Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1923, p. 10

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WEDNESDAY FOR SERVICE If we haven't got what you want Ire will get it for yon. ife'.. &•'» ' • ; v . •V . .>'• :• IboneiiuN. H. PETESCHllMilll Have fc'...'. Made to Measure Qy the world famous International Tailoring Co. A perfect fit guaranteed. We are showing the largest lines of all wool samples in every wanted color find durr* produced by the world's best weavers. Boys* knickers and Mouses. Shoes and oxfords for the whole family in all the popular shades and styles priced to fit your purse. Men's shirts, collars, dew nobby neck ties, silk knit, silk and wool, all silk and wash ties. dMfine selection of men's and boys' caps and hats. G«o4« Delivered Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH *> k'-»" > ' ,.v - v.,. # " • - I The freshness of spring is a great relief to the system after the rigors and dullness of winter. Your home is as badly in need of freshening up as you • ;/1ire yourself. Give your rooms a dressing up with SPRING RUGS, FURNITURE AND LINOLEUM * r •. JRresh, bright linoleum or airy spring rugs on the floors and comfortable, sanitary furniture will transform your home and make it truly the "dearest spqt on earth." We have the materials and want to cooperate with you in the pleasant work. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. MARRIED AT JOBNSBURi POPULAR COUPLE UNITED (X||| MORNING Witnessed by a large congregation made up of relatives and friends of the Couple, Miss Clara * Mertes and Mr. Joseph H. Adams, both of Johnsburg, were united in marriage at St. John's Catholic church at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning of this week, Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor of the church, officiating at the impressive ceremony. To the strains of a beautiful wedding march very capably rendered by the church organist, Sister Blanche, the bridal party started in the rear of the church and came to a halt,, at the foot of the altar, where the ring ceremony was performed. The bride, attired in a gown of white satin with ^ beaded georgette crepe, a snowy wftite cap effect veil trimmed in beads and pearls, looked most charming. She carried a shower bouquet of white roees. Miss Elsie Mertes, a cousin of the bride, acted as maid-of-honor. She wore an orchid taffeta gown trimmed in silver lace and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Cecelia Dreblow of Chicago, a cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid. Her gown was of green beaded georgette crepe. She also carried pink roses. Otto Adams, a brother of the groom, acted as best man. Little Clar^ Mills, a niece of the bride, attired in a dress of pink taffeta and carrying a basket of carnations, carried out her role as flower girl most beautifully. Immediately after the ceretnony the bridal party, together with about one hundred invited relatives and close friends, gathered at the home of the bride's parents, where a reception was held for the newly weds. In the evening a wedding dance was also enjoyed at Nell's pavilion and which was attended by a large crowd of young people. The couple were the recipients of many gifts. The bride of this union is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes, long-time and highly respected residents of Johnsburg, where the bride has always made her home. Possessing all of the rare qualifications that go to make up young womanhood, she has the admiration and high esteem of a large drcle of friends. » The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams, also esteemed citizens of Johnsburg, where the family has resided for many years. He has always made his home with his parents and during the past two years has followed the carpenter trade, which vocation he will follow in the future as an employe of his father-in-law. He is an industrious and up-right young man, who has many friends in and around Johnsburg. For the present the couple will make their home with the bride's parthe congratulations of their friends, the congratulations of their friends. ANOTHER OIL SERVICE STATION TO BE INSTALLED BY WM. SCHAEFER EAST OF RIVER MCHENRY'S v-' > OUR CREAM is manufactured under the most sanitary conditions and by using the very latest machinery and equipment together with our years of experience enables us to turn out a cream that is not only delicious, but a health builder as well. Insist upon McHenry Ice Cream, manufactured in