Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1923, p. 4

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M-1L 6. County fli» ImwjmMh Inois Sw**8' Hog IMPUJW Relhttce Life Insurance k » Auctioneering tY :: « ILLINOIS We have purchased 122,000 pair U. S. Army Munson last shoes, sizes 54 to 12, which was the entire surplus stock of one of the largest U. a Qovernmen* shoe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed one hundred per cent solii leather, color, dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The actual value of this shoe is 16.00. Ow ing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the public at «2»S Send correct sise. Pay postman on delivery or send mone.v order. If shoes are not as re pre sented we will cheerfully refund your money promptly upon re quest. NATIONAL MY STATE SWE CO. 2% Broadway, New York, N. Y, vim HOG KAISERS ? " *1 Save feed and increase t i b e growth of your hogs by using STORES' CERTIFIED S GRAIN SANTONIN WORN TORPEDOES and SMBES' ALL MEDICINE BOG TOWER ft MINERAL FEED Individual Torpedo treatment personally administered. For information call, write or phone A. K. Palmer Phone 267-W Harvard, IH. • •• Easter Footwear..r 'i With Easter not so far away, we know you Jnust be thinking of new footwear to go with your Easter costume and the time to make your selection is npw--while our assortment is at its best. We are ready to show you a line of straps and oxfords in black and brown kid, black and brown calf and patent leathers, that is a little nicer than anything we have heretofore offered. •vt Really it's a pleasure to us to be able to offer fgsuch charming styles. The prices are lower than ^you would expect to pay for footwear of such outstanding merit. It is not too early to make a selection. t 'V ' . \ JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry, 111. Em CAHE AT ST. A HOSPITAL MONDA TSTicholas M. Bowers* for many years one of our successful farmers, and who moved his family to town %nly about a year ago, passed away at St Anthony's hospital, Chicago, early Monday morning of this week. The deceased was stricken with appendicitis about two weeks ago and on last Friday evening, upon the advice of his physician, was taken to Chicago, where an operation was performed that same evening. . However, upon his arrival at . the Chicago hospital it was found that the appendix had bursted and, while every skill known to the modern medical profession was applied, it was too late to save him. Up until his recent illness, the deceased apparently was in the very best of health, thus the severity of the shock of his sudden going to Ms Wife and members of his family. The body was brought out from Chi END COM AT MILWAUKEE LAST 8ATtfRDAfr^y -cfttfec)- tfiothfh* of M4tyM*«4» citizens at M ilw*ukea, Saturday, when Miss Anna L. Powers answered the summons of her Maker. __ The deceased, who had been in poor health for many years, went to Milwaukee about a year ago in the hope that medical attention would return to her the good health she had at one time enjoyed. Miss Powers, daughter of the late William and Margaret Powers, was CHARLES 8CHABFBR BROS. • m CHICAGO {Woodstock Republican} Charles Ramer, alias T. W. H was arrested in Chicago Monday this week and on Tuesday Lester Edinger journeyed to returning with Jthe prisoner in afternoori. His arrest followed t!|i: issuing of a complaint against hittk by the state's attorney's office, chaff* ing him with forgery. The complaint was filed the latter part of last was According to information receive)!' at this office Tuesday morning the born on the old family homestead in j man has been employed at McHenry Nunda township on Bee. 14, 1865, for some time. His place of residence where she continued to make her home | is unknown and he is thought to be a until about thirteen years ago, since 1 transient. For several days he had which time she has called this village! been working at McHenry and during his stay there the complaint charges that he forged the name of T. W. Hurt to two checks, one in the sum of $12.00 hi? her place of abode. f She was a devout member of St. Patrick's church as also a member of St Patrick's Altar and Rosary society. Altho her physical condition made it impossible for the practice of her cago on Tuesday morning and the | loveable character while a resident of funeral took place from St. Mary's Catholic church in this village this (Thursday) morning at 10:80 o'clock. Obituary next week. