Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1922, p. 5

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R. McGee spent Christmas day of relatives and friends . CtehrtoUM of Mottsaary r«lars. (tordon Stringer and H son spent thlM* "of the week with relatives at JHtf*. BlartiwlPryor is spending the ,y vacation as the guest of rdaf;^-'^.^ ii||pat Princeton, 111. Midgea Eathryn and Elizabeth Blake V\, J «f EVWMtoft spent the first of the weekat their home here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. William Howard of Woodstock were guests of McHenry relatives on ChriBtmas day. Mist Bterl Kostick spent Sunday and OtariStmas day as the gues£ home folks at Waupaca, Wis. Edwin J. Heimer of Chicago passed the the week with his parents, Mr. aaft Ifts.. Stephen Heimer. ChflMiJBuss of Chicago passed the first of the week in the home of his sister, Mrs. Henry Dowe, and family. Louis Stoffel of West Chicago was a Sunday and Monday guest in the home of bis mother, Mrs. Wffl. Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waraar, 'm £$r* Mr. and cago pass# day as thfc tives. William and. Albert Frett of Chicago passed the first of the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller and children of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mrs. Rose McGee and son, Eugene, of Chicago were entertained in the home of Dr. C. H. Fegers, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago of i were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs-. John P'int, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs". Edward J- Freund of Chicago were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Emma K. Freund, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christenson and children of Hebron spent Christmas day with her mothet, Mrs. Biiajbeth Lsures. I Misses Euuna and Helen Pint of the first of the week McHenry County,)ss. their parents, Mr. and State of Illinois,) In the County Court Meyers of ChtWgO, County. kt of the week in tlii Village of McHenry _ parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Petitioner, George Meyers. 1 v vs. ) Mr. and Mrs> Prank Ward are Frederick Beller, Gerald) spending the week in Hie home of Carey, Florence Carey,) their .daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rasmus- Evelyn Carey, Genevieve) nation sen, in Chicago. Carey, Walter Carey,) ^ and Misses Lucy and Edna Schoel of Mary Carey, Agnes Doh-) Special Chicago spent Sunday and Monday erty, J. E. Hauswirth,) Asseesin the home of their parents, Mr. and Adelia Bonslett, Gertrude) ment. Mrs. G. E. Schoel. i K. Freund, John Bonslett,) Docket Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and daugh- Everett Hunter, Jr., the) No. 2593. ters, Mary Lenore and Jane, of Chi-' Great Atlantic & Pacific) . cago spent the first of the week with Tea Co., Mary J. Jackley) k the County Clerk's plat of part of S. of Sec. *8, T. 48 N., R. 8, E. flf the 3rd P. M. j (») The southerly 17.88 feet of lot • 51 ofthe Otwnty Clerk's plat of a part ' | of tike aouth half of " Sec. 26, T. 45 N., '"v' (R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., all in the | Village of McHenry, Illinois, to be CtfnUetti- 'taken or damaged by the construction licago was a parents, m " -'•M r ••WH i'pirn HIV McHenry relatives. Miss Susie Frett of Chi guest in the home of her Mr, and Mrs. Albeit M. Frett, over Die Christmas holidays. ,v Mrs. Alsena Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson spent Christmas as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. * I Nellie Bacon, Joseph R.) Smith and "All Whom It) May Concern." * Notice is hereby given to seii"H erof a local improvement, namely, a connected system of vitrified tile pipes, | sanitary sewers, together with man- | holes, house slants, etc., in Riverside i Drive from 40 feet south thereof to 752 feet north of Washington Street, in Front Street from 20 feet south thereof north 208 feet, from 304 feet south of Pearl Street to Pearl Street, and from 306 feet south of Broad Street to Washington Street, in Court Street from 308 feet south of Pearl Street to Washington Street, in Green County for an assessment of the' cost of said improvement according to benefits, and an assessment therefore having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereof! will