Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1923, p. 5

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-v. •• • ;iT LO PboM 12 W oodstock, HI. Ph«e 49 SCHABFER ' s 9ia|i>f awl Long Distance Httffinii HcHioij, HL iiii»HnFr i HERE IS A FACT ALL folks Should know-I it tcllsthemv^herei •o s jr* rrr Ah' ysur kW m-.^ tention for about a • mini'te ana a half and then investigate some of the choice, well kept meats we are selling. Your appetite will give them its constant attention during its lively lifetttttaJ Uwfv^nLB WJnjjjf) • " » ^C M*P P*J r^ F-e U"y' -"•v - s: COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OUR FRIENDS C. E. Owen of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. * x "Peggy" Feltz war- a' Waukegan visitor last Saturday. } Allen Noonan was a business tit| itor. at Aurora last Saturday. Roy Hankermeyer spent Sunday with his wife and son in Chicago. Patrick Mariarty of Chicago was a week end guest of McHenry friends. J. B. Kelter of Chicago spent last Sunday as the guest of relatives here, Mrs. Chas. L. Page and son, Frank, were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were guests of relatives in Elgin Sunday. Ckam. 1 iiiairJ, A chattel mortgage sale will take place on the Wendt farm, located two miles north of Crystal Lake, 5 miles south of McHenry, on the McHenry- Nunda road, and one-half mile south of Holcorabville school house, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 commencing at one o'clock p. K, sharp, Oie following described property, to-wit ^B§AT) OF LIVE STOCK A t .---consisting of-- ^ * 20 Choice Cows new makers and springers; one Holstein bull and 7 good work horses. Hay and Grain Forty' tons choice timothy hay, 20 tons clover hay, 20 acres of shocked corn, 10 tons ear com, 200 bushels, oats, 60 bushels barley. Machinery, Etc. Avery 12-25 tractor, 8-bottom plow, double tractor disc pulverizer, silo filler, 6-roll Appleton husker, McCorject to a lease expiring March 1, 1928, with cash rent of $660 per year, payable monthly. Said residence property will be sold subject to a lease expiring Novcaofoer 1, 1923, with a monthly rental of $20 per month. Dated February 8, 1928. Address all inquiries to Frank B. McConnell, Richmond, 111. . Frank B. McConnell, Owner. C. Percy Barnes, Attorney. George Vogel, Auctioneer. 86-St To close the estate of E. J. Countryman, bankrupt, and dissolve partnership in the personal property, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction Mrs. Sanger passed Wednesday of; mick grain binder, McCormick corn As a special ffvor to my old friends j [ of McHenry and surrounding territory, last week with friends at Crystal Lake. Miss Lelah Bacon passed several days recently with relatives at Round . , Miss Pearl Claxton and Mrs. Henry 11 will make, for the next four weeks, Foss were Chicago visitors last Sat- | a special double thick cable temple ur<jay frame, with a pair of periscopic lense Thos cjeiiry ^ gon> Royal, of Elfor $6.00. These glasses will be only;gin vigitod with relatives here last for reading and sewing. I have 6,000 Friday. of these frames on hand and offer j Edward Brefeld pf Chicago spent ,5 passenger Overland touring car, 8 them at one-half of the original price, i Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. milk cans, pails and strainers, and the following described property to the highest and best bidder according to the terms specified below on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1928 commencing at 12:30 o'clock 19 HEAD CATTLjP 19 15 milk cows, all milking by day of sale, two are registered; 1 yearling heifer, eligible to registry, good individual; 2 yearling bulls, eligible to regstry, of good breeding; 1 calf. 40 HEAD HOGS 10 brood sows and litters, 5 brood sows to farrow soon, 6 feeding hogs, 2 boars., ' Hay, Grain, Etc. , 70 tons hay, 86 tons alfalfa" and 85 tons timothy; 100 tons silage, 60 tons Telephone 93-R. WM. G. SCHRBOnSB Agent for County Fire Insurance Co., Illinois Bankers' Hog Insurance Co., Reliance Life Insurance Co. Auctioneering JrfcHENRY :: ILLINOIS hinder, Broadcast seeder, hay rake, 3 truck wagons, 2 hay racks, bob sleigh, 2 Gale sulky plows, Cowboy tank heater, hand corn stalk cutter, 2 hay forks and ropes, 3 one row cultivators, 1-horse cultivator, 16-inch walking plow, McCormick mower, buzz saw, 2 surries, 1 buggy, 2 three-section drags,, nnn , , , . OKn .tLw o-s„ ection d, rag, 116-- m. c.h disc, 1„20- .i nc.h ie. ar . co, rn, in crib, 700 .b us,h e,l s oats', 260 disc, 10-bu. seed corn dryer, 1% h. p. bushels barley, 100 bushels soy bean gasoline engine, 3 sets double harness, No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit. I am at my McHenry office on Sundays Mid Mondays only, from 1:00 to 8:00 p.