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE TRUSTEES MET IN SPE- > CIAL SESSION Feb. 27 Council Room, Feb. 27, 1928. The village trustees met in special McHenry, old friends and neighbors in the vicinity of her birth and where she spent the greater pert of her life will always remember her as a Woman who was ever ready to assist those in need, her work of charity being the outstanding feature of the beautiful life that she had lived. Surviving the deceased besides a and the other for $ 15.00k issued on the West McHenry State bank. Information received at the office of State's Attorney V. S. Lumley from Carl W. Stenger, cashier of the bank, led to the filing of the complaint and the subsequent issuance of the warrant: for his arrest. Ramer was arrested in Chicago on Monday, officials there having been notified by local officials, and word of his arrest reached this city that evening. He was lodged^ in the county jail host St friends and relatives are one upon his arrival here and will no slater, Etta, with whom she made her j doubt be bound over to the May grand ^ home in this village, and two brothers, jury for trial. The evidence against session by~"a call from the following j David and Edward of Nunda township. |him apparently is conclusive of his trustees, Doherty, Erickson, Knox, The remains arrived in McHenry on, guilt and the trial in May will prob- Krause, Overton and Wattles, for the Sunday evening and were taken to her j ably result in a heavy sentence, as purpose of discussing matters pertain- late home on Waukegan street, from!local authorities are determined to ing to the sewerage assessment'No. 6.! whence the funeral took place at 10:80 stop the work on "bad paper" which President Stoffel being absent the vil-11 o*'c l•o c•k on T~u esd• ay morni' ng, tlfe last * extent lage clerk called the board to order. Trustees present: Doherty, Erickson, Knox, Krause, Overton and Wattles. . • Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that Krause be appointed presijdent pro tem. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Wattles, that the village collector resad rites having been performed by Rev. M. J. McEvoy at St. Patrick's; past. Catholic church. Interment was made in the family lot in the cemetery adjoining the church. As, a visible sign oY the high respect and affection in which she was held in our community, a large number of dear friends followed her remains to the last reeting e\worK on "bad paper has been/going on to a great thruout this section for several months $200 for collecting assessment place. No. 6 on the new sewerage for the WOODSTOCK HICHS PROVE first year. Motion carried. j TOO STRONG FOR LOCALS Motion by Erickson, seconded by i The McHenry high school basket Doherty, to adjourn. Motion carried, j ball team journeyed over to the county Albert Krause, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE j Special Warrant, Now 6 Notice: Public notice is hereby given that the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, has rendered judgment for a special assessment upon property benefitted by the following improvement: A connected system of sewers for sanitary purposes provided with all necessary manholes, house junction branches, deep cut house connections, vitrified stoppers, pro tem. Jseat last Friday night, where both' -all connected and completely installed | teams met defeat at the hands of the 1 players representing that school. The DURANT FOUR r ; . a ' - * - eSrr rj We ire also pleased to an h oudceTtiat we . % are now prepared to make immediate £• ?r deliveries on all models of Star cars, in* eluding both open and closed models. •* m West Side Service Station Wm. Schaefer, Prop. Phone 1S3-J Prompt and AD/ -.5$ !>;>% 5V [FOOD CO SPECIAL As* special favor to my old friends of McHenry and surrounding territory, I will make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original price. No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit. I am at my McHenry office on Sundays Mondays only, from 1:00 to 3:00 Phone No. 9. W C. Keller, McHenry* & GAS--THE EVER REA1 in place, including excavation and backfilling, together with a sewage purification plant having an outlet into the Fox river, to acquire by condemnation a site upon which to locate the ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Miss Ruth Kent passed today to the first team, entirely lost in the big gym .metropolitan city. * did the very best they could, but were Roy Kent was a Chicago visitor unable to stop the dashing high^ school Monday and Tuesday. P. M. Justen attended td business matters at Cary Tuesday. N. J. Justen was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Howard Wattles motored to Elgin Sunday night to see the "Third Alarm." jgation admirably well. They suc- Robert and Carl Weber and Frank I ceeded in holding their opponents to State of Illinois, as will more fully Thurlwell attended the Chicago-Hli- j24 Points, while our boys piled up 18 appear from the certified copy of the nois basket ball game in Chicago last | markers. In another season things judgment on file in my office; that the Saturday night. ! will be entirely different. With the | warrant for the collection of such Misses Frances Kalhaun, Lucille