Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1923, p. 4

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Court ofMcHenry f*? ofMoHwuy ) Petitftuwr, -civs. ) Boiler, Gerald) Florence .Carey,) Carey, Genevieve) Walter Carey,) Carey, Agnes Doh-) J. JS. Haramrirth,) Bonslett, Gertrude) - . pi» Jftlteund, John Bonslett,) I^JilSitt Hunter, Jr., the) . ^Great Atlantic & Pacific) »^Tea Co., Mary J*,Jacklc*) Nellie Bacon, Joseph 1^.) 8aHii and "AH Whom It) May Concern." ' • ;). nation ment. Docket No. 2593. #v commencing in the center line of erside Drive extended, at a point feet southerly from the center lin# of Elm Street; thence S. 36 dgr|iiB to the north line of lot 28 of t&fe Coostgr Clerk's plat of part of the 90O& Half of See. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence 13. 36 degrees E. to the southerly line of said lot 28. 1 (5) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, bring 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as fol-' lows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of lot 29 of the County Clerk's plat of part of the south half of Sec. 26, T. 46 N„ R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., with the center line of Riverside Drive; thence southerly along the center line of Riverside Drive extended, 57 feet; thence S. 36 of a local i»arovemeat, oamely, ftected aystett of vfttuM tile tenitar? M**rs, together with holee, house slants, etc., in RivsttMs Drive from 40 feet south thersftf to 752 feet north of Washington Street, in Front Street from 20 feet south TAXB8 INCREASE NEARLY ftJtj CIGAR MAKERS HEAD LEAGUE Jamp Fran $435 to $5.02 Per Valuation In Township ,. $190 Crowns Look Like Strong Contenders Notice is hereby given to said d«- degrees E. to the southerly line of said fendants, Mary J. Jackley and "All ; Whom It May Concern" that the above named petitioner heretofore •filed its petition in said Court, praying that steps be taken to ascertain the just compensation to be made for the fallowing described property, towit: (1) Part of tbe Northeast Quarter lot 29. (6) A strip of land of a Uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the N. E. M of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., beginning at a point in the center line of Waukegan Road 790 feet easterly from the center line of Elgin Road; of Section 35, Township 45 North, j thence N. 73 degrees, E. 94 feet to the Range 8, East of the Third Principal j east line of lot 6 of the County Clerk's jMeridian, described as follows; 'Commencing at a point in the center 1 line of Riverside Drive extended 480 : . feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence South 36 degrees East 375 feet; thence South 55 degrees East 275 feet for a place of beginning; thence North 75 feet and thence East to the Fox River; and also plat of the north half of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., except part thereof now a public street. (7). A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet; being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the $. E. U of Sec. 35, T. 46 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at a point in the center beginning at said place of beginning ! line of Waukegan Road 790 feet eastand thence South 75 feet; thence Easterly from the center line of Elgin to the Fox River; thence Northwest- Road; vthence N. 78 degrees, E. 04 erly along the Fox River to an inter- feet to thfe west line of lot 5 of the section with the foregoing described | County Clerk's plat of the north half line running to the Fox River. of Sec. 35, T.>45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd (2) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of land described* as follows: Part of the N. E. % Sec. 35, T. 45, N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., commencing at a point in the center line of Riverside Drive extended, 420 feet southerly from thev center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees E.,* 375 feet to fa E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at " the west line of lot 3 of the County Clerk's Plat of the north half of Sec. 35, T. 46 N, R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence S. 55 degrees E, 276 feet. , (3) A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the N. E. % of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., commencing at a point in the center Is , , line of Riverside Drive extended, 420 southerly from the center line of tbts,'. Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees E., - 280 feet to the North line of lot 5 of £? the County Clerk's plat of the north k' \** ?half of Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; theace S. 36 degrees E. 95 feet to the east line of said lot 5. »$> v (4) A strip of land of a uniform * i width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Part of the S. E. *4 of Sec. 26, T. 46 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., P. M., for a place of beginning; thence N. 73 degrees E. to the southwesterly line of the said parcel of land herein described and numbered "3." (8) A* strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, the cente# line of which is described as follows: Part of the S. E. % of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. a point in the center line of Riverside Drive extended, at a point 380 feet southerly from the center line of Elm street, thence westerly 10 feet for a place of beginning; thence westerly parallel with the center line of Elm street to the center line of Court street extended; thence continuing westerly to a point 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm street at a point 172 feet easterly from the easterly line of Green street; thence westerly parallel with the center line of Elm street to the easterly line of Green street, excepting therefrom the southerly 17.88 feet of lot 81 of the County Clerk's plat of part of S. % of Sec. 26, T. 46 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M. (9) The southerly 17.88 feet of lot 31 of the County Clerk's plat of a part of the south half of Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., all in the Village of McHenry, Illinois, to be taken or damaged by the construction Tlx paying time is once more rap* idly approaching and in anticipation thereof north 208 feet, from 304 feet jof ite arrival McHenry townaMp feosouth of Pearl Street to Pearl Steset, j P e no doubtv fit Bowling Championship Crowns ted in Bufcks learning joat be ex- Fords . pected to "cougii up?* t&MI spring. Rexalls First of all, it will be of interest to Indiolas learn that the rate of McHenry town- Hudson-Essex . j ship has been raised very materially! The six teams over that of last year and coupled mg league have of Teams , , 4 /* . w. i if "i* »;'/* ': ».••'« * •« • *••$:«• .i.V.'ii'.'. *6 .. .6 T" Pet 714 583 533 Lu 4 * 6 7 7 ...3 9 the bowlchosen their Some stood in the world and poma have even into .print in the matter of cuflfa|$|Mts in McHenry county,, broadcast^# *© the world that our county was literally covered with custodians. I called ^ SpferifF Edinger of McHenry county H^trjjjkorning and find that three cus 41' todtafts are the most he has ever had 417 out at any one time since taking office, 260 that two custodians are all that are out now and one of them to be withdrawn today, leaving but one cus- Thus far the Crowna are leading the usual in a county of this sire. Ex-Sheriff Stewart reports that at and from 306 feet south of Broad Street to Washington Street, in Court Street from 308 feet south of Pearl Street to Washington Street, in Green Street from Elgin Road north 260 fast, from 420 feet south of Efan Street north 321 feet, and from 306 feet south | this tex payers within the cor- names and the race for the season's todian, which is not uncommon or unof Pearl Street to Washington Street, P°rat« limits of the village of Mc- championship is on in real earnest in Elm Street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood Road* and Mence north in Ringwood Road 765 feet, in Pearl Street from Riverside , Drive to 166 feet west of Front Street and from Green Street .370 feet west, in Washington Street from Riverside Drive to Green Street, in Waukegan Road from 790 fe^t east of Elgin Road to 500 feet west of Front Street, in Main Street from Elgin Road to 465 feet west of Front Street, in John Street from Elgin Road to Front Street, in Elgin Road from John Street to Waukegan Road, in Center Street from J ohn Street north 200 feet, in Front i < reas®d Street from John Street to Waukegan jlhe p«cpte residing within the corpor- j maples for a total of 209 pins in the Road, from east end of sewer in Wau- jate Wmits of the village the combined j third gaigt*. The scores: kegan Road northeast 600 feat, and j18X68 means an increase from $4.95 as i Fords 1st 2nd 3rd Total Henry will also be asked to pay a slight increase in city taxes. race and froifi the manner in which no time has there been more than In going over the tax rate we find .this team has been performing they four custodians out at any one time that the state rate remains the same,look like real contenders for the jn the year of 