Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1923, p. 3

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T Computation an, at tor a 1 ready WTBTWITtHtt® t*ord Napier, a Scottish Nobleman, Haa Hitherto Bean Given the Credit of Having Originated the Uft*- ' 1-T' _ rlthmic Table* - Caascl, Germany.--Logarithms were originally devised by Jobst Ruergi, a German watchmaker to the employ of Landgrave William IV of Hess, and not by the Scotsman, Lord Napier, as commonly believed, according to statements made by Doctor Breithaupt, a prominent Cassel scientist, addressing a aoeeCljqt fetire of the Hessian Historical iW-ilustus who, Bar a J. Oitambus, it of Christopher •was callM to the tegUjfe bai- in the Middle temdoctor la a descendant at DlagOv son of Christopher. $fcS doctor being born at Malta Is attrttlahsabject. He staifed taw d the Middle temple to the o«a* nf D. Campbell Lee, an American barrister practicing in - ^bgland, and haa specialised In international law. Inches in IHwry Before fUiina of Wkmie and Refuses t« B« > Coaxed Away v : Doctor Breithaupt's assertion were made in the course of an a#oai on the iife of iVilHani IV, or "Wiiltam the Wise," who he jancribed as ana of the most renowned of royal astronomers. William lived during the middle of the Sixteenth century and founded the elder line of the houae of Basse, known aa Hesse-Cassel. The speaker discussed •lab William's chief assistant, liberhard Baldewein, who was a tailor in Marburg by profession, but won high favor with Jhf landgrave because of his clover and tav«ji£tlvs tnlnd. Smith Mnfeta Wander Clock. WOtta® IV, the apfwlrrr related, erected a workshop la which he employed aeveral hand laborers, one of whom was a smith whose handiwork still occasions general amanemcnt. Baldewein also showed exceptional aptitude in carrying out and Improving WHliam's designs. Among hi* creations still in existence Is a large planetary apparatus, the so-called astronomical clock, which belongs to the provincial museum of Caaasl. fThe landgrave waa the first astronomer to lotxodage time aa an element capable of observation," Doctor Breithaupt declared. "A Mfaffentberg dockmaker made tgm a clock showing seconds, and Baldewein enlarged upon It in such a way that IjMt JaSiwgrave could Simultaneously obgervaihe stars and tttoi to the dpck'attcktog of seconda. la 'faqulred dfalliHtlan at ffti" iiiaejifina with- * -j. . v " v-v f MRT UWVint M.B|tMry .»W*» 4- Doctor Breltha upt flaclarart that Johann Kepler, foundlc^Jf astronomy, who was bant In ^ftifcrtteniberg in 1571, and became renowned as father of the Keplerlan planetary laws, had given Buergi the credit lot originating logarithms In one of hia pnbiished works. • Buergi was born In 15T9 awl was for *» time attached to the imperial court aa watchmaker and manufacturer of celestial globes. He died here in 1882. Taximeters for Planee. London.--Airplanes plying for hire are to be fitted with taximeters. At SO cents a mile the clock will show a fare working out at a little more than $35 a head for three people irons, Lm$oxi to Paris. An excuse n*e^rl> always goaa taae In tfae home stretch. Tests at Zoo Resulted In Perfection of Device for - VI LA« SIIWNARINI^ WASMaMaBYST*RV*THBI Hydrophone Waa Developed as Result of Experiments Made With Stetho. by Two Medial '-k tn London Zoo* . •.* London.--Rome, they say, waa saved by tha cackling of geese. It may be well that the LIvy of the future will assert that Britain in her hour of peril was saved by the quacking of ducks. How ducks eating biscuits thrown to them at the pond in the London soo led to the discovery of U-boat detectora was a bit of "inside" "war stuff «_ Gives Prisoners Books and Music BORN IN SAME BOOM Mother Had Put Children to feed md Gone ts Vlalt Her Grandmother-- Fir* Mat Noticed Until Mrs. Weliey Weetbrook, WlfetJf the warden of the Cook County Jail In Chicago, believes that joaH,books and good music tend to Improve prisoners, and fcgr her own peraOftal«ftofts has established a library and secured phonographs and records from her friends for the boy priaoners in the county Jail. They all . know her as their friend, and many, after their discharge from priaon, aeek her aid and advice. told by Prof. J. T. -McGregor Morris at the Scientific Novelties exhibition here recently. Old Intemisn Incomplete. Before fhe war, it is true, there were submarine detectors--a microphone to which was attached a diaphragm. But unfortunately thia device was non-directional-- that la, . it didn't Indicate from which direction tha undaraeaa boat was