Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1922, p. 5

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of 26-4t W ENT " a modern ^Mr epitir shop and am ready to Have had 30 years of exthis line of work. I use the very best materials and my prfees are reasonable. Also do hollow-grovM iee date sharpening. All work waaranteed. BERNARD POPP, :: JOHNSBURG Mail Address McHenry, R. P, D. No.* 3 State of . D. 1923. G. Complainant, Unknown Ursula Soules, heirs or devisees or devisee* of deesaant, unkftown of jlte M. 1 ar oevwees heirs trn^imm v- ***¥*, deceased, igdknewm hobs or devisees of Jane W--pl«, deceased, unknown heirs or flseiseeu of -Jini Ann Reynolds, deceased, Eloise Wait* Vasey, Glenn Waite, Jay E. Waite and the unknown owner or miasm of the folreal estate, to-wit: IWf of !*® r^>lve m. (7), and the easterly sixteen (If] of Lots Number Ten (10) and (11); all in Stock Number IMrteea (13) in the village of McHenry, en Hie west side of Hot river, said Rode bMng located in and being a pert of i tfct southeast fractional quarter of Section Number Twenty-six (26), in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situated, lying and being in the village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, de- In Chancery. General Number 20938. Bill t<> Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that few* process for issued to the Sheriff Of said CouaAff returnable to the Mid Cenrt a* its Coast Room in tie* CMy of Weodstock, County of McHenry end State of Illinois, on Monday, the 8th day of January, A. D. 1928. In testinony whereof I have hereunto set my bond and iftwri the seal of said Court, at lay ofltee in Woodstock this 27ft day of November, A. D. 1822. 26-4t ~ Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. Christmas cards, 5 to 60 cents, a^ Petesch's. • r , . ST" ' £••• •z-tfS?'- •fx. ' 4 tA ' •• .,j~ .J 'f- 'r H v ft-1 ' i5"?- •*v. ;t Himmttma It'A :'\r £ ^ if ^ •JpjF** « For her Christmas present a Set*, ler's or. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Library Tables of quality ^ Sfei, just what the little bojf-t or girl wanted ^ r" Is: ?. Vs - AS «zes and styles 1« Steel *adE?; '***? « Coaster Wagons iioll Carriages IPM find TaSles ^ Electric Vacuum Cleaneiii Smoking Stands ^prneries, mohogaiiy and fibre • _ Ifmps, 1%M«» Floor v Reading 1 ? , J w Spinet Desk, mohogany Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets, mohogany Electric Washing Machines Boudoir Lamps, Pictures Carpet Sweepers, Mirrors Talking Machines. Sonora Kitchen Stools Dressing Tables Serving Trays, Pedestals , *& V"* • - SI- >.f ** *" ' h.'W? your furs, blankets, etc.,* in a Cedar Chest fcrge selection of _ Rockers 1 xc.nff-* • Cjbild's Si»net De^c and Chails r t ^lack-boardsf Rockeit !fTaKlM ami IThaiv#;^ •" •• ^ lURNlTURK Ik WI>&RTAK1I«S I m mm •: v ' wmm- p?.; .ji" m % *4 si ft d Year Round Present That Grows in Value 1; m fgs«Wj4. V r WV-' J'HfjU Christmas -cards, .5 to 60 cents, at A comfortable , Petes?h's. | work shoes at AN%OmOF A WEEK IN OUR BUST VILLAGE v A» 8eeci by Pleindealer Reporters sai Bwded late Our OBce by Our F. A. Bohlaader was a Chicagli vkk' itor Monday. Miss Berth* Wolff was a Cfeicago visitor today. C. W. fltenger was a Chicago visitor last Friday. Miss Theresa Knesc Wfta a Qiicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Blanche Pryor wne a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a Chicago shopper last Saturday. Howard V. PhaHn was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Thos. Frisby spent last Saturday in the metropolitan city. Miss Mayme Ibsh spent Saturday in the metropolitan city. Miss Rose Laures spent Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. gauer were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cambridge spent last Saturday in Elgin. William Heaney of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry friends. N. C. Klein passed the first of week in the metropolitan city. Miss Pearl Kostick passed last Saturday in the metropolitan city. Henry Miller attended to business matters at Geneva, 111., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Burke spent Monday in the metropolitan city. Jos. Von Drasek of Chicago was a McHenry visitor over the week end. Mi®! Clara Miller spent the week end as the guest of friends in Chicago. Misses Eleanor Kinsala and Carolyn Miller were Chicago visitors Monday. Clarence Niesen>and Ed. Buss were business visitors in Chicago Tuesday. Misses Mayme and Vera Buss spent a recent day in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family spent Sunday as the guests of relatives ia Elgin. O. G. Tread way of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. Miss Anna Wolff spent a few days last week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Mary Bonslett was among the Chicago passengers last Saturday morning. Mrs. f. V. Cobb of Chicago passed Monday in the home of her aunt, Mrs Theresa Culver, here. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn have returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Michigan. Mrs. 3. J. Frazer and Miss Varina Wentworth spent Friday evening last with relatives in Elgin. Walter Krause of Chicago passed the week end with Ms mother and other relatives here. , Miss Lei ah Bacon is' spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Dam, at Kenosha, "Wis. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters were guests of Crystal Lake relatives Sunday. Mrs. Emma Hamill spent several days last week as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Miss Mayme Barbian spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier, in Chicago. Misses Vera Bolger and Ethel Call< itian of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guests of McHenry friends. Miss Edythe Peteach of Chicago S|pent Sunday in the home of her par-/ qnts, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of her sister and grandmother here. Martin Foley left last Saturday for llis home at Cleveland, O., after a •eek's visit with McHenry relatives " Mr. and Mrs. D. Corr, daughter, fLathryn, and son, Ray, of Woodstock Speht Sunday with McHenry friends. Mrs. Flora Colby and son, Sam, of f'ortl&nd, Ore., spent last week with jielativea and friends in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer and daughter, Helen, passed a few day3 Jtyast week as the guests of friends in Chicago. '* Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones of Lamoille, IlL, spent several days last week in the W""> of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Francis and Edward Bonslett of Chicago passed the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W»lliam Bonslett. George Stenger of Green Bay, Wis., Spent several days last and this week in the home of his son, C. W. Stenger, and family. Mathias Steffes and daughter, Loretta, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with relatives in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago passed the week end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shales and little son, Robert, of Woodstock were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Berger and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lehman of Fox Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. SchoeL Ray McAndrews and son. Donald, and his aunt, Mrs. Kate Beschel of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home off the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McAndrews, southwest of town. Mrs. A. J. Driscell and John Schreiner of Elgin motored to this village last Saturday and were accompanied home by their mother, Mrs. Christine Schreiner, who will spend two weeks' with ALFORD H. POUSE f: ^ " Phone Iit" --'V, , _ -n- ' r.,r •. i.- W««t McHenry, OL ST< Insurance agent for if)!^ property in the be# WESTTelephone 93-R. WM. G. SCHREINER Agent for County Fire Insursneo Co., Illinois Bankers' Hog Insurance Co., Reliance Life Insurance Co. Auctioneering McHENRY :: ILLINOIS THE We sell in and hear then play, an tee each and every Open Sundays. Sold at Pouliot's Boat Factory. McHENRY :: :: ATTENTION, FARMERS! You are looking for the best possible market for your cream. Therefore, please ship via express or baggaee direct to Pearaall at Elglu. Make this your slogan for bigger cream profits Cans returned promptly and check mail**] for each shipment. Our good patrons are increasing dally because of our excellent reput ation aud standing among the farmers Send us your cream and the names of some of yowr nelghtwrs so they too may have the benefit of our market. Write for tags; shipping Instructions and our quotations. Ask your grocer when you gu to town for HHIslde creamery butter, known all over the United States. B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. DR. C. KELLER H Tears Experience In Teetiag Grinding by your own following are some of tfaa citizens who got glasses past two weeks: Mrs. J. and* Mrs. Wm. Altfcoff. Peter J. Heimer, Mrs. BrefeM^ J. Buch, Mrs. Emil Lasch, Mrs. A. B Watson, Mrs. Ben neson, Mrs. Ben J us ten of --0®ce Hoars:-- Mondays, froo} 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Call phone No. 9. Make appointments by phone. Elgin, III. I McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS $& «tock «sscMtinem ol fotkfca that -'V illttlllfe sure to please and Dryers Electric Curling Irons Electric Percolators Electric Bread Toasters Electric Flat Carving Sets -J Cuttery Safety Razors in fancy boxes ^ ' r- "X •£y vr1-* ^ . * £ M • ware) Casseroles ' [/&•$ ^ Roller Skates ^ . J Ice Skates Heavy Aluminum Ware Vacuum Bottles 3 Vacuum Lunch Boggft Bath Accessories -Air Rifle®'7'=-^5^ s.)f • C. J. Reihansperger J".--Ml WEST McHENRY. ILL. MlWf ^ ' ; =;: 4r- V- . ia. *-T? We know that some of the good people oF McHenry like good coffee judging from the compliments given us last Saturday while serving^ • » * Our fresh toasted 4xtra Jumbo Peanuts seem alto to please the people. Remember, we roast hourly and have them always fresh. COFFEES- ^ , s We import and roast our own coffees and claim to have coffee from every coffee country in the world--combine this with our accurate knowledge of the art of blending and we can assure satisfaction to all. In spite of the advancing market on all coffees, we will not advance our prices m w* carry very heavy stocks in our main house. SPICES y. Every known spice and herb is ftere ror ydiir dSffiSlid INT you will find many kinds unknown to the small dealer. Special just now--Pork Sausage Season compiled from the formula of the most famous expert in the United States. Ia bulk only 40c per lb. ,^ - %!-•. •, « -A*-, • EXTRACTSv • ? Absolutely Pure Extract of Vanilla or Lemon ia 8 tad 4 ol sizes. Also the imitation Vanilla or Lemon, stake the. ^ PEANUT BUTTER •;* Made while you wait and from nothing but die fanciest Jumbo Peanuts is "different" from the so called peanut butter combined with Cotton-Seed Oil. Come in and try a Royal Peanut-Butter sandwich and be pleated. m POP CORN We have the Japanese Rice Cora (none better kaoway Remember, it is a pleasure to us to have yQQ inspect our plant and machinery, watch your < and if you wish, we will in a very few moments make yoe a cup of any grade you may wish K 11 " ' The Pan American Coffee AUSTIN , CHICAGO

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