be had on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments, all of which bear interest at the rate, of six (6) per centum per annum. Dated, McHenry, Illinois, Dwettbor 21, 1922. Simon Stoffel. ..N. H. Petesch, Alfred J. Richardson, 28-2t ' - Commissioners. fendants, Mary J. Jackley Whom It May Concern", that the above named petitioner heretofore filed its petition in said Court, pray* ing that steps be taken to* ascertain the just compensation to be made for the following described properly, towit: (1) Fnrt of the Northeast Quarter of Section 85, Township *45 North, and "All: Street from Elgin Road north 250 feet, from 420 feet south of Elm Street north 321 feet, and from 306 feet south of Pearl Street to Washington Street, in Elm Street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood Road and thenc-e north in Ringwood Road 766 feet, in Pearl Street from Riverside Drive to 166 feet west of Front Street and from Green Street 370 feet west, in Wash- I " .m Will do away with such an arrangement as seen Ml ibove cut. Let's hang the*crepe on this kind of wiring. There is always a right and wrong way doing anything. We know the right way of taking care of you electrically. A post card or phone •fcall will bring us to your home. Let us suggest to you how you can greatly improve the conveniences |>f your home thru the application of a correct system of electric wiring. We also handle everything %nown to the Electric World. We are always aj jrour service. . f;;* H. R LAVINE McHenry and Mrs. John H. Miller. Miss Elisabeth ,K. Miller, who is j^nge g, j£gst of the Third Principal i-ington Street from Riverside Drive to employed in the mailing department Meridian, described as follows; 'Green Street, in Waukegan Road from of the Boston store at Milwaukee, Commencing at a point in the center j 790 feet east of Elgin Road to 500 Wis., spent Sunday and Christmas Qf Riverside Drive extended 420 I west of Front Street, in Main day in the home of her parents, Mr. southerly from the center line of Street from Elgin Road to 465 feet Elm Street; thence South 36 degrees i west of Front Street, in John Street East 375 feet; thence South 55 de- from Elgin Road to Front Street, in grees East 275 feet for a place of be- Elgin Road from John Street to Wauginning; thence North 75 feet and kegan Road, in Center Street from thence East to the Fox River; and also John Street north 200 feet, in Front beginning at said place of beginning Street from John Street to Waukegan and thence South 75 feet; thence East Road, from east end of sewer in Wauto the Fox River; thence Northwesterly along the Fox RivettffcAO intersection with the fo line running to the | * (2) A strip of lam width of 20 feet, being 1 each side of land described as fol Part of the N. E. hi Sec. 35, T. 45, N., TNt M£SSACrC THAT we SEND To AUL - IS PAV THIS STORE A VEAR'S CALL. B E i<t hereby resolved that ton will eat*ti>». linest foods that your purse can f u r n i s h d u r i n g the N«w Year. Because It has been discovered by Mr. Happy Party and his friends th»» real economy abolishes waste by buying foods of the highest character. You can buy tbem here. Watch for Mr. Happy Party FRETTS* Main & nw i E N LOOK FOR THIS SIGN OF OUAUTY j,. "?>>,• nnouncing : ^ z,h * i- END THE Remarkable Reductions on I Women's and Misses' Apparel • Smart se&soflftble indiyidua! apparel, ev^y garment comes from our own carefully assembled stocks. Coats, suits, dresses, separate skirts, blouses, sweaters and lingerie remaining from intensive Christmas selling are now offered at tremendous reductions from former prices. Here is an opportunity to invest wisely Christmas savings and money gifts and save materially on each purchase. A few items are listed below that clearly strate the values. M- S auu flUSScS UlcSScS lO 3ilk and poiret .twills, values to $37.50 " Women's & Misses' Costs & Suits Severely Reduced Benton St. W I E N 'S, LOOK FOR THIS SIGN or QUALITY h4 >.r -tt ^i*: Women's AD Wool Tuxedos $5.95 j;.,,.. , . ^AVith two pockets, tiny tucks, reversible style a ® • • _ J s All-wool Slipovers, Special $1.95f fancy brushed wool land zephyr yarns, values to j| . . w :S Blouses That Sold at $8.50 up at 20% discount ^ 0 at 20%. discount 1THESE VALUES ARE .DECIDEDLY UNUSUAL I ®*] anO"^. immeojateactxon ? " ' f . . -• ^ •* , .