coming. Horns and even trumpets were uaed to assist the InSttanient, bat up to June, 1915; tha detectors were of little use. Meantime the submarine campaign was Increasing in Intensity and the UnitenkjCiogdotn was faced with the possibility of being starved to death. Then, according to the story told by Professor Morris, putting one's head under water where sounds could easily be heard suggested to Sir William Bragg and Sir Richard Paget the use of the stethoscope, the instrument that is to the doctor what tha brief case la to the lawyer. ' E Teat Suoceada at Zaa^- The two medical men went the soo to try ont their scheme. While Sir William threw biscuits to tha ducks his colleague by means of an instrument on the lines of the stethoscope and with a part In the water, tried to hear the ducks eating. Suddenly Sir Richard threw bla tostrument down with an Impetuous Jerk. A duck had attempted to eat the part of It under water and tha nolsa waa deafening. Out of this Incident was evolved the hydrophone--a device which looks Ilka an old-fashioned warming pan. Thia, when turned slowly in the water, Indicates the direction from which a submarine ts coming. It could detect th^ presence of a submarine five miles distant and the steam turbine of a destroyer ten miles away. "CJ Baltimore, Md. -- Crrytotong* In misery before a pitiful pile of charred and twisted bed frames, Bruno, through whose sturdy veins flows the blood of probably nil the varied speclea of dogdom howls a lonesome requiem far the souls of his little master and mispress--Samuel and Charity Dorsey ---who were bnrned to death In the bit of a shack that once was their home. Samuel and Charity, seven and three years old respectively, were the children of Mr. and Mrs, James Dorsey, a colored couple living on River road, Bethrada, Md. While they were taking their afternoon nap some unknown cause set fire to their diminutive cabin and before help could reach them they had. been wrapped la a blanket of flames. All Born in Same Room. Bruno and Samuel were born tha same day and In the same room, according to old residents. Charity came later, but she Immediately waa made a welcome member of their fraternity. Inseparable during their short life, Bruno refused to be comforted when he returned from a romp and found his home gone and his playmates dead. Throughout the night, after sorrowing neighbors had returned home to try and forget the awful ordeal of the afternoon, Bruno sat in the midst of the ruins. There, nose pointed high and forgetful of the bitter cold, ha sang his chilling requiem. Daybreak found him in the same spot and all efforts to coax htm. fromjfca scene -4 .-,:v THE CHI Mrs. Banes Says Tanfac Ended IndipsstJon, Sourness and Pal- Ditadtm* &nd Made Labors t.*-w ^ ] -MoW» * helped me ^ wtreli 4 wish everyone suffering like I did would follow my sugfcatlon to use It," said &IM. Sadie Banes. 2037 Washington St„Kanaaa City Mo., the other day. "Before I took Tanlac my appetite was so poor It seamed beyond cultivation, and tha littl* I managed to eat gave me Indlgeatlon and caused awful sourness and palpitation. I was simply miserable from nervous headaches, dizziness and knife-like pains In my back, always slept poorly, and felt so bad that at times I Just had to quit my housework and Me down. . "Tanlac was so well sotted to mj case that It has only taken three botr ties, half of the full treatment, to* restore me to perfect health. It make* me so happy to be without an a<'n«% pain or trouble of any kind that I about my work humming and singing; I just can't help rejoicing over what Tanlac haa done for me." > Tanlac la for sale by all good *nf> gists. Over 86 million bottles sotdr- Advertlsement Wa all have a great deal to Sa^ fat Ira manage to do very little. Rock QeiHttee piattaa tha Uttta'fQiks. One box will ptnta of delicious Jelly In a few flavor you like. Using El Gelatine does away with cooking.--Advertisement. One can usually tell what a. -alms at by what she misses. FOR OVER 40 YEARS RALLS CATARRH MKD1CINS tM b««n uaed successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE coa- •ista of an Otntment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and thi* Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the Mucous Suf* faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Bold by all druggists. IT. J. Cbeaey * Co., Toledo, Ohio. Women Qambtera Sad Li Glasgow.