fmmFM 7 * , . , -NsT - ~ J* "Sipii} most excellantr ,,...,. *, p-'< «*i; v- <* *""-V f J&- .-.bil.'- guarantee it to piease ^ou « < < \ r^-'% £ * • v - • 1 «• 7 McHENRY < Flour Mi s >- West McMen'rv. 111. See How Fir It Will , G« Here > Tim want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most rea sonable prices. We fcive you what you want. Our satisfied customers are our highest recommendation. •We sell the best on the market at the possible prices. lowest £ ; / - > ' • M. M. Niesen (kit Henry Phone M Lots of Good, Live Electricity if|l That's the plain American of -|y T. what you want in a power tad U;.. light plant. And that's what the Kohler Automatic gira you. Plenty or power for all sort* of uses. Plenty of light. 110 gpv i wolt current (city staadanQt carria long distances allow ;V four place. Automatic opera* . t'OB* storage battery „,. Mother. Economy. Safety. Dependability. ^ . " Come in any time end see a rt*l power and light plant at ^ ^ werk. pmjmntu * . iV ' c,f 'KOHLER AUTOMATIC HOWERSLIGlMT «»«** o-ir Gas, the Fuel Yon Can Always "Back" On npHE day i> at hand j| when the American ! nation is taking steps to escape from the tyranny of coal. Weary of pr i c e fluctuations, transportation difficulties and other uncertainties, manufacturers are turning to gas because it's a clean, flexible and dependable fuel. At tfie same time, multitudes of householders are becoming aware of the damage done to health and property by smoke, soot and ashes, and are casting their fuel problems upon the gas companies. The extent of the revolt against coal is illustrated by the fact that 22% of the gas consumed in the United States today is used by industry in more than 1,200 ways; that the growth of the gas business in the last ten years has been as great as in the preceding forty years, and that the sales of gas have tripled in the last twenty years. Watch for 1922 figures. Med Gas Electric Co. SEDAN F. a B. Detroit •; -.A'vv -.v:v/-.: ~ with electric 'fs -*r$ * yj, ** iing and lighting system, de-. ?nx>untable rims, extra rim and iFoutd Sedan, at the new lowRgf£ ;price of $595, F.O. B. Detroit, is tfie greatest motor car clever produced--an car of comfort, con ^aadbeauty-Buy now. Teams. 0*m **» * s the cut: " : - : ..'-it Mrs. Jas. of the docto#. Lee Hodge, after a month's is able to be «p again. Hie Social Wheel met at the home of Mrs. Walter Cropley on Wednesday. Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Chicago spent Sunday in the fi. E. Cropley home. All 10c tobacco, S packages for 26c, and all 15c tobacco, ^packages for 26c at Erickson'8 stoiW Dwight Osborn 'of Elgi# spenJt one day last week with his parents, Mr. | and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. j Mrs. Will Cornish and Mrs. Vietor Aim is spending the wc«|k in Chicago, visiting with relatives. Miss Mae Aylward is still sick at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, in McHenry. Mrs. E. Cropley, who has been confined to the bed for the pest week, is very ill at this waiting. . Just arrived, a carload of semismokeless coal. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Tires and tubes, all sizes, all kinds of tire repairing, all work guaranteed. Walter Freund, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Will Aylward moved from their farm to the Lee Turner house in this village on March 1. We are glad to have them as residents. Rev. Brewer is meeting with excellent success with the Sunday school, having a good attendance every Sonday. * Owing to so much sickness the regular monthly meeting of the Improvement dub was postponed indefinitely. Mrs.'Carlson returned to her home at St. Paul, Minn., after spending a week in the home of her brother, Victor Aim, and family. Wm. Beck of Dundee visited the latter part of the week at the Arthur Bgll home. Mr. Bell has been very sick of pneumonia, but at the present time is recovering nicely. Three young ladies from Chicago took a hike to Lake Geneva last Saturday and got as far back as C. L. Osborn's. Saturday evening when the rain overtook them, where they put up for the night and on Sunday morning started on their homeward way none th$ worse for their experience. • - C ; ' : - ; ~ O S T E N D v£ L. Francisco was ov*r tfoaa Woodstock Monday in his new yellow cab. Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Go* Weat Mc- .Henry. Camel's or Lucky Strike cigarettes, 16c or two packages for 26c at Erickson's store. C. E. Sherman has a fine new truck for hauling milk and he has it wall filled from the two farms. Just arrived, a carload of semismokeless coal. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Tires and tubes, all sizes, all kinds' of tire repairing, all work guaranteed. Walter Freund, West McHenry. Frank Kaiser is moving hay aad grain to his farm. He has moved many pieces of farm machinery and the family will soon be back to the farm. S. S. Rogers and family have their household gotods packed and truck ordered to move them to Rockford, The family has gone to Chicago to visit until the goods are moved. Edgar Thomas moved from the Sherman farm to Gus Walters' farm west of Ringwood last week. Mrs. Thomas was moved on Saturday. It was very hard for her in her weakened condition. We wonder if the average farmer is as well supplied with feed the first of March as Mr. John Sterbenz, who has just moved from the Kaiser farm to Mrs. Bohr's farm north of McHenry. He hauled 18 large loads of hay and several loads of unhusked corn after he had wintered twentyseven cows and eight head of hones. He also had an abundance of grain. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL A good place to trade--Eriekaon's store* Miss Dorothy Spencer was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. ~ " Miss Mayme Ibsh passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Royal Cleary of Elgin was a business visitor in town Monday. L. Epstein of Chicago was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Miss Rosemary Nye was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Geo. Kramer attended the funeral of Mrs. M. J. Hannifin in Chicago Monday. Feed Globe Em mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry. f Mrs. Joe. Kadic of Oak Park spent last Friday as the guest of McHenry friends. Walter Woodburn of Youngs town, Ohio, attended to business matters in town Wednesday. v Louis Messlein of Chicago passed the first of the week in the home of his sister, Mrs. Louis Oertel. Make your house a pleasant and attractive home. Clean, snappy wall paper in the latest patterns will do the trick. Get it at Erickson's store. Miss Agnes Berger of Chicago and Mrs. Wm- Bodden of Schenectady, N. Y., spent the first of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kent Mrs. Jos. Porten and Mrs. Fred Hack and daughter, Magdalene, of Chicago passed a few days this week in the home of the former's slater, Mrs. Louis Oertel, and family. Mrs. Walter F. Vogt passed the latter part of last and the first of this , mitended the funeral on Monday. Those from a distance who attended the fonerai*xf Miss Margaetite Bonslett hex* SMaday morning were the following: Mis. Jos. Porten, Mrs. Fred Hack, Mrs. Geo. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin, Tony Oertel, Mrs. Max Klein, Clem S. Zens of Chicago; Chac. Jackley, daughters and 90ns, Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Sol Jackley and son, Albert, Mrs. Wright of Brighton, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Pteter J. Freund, Mrs. Glenn Barker and daughter, Mrs. M. D. Smalley, Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Engeln, Mrs. George Smith, ^lr. and Mrs. Albert Freund of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowe, Miss Susie Zens, John Zens, Mrs. E. Lerche, Miss Florence Zens, of Waukegan; Math. Rauen of Spring Grove and Miss Josephine Worts of Chicago. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Nicholas M. powers here last Thursday morning were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Arens and son, Francis; Frank J. Arens, Mr. and Mr. Eugene Moriarty, *M^s. J (An Wirte, Mrs. Theodore TheisgreS; Miss Mary Hammes, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arens, Mr. and Mr?. Anton Arens, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schramer and son, Robert, Peter Schramer, Edward Nagel, Frank Kiein, John Warner, Mrs Wm. Warner of West Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Arens and daughter, Dolores, Mrs. Mary Klein, Victor Klein, Miss Elsie Schultz of Wheaton; Mrs. Arthur Miller, Mrs. Eugene Hahn of Cloverdale, "111.; Charles W. Lehman of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bowers