Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1923, p. 7

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•Law! 2 S - V m I M c H e n r y , B L best . • fea * * • * ^ r » * r i H « % ' v v v u ' u v \ r i A A # # i A A i u v u i A A W* *£*- fc '^1 flour • \, i&*.."j/- e guarantee it id please you 5 -b'*&1 m.^m 3EMM McHENRY F«r |f jp JSJC •£J o Here;-' / You "want fresh gro- - ceries of the highest quality at the most-reasonable prices. We give you what you want. Our satisfied s customers are our high* est recommendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen West McHenrr. III. McHenry *&y> H-mm: *:3m Block oi Carbon Trouble with the Oil thaf Rfdhf Does It F)WER loaui^y noiaoa, and permanent acratching of youfij^nder walk Coetly cleaning, dfah turbed a<tfustments, annoyiite tie-ups of your oar. Head them off- every one--with the oil whoae carbon ffiea oat as fast as formed; 1' ,.i A-. rffX, i 4'-. „**>»» . •?£ * . •? t> * .i" IdMttdhdMnrgrtL "Tempered" is more than self-carbon-cleaning. It is the oil of oversize service, tempered to a greater staying power, longer Bis, rufgeder rsairtaiws to heat, friction and dilution. When will YOU bm hmrmf Side Service Station Wm. Schaefer . c '% Think oflTW"only $233 you can now buy this efficient, economical and reliable Chassis. •v£»fvs'r A ifi'•£ :•*. vc. With a body to suit needs, it enables you to pnm*» diately increase your trad# zone, satisfy more customer*, reduce your delivery costs and make ipore money. y: Terms Phone m V^/"'-"rY r*r;tv asrr >"^'J:Agent for Durant and Star Cars MSfi'ita ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS '0M? DETROIT m A food place to trade Eilohsoii's store. '•.. PSfed Globe En mash for eggs. A£*i*nder Lumber Co., West Mc- Hsisey. Mrs. Geprge Nobles and children spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Turner, at SoJoa. Miss Diw&lqr Carr of Chicago spentf the week end with tar parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carr. Mrs. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Elynor, of Antioch spent the week end at the Leon Dodge home. Richard Kilelka of Chicago University spent the week end ais a guest of Miss Winifred Bradley. Mrs. S. W. Smith and two granddaughters, Mercedes and Ellen, were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Just arrived, a carload of semismokeless coal. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. The Washington-Lincoln program at school last week was a decided success. If you missed it yon missed a rare treat, Mrs. Agnes Corbin started Fridi I for Detroit, Mich., where die has been | engaged to teach school for the re- ' mair.der of the school year. Mrs. E'len Whiting went to Lake Geneva Saturday to visit her daughter, Eleanor, and hear son, Raymond, and their respective families. • Misa Martha Dailey visited the Haugan graded school at Irving Park near Chicago last Friday and also attended a Washington-Lincoln pageant given by the eighth grade of that J|? school. ^; "Princess Chryaanthe m tun" \ The Ringwood graded school will put on the Japanese o^gretta, "Princess Chrysanthemum," at the--Woodman hall, Friday evening, March 16. This will be one of the best plays of this community so don't miss it. The cast of characters and synopsis axe as follows: 'Characters Princss Crysanthemum »•.. .Cora Beth Emperor What-For-Whi Kirk Srhroeder Prince So-Tru. Byron Kitchens Prince So-Sli .. Jgward Thompson Saucer Eyes .......T.. .Carlton Fay Fairy Moonbeam? „ Ardis Whiting j Top-Not •.. Harold Bell I Mi idens--Ethel Whiting, Lorena Jepsoii, Mildred Jepson, Agnes Thompson. \\ Sprigs--Gordon Larson, William Thompson, Melvin Whiting, Kenneth Merchant, Leonard Brown, Prank Young. Chorus--Lillian Smith, Dorothy Pett, Frances Writer, Adella Young, Florence Olsen, Gladys Larson. Fairies--Julia McLaughlin, Clarice parson, Helen Lawrence, Viola Rager. Synopsis Act I--Emperor's garden. A great fete la being held in honor of the coming of age of the emperor's daughter, Princess Chrysanthemum. She is loved by Prince So-True and returns his affection, but he has a rival in the person of Prince So-Sli, who seeks the aid of Saucer Eyes, the wizard cat, who carries off the princess to the cave of inky night, leaving the emperor and Prince So-Tru distracted at her strange disappearance. Act II--Cave of inky night. Princess Chrysanthemum, imprisoned in the cave of inky night, with the aid of a magic ring summons Fairy Moonbeam, who is about to help her when she drops the ring and cannot find it. Fairy Moonbeam disappears at the loss of the ring and the unhappy princess is left to bewail her fate. Prince So-True manages to obtain entrance to the cave and finds the ring, which at once causes Fairy Moonbeam to return and aid him. At this moment the emperor arrives with his attendants and takes Saucer Eyes prisoner, bearing hifn in triumph