mMm r'Hv- •ytt&Sjf: Ufv% Buy Yoor Drugs 'K^v -<?*"> • -',/• ^iflt V^iS.'iK JL 5^1 '•'*.'••M&•}. SHOWN. H. PETESCHMMMI m -<M V: r.\' irl Wilt-l^nt a N£w ' Gown \ t Celebrate the Day Wefcave a fine line of dress goods in serges, poplins, worsteds aad ratines io plain aod fancy weaves, all prices. ; •• ••' ' '.$ ---tyz Silks in canton crepes, crepe de chine, charmeusc^ | taffita and messaline at $L9$ to $4.25 per yard. Fine at tie to 85c per Ji - •, - -;.ir - <- * % ' Shoes and oxfords in the new shapes and leathet* Call early while assortment is large and make yotif selection. & Good* Delirered Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH Pitted against m of th& itro^gttt o(it®wpd in ft> ftwin imami* n«nt, om liUcb oame/rsr* neer*eelk- •uc aw*jr with th« rfceUptoMttp, He- Henry was easily eliminated by 13m ,'trong El burn basket ball team at Dundee last Thursday evening, dropping: the jrame to their exponents by a score of 28 to 16. ' Taking into consideration that Mc- Henry was greatly outweighed by their sturdy opponents, the local quintet put up a remarkable showing and Are deserving of a whole lot of credit in spite of their one-sided defeat. On Friday evening the Elburn lad* laced® the West Chicago five by a score of 23 to 15 and on Saturday afternoon came within four points of subduing Elgin, the winners of the tournament. The Elgin-Elburn score was 22 to 19. While Elburn was given third place in the tournament by handing Hampshire a 45 to 12 defeat, the team really should occupy second place as those who witnessed the final struggle declare that this team showed up even better than Crystal Lake. The chances are that McHenry could have held its own with the weaker teams entered in the tournament and it was unfortunate indeed to have them draw such a strong team in their opening encounter. "Red" Winkel proved the big point maker for the local outfit, while the other members of the team played a very creditable gnu. The official s c o r e : - ' • ' • Elburn (28) " ;' B White, it '. Johnson, If ..% W. Hansen, c » M. Hansen, rg Westlake,. lg Cheli, i| V,i-. King, If ».»•*• Forbes, C Pauley, rg Larkin, lg ... Totals'.... . McHenry (lf> ' Walsh, rf ... j;i Overton^ If Winkel, e*. Bacon, rg Vycital, Whiting, If .*.» •*W w- -• **0 +X. • . . . . . 0 .. .,o .....i • * • .....o . . . . .0 1...0 .0 FRI. * SAT. MARCH 9&10 Peter B. Kyne'i Greet Story o# the North West "Kisfced of &$)>• vA>' t" ; ---STARRING-- MIRIAM COOPER AND VV;-H A "UNIVERSAL COMEDY " «MMOAy. MARCH J I > : A/Spline Grey PraducfUHfc IV 6, 1928. e rilM#^ttaiiR;lilPin regular Pres. Si present: 8 < H ^ K r a u s e , ties. ' * The minutes of the last r^ular and special meetings were mid mud approved. The following bills were reed and approved by the finance committee: W. J. Donavin, Ibr on ww..... $ 38.20 Public Service Co., lighting streets & traffic lights..... Public Service Co., power for electric pump & merchandise Public Service Co., lamps Neptune Meter Co., meters... John Walsh, marshal service.. W. G. Schreiner, tele & postage American LaFrance Fire Engine Co., pike poles F. K. Sherman, expert witness in sewer assessment case.... McHenry Lumber Co., coal & be iuccept ..'..I* 'Jfr. ' B * Barbian, If ' ••• *- Tojpitc 1> o A 1 I « FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF IOWA ORPHANAGB Mysterious Rider" AND-- THE TONNERVILLE TROLLY SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:3* TUESDAY. MARCH 13k • % CharUe (Buck) JooW * /..----IN--• 'r'. "toss of Cap 4" AND - Hrry seamon ' IN 6%dOQL DAYS" : rrTf^ FRI. It SAT.. MARCH 16 & _ Priscilla Dean -IN- 'Under Tw« Flags" 142.91 18.80 .60 78.00 110.00 3.35 18.20 160,00 secoc i be comt Wat as O ttt Motion carried. *, •' , . Motion by Doherty, seconded by Mmn, that lM cyan^ee apu^lscl pre^^ -iiawly, BirMtsOn and 0*wt(^( «onsult till chief in regard to getting action and organising a fire department at once. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Knox, that th® ordinance setting the salary for the village collector be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by, aeconded by Knox, that the village purchase a siren whistle for our fire truck at |S6. Motion carried. Amount of m&i&y m band1 in ^e village treasury March 6, 1928, was $702,72. Motion by Doh&ty, seconded by tte nois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry C«siBty, at the Cenirt House in Woodsteifc^St tiie May Term, en the first MofeHy in next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D. 1923k ; tfagdalena Bohr, •'§; 88-31 • - :' ^r Administratrij|;^| Janesville, Wis., has just completed an $800,000 high school building whieh will house 800 students. , J- ' Scad the Plaindealer and posted on local happenings. inimf HONOR HOLL OF GRADE SCHOOL FOR LAST MONTH A:i k:;: 1* BEATS.* as U Sweeps fe: 4 at it Glean* • 'p>/ *,-•4 . . .V- '•MMi v. •Me- * 4 Wz* • The Christian Home orphanage, Council Bluffs, Iowa, will have rounded out forty years of service in behalf of orphan and destitute children on March 16. This great institution, known in all parts of the country, has been built up and maintained wholly by the voluntary contributions of the people. It has no other means of support. It cares for a daily average of more than two hundred children, received from all parts of the country, and also conducts a hospital department, a department for aged, dependent women and a department for the crippled and deformed. At present a most serious epidemic of flu has stricken the home, more than one hundred being sick, many of them seriously. Funds are badly needed to help meet the expense of this onslaught and to help keep the work from debt. The following ptipils are on the honor roll of the grade school for last month: ^Walter Vogt, William Martin, Bernard Kinsala, James Fay, Marion Wegener, Earl Dowell, Chas. Vycital, George Stenger, Grace Martin, Barbara Dittrich, Kathryn Fay, Stanley Geier, Eleanor Hoffman, Eleanor Kreutzer, Laura Mead, Melvin Walsh, Lois Bacon, Bernice Ferwerda, Adelene Vogt, Bernice Weber, Elvera Antholz, Dorothy FishlJr, Joseph Walsh, Arleen Bacon, Floyd Covalt, Juanita Keg, Marie Kinsala, Robert Peterson, Eugene Sayler, Harriet Boger, Ethel Granger, Marguerite Johnson, Florence Trent, Gladys Warrington, Hazel Howard, Fanny Levinson, Guy Duker. MRS. BONSLETT HOSTESS TO MEMBERS OF HOME BUREAU ^ Is igWy-t- > '••$£« s (fK'.-K , .. . „ . > \ :t .f1-- ' 4"' > " ^ 'iL i': •' **s x ^axes McHenty township &r any |bortion of McHenry county can be paid 4, - :*r* this bank < • * , r V T * " • * - C T* ~ %ring your tax bills, reeved from office of the county treasurer, to the bank atwjt i'n'-".\ - * 'Brine* vour tax. mils.: r< V 'J •"*' \ 'r'": : *' ' • • i •• f<?kl.-:rwe will issue a receipt for the same and n -a.i,,, •' ^ . .*< \* jfa %;'y w ""I ^ J » ' N * * '*"• % ;f - 1 ^ " invite: .you to take advantage of tht# l,! .. . - The members of the McHenry unit of the Home Bureau were most pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bonslett on Waukegan street on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a good attendance at the meeting and everyone enjoyed the instrumental selection as rendered by Rev. M. J. McEvoy. The games were Every department of the | interesting, while the talk by Miss [yS, WITH TO wtfay8 will be happy work Hoover-done easily and quickly and hours for rest and amusement. Let us show you The Hoover in your home if you desire. Phone today aftd adyise 14s when it will be most convenient JACOB JUSTEN . McHENRY, ILL. institution is crowded and appeals are | McCulloch of Woodstock on "Color made to the people to help. It is i and Interior Decorating" proved most hoped that a fortieth anniversary of- [interesting as well as instructive. All fering to this work will relieve a enjoyed experimenting with the .depressing situation which, if long con- ferent colored wall paper, drapes and tinued, will work serious injury to the ! upholstery. Out-of-town guests of orphanage. Send something to help the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. 