pwmpppi , t - , mmmt M 49 Piano PLAYER REPAIRING Prompt and safcisfaetorgr atteatkm ADAM & JUNG Phone 12 Woodstock, ID. ' SCHAEFER BBOflL r| - fiajliit ud Trtoaferriaf - LOOK Distance Hauliag McHenry, DL Early Riser Flour ;, - t - > . ' ; : A most excelleot 'v^ r.<y. i? tour^ -- >' We guarantee it toi: " . '-J.';* * please yoti ^ ;; •' .<£• •: : " -•*»., >'"Y-*.'p7 * r":i • •dk,' v **<'«' ' McHENRY i Flour Mills West McHenrv. III. Yw Mtar See How Fir h Will He Here ->*; want fresh ceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you want. Our satisfied ^ customers are our high est recommendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4# MR-HAPPY PiMCTY CUPID PVIEUJS IN INCIA.-PED UM4Dt J VlHERB PURE WCW3 • A.RC IH MMAN® ^ T O V G can stand for nearly anything except an empty stomach or improper food. Gladden your dining table with our superior meats and you will please your palate and satisfy your appetite at the same time. ' ' "'iMaiMi for Mr. Happy Party "FRETTS' iNfUKETSfOOailY! I0NE 3 - i ' . l l V v U iW ; i l . TBBBAOOTTA Cooper Bennington underwear for men at Erickson's store. Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Neva McMillan was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter were recent Chicago visitors. \ Mrs. Jollitz was the guest of friends in Woodstock last Friday. Miss Beulah Larkin was a guest of Miss Eleanor Phalin over Decoration day. You may pay more or yea may pay less. You get what yon pay for at Smith's. Everett Davis of Michigan spent a few days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Stella Peck. Frank Spraud of Chicago visited at the home of Frank McMillan Saturday and Sunday. % Henry Shales of Crystal Lake visited relatives friends here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger, sons and daughters, of McHenry called on Mrs. M. Knox, Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Schlottman, of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Florence Knox. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Alice Riley. Miss Beatrice Lockwood, of Crystal Lake, spent Decoration day at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leonard Beat. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, of Elgin, spent several days last week at the home of Henry McMillan. B. J. Shine spent Friday in Chicago and was accompanied home, by his wife and sons who will now make their home here. the home of tftw latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Jackson, they also took the ball game at the State Line park Sunday afternoon. .Kr-r-^-rm k"; ' GRAND JURY INVESTIGATING HOY MATTES COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF ST. MARY'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL NEXT WEDNESDAY o o^n x i . : : :i ' i r'r.7 / ' /' 7. 7«7.' 3407 N. P ^ . ' U N - i S r , . . & C C: t A',..- j, INCC • N Ave . SPECIAL - . --sVf: As a special favor to my old Mends of McHenry and surrounding territory, 1 will make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original price. No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit. I am at my McHenry office on, Mondays only, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Phone No. 9. Dr. C. Keller, McHenry, 111. Enroll Now-For Only : and in a short time it will be yours. If you have delayed placing your order because .of the cash outlay necessary--you , need wait no longer. If you have been depriving your family and yourself of the pleasures and benefits of a car because you felt that you could not afford it--order now and know that it will not work any hardship on you. Use the 7l\/eeA^^irckaie>^[aip So plan to ride and be happy, you and your family. Make the first payment of $5 'today which will be deposited in a local bank at" Interest. You can add a little each week.- Soon the payments, plus the interest paid by die bank, will make the car yours. Come in and learn about this new pjfupu John R. Knox ' fhls Bank Depository for -iv* •"••y ,\v Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Payments •i FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BARK ' JOHNSBURG Harvest hats at Erickson's. Wedding bells will soon be ringing. Send the children, it is all right at Smith's. Improved learning seed copt, $1.50 per bu., at Erickson's store. Help make thfs column newsy by calling up this office and giving us items of interest. Ladies slip over and Tuxedo sweaters. Silk and wool, plain and fancy. M. J. Walsh. Mr3. Ben Ellert and little daughter, Marian, of Chicago visited .with Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Scfeaefer over Sunday. Miss Beatrice Schmitt of Beloit, Wis., visited with friends and relatives near Johnsburg a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hogland of Chicago spent Sunday, with the latter's parents, Mr. and MnN^oseph H. Hue mann. Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen of Spring Grove spent' Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams spent Sunday with cMr. and Mrs. Nick Freund at Spring Grove. On Tuesday evening a number of their friends gave a shower in honor of Miss Clara Mertee and Joseph H. Adams. The evening was spent in dancing and delicious refreshments were served. The guests present ed Miss Mertos with a beautiful leather rocker. The Plaindealer Is very desirous of securing a regular correspondent at Johnsburg, one who will send us a news letter each week. Anyone interested kindly communicate with us. Those present were; Misses Elsie Mertee, Barbara Smith, Ella Huemann, Mildred Schaefer, Mamie Smith, Clara and Rose Klapperich, Julia Thelen, Kate Oeffling, Agnes Smith, Barbara Althoff, Martha Tonyan, Katherine Frett, Pauline and Coletta Freund, Rose Stilling, Elizabeth Freund; Messrs. Alfred Tonyan, Charles Michels, Anthony and Frank Freund, Ben, George, and Joseph Frett, Steve King, George Tonyan, Will Tonyan, Augustine Freund Bernard Althoff, George Oeffling, Joe Miller and Albert Huff. SOLON MILLS Fine quality work shoes at Erickson's. Our coffee is good enough for you to drink. Smith Bras. Mrs. Victor Aim was a business caller at Richmond Monday. Chas. Haldeman of Richmond was calling on old friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Nels Larson of Lake Geneva was visiting her sister, Mrs. Victor Aim, Tuesday.* Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McAssey of Richmond were callers in town last Tuesday afternoon. B. A. Ketchem of West Chicago was a caller in the C. L. Osbom home Thursday last. Charles Foley and family and Geo Noble and family were callers in the Geo. Turper home Sunday. Geo. Westlake and son, Charles, were callers in the James McCannon home near Wilmot Sunday, ter, Louise, of Harvad was calling ter, Louise, of Harvard were calilng on friends and relatives here Sunday. See our line of silk dress fabrics, in canton crepe, crepe knit crepe de chine, pongee and satin military. M J. Walsht, Alfred Parker and his sons motored out from Chicago in their new auto and spent Sunday in their sum mer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorn and son, Leslie, of Hinckley, 111., and also a touring car of their friends were over Sunday visitors here. Roger and Edward Linn, Mrs. Lyons and Hellen Curreu of Chicago spent the week end at their summer home here in the north end of town. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mc- "Hie annual commencement "exercises of St. Mary's parochial school will take place at the Empire theatre on Wednesday evening of next week, June 13, at which tame the following program will be presented: Gypsy-Rondo J. Haydn L. Michels, F. Freund Salutatory .Robert Conway The Doll Show *... .Minims Children's Symphony......J. Haydn E. Freund, R. Ba4r, E. Michels, M. Justen, L. Michels, F. Freund,' C. Stoffel, J. Barbian, C. Nix, J. Kasch, E. Frett, F. FYeund, C. Baer, L. Meyers E. Thennes. The Chinese Servants--L. Meyers, L. Hearbes, A. Schneider, A. Justen, L. Michels. ' Violin Solo~Ave Marie., .C. Gounod E. Barbian THE GOLDEN SICKLE Operetta in three acts Cast of characters!- Queen Hildegard ........ L. Michels Princess Elsa R. Bacon Raymond, nephew of Queen.- .E. Meyers Flora, Queen of Fairies. .C. Thennes Mother Witch Hazel....... E. Frett Elsa's Companions--V. Freund, A. Freund, S. Wolf, B. Justen, C. Weingart, E. May. Rose .. I F. Freund Lily .M. Justen Daisy ...,.....«.4....,.'.L. Meyers Violet Young Fairies--M. Krause, A. Steffes, L. Stenger, A. Justen, A. Weingart, L. Blake, L. Blake, E. Smith, F Steffes, D. Wormley, C. Miller, M Miller, L. McCabe, E. Justen, C. Blake, L. Weingart. Butterflies--H. Heimer, C. Kasch, M. Freund, M. Weingart, L. Steffes, O. Brefeld. Bees--E. Matthews, C. Steilen, C. Sloan, B. Baer, B. Bauer E. Justen. Violin Selo--Adoration.. F. Barowski E. Barbian V a l e d i c t o r y ...,...,H. Steffes Farewell Song........... Graduates Address and Distribution of Diplomas Rev. Chas. S. Nix Graduates: Raymond Anthony Baer, Robert James Conway, Alfons James Diedrich, Elmer James Freund, Florence Kathryn Freund, Joseph Charles Freund, Vera Dorothy Freund, The grand jury investigation of the Hoys and others still continues at Woodstock. On Tuesday the members of the grand jury made a trip to the Pearl Fisheries here. Just what the ultimate outcome of the investigation will be remains to be seen. To date about twenty indictments have been returned against .the men