Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1923, p. 10

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H-/W :'J LAST TH more tba* this vil C€, ^r-Tys iMpSH 2 «CH » FRI. * 8AT "$ifl IM 7 i: •' $jssk '" *:«ST1#1Pls»* >r-; , C Buy Your Drugs ^ itfvS-V;.--iv •. - ifr-,- &'• -. •--%.• J'CTa :: ^ -V\ ., ->Ji. , JfiiingjN, H. PETESCHEHEil! • -A:; i ..-»' • v ;; •• • ' M April ^^mUKe* ' New,_<^"1 **-*/ ; > ^ " Celebrate the Dtf to M .j We have a fine line of dress goods in serges, crepes, poplins, worsteds rod, ratines in plain aM.J&JJAr weaves, all prices. *" -"•* / •* ' •**m$* h- - * n% '"•;' Iff:;. •fZ *"? -JC.. M " £ Silks in canton crepes, crepe de chine, charmeuse, taffita and messaline at $Z.M to $4.25 per yard. Pine ginghams and cotton suitings in popular shade# ' * ^ at tte to 8le per y d. " -?* i"* •* nj-' V* *""• Shoes and oxfords m H, "» * ** . *V + I"'" new and father. Call early while assortment is large and make youg&tselection. f&j'.lai Go»4» MmW Praapt^ Phong 117-R M. J. WALSH h: as it Cleans •f.'t -t' - 4P>" 4%S" ' " •'* : * • € 'V*' ^ie „^.4« ,s • An *. -p./t v<" f *Vj 1 -A Nicholas Bohr, twenty-one years lage his place of away at his late home on Broad itMt last Thursday morning after a t&ift' weeks' illness, paralysis being tile di- * rect cause of his death. The deceased was born at Weiler, Kreis Mayen, Germany, on April 20, 1862. When he<was but two years of age his parents left their native country and came to America, tiseir first place of abode being at Westphalia, Mich., and after four years at that place the family moved to this ; village and thence to Volo, where they | resided but a short time when they moved to Evanston and thence to eastern Kansas. They came back to IlliQOW some time later, only to return to the west in a short time. In 1889 the family came to Chicago, where they resided until 1900, when they removed to Volo, Mr. Bohr coming to Mclienry the following year, 1901, and has since m«uie his home in this village. He was united in marriage to Mrs. Magdalena Schaefer at St. Mary's Catholic church here by Hie . late Rev. M. W. Barth on Nov. 6, 1002. Three children were born to the union, as follows: George, Genevieve, and Ernest.. These, together with a grief stricken wife and one step-son, John William Schaefer, are the only surviving members of the immediate family, altho he also leaves two brothers and three sisters, as follow: George of this village, Paul of Chicago, Mrs. Emma Scherfick of Mooreland, Utah., Mrs. Elizabeth Hamon of El Paso, Texas, and Mrs; John Biewer of Chicago. Mr. Bohr was a member of St. Mary's court, C. O. P., of this village, having been affiliated with the society for more than twenty years. By trade the deceased was a brick and cement mason and in many ways "proved himself a real genius. He was an expert at stone and brick masonry, but since the advent of cement he has proven himself a man of more than the ordinary intelligence when it came to this class of work. His greatest hobby was .to manufacture out of cement ornamental work of every description and a visit to his home here will convince anyone as to Ms ability along this line. As citizen he always proved himself one of usefulness and high esteem. The funeral took place from St Mary's Catholic church in this village at 10:30 o'clock last Saturday morning, Rev. Chas. S. Nix, pastor, officiating. Interment was made in the family lot in St. Mary's cemetery. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING CO. HAS SIGNED 25 MEMBERS Jfaen cleaning days will be happy days, w4Hi work Hoover-done easily and quickly and hours fo|| rest and amusemqpt Let us show you The Hoov< in your home if you desire. Phone today advise us when it will be most convenient Nt',* JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL Experience is the test of efficieny, Jtfe have ha4 ite' Ing of Ice Cream We keep tab on the public taste and you will, .plways find at our store the Ice Cream, togethefi s^with the othfer delicacies that go with the busi* "ijness which are most in demand by discriminating "?* Sgi; consumers. Our years of experience are at your . u 1' •?