIBP hftvi,lf IPi1 to tijjBr.-iwppr ftiMMil -at the Wynkoop Stofrel's new hall on the West Side incrpRed to the apt of ^%£i|t is fast becoming one of the most pop- $300^000. The <|i|£y c<***y! B^ wSsSl'gtwni. of this ular in the county. ^ ranked second in the matter erf gains, happy union are well known and The McHenry Gum club is to nave a ;coming in for an increase of about among our most popular residents. live bird and blue rock shoot in this |2SR,000. Alden and Nunda each re- The high regard and affection in which vill^re December 9 and 10. [ported a gain of approximately $200,- they are held is attested by the large O. T. Eldredge bought eight hogs on poo, while Algonquin's gain was con- and beautiful array of gifts sent by Tuesday of .I. Schumacher near Johns- 8j<|erabiy smaller. The last named* friends ,who were anxious to add to l>«rg that weighed S.800 pounds. J company suffered the greatest losses the joyousness of the occasion and to Capt. A. Snow, our postmaster, had ;during the year. prove their friendship. £ . the misfortune t» slip and hurt his \ Representatives of the McHenry The Sentinel joins the hosts of both knee quite badly one day last week, 'company present at the meeting were young and old in Woodstock and vicin- Thos. Phalen has purchased the resi- Hubert and Michael Freund, Martin ity who extend heartfelt congratuladence of W. D. Went worth on the May, John Huff and M. N. Schmltt. tions and good wishes for a happy West Side, now occupied by L. H. j Owen. | The young peoples' meetings being i Lamphws-Wynkoop [Woodtftock Sentinel] future to Mr. and Mrs. Wynkoop. Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. Sauer were Har • . .JUMH ! ***• Mayme LAnphere became the vard visitors Sunday. held at the chur^jvejy |brjde of Mr. Fred D. Wynkoop at 9:30 Sunday evenmg are being wen at- 6r Thanks^ivinjr day morn5ng ,| tended. at home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. ( A son of Frank Smith of Johnsburg ;Bes,ey Rev N A Sunderlin perform- | met with ^ quite a s®^er* ing the ceremony. The couple was at- j the gravel pit on^ the ° 1 -tended by the bride's brother and wife,' Tuesday. * !Dr. and Mrs. Besley. Only the im-' Hon. F. K. Granger ef o P1"*" mediate relatives were present. field Monday afternoon, where he w.ll, The house w#g decorated attend to his as state senator ^ white crysanthe-1 from this district. . mums. The bride wore a traveling i The workmen are d.ggmg .trenches, ^ q{ ^ dark b,ue ^ for the water works on Mam street)^ ^ trimmingg with The latter part of last week they wew ^ to match ghe algo wore obliged to use dynamite. ; corsage bouquet of pink sweet peas, The Bank of McHenry hangs up a . fof & ^ heat sign ty> the effect that they are s THE CLARIONOLAS We sell them at cost price. Come 'in and hear them play. We guarantee each and every machine. Open Sundays. Sold at A. J. Pouliot's Boat Factory, McHENRY :: ILLINOIS 88.06 7.00 40.00 ACTIONS OF STRANGERS Attracted Attention of Fair W^rk^ra • -Last Thursday Night " Did McHenry escape a robbery last • Thursday night ? This is a question 10.76 that workeFs at st- Mary's church fair I have been asking themselves ever 18.10 s*nc® the closing night of the big ,' .event. 8X10 ^ seems that at about the midnight protected by a policy in the Bankers' Mutual Casualty company. Ed. Shanks, boss at the ice house at McCollum's lake, went to Chicago on Tuesday and when he returns will immediately get ready for cutting ice. Wm. McDonald, the well known trotting horse driver, died suddenly at his home in Chicago „on Thursdays Nov. 24. The ftiner*) *as hefd at Nunda Sunday. The New England supper, given by the ladies of the Universalist church at the village hall on Friday evening, was a grand success. The receipts were something over $60. - A son of Robert McNeil, who lives on the Fox Lake road, died on Sunday. He was r about eleven years ofStage. The funeral was held from St.