placed under arrest and according to reports from Woodstock more are quite certain to follow. The grand jury hopes to complete its works on the matter this week. Among those placed under arrest, Fremont Hoy and his son, Clarence, are still confined in the county jail owing to their failure to secure bond. Kenneth Hoy had been released on bond while J. C. Holly of this city is also out on bond. Two other men against whom indictments were vote# are still among the missing. TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given to those knowing themselves indebted to the late N. A. Huemann, to call at my home and either settle their accounts or make some arrangements whereby payment may be expected. Being very desirous of closing up the business of this estate I will consider it a great favor if those having accounts will kindly attend to this matter at their earliest convenience. ROSE HUEMANN tlead The Plaindealer for newa. CLASSIFIED 'DEFARTHENT WANTED--Boy for retail store. C. Unti, McHenry, HI. 62-It HELP WANTED--Mechanic's helper. Stilling's garage, McHenry, 111. 52-tf WANTED--A girl for general housesold at a bargain. G. A. Himler. 52 West McHenry. 52-tf FOR SALE--About 40 acres of farm land. Elegant place for home. N. F. Colby, West McHenry. 61-tf FOR SALE--Hand washing machine in good- condition. R. S. Howard, phone 99-J, West McHenry. 52-It FOR SALE--A 35 acre farm near McHenry Good improvements. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry. 46 FOR SALE--About fifteen sows with pigs. Nick M. Justen, McHenry, III. Route 3. Phone Richmond 472. 51-2t* MEN WANTED--Apply American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., Terra Cotta, 111. Telephone^ Crystal Lake Leo 124. 49-8t ALFORD H. POUSE ' ' iWenwf at LAW Phma M h Mifl--y. HL EPISCOPAL SERVICES CRYSTAL l.AKK Episcopal service is.being-held on Sunday evenings at 7:30 o'clock at the American Legion kail, Crystal Lake, HI. 46-tf Telephone Now 1A8-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agttt for all frmperty in the beat WEST McHENRY, - Telephone 93-R. WM. G. 8CHREINEB Agent for County Fire Tiiiiiiimm^ Co., Illinois Bankers' Hog InearE f ' ance Co., Reliance Life Iasuraae* ' Co. Auctioneering McHENRY :: ILLINOIS John Herbes, Evelyn Kathryn May, Laura Mary Michels, Herman Joseph Steffes, Cecilia Elizabeth Stoffel, Alfred Hubert Weingart, Marie Lucy Young, William Joseph Young. Palmer ^Method Writing Graduates: Elmer James Freund, Florence Kathryn Freund, Leo John Herbes, Laura Mary Michels. Class colors, Lavender and Gold. -Class motto, No Victory without Labor. Class flower, sweet pea. ARGUMENT When Elfrida shall gain possession of Elsa and six of her companions she shall rulo the land of Hildegard, the Queen. Elsa and six companions play in the garden, tossing a golden bell. Suddenly the ball flies across the hedge into the garden of Elfrida. The children, seeking the ball, fall into the power of the witch. In her trouble, Hildegard appeals to the flowers for help. Queen Flora advises her to consult old Mother Witeh-Hazel, who knows all enchantments. Mother Witch-Hazel tells her that if the hedge which bounds Elfrida's garden be cut down, the enchantment will be at an end. The hedge can be destroyed only with the Golden Sickle of Fairyland." There is great rejoicing among the fairies when this is told, because this sickle is in their keeping. They hasten to give it to the Queen, that she may attain skill in using it. Raymond, nephew of Queen Hildegard, comes bringing tidings of the kingdom, and a letter from Mother Witch-Haael telling the Queen that the hour for action is at 'hand. The Queen cuts down the hedge, thus freeing the children. Flora crowns Hildegard amid general rejoicing. Ladies' white canvas slippers and oxfords at Erickson's store. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH *n*e regular morning worship will be held Sunday at eleven. The sermon title will be, "The Place of Authority in Religion." Sunday school will meet at ten o'clock, prior to the church service, and the Epworth League evening service will be held at 6:30. Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Dress shoes for all the family at Erickson's. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher left Wednesday morning for a couple of weeks' visit with relatives at Washburn, 111. Mrs. John Pint returned home Wednesday from a week's visit with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shely and two sons, George and Robert and Miss Irene Huff of Chicago were Decoration day visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. ANOTHER DANCE AT NELL'S Just think, another wedding dance at Nell's Columbia park dancing pavilion, neap; Johnsburg bridge, on Wednesday evening of next week, June 13. Good music and a good" time. Dance ticket, $1.00; war tax, 10 cents. A cordial invitation to be present is to aU., ; FOR SALE--The Mrs. Anna K. Bishop estate, consisting of a tern room house and three lots near Fox liver. L. C. Bishop, McHenry. 