-jjU.-.JPhone No. 9. ' / jDr. C. Keller, McHenry, BL '• Cash & Carry Store West McHenry, III. Near the Depot , r% CASH and CARRY^t ... .•_> 4 ' x V * S > is the system of our business; it saves you money Aeroplane quality foods at submarine prices View Brand Food Products BUTTER, Best Elgin Creamery, per lb£^'i 53c SHREDDED WHEAT, per pkg..r...^ 11c SEEDED RAISINS, per pkg 16c CORN, Extra Wisconsin, 2 cans for-25c APRICOTS, Lake? View, large can-.^U»;I 45c PEANUT BUTTER, per 25c, PEAS, Fancy Sifted, per can. 22c' DATES, Golden, per pkg f 5c CALUMET BAKING POWDER, per can.-31c COFFEE, Old Reliable Brand, per lb.-^-.. 40 c LARD, Pure, pec „i,.V--14c SALT, 10 lb. 25c |TRADE THE CASH & CARRY WAY ROY HANKERMEYER, Proprietor Wha|J)o You Pay INVESTIGATE THE PLAN OF THE Alden Mutual Fire Insurance Company! Comprising the Townships of Alden, Hebron, Hichmond, Burton and McHenry Beyond question the lowest rates of a$y pmpeUiig iattelcK^y / Yearly a verage for idfre f>a§f 20 veare^ j ? . m m ^ r n r n S m f-- i ik< 1 4-5 mills on the dollar lOver 700 satisfied policy holders who have' materially lowered their insurance costs * y nby joining this company. Ask them. . $r: •m•. We insure all kinds of farm property, i^gsonal and tm For Farther Information Catl On'or Address L & Overton, Salesnaa A. G. Dickersea, Secy. Hebroo, 111. Earl Moneir, Salesmat McHenry, III. Solon Mills, IU. - - i-2' ' B. J. Brefeld. O. G. Treadway of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. other, articles tiottf too numerous to paensums of % 10.00 anct uS^ cash; James Burke of Chicago spent the over that amount a credit of six week end in the home pf his aunt, .Miss Ellen Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sauer attended to-business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 pa* cent pear annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until set- Mrs. C W. Stenger passed a few tied for with clerk. days this week with friends in tha metropolitan city. Leo Stilling of Chicago passed tftkk week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Edna! Foley were week end guests of relatives at Woodstock. Miss Mary Kinney spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Cleora Johnson at St. Charles. Miss Helen Pint of Chicago pasaed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Miss Mae Aylward of Solon Mills is spending a few days in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ss3. McCarthy. Mrs. E. E. Bassett jmd children and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin were guests of relatives at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl and daughters, Pauline and Adele, were Waukegan visitors last Saturday. Qlarence Conway of Rockford waa a week end guest in the home of his father, Patrick Conway, south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock spent Sunday with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wat. J. Welch. Miss passed the week end her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ringwood were !Sunday guests in. the McLaughlin home here. ' Carl Bickler of Chicago passed week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bickler, at the McHenry House. Miss Arlene Harrison and brother, LaVerne, spent Sunday as guests in the home of their brother, Kirk, and family ih Elgin. Miss Rose Freund of Waukegan is spending a few days as a guest in the' home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Editor L. W. Cobb of the Crystal JOHN CAMPBELL, W, Stenger, Clerk. Prep. Real Estate to pay Debts. LEGAL NOTICE McCarthy & McCarthy, Attorneys for Adjninistratorf:- . » County of McHenry,)$g. State of Illinois, ) In the County Court of said County, March Term, A, D. 1928. " Adolf Fischer, Adminis- ^ trator of the Estate of )s V i: ? Peter Thelen, Deceased, Petitioner, ) Petition ^ ;- ^ ) to Sell Henry "ftielen, "Kjrfcfc ) Fischer, Barbara Butzen, ) Michael Thelen, Martin ) Thelen, Emma Thelen, ) John Thelen, Mathias The- ) len, Arthur Thelen, Eliza- } beth Pich and Charles