and sons, Leroy and Alvin, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Callahan of Waukegfn; Mrs. George Blake and Mrs. C. H. Holdemess of Kenosha, Wis.; John Ahart, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Meyer of Fremont, I1L • INVITATION FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of McHenry that bids will be received for the construction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sanitary sewers together with manhole, house slant, etc., in Riverside Drive from 40 feet south thereof to 752 feet notth of Washington street, in Front street from 20 feet south thereof north 208 feet, from 304 feet south of Pearl street to Pearl street, and from 806 feet south of Broad street to Washington street, in Court street from 308 feet south of Pearl street to Washington street, in Green street from Elgin road north 250 feet, from 420 feet south of Elm street north 321 feet, and from 306 feet south of Pearl street to Washington street, in Elm street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood road and thence north in Ringwood road 765 feet, in Pearl street from Riverside Drive to 166 feet west of Front street and from Green street 370 feet west, in Washington street from Riverside Drive to Green street, in Waukegan road from 790 feet east of Elgin road to 600 feet west of Front street, in Main street from Elgin road to 465 feet west of Front street, in John street from Elgin road to Front street, in Elgin road from John street to Waukegan road, in Center street from John street north 200 feet, in Front street from John street to Waukegan road, from east end of sewer in Waukegan road northeast 600 feet, and from 40 feet south of Riverside Drive southeast 375 feet, thence southeast 275 feet and thence east to disposal plant, together with a sewerage purification plant consisting of distributing manhole, collecting well and pump pit with pumps, motors, controls, etc., and superstructure, sludge separating and sludge digestion tanks and supertrutfture with manholes, valves, outlet pipes, appurtenances, grading, etc. In accordance w^h the ordinance therefor: The engineer's estimate of the eost of construction is approximately $55,000.00 Said bids will be opened at 11:00 a. m. Tuesday, the 20th day of March, A. D. 1923, at its office in,the village hall in the Village of McHenry, Illinois. Plans and specifications for such improvement are on file in the office of the Village Clerk in the village hall in said Village, and are also on file in the office of the Wells Engineering company, Court House, Geneva, Illinois. The contractor will be paid in special assessment bonds and vouchers at par, said binds will draw interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum. All proposals or bids offered must be accompanied by cash or by check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of McHenry in his official capacity, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than 10 per cent of the aggregate of .the proposal. Said proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Board of Local Improvements and said Board in open session on said 20th day of March, A. D., 1923, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., will open, examine and publicly declare the same. The successful bidder for the construction of such improvement will be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one-third of the amount of such bid, with sureties to be approved by the President of said Board, said bond to be filed with said Board when entering into the contract for the construction of said improvement, which bond shall provide that the contractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute said j work in all respects according to the complete and detailed specifications and fall and complete drawings, profiles and models therefor and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract, and that the contractor shall promptly pay all debts incurred by him in the prosecution of m oHBIf mmU Kr w furnish such bond upon of such bid or proposal. Right to re ject aay aad all proposals or bids is hettty resarvtd. Dated ad McHenry, Illinois, March 6, A. IX 1923.' Board of Local ImproveaMnts of the Village of McHenry. By Richard I. Overton, Sac. PUBLIC SALE Tuesday, March 13, 1928, at 2:00 p. m. all buildings on the grounds of the Community High School, district 156, known as the Herbes property. Ternrij^ 4 $oard of Education, if /* ' Per Jos. W. Freund. ; - - Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., Waat McHenry. ¥©* SALfr-Eigfeteen pure White Bock POD** Call phone 638-M-2. 