<*- kesraii Road northeast 600 feet, and from 40 feet south of Riverside Drive utheast 375 feet, thence southeast d thence east to disposal a sewage purifitingr it A. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., commencing at superstructure^^^and a point in the center lixte of Riverside sludge digestion tanks anWBUpruc- Drive extended, 420 feet southerly ture with manholes, valves, outlet from the center line of Kim Street; P'P®s» appurtenances, grading, etc., thence S. 36 degrees E., 875 feet to and to acquire easements in certain the west line of lot 3 of the County lands in which to construct a portion Clerk's Plat of the north half of Sec. Sfiid sewers,, and to acquire land on 85, T. 45 N, R. 8, E. of the 3«1 P. M., which to construct said disposal plant for a place of beginning; thence S. 56 together with entrance thereto, said degrees E, 275 feet. , improvement to be fully completed j (%) A strip of land of a uniform an(* 'n place ready to operate, all in .width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide Village of McHenry, McHenry on each side of a line described as fol- County, Illinois, - which proceeding is lows: Part of the N. E. >4 of Sec. 85, now pending. ,T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., Notice is further given that on De- 'commencing at a point in the center cember 14, 1922, a report and assessline of Riverside Drive extended, 420 *nent roll was filed in said proceeding 1 feet southerly from the center line of *n 8a'^ court and that a special assess ' Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees E., has been therein made to raise 280 feet to the North line of lot 5 of ^ 0084 of said improvement; that the the County Clerk's plat of the north totaI cost of s»'d improvement as half of Sec. 85, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of shown by the estimate and said report 3rd p. m., for a place of beginning; *nd assessment roll is $62,660.00; and thence 86 degrees E. .95 feet to the-^* * summons has been issued in 'east line of said lot 6. said cause addressed to the Sheriff of ) (4) A strip of land of a uniform Faid McHenry County, returnable on width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide January 22nd, 1923, at 10 o'clock a OB each side of a line described as fol- m to said Court to be held in the lows: Part of the S. E. U of Sec. 86, Court House in Woodstock in said Mc T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., Henry County, at which time, place commencing in the center line of Riv- and date for the return of summons j erside Drive extended, at a point 420 y°u and each of you may appear and I feet southerly from the center line of defend, if you so see fit to do. | Elm Street; thence S. 86 dgrees E., to Dated Woodstock, Illinois, this Slat the north line of lot 28 of the County d»y of December, 1922. Clerk's plat of part, of the south half Guy E. Still, of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd Clerk of the County Court of Mc- P. M., for a place of beginning; thence Henry County, Illinois. ^ 28-4t s- *••••• ">«a»rtir U»! Sped., Nofe. " **' 0 * I Coonty Court Docket No. 26M u * °J !and ?« un ®™ Notice is hereby given to all persons width of 20 feet being 10 f^t wMe interested, that the President of Board on each side of a line described as fol- of ^^8 of the Village of Mclows: Beginning at the intersection Henry„ having ordered the construc line of lot 28 of the Coon- tjon a connected system of vitrified ty Clrf-ks plat of part of the south tjje sanitary sewers together with half of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the Jnanh0jeSt house slants, etc., in River- Executor's Notiee Alford H. Pouse, Atty, of Mathias U. ceased. j The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Mathias U. Jung, deceased, late . of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Term, on the first Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 18th day of December, A. D. 1922. 28-3t Nicholas Jung, Executor, stock To Patron* of Shore and Mihri I The Chicago N< waukee railroad hereby^ 1.