to his palace. Act III--Emperor's garden. Threatened with torture, Saucer Eyes confesses the complicity of Prince So-Sli, whom the emperor orders to instant execution. This' is, however, frustrated by the appearance of Princess Chrysanthemum accompanied by Prince So-True and Fairy Moonbeam" with her band. The emperor pardons Saucer Eyes and So-Sli at the princess' request and gives her hand in marriage to Prince So-Tru, thus bringing everything to a happy conclusion. Murl Bottlemy, pianist; Martha Dailey, directress. O8TEN0 , v' '% Feed Globe Egg mash fWtfcgs. Alexander Lumber Co* West McHenry. Camel's or Lucky Strike cigarettes, 16e or two packages for 26c at Erickson's store. Just arrived, a carload of semismokeless coal. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Nearly all the sick are weU on the way to recoverjr/ Everyone had an attack of grippe or pneumonia. Frank Kaiser is moving farm machinery back to his farm here. The family expectant©' come the first of March. Misa Ammie Francisco has been an intense sufferer for several days from rheumatism in ber right arm* shoulder and neck. John S^terbens has moved about sixteen loads of hay from the Kaiser farm to the one he has rented and there is still more to move. There are five papils in our school that havent missed a*" day of school this term. We consider this extremely good attendance considering the weather. ti Mrs. Edgar Thomas is Reported recovering' from a severe attack of pneumonia. Her life was despaired of for a few days. The family expected to move to a farm west of Ringwood March 1, but her condition makes it doubly hard. field seeds now a* Srickininenza aad liw^feltn-^fftililu were McHenry visitors Wednesday. John Pitsen has made several improvements in his home hers this winter. Feed Globe Kgj mash for eggs. Alexander banker 0a«... Weet McHenry. He^p make tills column newsy by calling up this office and giving w items of fistwsBt. Just arrived, a carload of semismokeless coal. The Alexander Lumber company, Weet McQeary. If you intend fcavtaf an auction ale, farm or anylhfag la the auction ine, let W. G. Schrainer cry it for ' on. Phone 93-R. Hie Plaindealer is very desirous of securing a regular correspondent at Johnsburg, one who will send m a news letter each week. Anyone in- &»$sted kindly communicate with us. EkTr^Jchaefer is this week going into the paint business on a more extensive scale than ever before. He has just received a big shipment and is now in a position to better serve the public. The blue rock shoot, as staged under the auspices of the Johnsburg Gun club at Jos. Mertes' grounds, Pistakee Bay, last Sunday, drew out a very fine list of entrants. Jos. Mertes won high honor^ef the day with Frank Freund a, close second. Martin B. Schmitt of McHenry also came in for high honors. , Peter May passed away here on Wednesday afternoon of this week after a siege of influenza. The deceased had been ill for two weeks or more and one night last week got up from his sick bed and wandered out in the country. He was found the following morning and returned to his home. He is about forfait wo years of age and unmarried. - TERRA COTTA" Visit the variety goods department at Erickson's store. Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. ^ Edward Knox of Harvard was calling on relatives here Sunday. Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Fridtfy. Miss Louise White of Harvard was a caller in this vicinity recently. Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry. David Johnson and Bernard J. Shine of Chicago were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Frank Spraud of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Frank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bolger and fam ily called at the homes of Will Doherty and D. A. Powers Sunday. Just arrived, a carload of semi smokeless coal. The Alexander Lum ber company, West McHenry. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for ou. Phone 98-R. Make your house a pleasant and attractive home. Clean, snappy wall paper in the latest patterns will do the trick. Get it at Erickson's store. FOR RtNY--A five room house. Fox River Valley State bank, McHenry, ni. M4f FOR SALS--Four fUl blood Pekin <hrakes. Call 622-M-2, West McHenry, 111. 38-lt FOR SALE--About a ton of baled alfalfa hay. J. J. Vycital, McHenry, 111. 38-lt CIDER FOR SALE--At Geo. J. Payer's farm, 26c per gallon. Barrels must be returned. 87 FOR RENT--A flat on Elm street; also two store roosss. Wm. M. Heimer, McHenry, 111. 