Pich, her husband , Respondents. ) The requisite affidavit? for publication having been filed in the office of the Cleric of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, notice is hereby given to said Martin Thelen and said Arthur Thelen that the above Blanche Meyers of Chicago1 nar?ed Petitiof^ heretofore filed his in the home of P«"t,on m 1f,d Court, praying for an order to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Peter Thelen, deceased, or such portion thereof as shall be necessary to pay the debts of said deceased and the expense of administration according to the statute in the suc^ case mac'e and provided, and for such further and other direction and decree in the premises as to said court shall seem meet. The property described in said petition and so to be sold is described as follows, to-wit: Lots 6, 7 and 10 in Block Five (5) of the Village of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, as per plat thereof on record in the Recorder's Office of said McHenry County, Illinois. And that upon said petition and Lake'Herald was7n town for a"sho7t affidavits ^ so filed in. **id C.ourtl stay on Monday afternoon and made this office a call. Mrs. William Gillespie and little daughter of Chicago spent the week end in the home of the former's grandfather, J. J. Flusky. Mrs. M. L. LaVelle and daughter, Ruth Marie, of Streator, 111., spent last week at the home of the former's mother, ilt&. J. B. Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herbee and children of Grayslake spent Sunday in Hm home of Mrs. Herbes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers. Mrs. Helen Salvage and daughter of Chicago spent the week end in tha home of the former's sister, Mrs. B. G. Chamberlin, and family. Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago spent last Thursday as a guest in the home of her son, Chas. J. Reihansperger, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward Spring Grove were called (Pearly Mongol) for seed, 2 stacks of straw, 1 ton soy beans for feed. » 60 CHICKENS One DeLaval milk separator, 1 iron kettle, 6 movable hog houses, hog oiler, 4 hog feeders, 4 milk cans, 3 hog troughs, extension ladder, hay fork, 250 feet hay rope, new; 120 feet itrip rope, new; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: All sums of |10.00 and undar, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given the purchaser giving bankabe note with approval seourity with interest at 7 per cent from date. No property to be removed until settled for. CHARLES R. LUKE, Trusts* JOE WISER. , ChM. Leonard and Ira Rutt, Auctionesc# * Carl W. Stenger, Clerk. We have purchased 122,000 pair U. S. Army Munson last shoes, sil&es to 12, which was the entire surplus stock of oneot the largest U. S. Government shoe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed one hundred per cent solid leather, color, dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The actual value of this shoe Is $<$.0p. Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the public at S2.M. 7 -• Send cdrreet slsfc. f*«£ man on delivery or send money order. Tf shoes are not as represented we will cheerful]j refund your moMy promptly' quest.. .' • NAnONAL BAY STATE SHOE CO. 2% Broadway, New York, N. Y. HOG RAISERS y ATTENTION! Save feed and increase the growth of hogs by using " ^ SHORES' CERTIFIED S SANTONIN W0RH TOKKNES and SHORES* AH nEMCBS HOC POWDER & MINERAL FEED Individual Torpedo treatment personally administered. For information call, write or phone £ A. K. Palmer Phone 267-W Harvard, DL A good place to trade--Erickson's ilore. • Feed Globe Egg Alexander Lumbar Co., Wast McHenry. To Those Who Plan to Build 1923 8 HOUR " Battary Charging Service The latest and belt, in service. Call us. W. L Htwefl & Co. TEL.1M-R it McHENRY. Ill I^BfeARDLESS Of what type of building you have in mind, one feature of this year's building situation is of special importance. , This feature is the indication that 1923 will be an even bigger building year than 1922. * r, r Experts agree on thin. * So also do we agree on the indication that 1923 willsee a general revival in alia lines of business. General activity requires vast quantities of labor--of which there is no excess since immigration restrictions went into effect; and" of transportation of which, because of the number of! cars in bad order, there is also no