--Scottish mill owners have decided on drastic action to check tha gambling erase which la said recently to have obtained a great hold on famale workers. Hereafter it will be a condition Of employment that no form of betting be Indulged in. It is asserted that woman are bad losers, and tha batting spirit is often responsible for trouble among them. ~»JI Wife Seeks a Oteoree From WeaJtily Bootblack Nicolas Lopreta, a bootblack, of Brooklyn, N. Y., haa a net Income of $75 a week, owns bla own home, and gambles at tha race track with what money he does not add to a large account in a savings bank, according to his wife, Katherine. The wife, suing for separation, requests an allowance at $35 weekly alimony and 1250 counaei fees. r, -< Titled Woman Worftlng. • "^Potsdam.--In a quiet residential Jlliarter of Potsdam a group of women who formerly beton&ed to the aristocracy had the brilliant Social circles on imperial days tare working dally from morning until night at stuffing teddy bears, toy elephants, doga and other animal figures. MOBS KILLED 83 WOMEN SINCE 1889 Cruel Tortures Applied to Some of Them, Says Church Report Bat Four ttataa in the Union Never Had to Report Lynching--Only Sixteen Free of the Crime tat Last Tan Yeara. Washington.--An alarming number of women have been killed by mobs in the United Statea in recent years, the Federal Council of Churches declared In a statement. "Since 1889," tha council aald, "there have been 63 womer killed by mobs. Some o' them were put to death with savage tortures, neb as burning and disemboweling." Such brutality, tfap council declared, might be expected Hn pagan timea or heuthen countries, but by no meana In a civilised land today." "The total number of persons lynched by yeara givas a atarttlng picture of lawlessness, the council said. "There la a slow decrease from the climax In 1892 and 1893 down to 1906. During the latter year and 1900 there was an Increase, then another slow docrease until 1918, when tho tendency to increase was again manifested." Only four states have never bad a lynching, accordlnf to the council-- Massachusetts, Khode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont Three statea have had no lynchlnga since 1889-- New Jersey, Utah and Connecticut. "Bight other statea," the council said, "have had a clear record during the last ten years. They are Nevada^ Colorado, Iowa, YTlsconsin. Michigan, Indiana, Delaware and Pennsylvania. •"This means that only 33 per cent of the states have not bad J lynching In the last tea yeara." "^5. la Human WataW^ For one man who sincerely pltlea our misfortnnea, there are a thousand who hate oar <mcceaa.--Ccltoa. 5*^5 If' OFFICIALS TRAMP 22 MILES Brunswick Men Brave Arctic Wtather to Attend Meeting of County Council. -'€H*fHtown, N. B.--Councflet# "A/ . Xierstead and Otty O. Black of Brunsurtck have been given places on the Queen's county council roll of honor for faithfulness to their public duties. Ti> attend the semiannual session of the Cgtmcil they tramped 22 miles on anewaboes In arctic weather to Petiteediac, where they took a train to this tfrwn. ^ Before this performance Warden A. W. Barton of" Waterborough held the record. He never missed a meeting for <0 years and once attended on crutches _%itb a dislocated hip. Cxprea* Funds Vanish tn Parte. Paris.--The mysterious disappearance of 500.000 francs from the safe in ' jke Paris office of the American Exjre$ s company la reported by the Upper Le Matin. No clue as whereabouts of the money has m : .4-'5 . k" 'i i. EDDIE AND HIS FOURTH Edward Fitzgerald, better known to theatrical folk and audiences as Eddie yap, has marriad a«aln. Q|i to ttl fourth marital adventure, the bride being Miss Marie Coombs, of Dallas, Tex. She is one-third Cherokee and heiress to a large fortune derived from Oklahoma oil wells. The wedding was a very quiet one, and was performed by Rev. Father Francis Duffy, famous aa the "Fighting Parson" of the old Sixty-ninth regiment, in the Holy Cross Roman Catholic church, New York. MHORSE'S KICK WORTH $14£J0 fxAmbaaaador's Wife Vouches for Animal's Behavior but Fatta f» zj--^ Move Jury, Concord, N. H.--Although Mrs. Larg Anderson of Washington and Boston, wife of the former ambasaador to Belglum, had testified that she knew the horse Bawdsey Amber all his life, and that she was sure he never kicked, a jury In the Federal court awarded damages of $14,800 to Andrew J. Craig of Bedford. anXexhlbitor at a horse show at which Bawdsey Amber was entered, for Injuries received two'years ajpv •"'rt"*i**t JMiaa MafcaA fcl^a.. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble tad Never - Sospect It Apyfcintg for ImurttoeOftn who are constantly in direct toaeh with the pnblie, there ta am preparation that has been very soeeaasfal in overeoaung these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. KflneKi Swamp-Root it soon realised. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of raecess. Aa examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview en the subject, made the astonishing statement that one KM son why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is became kidney trouble ie so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even mispeet that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if yon wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sura and mention this paper.--Advertisement. Heat generates motion. If yon don't believe It pick up a redhot poker. A full elevated train is a rlgtr roller. fr. _ l:Cd GRIP FLU By checking youif' Coughs =* Cold* mm * bl«Ui«AW t$T» Ktfasa Substitataa 'SIP *'^§1 CHILDLESS HOMES 4- r : 4' MADE ^ ::W ;-v' •' Pour Interesting Letters Hands a Lonaaoma Requiem. rhava failed. In bis grief ba both food and sympathy, squatting shivering near the place where his master and mistress died. The fire is a mystery. Mrs. Dorsey had put her children to bed for a nap and gone to visit her grandmother, aeveral blocks away. No one noticed the dames until they burst from tha roof and by the time assistance arrived the little one-story shanty was sheathed in flames. Home Burns to Ground. Hope of rescue was gone, but Mrs. Dorsey, attracted by the fire, had to be restrained with force from dashing Into the Inferno for her babies. No. 20 engine romptiny received special Instructions to cross the Maryland line and do what It could to help. All the firemen could accomplish, however, was to keep streams of water on nearby homes to prevent the flames from spreading. After cooling the ruins of the Dorsey home they found the bodies of the children beneath tha twisted remains of their bed. They probably had been mercifully smothered before the fire reached them. Worker Paralysed aa Raetlit of Prank. Albion, Mich.--Sitting down on a cement floor with a sudden jolt when a fellow worker pulled his stool from nnder him, Donald Burns, struck tha and of his spine a blow that made him unconscious. Burns has been paralyzed in his lags since the prank. Physicians balieva the spine la fractured. Quarda Woman Lying Dead Two Daya. New York.--A pat fox terrier which had kept a two-day vigil beside the dead body of his mistress showed signs of fight when neighbors broke into the home of Mrs. Lena Schmidt, seventy years Old. Investigators found the aged woman in bed dead. Death had occurred two daya before, tha coroner said. Sure Relief FORINDmsnON BKLLANS Hot water vp^SureRefief ELL-ANS 29# AND 75t PACKAGES EVERVWHOtE Ftrfto VfcfWi Farm ttnipiih 4 8U« If. For Illustrated booklst of One Virginia (arms, aa low as 120 per aore, wher* climate and markets are JdaaL write K T. CHAWI. KY, Mana«e r, Land Dapt., Room >11, Chesapeake A Ohio Ry.. RICHMOND, VA. (terrain--SCO-Acre Improved Diversified Fairm, open range, running water. Ideal for dairy or stock raising. 19.000. Including machinery and live stock. John Hays, Dubois, Idaho. Half a million In cold caslV JQ&k&V a thin widow nica and plumpt, coma strong and have a child. My husband read about it in tha'Cortland Standard' and tbooght it might help me. It certainly did for I now have a lovely boy fifteen aooaths old who weigba forty potmda. I recommend LyaiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to my friends Miavoa can CSPtainly use my tsatfanonial In year Utile books and in tha newspapera, aa It might help to make aoote otter childless home happy by the praaance Of little onee aa it naa done mine."-- Mrs. CLAUDS P. CANITOLD, 10 Sanatory St, Cortland, N. Y. A Meaaage to Mother* Hamilton. Ohkx--"I have known about Lydla EL Ptnkhsm'a Vegetable Compound ainea girlhood, having taken It when I was yoonger and suffering from a waakneaa and backache. Lately I have taken it again to strengthen ma before tha blrtn of my child, aa I waa troubled with pains .fat say bade and a Hfelesa, weak feeling. I think if mothera would only take your wonderful medtaine they woukfnot dread childbirth aa they da I reoommend the Vegetable Compound to eveqr woman?'--Mrs. Jos. PADOOW, JB.. 562 S. 11th Street, Hamilton, Ohio. :v St Ixwie, Mo.