Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1922, p. 6

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Il> 4^ m'sHLJ Jfc"' 4 W1M-1; Tru«te«s of the Village of Mc- ! uary, A. D. ienry, having ordered the construe- or as soon 1 iwwim i tr il system of vitrified ( of the Court %rH! McHtwy •t 10 o'c! i'ljifrtTl'sewers together with j desiring may file . slants, etc., in River- j Court before said t d« Drive from 40 feet South thereof j at the hearing: and make their defense. Village of McHenry ... Petitioner. • >X, 'A:;; *V--. h By ' fc, 752 feet North of Washington gtreet, in Front Street from 20 feet South thereof &*rth 208 feet, from 8)4 feet South of Pearl Street to Pearl street, and from 306 feet South of iroad Street to Washington Street, in (Court Street -from 308 feet South of JPearl Street to Washington street, in Ctfeen Street from Elgin Road North 210 f<«t, from 420 feet South of Elm "Street North 321 feet, and from 306 ifaat South of Pearl Street to Washf fjijrton Street, in Elm Street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood Road and , t jcnce North in Ringwood Road 7661 luet, in Pearl Street from Riverside Jf five to 166 feet West of Front Street V ad from Green Street 370 feet West, I t Washington Street from Riverside Thrive to Green Street, in Waukegan fotad from 790 feet East of Elgin lltm\ to 500 feet West of Front Street, la Main Street from Elgin Road to Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments, all of which bear interest at the rate of , six (6) per centum per annum. Gerald) Carey, MiA* Carey,) Evelyn Carey, Genevieve) Carey, Waltejr Carey,) Mary Carey, Agnes Doh-) erty, J. E. Hauswirth,) Adelia Bonslett, Gertrude) Dated, McHenry. Illinois, December, K. Fround, John Bonslett,) 21, 1922. Simon Stolfel, H. Petesch, Alfred J. Richardson, 28-2t i Commissioners. Ooftdemnation and Special Assessment. Docket No. 2693. a wnxts&s AO';^ Read What • Pair of ' jHands Have complished Iprof. F. A. Leach Successfully Treats Gall Duct Trouble Everett fluirtw, Jr., the) |Great Atlantic & Pacific)^ [Tea Ce., Mary J. Jackley) Nellie Bacon, Joseph R.) '" t ' Smith and-"All Whom It) V j May Concern." ) * Notice is hereby given to' tnld defendants, Mary J. Jackley and "All Whom It May Concern" that the . above named petitioner heretofore filed its petition in said Court, pray- , ing that steps be taken to ascertain i the just compensation to be made for the following described property, to- I'V >'••1 "Your treatment «f my ease has proved to me more than ever before!wit: that you are doing & great deal to j (1) Part, of the Northeast Quarter | relieve suffering humanity," reads a | of Section 35, Township 46 North, testimonial cheerfully sent to Prof. Range 8, East of the Third Principal 4P55 feet West of FrontJStreet, injfohn p a. Leach. Elgin healer, by Miss Meridian, described as follows; Tona Turner, 468 Laurel street. El- j Commencing at a point in the center gin, 111. • j line of Riverside Drive extended 420 "For tiie past three years I suf. ;feet southerly from the center line of fered severe pain in the right side j Street; thence South 86 degrees and region of gall bladder, so severe j 8^5 feet; thence South 66 deat times I could not bend by body,", S1"®*8 East 275 feet for a place of becontinues the testimonial. ! Sinning; thence North 76 feet and "Several physicians were confident j th! F?x Rivfi and also that my only relief would be an opera-'^ P,ace ©^beginning tion to drain the gall bladder. Afterif e"ce ^?uth 75.fe*t; t?lence East coming to Elgin I was advised to consult Prof. Leach. I did so and he told me that he could help me, but that it would take some time to do it. P. 1 of f the of ^ danlh#i« by the**£ilrortio« of a local improvement, namely, a con^ nected system of vitrified tile pipes^ j ^ sanitarjr together wit****} - holes, heuw etc., in RitmifeV , Drive &Mg' #fi«t»tatfc theftM# M „ - %' 752 feet north of Washington Streetwl • < r in Front Street from 20 feet soutitf !