-' Patrick'^ church in this village on Tuesday. „ The iron for the stand pipe has arrived and workmen are getting it in position as fast as possible. With any kind of weather they expect to have it completed before the end of the month. Geo. Meyers had the misfortune to lose one of his team of horses while covering the trenches for the waterworks. He slipped and fell into the j trench* and died before he could be extricated. The Janesvilie accommodation train, which v leaves Chicago at Ave o'clock in the evening, ran into a team at the crossing near Cary on Tuesday night. One horse was killed and the driver injured. Prof. Bryhn's dancing class in this village is meeting with the best of success. It is large and increasing in number every evening. He also has a class of about forty at Richmond and another of thirty-five at $unda. Another victim wis chimed by the corn husker and shredder on Wednesday morning of last week when Richard Basely, who was feeding one of these machines at H. ,L. Brooks' had his left hand caught and before it could be freed it was shredder to slivers. The hand was amputated, #The first primary department of the public school has just been reseated with twenty-eight new seats, purchased from the well known school furniture house of Sherwood company of Chicago. These seats were purchased with tiie funds realized from the entertainment recently- given by the *pup>ls of this room. . At a regular meeting of McHenry post; G. A. R., held on Thursday evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: H. C. Mead, commander; A. Weber, senior vice commander; E. . Lawlus, junior vice commander; Wm. H. Harrison, adjutant; C. Howard, quartermaster; Wm. Schreiner, guard; David Parker, chaplain; John R. Brents, officer of the day. •• MUTUAL FIRE COMPANIES Of McHenry County Held Their Annual Meeting Tuesday ANNOUNCEMENT I have just opened a modern electric shoe repair shop and am ready to serve you. Have had 30 years of experience in this line of work. I use the very best materials and my prices are reasonable. Also do hollow-ground Accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Besice skate sharpening. All work guarley the happy couple left by auto for anteed. Crystal Lake, then by train for Chi- BERNARD POPP, :: JOHNSBURG cago, where a wedding breakfast was Mail Address McHenry, R. F. D. No. 3 enjoyed, followed by a happy day, | Phon* 640-W-2 CREAM SHIPPERS £bip your creani to us at Elglu and always K«t highest prices. Elgin )s the batter center of the country. We manufacture both ice cream and butter. Write for tags. Information ana our quotations * "Always ask your dealer for jour FAVORITE Ice Cream and HILL8IDK Cream* ery Batter. Made In Eltitn." B. S. Pearsall Butter do. Elgin, 111. MR.HAPPV Party ! DR. C. KELLER ,8# Years Experience In Testing Eyes Grinding by your own optician. The following are some of the prominent citizens who grot glasses during the past two weeks: Mrs. J. Regner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Mrs. Pulz, Peter J. Heimer, Mrs. Brefeld, John J. BucH, Mrs. Emil Lasch, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Watson, Mrs. Ben Thon- ' neson, Mrs. Ben Justen of Ringwood. i --Office Houni:-- Mondays, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Call phone No. 9. Make/ appointments by phone. ^ McHENRY, :: :: ILLINOIS 11.49 night, Dec. 18, 1922, at 8:00 p. m. ..5>?Simon Stoffel, President. ^ vitit G. Schreiner, Clerk. gQO hour two strangers, who had not been 11.90 seen *n the hall during the earlier 2 95 hours, made thetr appearance and, while they did not appear particularly interested in the various booths or other attractions, they did attract attention from the workers by their seemingly queer manners. First they entered the kitchen where they purchased sandwiches, after which they purchased some soft drinks. They then appeared, at least to those who had been watching them quite closely, as if they were making a survey of the! plage and acted very much like fellows who were there Monday *or no Kood purpose. The word was HAM THAT 5 MIGHTY •TANTALIZING-- WILL FIND II APPETIZING • And the flavor of our ham mighty tantalizing, but you'll find the goodness <>! all the meats we sell up m the pure food mark. And you'll find our prices down to public favor and you'll find our courteous services at your disposal. " •FRETTS* 1MARKET? GROCERY m9T.wEsrNdawy.iLi PHONE 3 --- COMING TO . ^ til Woodstock ,\ D# fDieterich fr... ;#PEciAusr ""j'%i' Internal Medicine for 0^'.