--*] what Lydia E. Ptauam's Gonpoond cBd for me aevmi yearn ago. Iwaa rundown sad had aweakaa woman often have. 1 took Lydla 1. Plnkham'a Vagetahla Compound and after being manliil sixteen yean lmcame tfae mother of a sweet little girl. I now havi tar lovely diildreo--ttree fine haM mti the Httle girl aix yean old. I S3 longed for diildren all the whflaaadl wept many a day and envfc ~ woman with a crnkL I waa! old when my first I recommendLydia] 3Z female weakneae. UMAKN, 1517 Benton S|§: etable Compotmd to any la ailing with fei ' Mrs. J. 8t Was Weak and Rn Dbim was troubled with crampe I took it. and later wtxni I married I again todk it to make me strong aa the doctor) said I waa weak and run down and could not have children. 1 took Hand got along fine and now I have (teasl girls. So yon know why I keep ths Oompound in tfaebooee. lamaweU^ woman and do my work and aewinar tea"-Mrs. JOTJDS ^ W.Dodiergt, After an age Of waiting, a man will sometimes hand himself a bouquet In deapalr. Cole's Oarbollsalv* Qnlekly BaUswaa and heals burning, itching and torturing akin diseases. It instantly stops the pain of burns. Heals without scars. 30c and 60c. Ask your druggist, or send 80c to The J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, III., for a package.--Advertisement. Taking the Runs Out of ttaaMnga. The manager of an uptown specialty ahop WRS worried at the number of "returns" on women's silk hose because of snagged places in the fabric. In almost every case the customer said the stockings had seemed all right when Inspected at the counter, but at home had revealed tiny breaks tn the threads which would develop "runs." After much thought tha manage decided the snags were due to the points on the settings of rings worn by saleswomen. An order forbidding the wearing of rings on duty was followed by an in uio«Uat3 foiling off of returned hose--and another trado secret ha^ been discovered. t v One's True Self. ^ The noblest thing you ever did, the noblest emotion you ever felt, the deepest and most self-sacriflclng love ever in your soul, that Is your true self* ill, through all the baser life Into Wt !ch you have fallen.--Phillip Brooks. Say "Bayer" and lnsistl Important ta Mothjat* ffzamlne carefully every bottla af CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria HQ rnuureu, ami set; unu u falls Two Miles, Only Slightly Hurt. Wanshlp, Utah.--Falling two miles from his airplane, near here. Pilot Henry G. Booustra of the western division of the United States air mall service, suffered only slight injuries. A few weeks ago Booustra met with a similar accident and was not hurt. Worm Get* Golf Name. A new variety, of worm baa receivaC the name of "OQt&ngia Ucintoshli," because the scientist who discovered H ^escribed It during a game oi golf «rith hia firtend. Praisssor Mcl^aah. TTnleas yon see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians ovej- - twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for ; 5 Colds Headach® AToothaCh« Lumbago . ""-Earacha Rheuniatliil- Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin* only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100, Asperln Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcetlcacldester of Sallcylicacld.--Advertisement. Compliments are silly, but even aansible people enjoy them. A man Isn't necessarily baahful becauae he declines to meet his obligations. ~""i That man Is to be pitied who cant distinguish between friend and acquaintance. A man may ba able to Joke on himself, but ha ia to mean It lor Rata, _ _ Cockroaches and Waterings. Don't waste ttnie trying to kill these saMf with powders, Uquids or any experlmsoM preparatlona. Ready for Use-Bettor than Traps %<*. box, Ko lfrec.boa.iUt •OLD EVCRYWHBRB Garfield Tea Was Yoa'r v. Gr«ndmotlaer*s ReoMiy for every stomach and intestinal lit Ihls good <dd-fa8hloned herb home remedy for constipation, stomach Ills and other derangements of the aye* tan so prevalent these days Is tn even greater favor «s a family medldna than In your grandmother's day. --TWPis tW7' f c o l \ ; I I KEMPS ^BALSAM -i - VT. W. U.F CHICAGO, NO. y -v . V r - .•* . S® r; Cutleura Soap for tha Complexion. , Nothing better than Cutleura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make, the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and whlta. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutleura Talcum, and you have the Cutleura Toilet Trio.--Advertisement. Travel may broaden a man. but '• otters can stay at home and get fat. fer You are good at getting down Co the real facta In the case. Put A fancy band on the Bankable cigar and- It wonld have to sell for tan aanta straight. Probably yon* 5 lh V 3 BANKABLE Cigars are Good Cigars 10 Cents BRBKTBISi RffRESHES, ABOS DEW BELBHT fUTNAM

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