Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1923, p. 8

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I,-"' jtff; §p^-> • Pt- *•* *» it-?- |kWA te-, cj • r^C v '-"X -•: SRI ' 'Sr%iitffr e> -;, "':' • ^-•! J, ' ' 4r-^ & fc w: |¥: ' &; 'f$i&t#k- . ? M . H? fa^-?-y *'V.^-':- ip . »3fc* K; &• Lvi: VSS'VS * A k\ V ,-^i (&;'e ?$ ?•#>• f»M^;c-::,. '•"/• • V •/»£• </* ^Vft' wm< .-;»•%•! '5^vr ¥' ^ *s* f.' '*#< *2% /» fcjjv,* %<! ^ ^ The Place to Buy Your Drug! 'S*fe -ii&i® s$S~ ': . ..-5^§^^;-,-... „. . _• & v'"#v>'?' " v ^ ', ' Vtt'^ v •v^"" ^ .*•» V: •f • '$7?' ik/>. V A:i"'¥ '-T'. v.*< "•.' TIOHEIW-1N. H. PETESCH > Want a New Gowirtfr f^fly Celebrate the Day \t.^--. -•• .) We hftvea fine line of dress goods in serges, crepes, poplins, worsteds and ratines in plain and fancy ;*. weaves, all prices. ^ S ^ S * • • Silks in canton crepes, crepe de chine, charmense, 4 fafflta and messaline at $2.11 to $4.25 per yard. Ht Me to 85e per yd. Shoes and oxfords in die new Shapes and leather. Call early while assortment is large and make your flection. Good* D*Uver*4 Prowifly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH sed tfie iscidfl and & BEATS.* m MftiiK I . «'W ;# J? •iH' • l'i: A** ",:••¥• •i\.* »!^>Even dleaining days will be happy days, with the work Hoover-done easily and quickly and hours for rest and amusement. Let us show you The Hoover in your home if you desire. Phone today and advise'us when it will be most oonvenient. •iM* jlACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. y$>y If1? i .11 liLit m jdst Saturday and Sunday? Many dM, and since then told us how much they Mked it. Ice cream is not only delicious "but a real food, a heahh builder. * Better (*han taking medicine, you'll say, and we .heartily agree with you. Start today by .,. becoming an Ice Cream addict and gr©w fat. r •• '•. *1^ • ' ' -|5' i$:k i; imm McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. IN OUK BUSY VILLAQE AS SB8N BY PLAIN! < POUTERS AND HAHDfeD OUR FRIENDS Henry Freund fit » CWes^o visitor last Thursday. Mrs. J. J. McCarthy waa a Woodstock visitor last Friday. Theo. Wiedemann of Elgin was a McHenry visitor over the week end. Fred Justen is spendinp a few days with friends in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Patrick McCabe passed last Thursday and FiWay in the aMtropolitan city. Henry Block of Chicago passed a day recently as the guest of McHenry relatives. Eugene McGee of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mrs. Frank Thuriwell passed several days last week with <her daughter at Rockford. Mrs. George Hoelscher <rf Wheaton passed the week end as the guest of j Mchenry relatives. Miss Mayme Barbian feass week end as the guest of frisiM relatives in Chicago. James Burke of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his aunt Miss Ellen Doherty. Miss Bern ice Bonslett of Elm hurst passed the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bdnsjett. Mrs. Fred Justen and daughter, May; and Miss Adeline Perkins spent Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Thos. Hayes of Woodstock attended the dedication of St. Patrick's new church here last Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Woodstock is spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Doherty. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent. Martin of Wauconda passed last Saturday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Mary Carey of Elgin passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of her daughter Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mrs. Emma McGinnes of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sutton and children of Chicago were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Miss Blanche Meyers of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's aunt, Miss Ellen Doherty. Miss Mary Morita and Jack Dwyer of Chicago passed the week aid in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago spent the first of the week with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, Thos. and Henry McCabe of Chicago were week end guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. John I. Sutton of Chicago passed the week end in the home of his brother, Edward R. Sutton, at Emer aid Park. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund left last Thursday for Savanah, Mo, where they expe£t~to repain for several days. Mrs. John Bolger and daughter, Vera, of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday as guest* of McHenry relatives. ^ v Mrs. Katharine Adams trild daughter, Ida, of Elgin attended the dedication of St. Patrick's church here last Saturday. Chas. Reece and children of West Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin, ! and-ofamily. i Miss Lillian Harrington of Chicago vas a week end guest in the home of i Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Sutton at I Emerald Park. Mrs. Ed. Larkin and daughter, Beulah, of Elgin passed Saturday .and Sundfey in the hbme of Mr. and Mrs. : Edmund Knox. Frank Gans and Robert Green returned home last Friday from Florida, where they have beep spending the winter months. Misses Marion and Irene Conway of Elgin were week end guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A- Conway. Mrs. Jas. Callahan and daughter, Kathleen, of Chicago pas&ed last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Doherty, Mrs. Ed. Comiskey and Leander Hughes of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Thos. McCabe Saturday and Sunday. K Misses Helen Dvorak of Algonquin and Jean Smith of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming last Friday evening. Phil Meyers and little daughter, Bernadette, of Chicago spent the week end in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Sarah Reece returned to her home in West Chicago Sunday after spending several weeks in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Milwaukee, Wis., passed Saturday and Sun day as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller Miss Margaret McCabe of Waukegan came home last Friday evening for a few days' visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Mi88 Margaret Stenger, who is attending school at Longwood. was a guest in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger, the latter . MMcHENI&'S iwesr i--hiiiii , **i. * ®AT. ma*CH as A »• HI l »» ftom t • {^Stnwrt Edward Whit* jlpptli a Seven Star Gait :S$ - AND . • A UNIVERSAL GOMtDY SUNDAY. MARCH ff FIRSTNATJON AL ATTRACTION »--AND--- THE TONNRRVIULE TR<CVLLY SUNDAY -MATINBE AT 2t3« ^W«>AY. MARCH *? :;il! ^mb -Mix . --IN-- "Roniace Land" . V|% AND---. '^vVARRY semon co&edy FRI. & SAT., MARCH 30 A 31 "Tie Sky Plot" ANDA UNIVERSAL COMEDY At the mi fix tion, hold in Chicago on March ths following^ resolution wail seconded and carried unani- & it Resolved, That this board, bejing cognizant that the important matf* ter of a public sewerage system for the town of McHenry is under consideration by the citizens of that town; And of the great values and benefits mm will accrue to the residents of KluBanry from a proper sew&age sys- «N*r". Go on record in favor of a sewerage system of the most approved type, I*1** shall at all.times provide for feftMtQate'treatment or disposal of the hewatuge so that the Fox river shall not be contaminated or rendered unhealthy for bathing or other proper dOGMetic uses, or for fish, nor made otfensive to the sight or malodorous to the residents on its banks. And that a copy of th|s resolution' be sent to the state department of puftlic health, to division of waterways FILIN0 Alf. State of Illinois,) McHenry County,)«#. ^ *' Estate of Sarah Geary, D*ee&s3d. v To All Whom It Mtf ||p|icern: You are hereby intj$fd that on Monday, the 16th day of April, VjGSt, I, as the Executrix of the last WO! and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry Comity, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such Kxecstrix, and ask the Court, to be discharged from any &nd all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, jf you chOOse so to do. 40-3t Maty Zimmer, Executrix. Camel's or Lucky Strike cigarettes, 15c or two packages for 25c at Erickson's 8tore. , " \ mirn er hoarded tike €%feagcr& ling. . «: . ire Cobb is' jMHMpr ||fs the guest of relnCWMpn Chi4n' Miss Agnes Peters of Woodstock; spent Saturday ami Sunday with M^ No stomach filled with sour poisons '/• can digest food. Everything you eat turn's into more poison and gas, mak*. ing you nervous and weak. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., af mixed in Adlerika, expels all sour poi* . sons artd gas from BOTH upper and| lower tinweL Removes foul, decaying food-mi^ter jvou never thought was in your sjwtatot which caused sour and gassy stohiach. Adlerika is EXCELi ; LENT to guard against appendicitis* N. Petesch, druggist. , i;%rf h - ' '•'>'••/Vk W*: ,V . -,/f '* 'ik Notice of Award ef Contract' Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of March, 1923, the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, Illinois, awarded the contract for the construction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sanitary sewers together with manholes, house slant, etc., in Riverside Drive from 40 feet south thereof to 752 feet north of Washington street, in Front street from 20 feet south thereof north 208 feet, from 304 feet south of Pearl street to Pearl street, and from 306 feet south of Broad street to Washington street, in Court street from 306 feet south of Pearl street to Washington street, in Green street from Elgin road north 250 feet, from 420 feet south of Elm street north 321 feet, and from 306 feet south of Pearl street to Washingi ton street, in Elm street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood road and thence north in Ringwood road 765 feet, in Pearl street from Riverside Drive to 166 feet west of Front street and from Green street 370 feet west, in Washington street, from Riverside Drive to Green street, in Waukegan Road from 790 feet east of Elgin Road to 500 feet west of Front street, in Main street from Elgin Road to 465 feet west of Front street, in John street from Elgin Road to Front street, in Elgin RoOd from John street r , % v to Waukegan Road, in Center street vl-, from John street north 200 feet, in Front street from John street to Wau-p / kegan Road from east end of sewer in Waukegan Road northeast 600 feet, and from 40 feet south of Riverside Drive southeast 375 feet, thence southeast 275 feet and thence east to disposal plant, together with a sewerage purification plant, consisting of distributing manhole, collecting well and pump pit with pumps, motors, controls, etc., and superstructure, sludge separating and sludge digestion tanks and superstructure with mahholes, valves, outlet pipes, appurtenances, grading, etc., in accordance with the ordinance therefor, said improvement; being known as VILLAGE OF McHENRY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT^ NO. 6 to E. M. Scheflow for Forty- [ / four Thousand Eight Hundred Eleven and Ten Hundredth (S44.811.10) Dol-t lars. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE-? MENTS OF TOE VILLAGE OF McHENRY. <• By Richard I. Overton, Secretary. RESOLUTIONS FOR NEIGHBOR MARGARET BONSLETT '• >fh' '4 •V * *v*s!'V ^-1** •<-/ft,"; - ' '•<& J • ^'h' ; "-'iv ^ •, 24*' A" S**1 we wish to establish with eveiy Citizen in this community is one ol he^ . ^^ ' 1 ^ t . |The ideal wfe hfiye set for ourselves . ^ is fhat every man or Woman who honors {/<:';^^US with his Or-her_ patronage shall ad- -V^ ^anee fitrther along the road to success ><&$ a result of this association. :r^: >-4-< * 4 11"* *2 " e :>r it'- "fl. A'" ^ J vDiscussion of any business problem •^Vviv5?^ . ' Kr /Yx*: '<%* V'V Wp \ r ; - :0*C 'i y. i'y, "• H--' V • V,r. - X'i'ifi . §r£w%k; l" ^ ,>' ,4,»- • '-4 'V^fc •^. --j ^. wiw s* i x i Mi'i iim Whereas, The Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has removed from this ? |if$ our esteemed Neighbor, Margaret Bonslett Therefore be it resolved, That Rivel View jeamp, 6818, Royal Neighbors o|i America, extend its heartfelt sympat thy to the bereaved family. Be it further resolved, That a cop: of these, resolutions be spread on thf records of this camp and a copy to bf seaLta the bereaved family. Alta E. Frazer, ' Florence M. Co|fe,~"' '•?.; -fA Agness V. Wentworlh, \ •. ' '• ' Committee. f ^ #AfCH REPAIRING Notice is hereby given that I havf made arrangements with Martin B, Bchmitt Of West McHenry whereby batches for repair may be left at hi|, place of business. Pickups of watchei and other jewelry will be made thre* times each week. All work guaran-- teed to be satisfactory. A. Lundquisttr Jeweler, Crystal Lake, HL ANNOUNCEMENT 1, hereby announce my candidacy &fl re election to the office of supervisor^ for the town of McHenry, subject to the approval of the voters at the com* ing township -election to be held Tues§ day, April 3. Your rapport will bf- A Without a pmr'- of esjoymoDt cm bo really proud. Its dabbing color and appoiaUaonto originality which mark It otott mhmm. And it is as good as it is ytrrr.-k' tlM ,*S OYERXON, & £OWEN HcHENRY, IIX.; v; V\i:k" HAI WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL U1LD THEM *£ u-VrJiy: • fffj w S» 'M M1 . 1 •" 'tirnniiifff'fi'iv :v ;.#! i •* ' '• V • * • ARD,

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