- ^ p-uA/nv biiav aj* ui-n --a - Illinois Commerce Comi State of Illinois an ap] certificate of conveniences sity to operate a motor nl transportation of following routes, City of Woodstock, through lage of McHenry and the Vi Grayslake to and into-'iHMfe Waukegan, in the Stalp and from the City of W Village of Gurnee, Illinois. All parties interested in tikis ceeding may obtain time and place of application by addnMtaff tary of the Illinois Commerce mission at Springfield, IffiMh CHICAGO. NORTH SHORE A! [MILWAUKEE RAILROAD, By Britton I. Budd, President. McCalPs patterns at Erickson'a. If you intend having an ale, farm or anything in the aaetfcpM| ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry II ou. Phone 93-R. I S --J , .-iate New of wall sale at Erickson's. ALFORD H. POUSE Phone H paper now on ANNOUNCEMENT I have just opened a modem ek<fe'sv trie shoe repair shop and am ready serve you. Have had 30 years of experience in this line of work. I use the very best materials and my pOQes are reasonable. Also do hollow* ice skate sharpening. All wotk anteed. BERNARD POPf. Is : JOHNSBUBft Mail Address McHenry, R. P. D. No. « PI,one 640-W-2 Telephone No. lN-S. SIMON STOFIVL Insurance agent for all damn < in the best -•• •. i t V[ Pi Wr.r RYZON BAKING POWDER you u s e / e s s Telephone 93-R. WM. G. SCHREINER Agent for County Fire Insurance Co., Illinois Bankers' Hog Insurance Co., Reliance Life Insurance Co. Auctioneering McHENRY TLLINOIB Leave Your Bundles Ham JOHN STOFFEL, WEST MeHKNftf •a THE CLARIONOLAS We sell them at cost price. in and hear them play. Wo gwor%, an tee each and every Open Sundays. Sold at A. Pouliot's Boat Factory. McHENRY ILLINOIS WEINSCHENKER'S 3rd P. M., with tiie center line of Riverside Drive; thence southerly along the center line of Riverside Street^ to Front Street from Drive extended, 57 feet; thence S. 86 degrees E. to the southerly line of said lot 20. side Drive from 40 feet South thereof to 752 feet North of Washington 20 feet South thereof North 208 feet, from 804 feet South of Pearl Street to Pearl Street, and from 306 feet South of (6) A strip of land of a uniform Broad Street to Washington Street, in width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on Court Street from 308 feet South of each side of a line described as fol- Pearl Street to Washington street, in lows: Part of the N. E. % of Sec. Green Street from Elgin Road North 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., 250 feet, from 420 feet South of Elm beginning at a point in the center line street North 321 feet, and from 306 of Waukegan Road 790 feet easterly feet South of Pearl Street to Washfrom the center line of Elgin Road; ington Street, in Elm Street from thence N. 73 degrees, E. 94 feet to the Riverside Drive to Riilfcwood Road and east line of lot 6 of the County Clerk's thence North in Ringwood Road 766 plat at the north half of Sec. 35, T. 45 feet, in Pearl Street from Riverside N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., except Drive to 166 feet West of Front Street part thereof now a public street. and from Green Street 370 feet West, (7) A strip of land of a uniform in Washington Street from Riverside width of 20 feet; being 10 feet wide on Drive to Green Street, in Waukegan each side of a line described as fol- Road from 790 feet East of Elgin lows: Part of the N. E. hi. of Sec. Road to 500 feet We&t of Front Street, 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M-, in Main Street from Elgin Road to commencing at a point in the center 465 feet West of Front Street, in John line of Waukegan Road 790 feet east- Street from Elgin Road to Front erly from the center line of Elgin Street, in Elgin Road from John" Road; thence N. 73 degrees, E. 94 Street to Waukegan Road, in Center feet to the west line of Iot1 5 of the Street from John Street North 200 County Cleric's plat of the north half feet, in Front Street from John Street of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 8rd to Waukegan Road, from East end of P. M., for a place of beginning; thence sewer in Waukegan Road Northeast N. 73 degrees E. to the southwesterly 600 feet, and from 40 feet South of line of the said parcel of land herein Riverside Drive Southeast 375 feet, described numbered "3." j thence Southeast 275 feet and thence t (8) A strip of land of a uniform east to disposal plant, together with a width of 20 feet, the center line of sewage purification