Hour • 'X-'rrm-. > v; •; '-v'v^.S. < -t • ' " • ', please you vi«i; v$£GK:'. McHENRY ti lour Mills West McHcnrv. in. |w Fir Go Here You want fresh gro-" ceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you want Our satisfied customers are our highest recommendation. We sell the best oo the" market at the lowest possible prices. - i ! . - ' k . M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4ft As a special favor to my ot<T friends of McHenry and surrounding territory, I will make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original price. No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit. I am at my McHenry office on Sundays and Mondays only, from liM 4e 8:00 p. m. Phone No. 9. Dr. C. Keller, MeHenry, Hi. -Mm 6K CP IF WITH HEALTH YOU VfOOU) BE BLESSED -• ORDER NOTHING BUT THE atST - GOOD h e a l t h i s t h e greatest'blessing arith vt bich mad has ever been endowed. The best way tu make certain of not losing it is to indulge in the foods that you know are up to.the highest standards. We sell foods whose purity is well known. ' -r , * Watch for Mr. Happy ftvty * :FRETTS iNNKETKcnatr STWESTHcflEMY.IU PHONE 3 Home Outfits-A Special Feature of Leath Service - ' v* 4 f x% "' t A.Leath at! Co. Stan# Elgin. 71-74 Grove Ave. Rockford, Opposite Court HUM Dubuque, 574-584 Main St. ' ' Aurora, 31-33 Island A**. Free port, 5-7 W. Main St. Waterloo. 112-314 E. 4t% St. Beloit, 617-621 4th St. Joliet, iiS-217 Jefferson St. Janesville, 202-JM. Mi Eau Claire. Masonic Temple.i'w^, Oshkosh. U-13 Main St. gNgf Peoria, 325 South Adams SI.' D e c a t u r , 4 U - 4 5 0 N . W a t e r S t . - OUR Siyileii ready to completely furnish your Home--one of our Complete Outfits will help make it a home to be proud of--and we'll surprise you how little one of this type will cost. I e>r Long Distance Telephone Calls at Low Rates |N many long distance telephone calls party wanted is present and therefart reached promptly at the number or location called. Had the call been made by number or by giving the name of the subscriber at whose telephone you expect to reach your party, and without asking for a particular person wanted, that person might have been reached just the same* This fact, proved by our long experience, has suggested a class of long distance service, which we call "station-to-station" service, and which we are able to supply at about twenty per cent less than the ordinary, or "person-to-person" service. In many cases it is not necessary to talk to a particular person. The business can be transacted with some one else, ora message which meets die purposes of the call can be left. On social calls? particularly home cadis, it is often just as satisfactory to talk to any one who may be at home. "Station-to-station** calls meet all these situations and many others. We suggest that you study your longdistance telephone requirements with a view to using this service. The rates for "stationto- station" calls are about twenty per ceht lower than For further information call "Loo# Distance** will quote "station • to - station" rates to any point for " person- to-persoii° calls. During the evening (8:30 P.M. to midnight),a still further reduction is made on "station-to-station" calls. From midnight to4 JO A. M. the night rate on "station-to-station" calls is about one-fourth the day rate. (The minimum reduced rate on these messages is 25 cents). To make a "station-testation" call, ask the operator for "long distance'* and when "long distance" answers, give her your name and telephone number and tell her you wish to make a"station-to-sta tion** call to--(giving first the distant city or town and then the telephone number). If ypu do not know t hcyiumber give the name and address under which the telephone probably is listed, ft will then be understood that you will talk to anyone who answers. The charge begins when the distant telephone is answered. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Seed and ettfti* potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. * Milea-ef wear in Armour Plate hoee. Smith Bra*. J. B. Hettermann was a business visitor at Waukegan last Saturday. Geo. Kloepfer was a business visitor at McHenry Wednesday morning. v Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Alexander Freund of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of relatives here. Miss Helena Adams passed a few days this week with McHenry relatives. " New stock of lawn grass and garden seeds. Buy now to improve your lawn. M. J. Walsh. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and growing mash. Also Dickinson's Add and lawn seeds. / Now is the time to have your tires | repaired. Mohawk, Goodrich, Fisk, Mason and Corduroy tires. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry. Make your house a pleasant and attractive home. Clean, snappy wall paper in the latest patterns will do the trick. Get it at Erickson's store. J. B. Hettermann, Steve King and Charie Michels left for Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday evening of last week, arriving home Friday night with three new Dodge cars. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell, who have been spending the past few months in Woodstock, have returned and are once more making their home at Nell's resort on the river. John L. Engstrom, who for soqie time past has resided on the Geo. J. Sayer farm No. 2, will leave the place some time this week to take up his home at St. Charles, 111. The sympathy of our people goes out to the family of Mrs. Mary Thelen in the loss of their husband and *• Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. AlMtiods of oh*0* metal work and furnae# installation. J. J. Vycital, Mcfticti* Mrs. Thomas of Richmond is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Boeing, this week- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin are the proud parents of a baby boy born last Friday. ^ Camel's or Lucky Strike cigarettes, 15c or two packages for 26c at Erickson's store. Miss Bernice Smith spent the week end with Mr. and A*. Lyman Hanford of Chicago. Mrs. Arthur Feet from near Woodstock visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hopper, Tuesday. . ' , Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott. Mrs. Martha Bradley spent several days last week with her sitter, Mrs. Lena Holmes, at Woodstock. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and grow ing mash. Also Dickinson's Arid and lawn seeds. Now is the time to have your tire# repaired. Mohawk, Goodrich, Fisk, Mason and Corduroy tires. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry. Mrs. Chas. Olson, Mrs. Claus Larson and Mrs. Gus Pearon attended the funeral of Mrs. Nelson Engstrom at St. Charles last Thursday. Wm. Giddings of Hebron has been hired to act as cashier in the Ringwood State bank and began the new duty on Monday morning. He has been a life long resident of Hebron and comes to us very highly- recommended. Mrs. Chas. Peet, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. A. W. Smith attended the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Women's Relief Corps at Richmrnd on m4 i*B topdeek. Isguiraat The Plaindealer office. 43 FOE SALE--House and two lots on Wa&egan street. All modern imprbvements. M. J. Walsh, West McHenry. 4ft( FOR SALE--A quantity of seed oats, absolutely free from all foul seed. Geo. T. Caponash, on old Job Vasey farm, West McHenry Phone 613-M- 1. 43-It FOR SALE--Three exceptionally fine building lots on Waokegan street south of Elgin road. Will sell at a bargain. B. E. Herbes, Grayslake, 111. FOR SALE--Barron strain S. C. white Leghorn eggs for fertility. 16 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for $4.50. G. A< Vasey, McHenry, 111. Phone 612- J-2. 38-8t FARM FOB BENT--A 60-aer* term, located about four miles south of McHenry. Tenant may have more land if desired. Apply at the Plaindealer office. . 42-tf FOR SALE--Barred ^ Bode hatching eggs from ringlet 200 egg strain at $5.00 per hundred. Bernard Bauer, McHenry, 111. Route No. 2. Phone 630-M-2. 43-2t* WHY BUY your white and brown Leghorn chicks away from home when you can get them at Steilen's Poultry Farm. Hatches off every week. Place your order early. 44-tf ONAL EXCHANGE P. E. Hildebra nt has started the manufacture of soft drinks at Grayslake. F. A. Ben will remain as head of the Hebron school system, having already accepted the position for another year. The Woodstock typewriter factory at Woodstock has just added a new model, bringing the total to four different model typewriters now manufactured there. The latest model has an eighteen-inch-carriage. For Economical Transportation Nptriot RMdMt $5M Utwtr coop* tm Sooner or later yoi^ will use the best U. S. TIMS ARE K# 3tx3i U. S Cord .'.$17.85 3Sx3i G «c J Cord -..-.$17.#5 McHenry Garage J. W. Shaffer, Prop. Telephone 93-R. WM. G. Agent for Co., Illinois ance Co., Reli Co. Auctioneering McHENRY :: Beg hmup* Life Insurants ?EXIDEn Batteries EIGHT HOUR BATTERY CHARGING SERVICE W. L Howell & Co. TKL.1M-R McHENRY. ILL. father, who passed away at the fam- Monday. A very interesting prt>gram i: - i» tf«r **< ' ily home here last Friday morning. Farmers who are anxiously awaiting the time when they will be able to get into the fields were a little disappointed at Monday's snow storm, but all hope that this was the last. Geo. Kloepfer announces another dance to take place at his hall on Wednesday evening of next week, April 18. Good music will be provided and a fine time is promised those who attend. Next Saturday is the date Set aside for the holding of the annual community high school election and, as most of our people are anxious to see our own candidate returned to office, the voters will turn out in numbers. The members of the ladies' as well as men's courts of Foresters will hold a joint social meeting at the perish hall here on Thursday evening, April 19. All members are respectfully in vited to participate in the evening's entertainment. Adam Bildner of Chicago, who last fall purchased the Theo. Stock property here, moved his household effects