surplus. In'the summer and fall of 1922 with industrial prosperity only on the way a shortage of transportation facilities took place that furiously hampered the movement of building materials and therefore seri- Orsly delayed building plans. In 1923 with prosperity seemingly arrived and another big building year in prospect the congestion of summer and fall and possibly even late-spring j$an easily be imagined. The best way to beat this "congestion is to get Of it by getting your ready now so that work can itart the instant moderate •weather arrives. While no One knows for certain what Conditions will be in 1923 *ve are of the opinion that 'those who take advantage of the early spring month* will be mighty glad, later in the year, that they did ao. The Alexander Lumber Co. Phone 5' West McHenry, III. '"ijSifi Here lor tite (Ml that Kghts Carbon Mischief summons thereupon issued out of said i Court against the above named de- ; fendants, returnable on the first of the February Term, A. D. 1923, of j said County Court of McHenry Coun-, ty, to be held in the Court House in i the City of Woodstock in said Mc-j Henry County, Illinois, on the first Monday of February, A. D. 1923, as is by law required, and which said petition is still pending. 33-4$ , : G. E. Still, Clerk. TOF BE AI Friday evening by the serious illness j will, Cfacrge Vogel, Auctioi PUBLIC SALE OF L ESTAg* TN RICHMOND, ILL. Formerly Owned by Esther M. Holmes, Deceased ;8 The real estate formerly owned by Esther M. Holmes in Richmond, having been conveyed to me by her by of warranty deed for the purpose of sellhere last ing the same to pay her creditors, I of their uncle, J. J. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker and daughter of Burlington, Wis., were Sunday guests of Mrs. Spieker*s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger,' Miss Esther Stoffel and Gerald J. Carey attended the American Legion minstrel at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron called on McHenry relatives last Friday evening and also took In the McHenry-Hebron high school basket ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Frett and daughter, Gertrude, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett attended the Frett- ON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1923 At Public Auction at 1:30 p. a. of Said Day At Her Fanner Residence ea Said Premises offer for sale, and sell tot cash, all of the real estate adjoining the South limits of said Village and formerly owned and occupied by said Esther M. Holmes, deceased. As the property must be sold to the best advantage, I will first offer the residence property, snd barn with suitable ground, and I will then offer the remainder of said Holmes property with the farm buildings thereon, and will then offer the entire property in one tract, and sell said property in Tempered 'otor Oil %^RIVE in here for your next w w < oil supply--the oil of thaf * ~ wonderful double duty tha% ; ^ 5 J ' you have been hearing about^. % *>"•• It is here in exactly the nght^'% charted weight for your motor--l ready with its two-fold value of 4 better lubricating service in your, f | crankcase, plus prevention of * « , > evils at their source J ^ i "if*"-*' • 'j * borne to* ofcar •alag-so llgfct flaky that H toMowowtwitlitfct exhaust,wftko«ft idneof dtakerygrtt. - fprfcjn wonderful feature of selftarbon- cleaning is alone enough lo determine you to use Tempered tven if it were no better lubricant other good oils. it it is better. The Tempered fcrnpeas is thp t>vrhish?i>Wadham8 method that gives this oil eztn^ staying power -- toughens i against wearing* away undertv. heat, friction and dilution by motor ' fuel. It lasts longer and oils better^, than untempered oils--costs no " more to buy and far less to use. ^ % £, •> X' Thyen wedding at Hobart, Ind., last j whatever way it will bring the largest week Wednesday. | amount of money. The entire prop- Harry Van Gils of Joliet spent last j erty to be sold is supposed to contain Thursday evening with his wife snd 1107.74 acres of land. daughter here. Mr. Van Gils is now TERM8 looking for a home in the Prison city, The terms of said sale will be cadi. pw lit: Wkm mil YOUbe hmrm? M•-r& ^ -• ^0 W\ % WESTSIDE SERVICE STATION f VWm, Schaefer. Agent <... r.- ^ ^ Duraat and Star Cars .4/-^;*« McHenry, 111.

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