^' past twenty yean If among the Christmas Presents you make, you include one or more that Is in the classification of •, Electrical Appliances you won't go astray--you will not fail to gratify the recipient Their variety is large Electric labor savers--the washer, the vacuum cleaner, the iron. Electric cooking appliances percolators, toasters, grills, samovars. , Electric lamps for every purpose arid in many designs. Electric accessaries that increase comfort and convenience. All at the lowest price Goods may be ordered from our office at Crystal Lake Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Inst pro] WEST McHENRY. 'igent 4$» hi the beif mm£'m ffi PlmH m Wert MeHaary, Agency Fur L*eve Your Bundle® Here 4 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENftY WEINSCHENKER'S Draying and Long Distance Hauling done b^ the hour or {ok Furniture moved with men of long experience. % A. M. Schmltt. Pres. ..M; N. ScJuaitt. McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTU FIRE INSURANCE CO. The cheapest and safest insurance ^ earth. Rates and otl^ar inforiaatlM^ may be had upon Application ' | V 'W, PHONE 35 McHENRY liicliMl Freund, Agent, McH Each Patriotic Each Home Owner-- * Who wants his TAXES reduced and the sanctity ' of his home preserved. Will Vote "Y«i" On Decembertixth For the NEW CONSTITUTION % : '•SMi ^ . 'P. f jitter Merchandise ¥ 'V;. > FOR COLD WEATHER ? .vc 4 > BoysT Fif'ecea Union Suits Itc MUses'Fleeced Union Suits Tie Meu's Fleeced Shirts and . Drawers..., -tie c Men's Wool-mixedr Union ¥•' Suits A|1 Wool Sport Cbats!iiiij^$5Jt Boys' All Wool Sweaters.?.$4.SS, Flannelette Petticoats..I... Stc . .'vl'- Self GROCERIES Rising Pahcake Flour, • lb. sack S2c Ideal Ma>t and Hops ... We Crescent Pumpkin, large can 15c Elgin Corn, per can ......... ltc 43oeoa, I lb. cao4.;.::./i^-.jle-- •J- « • '"'V • * JOHN STOFtEt; ... , .... - Gingham Petticoats...lie Bed Blankets, wool dap:. $3.95 tVitton Bfd Blanket*..... .$2.25 Wool Bed Blankets... 17.25 Wool Auto Blankets $?.2S & $8.5t Men's Wool Socks, S pair... 71« Men's Flannel Shirts.... ...tlJt Boys' Flannel Shirts 11.75 Men's Sweaters .. .$1.4S to $1.15 U. 8. Mail Soap, 3 bars.. lte Lenox Soap, 10 bars.....; 45e Soap Chips, 2 lbs. .-.-..^.*'*-- lie Ooffee, special blende..'. 27c " White Vinegar, per bottle. lie "West McHenry, III. •a#* , <4* . DOES NOT OPERATH / ^ :•" t Will be at WOODSTOCK H0TBI* (' " Saturday, December l<th OSce Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. $NB DAY ONLT 4< i;f|o Charge far ConauHitl-- passed along |and thence to mittees tp | strangers. Whether the various worker-s the t mp membeirs of the cpman ejW TlSP the Car.d. .P arty , Weil. Attended v ^ j A1 I or not they suspicioned _ The public card party/ giv„e n by the .tuh_a*t tuh.e y were ,b eing wat. c,h ed_f .i s no.t m» embe*r s of Fox River Valley camp, »,« „ > t -a. J. «R J . H' known, but it remains that they left R,N. A., at Woodman hall last Satur- th lace ^ onl few minutes, day evening, was very well attended gtay. Men who had ^ tipped off »»4 greatly enjoyed by all. Honors, followed the strangers down stairs, of the evening were bestowed as fol- whwe ^ 8aw them enter a big ST'* t Cla™ touring car and drive away, Schtessle and W. F. Vogt; consola- So far as is known they did not return, at least not to the hall. Whether or not won ,h.ig ,h and, „M.i ss Elizabeth B_ oger ,the automobile carried more than two The third annual meeting of the McHenry County Farm Mutual Fire Insurance companies took place at the Commercial club rooms at Crystal Lake on Tuesday of this week,'each of the five mutual companies doing busi ness in this county being represented. Dr. Dieterich is a regular graduate The meeting was called to order at n qiedicine and surgery and is lite n o'clock in the morning with J. H. censed by the state of Illinois. He Turner of Hebron presiding. After (Visits professionally the more importhe regular routine of business, which jtant towns and cities and offers to all included the reading and approving of 'who call on this trip free consultation* the minutes of last year's meeting,' except the expense of treatment wheh the time to the noon hour was taken | desired. • up by discussions on re-insurance