advantages of playing in a real gym- j assessment is in the hands of the lads of that city, who, by the way, are j sewage purification plant, entrance to easily considered the class of McHenryj said plant, sewer out-let and part of county high school teams. The final j the outfall sewer, to acquire perpetual score of the heavies was McHenry, 9, | easements or right of way for die pur- Woodstock, 45. The McHenry seconds j pose of laying, constructing, using, made a much better showing, holding maintaining, repairing find operating their own with the county seat aggre-1 a portion of said sewers in the village of McHenry, County of McHenry and Richards and Lucy Miller of Algonquin spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F, of town. nagium the locals should and we are undersigned. That the amount of sure that they will give a great deal this, the first installment, is Miller east i better account of themselves. There | $10,450.00, which is due and payable was a day when the McHenry high i February 28, 1923. All persons inter- Those from a distance who attended school wasn'J obliged to take a back the funeral of the late Nicholas Bohr jseat for any team in the county and if here last Saturday morning were the j the spirit of the youngsters may be following: Mrs. John Biewer, Paul » criterion the day is not far Bohr, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buch, Mrs. distant when our high school teams John Peterson, Mrs. Wm. Perkinson,, will be in aj>osition to make th Mrs. Frank Burchart and Mr. and Mrs.!0' some. The scores: Anton Neyer of Chicago; Mrs. Chris-j Woodstock tina Schneider of Grayslake; Mr. and! Bo* fw First Team Mrs. Sylvester Wegener, Mrs. Emma Sabel of Volo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE E. H. Waite, Atty. Estate of Nicholas Bohr, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate H .. : ' of Nicholas Bohr, deceased, late of the p* y*"* * ' *- County of McHenry and State of W'~ lOlgoe " [0 Stuessy , A Abbott Miner . j.,: Schwabe" . „ Fues . Sweetland Heeht FG v •«• r> '3 •*' V- • A • V' f '« "1 nois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry FG Woodstock, at the May Term, on **.*** t _i:Overtoniv. *4- Vycital'. .r, .. .0 McHenry County, at the Court House j |fe; Walsh Bacon GROCERIES COST LESS AT THE in the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons hiving claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for Llie purpose of 1 having the same adjusted. All per-1 indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Da(ed this 28th day of February, A. D. 1923. Magdalena Bohr, 38-3t Administratrix. .1 ?A> Woodstock , Team Scort FG Ft 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 « FT 0 0 0 1 0 •m FT ested are hereby notified to call and pay the am,ount assessed at the collector's office in West McHenry, Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof. All installments will bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from and after tl\e expiration of thirty days from this date. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D. 1928. Mame Buss, Collector. .MARCH EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES y^,i •• w West McHeary, HI. Near the Depot SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY. & SATURDAY COFFEE Fancy Santos, per 11^| pgr can BUTTER Elgin Creamery, per & ¥ 55c "SALMON^ Libby, McNiel & Libl^ tall can r 24c : Peanut Butter per lb. ; • 22c " S£. _ _ _ _ , T r„rK -r, TRADE THE CASH18c CARRY WAY Whittenberg Courier '.-w. Field Andersfld*"^.. A,n agreement between the Milk j Sorenso# .., Producers' association and t& dis- Disbrow ..., tributors was reached in Chicago yes- j Jensen ..... Iterday when the announcement was • Sherbufli^ . made that the prices for March and Conn April milk would be $2.40 per hundred Morico%*% . , pounds. The milk producers had been McHenry .holding out for $2.50 for some time., , •}; '• 'The distributors first offered $2.30.jG**®® *• i%• *• ® I While the dairymen will not get what Page : they had expected, the new price for Conway .,»«. ..»w. ,>*>. .8 . . . . . . 0 0 • * *•». 1 0 % . . . a 0 It 0 « 0 the next two months is-quite satisfacr^,- « __2 : 'jf-yi-: • Nye Whiting Krause ^assett *JrJ' ....l . . . . 