«**»« I** ^ ... * • ^ ^ e j i \ • .. ^ {'>•* \ , McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY c. UNTI, PROP. -wtr»-- • pete Chad wick -ANDA UNIVERSAL COMEDYirf. SUNDAY. MARCH Walter J. Walsh, one of the local boosters for the Chicago Milk Producers' Marketing company, on Wednesday morning of this week informed a Paindealer scribe that approximately twenty-five dairymen of the McHenry territory had affixed their signatures to a marketing company contract. He further informed us that new signatures are being obtained right along and that since the dairymen in this locality are beginning to look at the marketing company plan and contract in a different light the workers expected to obtain signatures more readily in the future than has been the case in the past. He also agreed to publish the names of their members provided the McHenry local of the Milk Producers' association will do likewise. The fight between the two ffictions is evidently far from a closed issue. PICTURES Of 3,5M YEARS AGO PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN TOMB OF KING TUT ANKH AMEN TOWN TEAM MET DEFEAT AT GRAYSLAKE SATURDAY A team, composed of former high school players, journeyed to Grayslake last Saturday night, where they met defeat at the hands of the local quin tet, the final score being 24 to 7. Very few fans here knew that Mc Henry had a town basket ball team and therefore little interest was dis played in the contest by McHenry. However, McHenry has material for a real town team and it is the hope of many local followers of the sport that a first-class team will be placed into the field in another season. Considering the fact that the home players had little or no practice prior to last Saturday night's game, the crew didn't do so bad at that. Grayslake has a town team of unusual merit qnd to be defeated by such an outfit is anything but a disgrace. c. f. NORAGER RETURNS HOME FROM EUROPE C. F. Norager, proprietor of the Orchard Beach hotel located on the west shore of Fox river a short dis tance north of this village, has re turned from an ° extended stay in Russia, where he has been in the in terest of a large Chicago concern We have not learned whether or not he will be at his hotel the coming summer. TOOK POSSESSION OF SHOP THIS MORNING Louis AlthofT, who recently pur chased the Macksmithing business which for yeirs has been conducted by Jos. May on Waukegan street near the C. & N. W. railroad tracks, took pos session of the shop this (Thttraddy) morning. FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION --AND--.. ' v : , , A MERMAID COMEDY »' UK AND EASY** SUNDAY MATINEE AT 3:3* ^ TUESDAY, MARCH <5 &«v. >. Du^tin Fermim Jl?.*'\ -IN- .-A' 'k Justice Wait! >AND ^ k the Dtjfs of Briftfo Bill FRI. * SAT. MARCH 9 & £0 KiaMntfteDtt COMING ATTRACTIONS ' UNDCK TWO FLAGSM S ' "SKY PMf' 1 ' i ^ " - Barring ton, where ti»e former is actively interested in the Buehler farm, having all control. On farm is a fine dairy of forty-five stein cows and Mr. Thomas has distinction of delivering to the man plant at Barrington more than is left there by any other d^'! man. Last month their milk cited? lacked only a few dollars of |800, the largest check issued at Harrington plant. They are proi Of' on the Buehler farm nineteen * of milk daily. NOTICE TO INCOME TAX PAYERS Peter M. Justen, income tax expert, will be at the West McHenry State bank on the following dates to assist all who desire in filing their im -- tax return"?; March 5 and 6. mm ates. The * af t games of varl e j>f Tho® , Cat!" ' Florence Blake, Rocella Freu dred Freund, Alma Justen, ICrause, Clarice Miller, Alvera Emily Smith, Agnes Strifes, l^eingart, Sylvia and Louise Marion, Alvera and Catherine Weiii gart The Plaindealer for news.* CHANGE IN On and after M ing until further nOI changes in milk and cre^m prices will be effective: Milk, per quart, lie; cream, per V% pint, 18c. Riverside Dairy, McHenry, 111. ^ Shoes and hosiery of higheit quality at Ericksdn's store. of Talmage, but from a point of view which prejudice made impossible to ! either Tahp^^r .T}* •* ^^ex-' s to ottr ft the mem- * 's court, C. 0- F., for f ses extended us dur- i lasMttjrtftas and after tije deatli < of our beloved one. Also do we wish to extend thanks to the donors of flowers aif«il«, Charles S. HIJ| | pastor of ^i|wry's. ' 1 • Mrs. MagAilwha Bohr and Famaj^^.. t Plaindealer ads bring requite. .mm? •i' ' ft) ' \?