* \* ui the sseaaa to be mm Street from Elgin Road to Front Street, in Elgin Road from John Street to Waukegan Road, in Center Btreet from John Street North 200 I set, in Front Street from John Street II Waukegan Road, from East end of a-yw-er in Waukegan Road Northeast f Jul feet, and from 40 feet South of Riverside Drive Southeast 375 feet, tttence Southeast 275 feet and thence east to disposal plant, together with a sewage purification plant consisting of distributing manhole, collecting well and pump pit with pumps, Motors, controls, etc., and superstructure, atiidge separating and sludge digestion tanks and superstructure with manholes, valves, outlet pipes, appurtenances, grading, etc., and to acquire easements in certain lands in which to construct a portion of said sewers, ~ and to acquire land on which to construct said disposal plant together with entrance thereto, said improvement to be fully completed and in place ready to operate, all in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, , Illinois, the ordinance for the same being filed in the office of the Village Clerk and said Village having applied to tfce County Court of McHenry County for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to "The first treatment brought me great relief, ^continued them until the pain was entirely gone. It has been three months since I have taken a treatment an entirely cured. My cent better, as I was very pale. Pan Amencan (offce Nilis j; % Weet McHenry--BrefeU Buildta* ; f- / - Jjf, \ - ' ". Chicago Tws.^C«||es. Slices, Extracts, P<*Pfotn, F^|cy ^ ' Jumbo Peanats / ? Any goods delivered via Parcel Post if requested ' - ' 4 r ; - - v - ' c o f f e e s c - %\ irhdofltrted fact that fresh roasted coffees are a sur- IMise when delivered to the consumer. Instead of a poor neutral flavor and a product of not more than 40 cups to the pound you will find that fresh roasted coffees, as we have them, will produce you at least 50 cups to the pound in addition to the most delightful aroma and "That Satisfying Taste" that makes any breakfast satisfactory. We import all of our coffees and roast as you need them, therefore we can carry many more grades in our stock as they improve when greep but lose flavor very soon after roasted. At the jresent w^are roasting viz. 45c, 4#e, 38e, Sfe, 3 fpr fl Jt Jte, He and a good 25c grade. . - ,r - • SPECIAL TEAS- > OUT line is complete-Orange Pekoe, Oolong, Gunpowder, Basket Fired Japan, Sun Cured <green) Japan. All 1922 crop and very fine grades. SPICES Our spice line is complete. At the present the Christmas spices and herbs are in demand viz. Poultfy Seasoning, Sage, Thyme, Savory, Laurel or Bay Leaves, Majoram, etc. PEANUTS & PEANUT BUTTER Our extra hand picked jumbo Peanuts, fresh roasted are fine, ask your neighbor. Orders for Christmas better be placed in advance as we intend to roast till midnight Friday. REMIIMBER--Our Peanut Butter does not contain Cotton- Seed Oil but is nothing but Fancy Jumbo Peanuts and a little salt and we make it as needed and you can see it made. Peanut Butter (as we make it) is known to be a healthy xood product. ^ JAPANESE RICE POPCORN This is known as "Sure Pop" and is the only popcorn that will not have a hard center and we guarantee it to all pop. •#* 0/: POWER, Pre*. to the Fox River; thence Northwesterly along the Fox River to an intersection with the foregoing described line running to the Fox River. (2) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of land described as follows: Part of the N. E. % Sec. 35, T. 45, N., |R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., commencing at i * ™ * P°in* the center line of Riverside CO_!! ^ Drive extended, 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; "Prof. Leach, I am sincerely grate-, thence S. 36 degrees E., 375 feet to ful to you for the benefit I have re- (the west line of lot 3 of the County ceived without the necessity of an ; Clerk's Plat of the north half of Sec operation. I shall be glad to give an $5, T. 45 N, R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M encouraging word for you and so help for a piace of beginning; thettce S. 55 in some way in the good work you are : degrees E 275 feet. » ftaecessfully doing." I <3> A strip of land of a uniform Sincerely, .j. • • width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide MISS TONA TURM* <m each side of a line described as fol- 468 Laurel St ,Elgin. ioWS: Part of ^ N E y4 of Sec 35 Toys ud gift goods at Erickson's. ,T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., ' --• j commencing at a point in the center • line of Riverside Drive extended, 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees E., 280 feet to the North line of lot 5 of the County Clerk's plat of the north half of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence 36 degrees E. 95 feet to the 1 east line of said lot 5. (4) A strip of land of a uniform .width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the S. E. % of Sec. 36, T. 45- N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing in the center line of Riverside Drive extended, at a point 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 dgrees E., to the north line of lot 28 of the County Clerk's plat of part of the south l»*lf of