48-tf •Hi « WANTED--Reliable girl for housework. Small family. Wm. C. Schreiber. East Pistakee, phone 629-W-2. 62 FOR SALE--A 23 ft; launch equipped with Ford motor and self starter. Jos. J. Mertee, Oak Park hotel, Pistakee Bay, 111. FOR SALE--Store building and flat, located on Main street, West McHenry. A fine location, and building in good condition. R. B. Walsh, McHeury, 111. 51 GO OUT ON SUNDAY--See our new cottages and lake lots, Twin Lakes, Wis., Bay sub-division. Information, write R. E. Berlet, 3066 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 52-2t WHY BUY your white and brown Leghorn chicks away from home when you can get them at Steilen's Poultry Farm. Hatches off every week. Place your order early. 44-tf FOR SALEWThe John A. Smith homestead of 169 acies. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H: Freund, McHenry, HI. 8-tf BABY CHICKS--Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, $10 per 100; White Rocks, Rose Reds, $12; Orpingtons, Wyandottes, $13; Leghorns, $9. Catalog. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, 111. 46-tf FOR SALE--The Eva Meyers house and one lot located on Green street, McHenry. Information can be had by addressing Mrs. Emory Herdklotz, 1129 C. Main St., Rockford, 111. 62-lt FOR RENT--Four-room furnished cottage on Fox river, near McHenry. Cottage complete with furniture, etc., also the use of a boat included. Will be rented at $15.00 per week. C. E. Vogelsang, phone 605-W-l, McHenry, Illinois. rv! 52-lt FOR SALE--barron, Harris St Young strain S. C. white Leghorn fertile eggS. 15 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for $4.50. Baby chicks of twelve leading strains. Agent for Moes poultry supplies. W. G. Schreiner, Wfest McHenry, 111. Phone 93-R. *9-tf WANTED--Men or worsen to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 46-10t PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE--Starting immediately I will dispose of my household furniture at private sale at the home of . . E. Covalt, West McHenry. All of this furniture and household utensils are in very good condition and will be work. Wm. Doherty, phone 601-J-l, FOR SALE--My entire business block, consisting of double store and two flats, also garage and tie sheds; soft drink parlor equipment included. Will be sold at a bargain if taken soon. All property in A No. 1 condition and will stand closest inspection. Theo. Schiessle, Phone 63-M., West McHenry. (52-tf) Home Outfits - A Special Feature of Leath Service A. Leath & Go. Stores. ,y Elgia, TS-74 Grov* At*. Rockford, Opposite Court. Hoecs Dubuque. 571-5M Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Free port. 5-7 W. Main St. , Waterloo, 312-314 E. 4th St. •' Beloit, 617-U1 4th St. Joliet, 215-217 lefferaon St. Janesville. 292-JM, Milwaukee Eau Claire. Masonic Teraple. , "y Oahkoah. 11-13 Main St.. PtotU, 325 South Adama St. Decatur, 432-45* N. Water St. Wljen yoo <ato ready to completely furnish your Home--one of our Complete Outfits will make it a home to be proud of--and we'll surprise you how little one of this type will eost. Says Leatfr'^ Friday & Saturday sppci^ GOLD DUST LENOX SOAP n 4?c JAP ROSE SOAP 14c • ' . ' * 'w'ittftii IVORY SOAP FLAKES j pk«. 25c PRUNES Santa Clara, per: JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry, III. Ingleside, Illinois John L. Nicholson & Sons, Prop* The home of BELL FARM POSH PRIDE whose sire took fourth prize at the National Dairy Show TOR SALE--A Few Here is a rare opportunity to secure some of 'fh£ best bred Holstein bull calvas in the state at farmer's prices. They are all out of 30 pound sires and good producing dams. ENTIRE HERD UNDER FEDERAL SUPERVISION " Station -to- Station n Long Distance Service Helps You and Helps Us WE can give you a rate at least 20 per cent lower on "station-to-station" long distance telephone calls because this service SAVES TIME It helps you by giving quicker service at lower rates. , It helps us by reducing ttte amount of operating, thereby • V';' ^ •• % . .. '• jr. f '1l IWtfkoM Station If you are not already acquainted with this iprvice and using it, let us tell you about" it. , Consult the preliminary pages of the telephone directory or call "Long Distance'9 for detailed mformajtiop. * • i \- W' ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE ' COMPANY *v":V .'A * i:is id '•* •" »T- !: JSIw"