Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1923, p. 5

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PllOTO practice on the dona by John and Mrs. HS)U>r Roddenkirsch of (Ikafo were week end guests in <k»'1iome of tfcelatter'ft parents, Mr •ad Mrs. Geo. SMtan. MiM Lillian who has ban relativeaat to tm ADAM 8. JUNG Long, Distance Hauling McHenry, HL Phono 12 Woodstock, HI Early Riser &4K' *3* „ A r most excell^it • r..v W > . S»*-• We guarantee it g|f»fw*3*P»MWWMiaaaii V* . McSfNRY, . Flour Mills We*t McHenry. III. See How Far k Will G« Here "ffett want fresh jj|#t5h ceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you want. Our satisfied customers sreour highest recommendation. We sell the best on the market et the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen UCHMTT PHOMM BE HerBirthday f! . " v f t ' . V f S j j l 5 - ""0$: Your Mother .. :! T , \i >ng Distance call to your mother i on her birthday may mean more to ^ her than the most elaborate gift you X could send. Jtfother loves to hear^^v the cheery voices of her sons and v-i; : daughters and to know that they are well and have not forgotten her. * . * ' lib have you with her on birthday wopld be your mother's ry* greatest joy, but if circumstances and . j distance forbid a visit, then call her. ^ \| by telephone and let her hear your * J;v voice. ~4& 4 Bell Lines Reach Everywhere to. f0: the fowest price ever made on a Ford Coupe this attractive model offers even greater value than before. The convenient window regulators, the improved upholstery, and the many refinements in rhacgig construction, have brought new high standards^ quality. ? Professional and business men demanding continuous &r service at low cost, and with comfort and convenience, are turning to the Ford Coupe in greater' numbers than ever. So great is the demand that a shortage is certain. List your order now cover it with a small down payment -- the ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 jf. , : • X., S:W jS'd. COUPE *5 f . o.s. OSTHOIT ity at isnckson'a Ed. Geaser of CStkjafb was an over Sunday gueSt of his family fcere. Mrs. Mary Aubert boarded the train Monday morning fW- Chicago- Mr. and Mrs. Rawson are attending the teachers' institute at Harvard this week. Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber, Co., West Mc Henry. Alfred Parker of Chicago was an over Sunday visitor' at his home here. Mrs. Al. Bennett of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pester, Mrs. Reno, who has been in Florida for the past month, has returned to the home of Bert Sutton. Miss Flora Arline Osborn ha? been the guest of her sister and brother in Elgin during the past week. Emily Cole returned home from Woodstock Sunday, where she had been taking the teachers* examination C. G. I^ardy, who has been on court duty in Chicago for the last couple of weeks, spent the waek end at his home here. Mrs. E. E. Cropley has returned home from Chicago, where she has been a patient in St. Joseph's hospital the past week. Miss Leona Cropley returned to her school duties at Libertyille after spending the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley. The Pot Luck dinner, given in the home of Mrs. E. E. Cropley Wednesday, was a complete success in every way, there being fifty-two people present. ~JOHNSBURG~ Ofder ypor field seeds now at Brickson's store. . . Wedding bells wHJ soon be tinging at Johnsburg. Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West Me- Henry. Miss Catherine Oeflling passed Sunday as . the guest of Miss France^ Miller.' Help makft this column newsy by calling up this office and giving us items of interest. Miss Frances Miller passed Wednesday and Thursday of last week as the guest of Chicago friends. Arthur M. Adams of Woodstock spent Wednesday as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. The millinery department at the C. M. Adams store held its annual spring opening last Saturday. The display this year" is larger and prettier than ever. Patrons of the telephone company thruout this locality are lost without the service. It is the hope of the company to have complete service reinstated within a short time. The Plaindealer is very desirous of securing a regular correspondent at Johnsburg, one who will send us a news letter each week. Anyone interested kindly communicate with us. Altho the roads between here and IfcHenry are again open to travel, they are anything but in good condition. However, with a few more days of warm weather automobiles should be able to get thru nicely. " /" r RINGWOOD Market *your eggs at store. James Kelley passed Sunday at Hebron. Miss Susan Speaker spent Sunday as the guest of home folks at Richmond. Floyd Foss spent last Friday evening as the guest oi friends in Mc- Henry. Feed Globe Egg mash for aggs. Alexander Lumber Co, Wast