0 FT 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 The March examination for teachers' certificates will be held in the Central school assembly room at Woodstock, Friday, March 16, beginning at 8:30 a. m., and Saturday, March 17, beginning at 8:00 a. m. Applicants must be at least seventeen ytsrs and seven months of age. Hattie C. Dake, County Superintendent of Schools. ' Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry. ' Boiled Haflsfr sliced, per lb. M 45c Cmtd ef Thantogj^fe I wish in this public manner to ex-; Peterson press my sincere and heartfelt thanks j to the members of the McHenry coun-1RENT8 BREFELD BARBE® SHOP cil, Knights of Columbus, as well as Jo8- N- Copper, who has followed the members of Joyce Kilmer court, ,his vocation in Chicago's loop during Daughters of America, for the check ;the Past thirty years, has rented the received as the result of their efforts! barber shop in the Mrs. Christine Brein sponsoring a benefit dtfmre for me some time ago. Jos. N. Schmitt, Market your eggs at Erickson's store. I0Y HANKERMEYER, Proprietor LUNCH CLOTHS AND NAPKINS 75c Per Set . BUFFET SETS at 40c j LINEN DRESSSER SCARFS at $1.00 These are only a few of the many {lovely new stamped (to be embroidered) articles which axe on display at ijthe AGATHA SHOP. feld building on Main street on the West Side and expects to open up fpr business therein on Friday morning of this week. The new tenant is a married man and expects to move his family to McHenry within the course of the next two months. Tax statements were received her* this week and, as had been expected, the payers will find them considerably higher than last year Highest quality field , and garden seeds at Erickson's store. Electric • • •- • v.-' Appliances 1* the home they ,save time, labor and \ They increase comfort. They multiply convenlist of them is lone. ^^jjfesell them--all Any oi our customers has a Credit account with us which he can use in buying any appliance, the terms given being a little down, balance in monthly parts. _ ., •i Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS P0( VltLt AS fUEL - - Be YOOta- miue • ' '^^'OU'LL warm up to our food^ this winter if jou will try them and they will warm you up. We have a stock of eatables that will help you solve your daily food problem and have a way of waiting upon the wants of our customers that proves to them that we really want to serve them. W»tch lor Mr. Happy Ptrty "J.' LX. •fi 4C*%. . 'k • ./&V'- ** V'"* vy-. GA SSs delivered as you us^ it, from an underground pipe, without dirt or trouble. The products of combustionsmoke, ashes, soot, etc.-- are left behind at the gas works. You buy only as much gas as you want for immediate use, and you pay for it after you use it,\not beforte, as with coal A gas range will do every thing a coal range will dd and do it better, quicker, and in a far cleaner way. Its simmering burner, consuming only a little gas, gives enough h e a t to keep things warm at slight expense. After using the oven for roasting or baking, you can turn off the burners, or light the oven pilot, and still have enough heat to keep "a s e c o n d c o u r s e " warm until time to serve it. "Every day in every way" gas is the best fuel for cooking and heating. Western Dnted Gis aid Electric Co. HAINST.UfBr V. s- Iw^'SSi "! ' • ,gS; -r. • V t- 2 ^ '.V Lots of Good, Live Electricity ® - 'fe" Test's the plain American of , what you want in a power and I"'"tq tight plant. And that's whsc the Kohler Automatic eirM -vys;lr««- • * ,, PWaty of powsr for all sorts >.«f asss. Pkaty of fi^t. 110 --i your place. Automatic igpaifp No storage battery - 6SSJS,"eT-s*h,f ' Cent- ia any time and see ^m/power and light Ctmtnimt p*y i: -M M f ,v»j L HWEU t v; McHaprv U4.' . - *• - .r%^- . r%: ^UTOMATI O E R & LI GJrLI .w. Here It Is! Hot Water in ower The Premier Insulated Autoasattc Storage Gas Water Heater Gray enameled, nickel trimmed, the Premier it a thing of superior beauty a* welt as utility; a unique device, Ita QUT dispay •impUchy m warraaty o# endurinc *** $ow foip descriptive booklet. - Yon cant keep house without hot waiter. Summer or winter, comfort, cleanliness and kind tempers depend t>n having enough to satisfy everybody .§t a cost so low you dont "hscve t» tirorry about the gas bills. iiTfie New Premier heater gives you ' ftll you need at a price that will surjk- ise you. Like a great vacuum bottle -1& its asbestqe and steel jacket, it heats and stores a tank full of water steaming hot and ready for instant > > : Before you turn the fapoet the hot "Water is there, ready to draw and use. JHo waiting. No loss of water partly mated. No waste of gas. If you went away for a month, and left your New- Premier lighted, it would burn only a tiny amount of gas. % That'sreal hot water economy. No heating and cooling--heating and" Ctofting-- each time you turn a faucet. The New Premier thermostat gas control ia always on the job---keeping your •Jlater steaming' hot--but saving on , ppur gas bills. < Built like a boiler, the New Premier tkes care of itself. No coils to lime >. No delicate parts to get out of #<»er. Simply an automatic, hot water rt&pply always on tap, at an ekpense so Small you will hardly believe it until you see the proof. YOU CANT KNOW THE BEST IN WATER HEATERS UNTIL YOU HAVE INSPECTED THE PREMIER. Come in today and see it in action at room. Or write or phone H. E. BUCH, McHenry IHM 1

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