39 The Plaindealer for Gas on Stench Won't Let Ym Sleep Gas often presses on heart and other organs, causing a restie®, • nervous feeling which prevents sleep. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, expels gas and relieves pressure almost INSTANTLY, inducing restful sleep. Adlerika often removes surprising old matter from BOTH upper and lower bowel which poisoned stomach and caused gas. EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. N. H. Petesch, druggist, FOR WENT--A five room house. Fox River Valley State bank, McHenry, HI. «64f CIDBft FOR SALE--At Geo. J. Bayer's farm, 26c per gallon. Barrels must be returned. 37 FOR RENT--A flat on etreet; also two store rooms. Wm. M. Ileimer, McHenry, 111. 86-tf FOR SALE--Team of work horses, wagon and double harness. Phone 111-R, McHenry, ID. 33-tf PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP--First floor cloverdrier building, Waukegan street, West McHenry. 39-lt FOR SALE--Clover hay, alao corn by the ton, barley and otfts. Anton P. =Freund, McHenry, 111. 39-lt FOR SALE--Montana grown Marquis seed wheat. McHenry Flour Mills, West McHenry, HI. 38~4t FOR RENT--Three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. Mary Simon, McHenry, 111. Phone 105-R. 39 FOR SALE--One carload of South Dakota horsea at Ben Brown's barn, Woodstock, 111. George Fryer. 38-2t* WW eggs, poet super per setting-. R. F. Coal 111. FOR SALE--A quantity ear corn. Inquire of or Hunter, Wast McHenry, 617-J4L FOR SALE--From ten to fiflgf aifw of excellent farm land. One-ftaif%RfI« from McHenry depot. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 2*-tf WANTED--Sewing to do fn t»y Reasonable prices. Mrs. Chas. S. Ensign, Hanly cottage, Crystal take road, West McHenry, 39-2t FOR SALE--The Michael Justan estate house on Elm strut McHawry. Apply to or write N. 3. .fasten, administrator, West McHenry, HL 16 FOR SALE--Ford touring car fct: running order. Bargain, as we havt no use for it. Pan American Ccffa* Mills, West McHenry, HI. Si. WANTED--A roomer. All modern conveniences. Centrally located. Inquire of The Plaindealer, McHenry, DL 37-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Five room house, garage, chicken house and one acre of land. Frank Steinsdoerfer, FOR SALE--The John A. homestead of 169 acres. Tw ;ast of McHenry. Stephen XL McHenry, 111 Phone 64S-M-X fc-tf FOR SALE--Barron strain & C. white Leghorn eggs for fertility. 16 eggs for 76c; 100 eggs for H^O. G. A. Vasey, McHenry, HI. Fteme J-2. Shoes and hosiery of highest qpafc ity at Erickson's store. . Feed Globe Egg mash for egg*,. Alexander Lumber Co* Weat Mar Henry. Business on His '.*5* 1 * 4 ii" ; ^ $ w f * • ^ -• -it *~ HOoW\ often We hear tne remark. In- . ' 4 2 - . ' V V t h a t - -M v«ti^tin^ howey^, frequently prov<$ " ^ was * growing i'\r ^ ' 'K bank account; the "nerve" confidence in "-H T ^ ^ ^ himself which came as the natural resgk ~ ^ '"5 fV'-V- - „ 8L ' * * f i-; \ ^ ' ,v , -c'- •-••• V"*'"1* *?' v "*> / result ~ iA x' vm. i s v ^ ' J .'. a Tkis cordially r"\%; • 4^:savings accounts , c ^ ^ . ^ k ' ^ yr ^ , A*.:-. Fox River VaOey State Bank > V I*'. , ' • l l if--" > !>' ^ii%>ftf^^M*yy^VVV\AAAfUV\AAAAAAAAAAAAAArVUVVVV^fM'll<rvV*i<*^ ^AI*I *i * , Main and ' -,Z' i ' Menton Strettt 'I,-./ C.r •,r<V WIEN'Sr?5 r r f l M : 3 Look For This Illuminated Sign Fi: • •-•niL kij U - 5 • •:.r is : V.- '/V "'A: . v' "i •r'-.'X : S'tSL • ' -%.3 ANNUAL SPRING j' ! . . -A it . V? Alie. fML '• REVIEW "XT»' ' ^ 1 Jv -"T-y You are cordially invited to be present at our annual exhibition, MODES OF THE MOMENT displayed oa r « >?• 'if . . . . . , ' - ' X-M LIVE MODELS # I Showing the authentic fabrics and styles for wotnen^:', --a Ijnisses and children, gathered from America's foremost . J i' •- ^ ,fj£- ¥>• .*» . •< 4.. '5 • »/ . •- 1 «nl^in Mooad lloef ot about 3500 • devoted to this style shov. • 5 *. ** V K, . A " - . . ^ XV - . ^ >>' '£•*$ GARMENTS SHOWN MAY BE PURCHASED Si m Afternoon -'w 2:3# to A'M ^ PROGRAM AND DANCING ^ McAndrew's Orchestra - 9-3* to IIM v Evening to*M