1922 in the county, as last year, 45 cents per $100 valua- ! season's high honors. " j«There has been iti former years as tion. The county tax has been de-I Fords Trim the Buicka : f ^nuny as 1 or 8 custodians out, at one creased 5 cents, the rate this year be-' On Thursday evening of last we* ing 45 instead of 50 cents. The town the Fords succeeded in taking two out tax remains unchanged at 13 cents, j of three games from the Buick five, while the road and bridge tax is raised i t*ie winners taking the first and last 5 cents, from 50 to 55 cents. The of the three game series. They were school tax, especially that of district; forced to exfert themselves to the very No. 15, has taken'* big jump, being!limit as the losers kept the winners increased from $1.17 to $1.95. The!stepping to win out by.76 pins. The community high school rate is in- j high score of the evening was hung from 92 cents to $1.06. To! up by Howard Wattles, who hit the time, while in the year of 1922 there, has never been to exceed four at one from 40 feet south of Riverside Drive ! P®"* lftst year to that of $5.92. southeast 375 feet, thence southeast i rates here as compared with 275 feet and thence east to disposal those of a year ago are as follows :.4* plant, together with a sewage purification plant consisting of distributing State ^ manhole, collecting well and pump pit County with pumps, motors, controls, etc., and Town • superstructure, sludge separating and R°ad and Bridge i. sludge digestion tanks and supers true- ^fty ture with manholes, valves, outlet School Dist. No. 16... pipes, appurtenances, grading, fete., Disti, Coot-•... and to acquire easements in certain lands in which to construct a portion of said sewers, and to acquire land on which to construct said disposal plant |- .4 h 1921 $ .46 .60 .13 1.28 1.1? \ L95 J- Weber .92 -1.06 W. Patzke 1922 .45 .45 J&.-;18 .55 :,33 Hankernveyar , .. .111 Pries ... 188 Wattles ,. .j"*. ^. .131 Perkins • ./100 Laures loO 137 165 159 176 142 159 209 169- 403 434 495 477 542 i r, Totals.. Bujidca v ; L. Meyef^i£fe\ - Totali.*. $4.96 f&92 Many of the tax payers of the township now make it their business to Smith H. Weber Wa:** • 11... .718 1st .189 .129 .149 .167 .174 771 2nd 159 1G*> 199 143 174 862 2351 3rd Total 140 438 153 167 118 174 432 515 368 522 together with entrance thereto, said save ^e assessment lists as published improvement to be fully completed 'n columns of The Plaindealer durand in place ready to operate, all in 'n8 July of each year and by referring the Village of McHenry, McHenry thereto one can easily figure out just County, Illinois, which proceeding is wbat his taxes will amount to., now pending. v j The rates in other nearby towns are Notice is further given that on December 14, 1922, aVeport and assessment roll was filed in said proceeding in said court and that a special assessment has been therein made to raise the cost of said improvement; that the total cost of said improvement as shown by the estimate and said report and assessment roll is $62,650.00; and that a summons has been issued in said cause-addressed to the Sheriff of said McHenry County, returnable on January 22nd, 1928, at 10 o'clock m. to said Court to be held in the Court House in Woodstock in said Mc Henry County, at which time, place and date for the return of summons you and each of you may appear aftd defend, if you so see fit to do. Dated Woodstock, Illinois, this 21st day of December, 1922. Guy E. /Still, Clerk of the County Cburt of .McHenry County, Illinois. 28-4t as follows: Crystal State' Lake In Nunda ^ 1921 It <T»j» «risj • • $ .46 Coun1^^,^'i:^;^v^v^.. ..50 • Town -.48 Road and Bridge City ....*., 149 School Dist. No. 47 1j07 Com. H. S. Dist ,4^ Park jJistriet 1922 fotals.... .698 825 752 2275 •'^'Cihowna Win Ovfcr Indiolas The Crowns had comparatively easy going on Friday evening when they licked the coffee men three straight, coming out of the fracus with 129 pins to the good. Conway, who leads the cigarmakers, was high man of the evening, piling up a total of 507 pins. He registered his "best mark in the $ .45, last game when he rolled 202. The ,45 scores: .15 I Crowns [ ,t\ < .50 Conway f a. 1.33'Bolger 1.07 Freund 1.40 Boley >n i i! , Indiolas V>- 1922 | R. Pateks . $ .45; N. Meyers . W. Heimer ... Weinschenker Schoel .u .5^ aft THE UNIVERSAL CAR INTERESTING 1 f l-:iy ^ .42' Justen I ' Total..,.. ....... '.$517" $5.77 Crystal Lake la Algonquin '-.U 1921 S t a t e % , , . ; . . $ . 4 6 County; : v >vn'> • • Town' .'.. ..' H2 Road and Bridge . ISO City .li8 School Dist. No. 47 1.07 Com H. S. Dist. No. 156.. 