and! According to his method of treafcthe idea of combining all of the com- jment he does n6t operate for chronic panies of the county into one organi-1 appendicitis, gall stones, ulcere of zation. There are now five such com- J stomach, tonsils or adenoids. panies in existence in this county as He has to his credit wonderful refolloMfs: Alden, Algonquin, Dunha^ 8ult8 jn diseaseg of the stomachf 15ver) and Chemung, Nunda and McHenry. blood> skin> KerveSj heart, kid- After the recess hour, during which ney> l)la(ider> ^ . wetting, catarrh, dinner was partaken of, the meeting lWeak lungB> rheumatism, sciatica, leg was again called to order at one u,cer8 and recta, ai|mentg. o clock. A motion was made, sec-1 , ' onded and carried that another meet- L T°U. ve a'1 length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very tions, Mrs. Jos. J. Sauer and F. E. Cobb. At bunco Miss Eleanor Kinsala the consolation. A neat sum was cleared as the result of the happy occasidn. comfortable and dnxabla lino of s h o e s 0 k E r i e k e o i n " . : M remains a mattef of conjecture. While in the hall they appeared to be watching those handling the money land as a matter of safety the pro- Hinds' .ceeds of the evening were taken away : wmH, - ** v ^' ing be held the (irst Tuesday in De- i cember, 1923. It was also voted that' the next meeting be again held at i Crystal Lake. These motions were followed by the re-election of the same officers who have served the organization during the past year. Thus J. H. Turner of Hebron will again, act^ as president, while M. N. Schmitt of Johnsburg will serve as secretary. | Jtaof the eompani*s eeported a very mafoHs, Ufapa, often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consultation on this trip 1rill be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompanied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston Ql^ Miaw •i* i •*" ..'J' *'• •-?. "#*<• r ,: ' ">a r' .. j,** -z-.i Get Busy Tomorrow! The Kohler Automatic for Christmas! Electric light wherever you want it. Electric power ro help with the housework and the chores. |ust see our Kohler Automatic at work. It's a wonder. Gives you 110 volt "city electricity," and lots of it. Ends storage battery bother. Built and backed by a firm with fifty years of quality manufacturing and square dealing behind it. . We'll sell you your Kohler Automatic on easy payments. Think it over tonight aadfSt ko»y tomorrow! -/• L HOWELL ft ol.', •' Mcllt nry. III. , KOHLER AUTOMATIC POWER&LIGH.T i i v;- w* k* - f ®~«h' ( - { "• • J;,,- • it ? There is no thing that b Aigs -inore delight, comfort and con^^p venience to your home than elec^V*-3Ti trie light and power, ^ The new 4-cylinder Unimotd> > ^ tt as much superior over the ond~ ' cylinder the present day autd( over the old one cylinder oon»" verted buggy. It's smooth, slow speed and •toady performance will furnish two thousand candle power ot beautiful light without a wink or a flicker. " It is real delight to see it ••'^iin.; and va demonstr^tioin "iieTer -fee', forgotten. Jt" PRICE WITH BA INSTALLED $585 Laraer Unlmotet in »H aisea up thouaant candlepower ••• «v k- •m: SEE HENRY JANSSEN OR PHONE ROUND LA'tE NO. 6 •i-Si MS jjil : 4 . -r , v . : "^7* M: Radio for Xmas . • .• ; • ' V 4. Let this be a "Radio Christmas." What could- ! be more acceptable to the# children as well as the.*' f grown-ups, than a good Radio Receiving Set? Li$- „ ten in to the wonderful music broadcasted on Christ-* * f. mas day from all parts of the country, not only og^ * ; ; Christmas day but every day in the year. Grand Opera is sow being broadcasted certain night* ?. .. Chicago.. 1 .v' ?'• Now Is the tin# to ordef yotrr set if you wffnl t delivery before Christmas. We represent the beat and most reliable sets made. It pays to get a goo||^ : set Exiue Radio batteries are built especially for Radio service and are recognized the best. We als# * sell B. batteries, Tubes, Head Sets, Baldwin, Mag*" - ."/ navox and Western Electric Loud Speakers and ^ fMUts to build yOur own sets. ^ W. L. Howell & Co. Phone ltl-R McHenry; IB. : U . -fv-' V V-/i' * V- •A'*j * H.Ift•** - ' "g xi<f M-j ,'<y. ,5;' *4'^ . ...... ...

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