36-tf FOR SALE--Tsam of work wagon and doubts harnsss. Phone lll-R, McHenry, HI. 88-tf FOR SALE--Timothy or alfalfa hay Will dsiiver. E. G. Fetersoiu Mc- JOIN FOR GOOD ROADS PROGRAM LAKE,* KENDALL, WILL, DuPAGE McHENRY AND KANE MEET Road building plans were discussed Tuesday by supervisors, road officials and good road boosters of Lake cojinty in a meeting at Geneva, 111., at which five counties were represented. V,.. Those counties sending representatives to the .meeting besides Lake were Kendall,Y Will, Kane^ DuPage and McHenry. The reduction of tonnage over unimproved roads was one of the important projects taken up~at the meeting. They decided that 8,000 pounds should be die limit for tracks carrying loads over the.roads. The present limit is 24,000 pounds. ^ Discussion of the hard road program for the next four years also received considerable attention from the members of the meeting. One of the questions discussed was the patrolling of unimproved state aid roads in Kane county. This work is to be started April 1, J. A. Bloomquist, chairman of the Kane county road and bridge committee, said. There will be eight patrolmen, to be appointed by the county superintend ent of highways. Senator Kessinger announced that Supervisor John Russell of Kendall county is busy securing the right-ofway for the Lincoln highway thru that county. As soon as the right-ofway is secured work will be started on the stretch of hard road from Plainfield to Aurora, alsoNon the paving of the Cannon Ball trail from Aurora to a point near Sandwich. The latter road will also pass thru Kendall county. C. UNTI AND SON EXPECTED TO LAND NEXT SATURDAY ' Recent word from Chas. Unti and son, who have been spending the winter in Italy, is to the effect that they left France last Saturday on their homeward trip and are expected to arrive in New York next Saturday, or no later than Sunday. Mr. Unti and son expected to leave from Genoa, Italy, on Feb. 17, but owing to the fact that the boat mi which they were to sail was laid up at the time they decided to ewe home via France. The Unit family will undoubtedly arrive in McHenry some time next week. Leonard F. Frett of Aurora is spending a few day% pith McHenry VliMIfiMflHM. 34-tf Flour West FOR SALE--One carload of South Dakota horses at Ben Brown's bam, Woodstock, HI. George Fryer. 38-2t* FOR RENT--The ^accessory shop of the Brewery Service station. Call M. L. Worts, McHenry. Phone 20. 38-lt W ANTED--A ~~~ conveniences, quire of The 111. roomer. All modern Centrally located. In- Plaindeeler, McHenry, 37-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of choice ear corn. Inquire of or write Jsihes Hunter, West McHenry, I1L Phone 617-J-2. 32-tf FOR SALE--F*rom ten to fifty acres of excellent form land. One-half mile from McHenry depot. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 26-tf FOR SALS--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 FO*«AL&-Fc order. fir it. Mills, West McHenry, HL FOR SALE--The John A. homestead of M aoea. TtW«0es ;ast of McHenry. SleftMl H. VMSad, McHenry, 111 Phone MMHHL t-tf FOR SALE--Barron strain S. C. ufafts Leghorn eggs for fertility. 15 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for (4.50. G. A. Vaaey, McHenry, ' 111. Phone 612- J-2. S8-8t WANTED--A girl or woman for general house work. ,Good wages aad a pleasant place, within a few lBtnntim' ride from Chicago. Write Mrs. J. W. Reed, 235 Grand Blvd., Park phone P. R. 1053, reversing charga ST FOR SALE--One of the beet farms la Illinois--143 acres. Absolutely the best private hunting grounds for water fowl in existence. Very fertile oil. Close to town. Can be bought on long time and very liberal Vff" N. F. Colby, Weet McHerny, 111. 24 It Plfl % ' ' V ^ VyJLV v-- - 4?hich is always a sale guide, shows that the most prosperous communities are those whose people are largely interested in Savings Institutions. The training to save means sobriety, industry, integrity, and city^hiit > t * " ~ ^ v* br*r tkm 13: It Never Rains But It Pours fit" r-9 payr 4 V w C* • §8 true oi the bills that pour m when your invelope stops because you are disabled. The|j: butcher, the grocer, the landlord, the clothier, all ^ j^ant their money and you need it for doctors' bill^jF and medicine. Qf course, you may not expect^,! accident or sickness at present; but it is prudent Uk .y* * be prepared for what may come by taking a little^' ^ each week from your income and depositing it to* V A your savings account at owr ^oyt .-Deoidft to tt on your next pay day. V Fox River Valley State Bank $ mn¥> McHedry, Illinois { i&£.• "it %•> m X. ^ t thh: 1 'K* t,.' " and Just Arrived We have our entire spring\line trf headwear on display and feel certai® you will be plecised with the wonder ful array of beautiful new spring colors so pleasing to the eye--soft gray, nev(§ tones of green and conventional brown%: £7 ,'pThe shapes are very attrachv enough curl to the brim to make snappy but not overdone^.. price is just as pleasing as the kid .'-a-" : * - \ « i v ** i- '.•fc'VT! * r ^-a j Caps, $1.00 to $2.50 ':^r' •jip&it- * i 'Mm /"" : '•*: -Ti 'r'P' McGee's Clothing Store

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