1J0 Park District ........... • Jatai. te.8o t; ^ Ciry In Algonquin X-' 1921 $tate ........;7r7......f ^5 Countjr ;. i JO Town' ..... ... Road awl- Bridga'^ ^iv. JlO City 131 School Diet. No. 26.. .. r 1^7 Com. H. S. Dist. No. 166.. 1.80 lit .1*8 .167 | .121 &.. .168. &:..i94 2nd 167 167 129 163 170 3rd Total 202 507 167 501 140 390 146 477 136 499 Totals, w. .".'v.78? 1.33 1.07 1.40 42 State I Cars and Trucks Retailed r: in November Reports are not all in tor December but believe approximately, the same *rHumbtt "were deliVerifi 'Sill / - • • ' i r ; : ; > i What Does This Meaq?": *::?£* f . ' - ' < f - This volume of deliveries to actual owners is entirely unprecedented fpr this 4^, time of the year-- """"""J- -i v*--/ It has taxed them It indicates a volume of business during the rapidly approaching months of "heavy demand" which will be far beyond the maximum production schedule which the Ford Motor Company^has set-- And that means a Ford shortage even more acute than the one which existed last Spring and Summer. < Dealers' shocks all over the uponto meet the demands for delivery-* There is no way in which dealer reserves can be built up, as deliveries have been made to customers as fast as cars could be manufactured since last April. f! . * The only way you can protect your desire to obtain prompt delivery of a J|flrd even at this time is to place your order immediately. .(:;i This emphasizes more strongly than anything we tWlifV; 1; .* : J possibly say the necessity-of your making prompt arrange- ^ tf with a Ford Dealer for the listing of your -order, par- ; Ocularly if you are contemplating the purchase of a Ford Car ^ ^ r# - or Truck for use this Spring and Summer. ?e bel^5ve you arefntitled to know these facts aa^l^ikcttii^ R. KNOX* 3| A Small Deposit and Easy Payments if Desired mm. . -9M** :.;V' KZi&V u 1922 $ '.45 .45 1^ .165 .167 .123 .180 .121 796 2nd 166 '134 159 120 132 790 2374 3rd Total 161 472 161 462 165 447 166 466 145 398 Totals. Total $6.51 Algonquin In Algonquin '•*&> • •$ <46 ^ £0 .746 711 788 2245 frowns Drop Two to Fords Altho having the best of the evening's argument by 21 pins, the Crowns were forced to take defeat at the hands of the Fords on Tuesday evening of this week. The Fords took the first game, dropped the second and then came back and took the third. .12 j Perkins was high man of the even- .561 ing with » total of 609 pins. The 1.77 j scores: 2.27 j Crowns - < • Jilt 1.40 Conway 181 |Bolger 140 $7.02! Freund {Boley Justen Count? -L4»1.... Town Road and Bridge Cityv School Dist. No. 64 Com. H. S. Dist. No. 217.. It ' /••UOV "i, s '"'t: . . . . . . County ......... Town Road and Bridge City ... a School Dist. No. lj>7 lw63 1.80 1922 $ .46 .45 .12 • .56 1.57 !K56 miss'g 469 .108 .165 V 2nd 153 140 184 174 ,172 3rd Total 136 470 in pi| in rfppritaii. '60 I^OTlicu»- ^ne time in the county is for the purpose of Ise report which is irreparable injury to every . It has we todians on and this correcting doing an man, woman and child in the «ounty. I feel it my duty and the duty oi every citizen of McHenry county to correct these erroneous statements and impressions and feel it our further duty to take issue with men who would injure the good name of ||e- Henry county. Signed, J2. F. Quinlan,, Dec. 29, 1922. Woodstock, Ed\\£rd Mejnera of Chicago wafe a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr! and Mrs. Henry Meyers. Miss Edythe Petesch of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. atuf Mrs. N. H. Petesfh. „ Ki ' - ' " r BAKING POWDER you use /evs.s Agency For McHenry LAUNDRY Leave Your Bundles Here ; JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENBY *^w|rri 1 ~ 1 • iiii i J..HH • ATTENTION, FARMERS! Ynu are looking for the best possible market for yotir cream. Therefore, please ship' via express or baggage direct to Pearsall at Elgin. Make this your slogan* for bigger cream profits Cans returned prompt ly and check mailed for each shipment. Our good patrons are increasing dally because of our excellent reputation and standing among the farmers. Send,?; us your cream and the names of some of your neighbors so they too may have the benefit of our market. Write for tags, shipping instructions and our quotations. A»k your grocer when you go to town ', forBlllslde creamery batter, known all ovsr the United States. £•ii. y B. S. Pearsall Butter Co* ' glgtn. 