Mc- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Stephenson spent Sunday as Hie guests of friends at Woodstock. C. W. Harrion passed Hiursday of last week with his brother Orrie Harrison at Woodstock. Mrs. James Rainey passed last Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, at West McHenry. A. W. Smith, Louis Schroeder and S. W. Brown attended to business matters in McHenry last Saturday. Maxwell Beth of Crystal Lake passed the wade end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Beth. Harold Kelley of Rockford was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kelley, over Sunday. Ed. Hawley returned home Sunday morning from Iowa, where he had been the guest of friends for several days. Make your house a pleasant and attractive home. Clean, snappy wall paper in the latest patterns will do the trick. Get it at Erickson's store., Leonard Brown had the misfortune Saturday morning to slip and cut his head quite severely on a piece of glass at the Bowman Dairy company factory. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Feed Globe Egg mash for eggs. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry. Thirty-five votes were cast at the annual township election as held at Antiofh Tuesday of last we^fc. Come to the Catholic Daughters of America card party and bazaar to be held at the K. of C. hall April 6. Theodore Stearns, opera composer tv> AMMnAntr wifft Vtia uri'Ta 1%era fe talk of forming a little five confcwnce among schools in this section of .mm. sAiato mmtionadincoWMCTh conference asw (Sqrstal Lake, Harvard, Woodstock, Marengo and Beividere. The Woodstock Chamber of Com-, merce will sponsor a charity ball to be given at tile community high school in that city on fte evening of April 5. The total net proceeds will be turned over to the McHenry County Memorial hospital fund. An advance of twenty-five per cent over last year's pickle prices is being offered by the two pickle companies operating at Harvard. They are offering |2.50 per hundred weight for No. 1 cucumbers, #1.00 for No. 2 and 50c for "nubs" or "crooks." . As an extra p^a^ition against fire disaster, two taajihi were kept harnessed all thru Stii&lay night at Woodstock. This was done so that in case of fire the horses would be in readiness shotild the fire track have been unable to get thru the deep snow drifts. Harry Ripes, nineteen-year-old federal prisoner at the McHenry county jail at Woodstock, was released last Saturday, one month prior to the expiration of his sentence. Good behavior brought him his release at this time. He had been convicted of violating postal laws and was sentenced to six months in jail. 'h >v McHENRY COUNTY COWj fj; . MAK^S GOOD RBCORD All tin work 127-J. the Plaindsakr on local If you intsad baviac* an ale, farm or aayflhtag In the awtlaa ins, let W. O. Bchrefasi cry it far ou. Phone tt-R. CUSHD BEMIIIIEIIT FOR SALE--A number of 6% and 6 fest fence posts. Mrs. Jos. H. Jus ten, McHenry, Iljf 41-2t* FOR SALE--Good big fence posts, 20 cents each. Philip M. 11iennas, McHenry, 111. Route 1. 41-2t* FOR SALE--Montana grown Marquis seed wheat. McHenry Flour Mills, West McHenry, 111. 98-4t PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP--First floor Cloverdrier building, Waukegan street, West McHenry, 111. 41-lt FOR SALE--Two hot water incubators and brooder, cheap, dovardrier Bldg., Waukegan street, Wast McHenry, 111. 41-lt FOR SALE OR RENT--Five room house, garage, chicken housa and one acre of land. Frank Steinsdoerfer, West McHenry, 111. 89 FOR SALE--White Wyandotte I for hatching. 76c per setting, |4£0 I a hundred. John Smith, McHenry, ill. Phone 649-W-l. • 40-3t fftjfrrofl Tribune: A pure bred Holstein cow, Princess of Hebron, owned by R. W. Stewart of Hebron, has just finished her record at the Holstein- Friesian testing plant at Dixon, III., of 920,433 pounds butter from 23777.9 pounds milk in 365 days. This cow was one of a number of cows sent by the breeders of Illinois to be tested for their production. The cow being thus tested; being as what is known as advanced registry, or a special registration in addition to their pure bred registration. In order to qualify for this special registration this cow, at her age, would have to produce 450 pounds butter in 365 days. You can judge the quality of the cow by the amount she exceeds this production. In fact, this test proves her to be one of the best cows in this county and she will be used as foundation material in Mr. Stewart's herd. Compare her with the average Illinois cow, when we know that the latter produced about 3500 pounds milk and 160 pounds butter. This cow would really be worth a whole herd of average cows. This is the second cow that has finished a test for Mr. Stewart. The other one was Meika Artena Franelchar and she made 987.62 pounds butter from 22175.5 poundB milk. There have been a number of new arrivals recently, among them being two cows from Gov. Small's herd at Kankakee, 111. ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETING AND ELECTION WANTED--Sewing to do in my home. Reasonable prices. Mrs. Chas. S. Ensign. Hanly cottage, Crystal Lake road, West McHenry. 41-2t* FOR SALE--Barron strain S. C. white Leghorn eggs for fertility. 15 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for $4.50. G. A. Vasey, McHenry, IU. Phone 612- J-2. 38-8t FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 acies. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, 111. S-tf FOR SALE--Airedale pups. Just the right age to train. Make excellent watch dogs as well as companions for the older folks and pets for the children. Wm. E. Whiting, Wast McHenry, 111. Phone 620-R-l. 41-2t* WANTED--A girl or woman for general housework. Good wages and pleasant place, within a few minutes' ridie from Chicago. Write Mrs. J. W. Reed, 233 Grand Blvd., Park Ridge, or phone Parte Ridge 1063, reversing charges. 40-11 NIGHT TIME--and the Value of Refreshing Steep. Use Leath Mattresses A. Leath fc Co. Store* T||We make our own mattresses and ||nake them in a way that you get as V^Duch refreshing sleep in 4 hours as Usta,JS-74 Grort At*. f-.^-.sf you get in 6 hours from sleeping upon RockSonl. Opposite CoestHeeea"r#iusfc the ordinary kind. Try soiy -M Prtnibllltoa. Aaron, H4I bland Ave. r«--port,S-7 W. Main Sff -:;-v WSaa«uo.»P4ME.4th|i ' B«kafc|jit7-4Jt Ml St. j#.:: MNtliw litem Si1 " t' : f-a JeWfcivttk.aiMM. Mltwaakee ' BaaddbikMuoaic TMSple- " Oridtmb, ll-U Main St. Peoria. Adaras It \ u asd we will. Dccatur, HMHN. Watorte. sail yon a real mattress • M'* V 1e B^n Business m His ^ Wm Nervtul \ snot strinf _ •* ' ' - •• x-'&Sfj \ How often we hear the remark. Ia# ^ vestigation, however, frequently proves Us* » " -'X? i' • */V **/ iP ^ ^ ^ ^ * i m *% ' * • ' ' V'> - * '• '.yi >"<$p ;,r::i; The "shoe-string" was a growing ^ ' Sank account; the "nerve" confidence io v himself which came as the natural resul^J'-i Vj-p'i :m • rii 5ff a substantial •• :c-3i-x $TAis institution cordially invitp* i savings accounts V>p£v: * tc • • "V *•. ;s» Fox River Valley State Bank / McHenry, Illinois .iiaiftco, W-H ' ;-s « ^ 1 %3 ' •f-'. v vv. fsWM. , . ^ 4- •• Notice is hereby given to the legal voters, residents of the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, that the annual township meeting and election of officers of said Township will take place Tuesday, the 3rd day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The election will begin at the hour of 7:00 a. m. and close at 5:00 p. m. in the places designated as follows: District No. 1. Woodman hall, Ringwood, 111.; district No. 2, village hall, McHenry, 111.; district No. 3, Colby building, McHenry, 111. The officers to be elected are: One supervisor. The town meeting will open in the village hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour of 2:00 p. m^ and, after choosing a moderator, will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the town and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1923. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Wm. Pries attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Feed Globe Egg mash for aggs. Alexander Lusher Co., West McHenry. Alfred Bonslett of Chicago passed the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett. Mrs. Albert Reynolds and daughter, Ida, are spending a few days as the guests of Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Cobb and son, Stanley, were guests of Chicago relatives over the week end. Mrs. Math. Fitzsimmons of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. Glenn Wells of Galesburg, 111., is spending the week in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells. Misses Dorothy Walsh and Marguerite Overton of Elgin passed the week end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mrs. Wm. Gillespie and daughter of Chicago passed a few days recently in the home of her grandfather, J. J. Flusky. Mrs. Math. Freund and daughter. J ••*£•& The wide yoke, belted, patch pocket . J - f . * . /r-4< '> , .«. W. '5? , t f li'f ' '! :ti' 4- ;<t < M v"' / ' 45: xf&fm iport suit for spring r. -S»fr',V^r r Vv ^ -it/, ^ ' J rtsannw To0--' '•iVv V »*. % * V k *•- t ^ v.:' Y s v» y ' * J ^ , : ^ ^ '/ •t-1 v' >***" $ Pv ' v ' * ^ ' ? * * - * ^ ^ j J * f ^4 *• -t ' * •* . ^ I ' '> <; «'£ V - , #*v -i 5 -3;*; , 'l"* , - • , ' » U'. . ,-ii --H. , ^ : ;=:. 'v '• ^ :«S • v; • . - ' - r . •* l vW is the newer design in men's si>ort suits variety of models as shown in campus togs embrac ing these features will surely find your favor. ThcjH high quality at the low prices /v.; i $32.50, $35.00, % . Ourspnng lineof hats, caps, shirts, ings of all kinds Is complete and we cocdiaUy invit^ ' rfh/ ,i i '14 .•••••

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