4* these little ones. Address The Chris- McGwire and Mrs. Ellery Harrison, of tion Home Orphanage, Council Bluffs, Iowa. v *•> McHENRY TO PLAY HEBRQif IN TOURNAMENT TODAY _ The members of the L. E. €. dttb HW McHenry county high school viHa»e enj°yed » moat P1®®8" championship basket ball tournament jant even'n®' at Woodstock last Thurs Hartland. ENJOYED MOVIES AND DINNER AT WOOD6TOC* ••M is the tetft of efficieiqr. We have in the manufacture and , jPure Ice Cream : ^ We keep tab on the public taste and you will always find at our store the Ice Cream, together 4 with the other delicacies that go with the bu$- ,, ness which are most in demand by discrimination consumers. Our years of experience are at your' i;sf" tanif to tal* to your mM. ,/-*» •„ v -V; *4**yr- , . . . . . . HtHENRV JCE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. opened at the Harvard high school gymnasium this (Thursday) afternoon, where the local highs are scheduled to play the fast Hebron outfit. McHenry has been defeated twice this season by the Hebron tossers and the boys fully realize that they are up against a tough proposition. However, they wi|l do their best and if the will of their large number of followers will do it they stand a chance to win this afternoon's encounter. Our team this worked under considerable of a handicap, having been deprived of the use of a regular gym for more than two «years. The talent here has not been able to develop as have the athof other schools, who have been fortunate. Better days are coming, however, and our prediction is that starting with next season McHenry will once more develop some real basket ball talent, FIRST METHODIST CHURCH If the primary function of the bible is not that of a text book in science or history, wherein lies its function? Something of an answer to this question will be given Sunday morning in the sermon analysis of the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, entitled "Love's Supremacy." The Sunday school will meet at ten o'clock preceding the church service at eleven. The Epworth league will hold its service at 6:30 followed by the teachers' training class at 7:30. Tires and tubes, all sKsei, all kinds of tire repairing, all work guaranteed. Walter Freund, West day, when the losers entertained the winners of the club at a theatre party and dinner. The trip to the county seat was made via automobiles the crowd first taking in the moving pic* ture show at the Princess theatre and afterwards enjoyed a bountiful dinner at the Beckley Tea Room. The members of the club have enjoyed most pleasant times at their meetings during the past winter, but last Thursday night's affair probably was the MEMBERS OF SEWING CLUB "Pi r MET WITH MISS K year has ' enjoyable of thirty young ladies of a newly organized sewing club of St. Patrick's parish attended a meeting of Hie club 'as held with Miss Ruth Kent at tor | home on Waukegan street last Thursday evening. The purpose of the club is to make fancy work for alair which is planned for the new St. Patrick's church some time the coming fall. The next meeting of the club will take at the home of Misses Mildred leanor Klein on Center street oil this (Thursday) CONFINED TO HOME P. Bishop, senior member of St Olson, the Riverside Drive is been confined to his during the past severe siege of pneumonia. At this writing the patient apparently has passed the danger point, altho it will probably be several weeks before he will be able to resume work. Lew is a mighty tiff ; I&P-' --A •<*. n mm *4 9 i s»-a & In the sparkling beauty, in .the lustrous coloring and in the zest that they bring to motoring, the Buick Sport Roadsters fit the spirit of springtime. Quite in keeping with every outdoor pastime, equally suited to every day tasks and duties and always smart, up to the minute and attractive, the sport roadsters provide luxurious motoring. Only a trip behind the wheel can reveal how far their appointments and refinement have bettered motor car comfort and convenience S&* r . ' " . r wset ^ 219$ tsai 1675 D-3S-33^ ?.* WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, HARVARD, U|^ BUICK WILL BUILD THEM w