111. K DR. C. KELLER 30 VeSra Experience In Testing fiy^ Grinding by your own optician. The following are some of the prominent citizens who got glasses during the past two weeks: Mrs. J. Regner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AlthofT, Mrs. Pnlz, Peter J. Heimer, Mrs. Brefeld, John J. Buch, Mrs>. Emil Lasch, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Watson, Mrs. Ben Thonneson, Mrs. Ben Justen of Ringwood. --Office Hours:--- Mondays, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Call phone Noi 9. Make appointment* by phone. *•' McHENB^ mi 140 153 147 148 420 496 429 485 Totals.... ..758 .^.•»5^ tirotre * 1921 r....t .46 SO, 1J28 149 ,... -2.76 Com. H. S. Dist. Not ^55. 140 1922 $ .45 .45 .12 .56 1.33 2.75 1.40 Fords Hankermeiyer Pries Wattles f. Perkins Lworos ,l»t 1?4 .164 .101 .171 .166 823 2nd 166 182 112 168 120 724 2300 3rd Total 151 481 148 159 170 147 484 372 509 488 Total .|6.86 $7.06 Most of the other towns of the county will pay a high rate this year, altho Woodstock shows a 31 per cent reduction in its levy for community high school purposes, the rate last year having been $2.46, while this year's rate is $1.68. The corporation levy, however, goes up from $1.48 to $1.64. » Over at Harvard the community high school tax shows an increase of from $1.66 to $2.22. At Hebron the district school tax declines one cent, from $1.38 to $1.37 high school rate at Hebron is raised 4 cents, from 48 to 52 cents.' ^ ^ToiteV.. Me 738 775 2279 Ladies Bowl on Monday Evening Owing to the fact that the sport has grown quite popular among the ladies here, the management of the West Side alleys has set aside Monday evenings for them. No men will be allowed on the alleys on Monday evenings. ' ' ; * MeHENRY CHAPTER . INSTALLS Large Assemblage Witnessed Impressive Work Saturday Evening Before one of the largest gatherings of the kind ever assembled In McHenry, the McHenry chapter. 0. E. S., held its annual installation of officers at Masonic hall last Saturday evening. Mrs. Jessie A. Dumser of Elgin, past worthy matron of Elgin chapter and grand ' lecturer of the Order of Eastern Star of Illinois, was iri" The community 0f the evening's ceremonies and was very ably assisted by Mrs. Ethel Holley as marshal, Mrs. Fannie phamberlin as chaplain and Mrs. Gretta Goodell as organist. Besides the elective officers, the names of whom were published in a recent issue of The Plaindealer, the Administrator's Noti^f-M. F. B. Bennett, Attorney Estate of Michael Miller, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the Estate of following appointive officers were also Michael Miller, deceased, late of the installed: Mrs. Minnie Miller, chap* County of McHenry and State of Illi- lain; Mrs. Flossie Cobb, marshal; Mrs. nois, hereby gives notice that he will Ethel Holly, prganist; Mrs. Martha appear before the County Court of Page, Adah; Mrs. Belle Hankermeyer, McHenry County, at the Covjrt House I Ruth; Mrs. Clara Schneider, Esther; in Woodstock, at the February Term, Miss Arline Harrison, Martha; Miss on the first Monday in February next, Inez Bacon, Electa; Mrs. Callie Perat which time all persons having kins, warder; John Miller, sentinel, claims against said Estate are notified) During the evening vocal solos were and requested to attend for the pur-; beautifully rendered by Misses Dorcas pose of having the satne adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated <jti« 22nd day of December, A. D. 1922. 29-8t Ben H. Stilling, Administrator' de' bonis non with the will annexed* The Plaindealer for news. FOBS and Varina Wentworth; instrumental solo by Mrs. C. W. Goodell and a reading by Miss Blanche Pryor, all of which were greatly enjoyed. The enjoyable occasion came fo § Close with an elaborate banquet. Gerald J. Carey was a Chicago " •iP': 'rJ A Situation Saved ' i f - ii- v A Chicago business man, about to leave for Springfield to keep a business appointment, (ell and spraihed his anklesi;i®f|®*':!!W \ Taken to his home he called the Springfield party by Long Distance telephone, explained his dilemma and conc)\i<j)ed the deal by telephone, j "'ff 'When accidents or illness interfere with, plans* the Bell Long Distance service often saves the situation. - 'V >-V t-aSJ ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE ^fj200IIPANYP* ^•'^1 0 : • :f . ... Boys' Overcoats •Mfi Made with all around Belt, $ two patch pockets and two I muff pockets, in desirable \ colors of brown and green \ mixtures, ages 2 \- to 9 yrs. 1 Specially priced at.:«^=Sitli: • ; . . 'H *" y\\& ' » .. ,id& / ;• t : • >ne Special at years! ^ t . . . J5-. u'X %• -c r»A McGee's Clothing#Store MfHENRY, ILLINOIS ||V; : 'i-.. Cva, ILLINOIS Wv- Uy. r\,' V . i'tf' ~ . * » » -5- tv iMMi*

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