Sec. '26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence ! S. 36 degrees E. to the southerly line of said lot 26. * i (5) A strip of land' of a uniform , width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide ' on each side of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of lot 29 of the Coun- ! ty Clerk's plat- of part of the south , half of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the (3rd P. M., with the center line of ; Riverside Drive; thence southerly , along the center line of Riverside Drive extended, 57 feet; thence S. 36 degrees E. to the southerly line of said lot 20. j (6) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side^of a line described as follows: Part of the N. E. % of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., beginning at a point in the center line of Waukegan Road 790 feet easterly from the center line of Elgin Road; thence N. 73 degrees, E. 94 feet to the east line of lot 6 of the County Clerk's plat of tiie north half of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., except part thereof now a public street. (7) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet; being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the N. E. M of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at a point in the center line of Waukegan Road 790 feet easterly from the center line of Elgin Road; thence N. 73 degrees, E. 94 feet to the west line of lot 5 of the County Clerk's plat of the north half of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence N. 73 degrees E. to the southwesterly line of the said parcel of land herein described and numbered "8." (8) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, the center line of which is described as follows: Part of the S. E. k of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at a point in the center line of Riverside Drive extended, at a point^ 380 feet southerly from the center line of Elm street, thence westerly 10 feet for a place of beginning; thence westerly parallel with the center line of Elm street to the center line of Court street extended; thence continuing westerly to a point 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm street at a point 172 feet easterly from the easterly line of Green street; thence westerly parallel with the center line of Elm street to the easterly liiut of Green street, excepting thmrom tiie southerly 17.88 feet of k*\l of s-'s To introduce our better grades of coffee to the consumers, viz. from date until Jan. 1st with a 10 lb. sale of our 45c or 40c coffee we will give 1 lb. free, 11 lbs. for the price of 10. With a 5 lb. sale the raige rate price of 5 lbs. thereof north 208 feet, from 3<M £f)Ntl South of Pearl Street to Pearl " '* And from 306 feet south of Street to Wasiiag«on Street, in Cour#j Street from 8MB &et south of Pearl Street to WauMiig'ton Street, in titeenj Street froni Elgin Road north 256feefcf! from 420 feet south of Elm north 321 feet, and from 306 feet souths of Pearl Street to Washington Stre<e|t| in Elm Street from Riverside Drive tc|' Ringwood Road and thence north inf Ringwood Road 765"feet, in Pearl Street from Riverside Drive to 16€ feet west of Front Street and from Green Street 370 feet west, in Washington Street from Riverside Drive to Green Street, in Waukegan Road from 790 feet east of Elgin Road to 500 feet west of Front Street, in Mairv Street from Elgin Road to 465 feet west of Front Street, in John Street from Elgin Road to Front Street, in Elgin Road from John Street to Wau4 kegan Road, in Center Street from John Street north 200 feet, in Front Street from John Street to Waukegan Road, from east end of sewer in Wau-i kegan Road northeast 600 feet, and from 40 feet south of Riverside Drive southeast 375 feet, thence southeast 275 feet and thence east to disposal plant, together with a sewage purifi cation plant consisting of distributing manhole, collecting well and pump pitt with pumps, motors, controls, etc., and^ superstructure, sludge separating and? sludge digestion tanks and superstructure with manholes, valves, outlet pipes, appurtenances, grading, etc., and to acquire easements in certain lands in which to construct a portion of said sewers, and to acquire land on which to construct said disposal plant together with entrance thereto, said improvement to be fully completed and in place ready to operate, all in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, which proceeding is now pending. Notice is further given that on December 14, 1922, a report and assessment roll was filed in said proceeding in said court and that a special assessment has been therein made to raiSe the cost of said improvement; that the total cost of said improvement as shown by the estimate and said report and assessment roll is $62,650.00; and that a summons has been issued in said cause addressed to the Sheriff of said McHenry County, returnable on January 22nd, 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m. to said Court to be held in the Court House in Woodstock in said McHenry County, at which time, place and date for the return of summons you and each of you may appear and defend, if you so see fit to do. • Dated Woodstock, Illinois, this 21st day of December, 1922. , Guy E. Still, Clerjs of the County Court of Mc« Henry County, Illinois. 