*§ Have you ever tried to picture for yourself the civilization that existed,^ before the time of David, second king of Israel? Have you tried to imagine the kind of clothes people wore 3f50Q, years ago, the kind pf furniture they used? Over in Egypt, in the valley of the Nile, there was recently opened the' tomb of Pharaoh Tut-Ankh-i\men, thf ruler of Eg$pt 3,500 years ago, and inside this tomb there was found vast quantities of things that picture tit#- civilization, of the ancient world. - • It is a rare privilege for The Plainf dealer to present to our readers this week a series of pictures made from photographs taken inside this tomb, showing the many interesting objects which it contained. In these pictures you will see much of the story of that ancient civilization which passed away more than a thousand years before the birth of Christ, a civilization that angled ates the pyramids by several hundred years. • - : In these .pictures you will find much that is of intense interest and you will add to youY own interest in the subject by talking about them" with your friends and neighbors. M. L. WORTS INSTALLS FUEL OIL BURNER AT HIS HOME •-/&T'-Jfcf • • •f* 0i " ?-?'k l£J>. 3*V believes in this community; in its growth and prosperity, in<Uvi<lualiy 'M)4 eolteetively. ' 5; • . -v, .• , We underwrite its ambitions an^t its efforts with our unqualified faith. ^ ^ We pledge our co-operation to its for- | ward looking eme^rises and,tQ its.indMdual citizens. « We expect to grow--and to grow hy •j, * I' " : - ; f/H 1 ' W hen <yott {voMont let us help you solve it. . . $ % ~Y^t V*"i * m \ * •*' . ,'v. ifcii"iPS: * Jh* 1923 SUPERIOR ChevroUt ' \ n w Ml BE CHIC The name Gage in the hat you hoy 1c your assurance of correct style. Aslc to see our new arrivals. ^--. Blake Sisters' Millinery. " t **+<•, * M. L. Worts, who some time ago installed a "Fuel Oil Burner" in his heating plant at his home on Green street in this village, is very well pleased with it. It is a complete automatic oil heating system which can easily be installed in any type of heading plant. It burns low priced Oil and keeps the temperature just where you want it thru thermostatic control. The burner is manufactured by the Combustion company and is guaranteed to be absolutely oderless and sate and doestaway with labor, coal and ashes. It is listed as-.a standard by the underwriters' laboratories. Mr. Worts has taken the agency for the new burner and will be pleased to explain and demonstrate its perit» tGk •ny and all interested. WATCH REPAIRING ^ ^ Notice is hereby given that I have made arrangements with Martin &. Schmitt of West. McHenry whereby watches for repair may be left at his plaoe of business. Pickups of watches and other jewelry will be made three timds each week. AH work guaranteed to be satisfactory. A. Lundquist, jeweler, Crystal Lake, 111. All 10c tobacco, 3 packages for 25e» and all 16c tobacco, 2 packages for 38c at Erickson's store. •P'-Prtscngier Sedan fla tfrZ2 Chevroltt ted t!ie "world in closed car iaks, if- \-- ' "y. *V ; ;|die Sedan. This new Fisher Body Sedan is completely eclipsing its r because; •UALITY has equipment. llBOONOMY has beet) apd gready increased facilities. ^ is now offered on a •Btvice stations. u race bads fay 10,000 deaka ; of the new line remain the same In spite of added more expensive construction, which have greatly increased ic Distinctive Features body design ana r< with high •od; vacuum feed an<1 rear gasoline tank on all models; drum type head with legal tensrs. Curtains open of c Prices £ o. b. Flint, MidL I • iTriill .4*!f f . doors - "f have ^ H^lijjristcd wine 4t I#* «un vtoor, windshield wiper and light. The Sedanctte is equipped on rear. open models. Closed r plate glass Ternstedt idows, straight side cord S")»2S mjm Two Passenger Roadster Five Passenger Touring Two Passenger Utility Four Passenger Sedancttt Five Passenger Sedan - -« Light Delivery Truck Ste (hew remarkable cats. Study the specifications Nothing Compares With CherroUt "• &--• ;

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