plant consisting of which is described as follows: Part distributing manhole, collecting well of the S. E. hi of S«c. 26, T. 45 N., R. a*d PumP P* W!th P«»Ps, motors, 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at controls, etc., and superstructure, a point in the center line of Riverside sludge separating and sludge digestion Drive extended, at a point 380 feet tanks and superstructure with mansoutherly from the center line of Elm holes, valves, outlet pipes, appurstreet, thence westerly 10 feet for a tenances, grading, etc., and to ncquire place of beginning; thence westerly sasements in certain lands in which to parallel with the center line of Elm construct a portion of s#id sewers, street to the center line of Court and to acquire land on which to constreet extended; thence continuing struct said disposal plant together westerly to a point 420 feet southerly with entrance thereto, said unprovefrom the center line of Elm street at ment to be fully completed and m a point 172 feet easterly from the place ready to operate, all m tte Vfleasterly line of Green street; thence lage of McHenry, McHenry County, westerly parallel with the center line Illinois, the ordinance for^ the| mm of i«"» street to the easterly line of being filed in the office of the village Green street, excepting therefrom Clerk and said ViUage havmg ajgikd the southerly 1T.88 foot of lot 81 of to the County Coot of McHenry Draying and Long Distance Haalittg done by the hour or jek Furniture moved with core fey men of long expert wee. „ PHONE 35 McHENRY M. N. Schmitt, Secjr .. Tha-- tan-y A. M. Schmitt. Pres. Ptaeae m-W+M • ' #' McHENRY TdWNShlP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00. The cheapest and safest insurance on earth. Rates and other nay bo had upon application lichael Freund, Agent, ATTENTION, FARMERS! You arts looking for the best possible . market for your cream. Therefore, please ship via express or baggase direct to Pearsall at Elgin. Make this your slogan for bigger cream profits. Cans returned promptly and check mailed for each shipment. Our good- patrons are Increasing dally because 5f our excellent reputation and standing among the farmers. Send us your cream and the names of some of your neighbors so they too may have the benefit of our market. Write for tags, shipping Instruction* and our quotations. Ask your grocer when you go to town for Hillside creamery'batter, known all over the United State*. * B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. <*»• DR. C. KELLER SO Years Experience In T< ?***• Grinding by your own opticiaBu 1M following are some of the citizens who got glasses past two weeks: Mrs. J. Rig--Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Althoff, Mrs. Mb, Peter J. Heimer, Mrs. Brefeld, John J. Buch, Mrs. Emil Lasch, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Watson, Mrs. Ben Thonneson, Mrs. Ben Jus ten of Ringwood. --Office Hoara s Mondays, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. OL Call phone No. 9. Make appoyntuieata fey phono. Mchenry. ,«*• *r Ilumqb : Shsh! Said * young omple while selecting«their outfit in a Loath week! Really good furniture at lower prices interests most anjone. You learn a lot about furnishing by just visiting a Leath store. A. Leath tc Go. Stmroi* Usfa.M-74 Gtwe Ave. Rocklord. Opposite Coart How* Dubuque, RMN Main St. Aurora, 31-21 Island Ave. Ffweport, IM-MS Gale A St. Waterloo. St2-314 F,. 4«h 9t Beloit, U7-4214th St. JoUet. US-217 lefferaon St. Janervllk. M2-JM. Milwaafcee a|y Eau Claire. Masonic Temple. Oahkoah, 11-13 Main. Peoria. 325 South Adams St. Chippewa Fall*. 12 W. Spring Stu •w lo OUR :.«il Leath's, Successful Home Furnishers food Products Commend themaelves lor high quality and reasonable price NONE SUCH Raisins, seeded, M os. pkf.-.He Raisins, seedless, 15 os. pkg .rte Peas, extra sifted, No. 2 can.lie Oven Baked Beans, per can-.lie Pancake Flour, * lb. sack... 88e Pure Pepper, i lb. can He NONE SUCH * Sweet Cora, Maino Pack, oanlte Milk, tall can.. ...ISr Spinach, large OMi, «r* - - -B* Syrup, white, 5 lb. pail--.--Ih Syrup, dark, 5 lb. poll. St & SPECIAL SALE --r£: Fancy China Plate* and Salad Diahaa Thursday, Jan. 4th "J m JOHN STOFFEL,* Watt McHenry, 111. ?• *

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