28-4t Brighten up that gloomy room with new wall paper. Get it at Erfckson'i store. m ANNOUNCEMENT Outing the winter months (at least) we will follow die we have in our Chicago house of serving all our friends with a cup of our finest coffee, jointly with the finest cream McHenry can produce. Kindly remember, this is a permanent invitation and that all are thoroughly welcome WANTED--Two young men with auto to sell the outside trade and can grange for a lady to visit the McHenry trade. The Pan American Coffee Mills West McHenry, III. Alford H. Pouse, Solicitoi;. ^ State of Illinois,) McHenry County,)ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, January Term, A. D. 1928. Henry G, Wegener, Complainant, V8. • Unknown heirs or devisees of Ursula Soules, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of James M. Miller, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of B. Fickner, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of John V. Wemple, deeased, unknown heirs or devisees of Jane Wemple, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Jane Ann Reynolds, deceased, Eloise Waite Vasey, Glenn Waite, Jay E. Waite and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, to-wit: The westerly half of Lots Number Nine (9) and Twelve (12), and the easterly half of Lot Number Seven (7), and the easterly sixteen (16) feet of Lots Number Ten (10) and Eleven (11); all in Block Number Thirteen (13) in the village of McHenry, on the west side of Fox river, said Block being located in and being a part of the southeast fractional quarter of Section Number Twenty-six (26), in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8). East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situated, lying and being in the village of McHenry, County qf McHenry and State of Illinois, defendants. In Chancery. General Number 20938. Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 8th day of Jmouary, A. D. 1923. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodcock this 27th day of November, A. I). 1922. 25-4t Chas. F. Hayes, Cliffk. If you intend having an ' auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. a*? * ristmas Ifo Preferred Shares WESTERN > Cash & Carry Store West McHenry, III. Friday & Saturday, Dec; 22 & 23 Trade the Cash and Carry Way and You Call Afford a Merry Xma$ U: <•:& . „ W ion late Jor late sho Near the Depot ipf \ * i V" y ^ * * -38! MfV" " F V •"' « «,..VS1-**•*•"!- •'*3 ft; !4;! M fOFFEE, We take pride in the wonderful values we are able to give the people of this community in coffee. If you have never tried our blends do so and fee?satisfied, as hundreds of others are. f DEAL BRAND, a very good drink, 2 lbs. for-*£^---$56 SPECIAL, a high grade, 3 lbs. for__ LAKE VIEW, 1 lb. cans for those that use 45c grades 4||LJTTER, we are selling every week which proves the quality, special, per lb CANDIES, 9 varieties, per lb WALNUTS, California soft shell, ner lb.* MIXED NUTS, all high grades, pSI Hx. - FIGS, Best Layer, per pkg " 1 % v DATES, Dromedary, per pkg.. _.- ,. PLUM PUDDING, Libby's, per - PRUNES, extra fancy, per lbb_..^„..^ OLIVES, Queen, per jar OLIVES, Spanish Stuffed, per bottle, -- - - COOKIES, Xmas Animals, per lb.~. r „>V « - • - - r " ^ Spice Drops, per lb. MlNCE MEAT, New England Style, per lb. •*- ---r- CRANBERRIES, fancy, per lb._ i. _ GRAPE FRUIT, large heavy fruit, 3for..-r ORANGES, Sun Kist Navels, per doz.-__---Ji5c» 50c* 80fe OLEOMARGARINE, Good Luck, per Ibg^|£^pi_- 23c LARD, Diamond A Brand, per lb. - «£"»*> *•» -- 14c SUGAR, with $2.00 purchase, 10lbs.. 68© RAISINS, Seedless, per pkg.»T.^^. ._ *| JELLO, all flavors, per pkg.^L 10c WREATHS, each-. -- 15o tnd 20e WT- •* • sliced^ |lir tati MILK, tall cans .. PINEAPPLE, Del CHERRIES, Green and Red, per bottle MUSH ROOMS, French, tall cai^^l CHOCOLiiTS, Baker's, \>2 lb. - ~ <mn& W:. WILL PMet YOU TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE **4 -v, - ^

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