here this week and his family is now getting settled in their new home and among new friends. Johnsburg welcomes the newcomers. J. B. and Henry W. Hettermann drove to Burlington, Wis., last Sunday, where" they called on their mother, who has been in declining health for some time past. They found the roads in anything but good condition, but managed to make the trip without accident. The wedding dance held at Kloepfer's hall on Wednesday of last week was very well attended. In fact, the attendance was a great1 deal better than had been anticipated by the management. One hundred and two tickets were sold. The occasion was thoroly enjoyed by all. Two big trucks which left Chicago with the Adam Bildner household effects the first of the week experienced considerable difficulty near Volo. In fact, they were unable to make the entire distance. Near Volo the cargo was unloaded from the trucks and hauled to Johnsburg via horse-drawn vehicles. On account of the condition of the roads it was nec essary to make five loads of the effects. An exceptional rush of business is keeping the proprietors and their help more than busy at the Central garage these days. The force is now putting in overtime almost every evening in order to take care of the work promptly as it comes in. The Central has al so added to its equipment one of the very latest Holmes type wrecking outfits, which they now have mounted on their repair car. This new device is the only one of its kind in McHenry township and is said to be far superior to the wrecking crane formerly used by them. Recent deliveries of Dodge cars as made by the Central garage here include the following: One coupe each to Mathias Freund of McHenry and George Tonyan of Johnsburg; screen truck to William Althoff of Johnsburg, coupe tq A. D. Hunter of McHenry and a touring car to A. Thompson, who has a summer home at Pistakee Bay. The proprietors of the Central tell us that factory deliveries at this time are more prompt than for some time past and with the Detroit plant working at top speed it is their hope to be able to make deliveries more promptly In the future. In a recent letter to his friend, Frank Smith, of this place, Nick L. Fteund of Cando, N. D.„ writes that they have experienced a very severe winter up north. From the 8th to the 22nd of December the thermometer registered all the way from 20 to 30 below zero, while on Feb. 3 it moved down to the 45 mark. He also writes that they experienced a good harvest last fall, selling their wheat at 64 cents per bashel, rye at 71c and oats at 51 cents. His threshing cost him $660. His crop* consisted of 2,300 bushels of wheat, 5GO bushels of rye and 2,500 bushels of oats. Mr. Freund has a, tract of 490 LOST--In village of McHenry, very likely at Northwestern depot, last Sunday evening, a bill book containing about $300 in bills. Finder kindly notify The Plaindealer. 43-lt was given, after which a delicious luncheon was served. A meeting of the school teachers of the northeast section will be held in our schoolhouse next Saturday. The afternoon session will be open to all wishing to attend. Improve the opportunity and meet the county superintendent, Miss Hattie Dake of Harvard. OSTEND ' Shoes and hosiery of highest quality at Erickson's store. Alvin Weiss was a Sunday evening visitor with Roy Hobart. 'Monday, April 9, enough snow fell to completely cover the ground. Frank kaiser and son tried the good roads to the county seat Saturday last. S. S. Rogers was out to his farm Sunday. He has a job at Rockford, 111. Mrs. Eva Eppel has been afflicted with quite a severe cold the past several days. Men's dependable work shoes, dress shoes and oxfords, $3.25 and up, at M. J. Walsh's. Little Elma Sherman visited over Saturday night and Sunday at Grandpa Hobart's. Mrs. Ed. Nwdin is quite ill with grip and under tne care of Doctor Hepburn of Ring-wood. frs. Ammie Francisco is somewhat better of rheumatism, but every storm that comes she has a warning. Are you going to paint or paper this spring? If so call phone 608-M-J. Russell I. Turner, McHenry, 111. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and growing mash. Also Dickinson's field and lawn seeds. Last Sunday morning at the Olson factory they refused to take in any milk from the members of the Marketing company. Some interested parties attended the milk producers' meeting at Woodstock last Saturday. They report a very interesting meeting. There are twenty children of school age in Ostend school district. Eighteen attend the Ostend school and two the McHenry high. Now is the time to have your tires repaired. Mohawk, Goodrich, Fisk, Mason and Corduroy tires. Walter J. Freund, Weal McHenry. Looks as if there will be some work done on the Wallis farm a« soon as weather will permit. Some men delivered live head of horses tiww last Saturday. ' TERRA COTTA Buy shoes, hose and satisfaction at Smith Bros.' Highest quality field sad g§pdsn seeds at Erickson's store. B. J. Shine attended the funeral of a relative in Chicago one day last week. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Florence, spent Saturday with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. Will Wright spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Marie, in Elgin. Miss Mary Conway was the guest of relatives in Elgin a couple of days last week. Walter Conway of MorCau seminary, Indiana, was calling on relatives here this week. Miss Neva McMillan was a guest several days recently of Miss Marion Lowe at Cary. Misses Eva McMillan and Marion Shales spent Friday evening and Saturday with friends at Cary. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and growing mash. Also Dickinson's field and lawn seeds. FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 acie&. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance fain. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE--Marquis wheat and Swedish select oats for seed. Guaranteed free from all foul seed. Alsa corn by the ton. Martin Bros., West McHenry, 111. Phone 688-W-l. 42-St FOR SALE--Barron, Hairis A Young strain S. C. white Leghorn fertile eggs. 15 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for $4.50. Baby chicks of twelve leading strains. Agent for Moes poultry supplies. W- G. Schreiner, Wast Mc» Henry, III. Phone 93-R. 43t' Piano Tuning PLAYER REPAIRING Prompt and satisfactory attention ADAlf 8. JUNG Phone 12 Woodstock, 111. Phone 49 Reasonable Batss 8CHAEFBR BBOS. ^ ' Draytaff aad Transferring - Loaf Distance Staling McHeaxy, I1L ATTENTION, FARMERS! You are looking for the best possible market for your cream. Therefore, please ship via express or baggage direct to Pearaall at Elgin. Make this your slogan for bigger cream profits. Cans returned promptly and check mailed for each shipment. Our good patrons are increasing daily because of our excellent reputation and standing among the farmers. Send us your cream and the names of some of your neighbors so they too may have the benefit of our market. Write for tags, •hipping Instructions and our quotations. Ask your grocer when you go to town for BlUstde creamery butter, known ajl over the United States. B. 1 Pearsall Butter Co. Coming to CRYSTAL LAKE AND HARVARD Dr. Dieterich ^ SPECIALIST Is Internal Medicine far ti»" pact twenty y« DOES NOT WHI be «t • •' Crystal Lake, Wednesday, ApTfl 25, Richmond hotel, and at Harvard, Thursday, April 26, Noble hotel. OSee Hoars:. .10 a. a. to 4 p. sa. ONE DAY ONLY -"Ho Charge for Conaeltatllkl Dr. Dieterich is a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Illinois. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, rtears of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. " J If you have been ailing for any length of time and -do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are vary Now is the time to have your tires! often the cause of your long standing repaired. Mohawk, Goodrich, Fisk, Mason and Corduroy tires. Walter J. Freund, West McHenry. Harold Knox and Frank Doherty resumed their school duties at the University of Notre Dame last Thursday. Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter returned to their home in Elgin Tuesday evening after spending a week with the forssar's mother, Mrs. Stella Peck. trouble. Remember above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different Married women must be . panied by their husbands. Address: 336BostOTi Bgock, apoHs, KOHLER AUTOMATIC P 0 W E R 6 L I G H.T W. L. I0WELL & Phone Itl-R McHenry. III. $5 down delivers to you a FEDERAL Electric Washing Madiitt Balance Payable at the rate of $7.80 monthly Accompanying the machine, the buyer during the continuance of the Special Sale is given FREE ^ (1) A Table Top * (2) An Electric Iron (3) An Electric Toaster If it. happens he is provided With the table top and the ivo appliances named we will allow as a credit in the purchase of other merchandise,. 15 in lieu of the table top, tl.50 in place of the iron and Use same amount in place of the toaster. Full particulars at any of our Electric Sales ^hops, the nearest of which is at , CRYSTAL LAKE OF NOtTHERN ILLINOIS III is alright j* J}'/" ? you a oener TRY IT -- V ' v ! ' " • JfbiaDf iKtt Xm&s Savings Club aol WteH* the result •fM*? w •jfaMWW Valley State Bsmk -- . M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s .'"'.54* ' • * . Order Your Coal Now \ " vt -k SHi " • • 5 'THERE is really only one way of being certain of having your V, next winter's coal when the first r snap of cold weather comes. ^ That way is to give us your ^order now with instructions to fill/ 4 if^t at the most advantageous time. , ^ With a car shortage already m .^evidence in some parts of the counand indications pointing to a I : ^*+;;much more serious one later, there ^ ' l is no telling what coiulilio&ft will " \ be towards fall. M - f o K; These conditfotisiieednot, hoar- v v ever, make any di|ference as far as v your coal bins are Concerned. By taking steps to fill them now, you ^Vf are definite^ pjQtectf.il phonfi exander Lumber Company !. •» 1 •>' West M c H e n r y , l U . P f c O M 5 ' . :r| m m rck