McIJeary and you are„assured of the best Work on the construction of another oil service station has been started by Wm. Schaefer, local agent for t^p Star motor cars, on a strip of land recently purchased of Frank Hughes and located just east of Fox river, a short distance from the approach to the bridge. Two lots were acquired by Mr. Schaefer a short time ago and, ac cording to his plans, the property is to be utilized as an oil service station and later on there will also be erected thereon a modern garage building. Excavation work for the two large 1050 gallon tanks was started the first of the week and it is the hope of Mr. Schaefer to have the station in operation by Sunday. When a Plain dealer reporter visitecl the site on Tuesday afternoon he found the workmen experiencing more or less trouble in their excavating work on account of cave-ins and also water from near by springs. However, they were determined to complete the job in the shortest possible time, and with thiB as their aim the men were working like demons. At the present time Mr. Schaefer is at the West Side Service station, where he maintains his headquarters as agent for the Durant and Star cars and also looks after the oil service station for the Home Oil company. The garage space at this station is very limited and it was for this reason that Mr. Schaefer decided to make the purchase east of the bridge. He has not as yet fully decided as to his garage plans. This project may be set aside until next year, altho he may conclude to erect temporary quarters for the time being. - -u McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. U[NTI, PROP. THURSDAY, JUNE 14'>, K0 Charles Chaplin ;; IN The ragrin* -AND j- .• A-WESTERN FEATUREi ^v fi% The Northern Trail -- • • • ' • • • . FRI. & SAT.. JUNE I&& I4 Constance Taimadfe -INThe -"'fy Primitive Lover AND A SI'NSI-HNE COMEDY ' "A THREE GUNMAN" - SUNDAY. JUNE 17 Richard BarthelmeU IN- .19 "The 7th Day AND Harold Lloy** --in-- CAPT. HDD'S KIDS SUNDAY MATINEE AT ^TUESDAY. JUNE 19 €»ladys Walton IN "Gossip* ---AND i AN EDUCATIONAL COMEWT "NOTHING LIKE IT" WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20 Graduation Exercises of Volo Catholic School V. L HOWELL t CO. Phone Wl-R McHenry till PRIMITIVE LOVER" WITH CONSTANCE TALMADGE AT EMPIRE, JUNE 15-16 Synopsis -VtthwiBf her successful comedy feature, "Polly of the Follies," Constance Talmadge has produced another sparkling with humor in "The Primitive Lover." The star appears as a romance stricken girl who reads the "best sellers" for their love scenes at the same time that she is tied to a prosaic, practical husband, Hector, who still fears the memory of his former rival, Wales. The memory is a blessed one for Wales is supposed to have gone on a tour of exploration to South America land to have died there, ' But it developes that Wales is not dead. He bursts in one evening cocksure, egotistical and self-centered and tells marvelous stories of his explorations. Phyllis is greatly impressed, however, but Hector counteracts his impression by giving away the secret he knew all along, that the report of Wales' death was simply a huge publicity hoax to enhance the inventor's fame and advertise his forthcoming novel. In turn Wales accuses Hector of taking advantage*, of the situation to marry Phyllis. It impresses the wife obviously and she finds she cannot be happy any longer with Hector. An Indian's realistic demonstration of how to deal with unruly wives There is no substitute at any price for an Exide Battery except anotht# Exide. We have the right size for your car. fives Hector another idea that he-pots into practice when lie hears Wales threatening to treat Phyllis like a "primitive lover." Kidnapping botlff of them he takes them to a mountain1 fastness where they are helpless because of Wales' inability to do anything practical. At the moment they are starving the * scented aroma of Hector's coffee from the neighboring cabin wafts in upon them. Wale^ escapes to bring help, but he forgeta that in leaving Phyllis alone with Hector he opens the path to a reconciliation, which has been effected by' the time he returns. Wales plays his last card--an ornate eulogy of the success of his latest novel, but the old Indian chieftain again paves the way for happiness by showing how he treats one of his twenty-six wives when they disobey. The sight of the squaw, crawling back for his love after such rough If Stomach is Sonr, Food Won't Digest No stomach filled with sour poisons can digest food. Everything you eat turns into more poison and gas, making you nervous and weak. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ar mixed in Adlerika, expels all sour poi sons and gas from BOTH upper and lower bowel. Removes foul, decaying" food-matter you nevef thought was in your system, which caused sour and gassy stomach. * Adlerika is EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. N. H. Petesch, druggist. treatment, has its lesson, and Hseta*' 1 and Phyllis are reconciled. Opp. Community High " KENT & GREEN -'vf 9 Real Estate & Insurance . vg Sttmmer Resort, Town and Farni '* Property J Phones 34 & 85-M :: McHenry, IB. # T RES >R SALE BY JOHN R KNOX McHenry, III. This is the first attempted hold-up to occur in this section for some length of time and the incident has aroused much interest among residents of this city. The authorities were not notified, as the driver of the car effectually escaped the hold-up, which occurred about for miles outside of Woodstock. Metchler, who is a collector for a large grocery firm in Chicago, had been attending to business matters at McHenry during the day and had collected approximately $1,500, most of which was in checks, but which comprised between $300 and $400 in currency. Because of the lack of accommodations at McHenry and the fact that he wished to work Woodstock early Tuesday morning, he left McHenry about eleven o'clock that evening bound for this city. Just after coming down Snyder's hill he noticed a dark shape climbing the steep embankment of the graded road and the hold-up artist shouted, "Stop, hands up!" The car Two large sign boards which occu-1 was going at a slow rate of speed at pied the sites in front of the lots thus I the time and instead of complying purchased are to be removed. One I with the demand Metchler threw of the signs has already been moved I open the throttle and sped away as back on the Schaefer property, while I fast as the car would go. Whether the other will also be moved shortly.lit was the work of some McHenry This space, according to Mr. I talent who knew of the large amount Schaefer's plans, will be utilized fori of money which he carried on his ' <*>, ,-p« V' - >7 > \ j '* \ refreshment stands. HOLD-UP MAM IN VICINITY OUTLAW ATTEMPTED TO HOLD UP TRAVELING SALESMAN (Woodstock American] A hold-up man last Monday evening attempted to stop and rifle the car driven by J. A. Metchler, a traveling man, on a dark stretch of road person, or whether it was some transient bandit is unknown, and no effort has been made to find him, as the matter was not reported to the authorities until the following day. At any rate, the incident afforded plenty of thrills for the collector, who experienced all the sensations and emotions of a genuine hold-up. Now is your opportunity to secure a piano 01 piano player at greatly reduced prices. Everett Music store, between Snyder's hill and this city. | phone 77-J, McHenry. * all the means which a bank must take lor the protection of your money, you would never leave it unprotected in a mattress or a teapot at home where theft, fire or othej; J-,.-.; - accident may rob you of* it. i * ^ ^ This bank both protects and increases money deposited hecfj£i'..H-;- , ., Come in and let us explain the advantages of an interest bearing account at this bai& p&m • ERICKSON'S SPECIALS j , --SPECIAL SALE DAYS , * Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday June 15th June l(>th June 18th June 19th Fancy Quality Picnic Hams 1 ham to a customer, lb- 12c $f*esh Salted Spanish Peanuts, per lb. Pure Fruit Jams, 1 lb. glass jar 22$ Fancy Breakfast Cocoa, equal in quality to highly advertised brands 2 lbs. for - --15« Fancy Breakfast Baco special, per lb. Kirk's^Palma '25c Rosa Toilet Soap,- packed 3 bars in box, special-- 10 bars P & G Naptha Soap 10 bars American Family Soap and 1 bar Jap Rose Soap for Wf Finest quality nippy Herkimer county New York full cream cheese made in June 1922, special, per OOp pound tlOv \ Printed Voiles, dark patterns, yd.. Tissue Gin'ghams, per *1 Turkish Towels, each-.^-..--- -- 25e Wash Cloths, each-- -- StjU Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, ^ .seconds, each__ S&' Unbleached Cotton Toweling, yd.--Me .; * ' • . . . , : 1 42 in. Piflow Tubing, peryd.-----lie Japanese Crepe Kimona Cloth, yd.__32c Table Oil Cloth, 45 in. wide, per yd. l&e 27 in, Dress Ginghams, per yd. ,^.--Me 3 rolls Wax Lunch Paper for ...We Colored Splint Shopping Baske&-.Me Rock Elm Clothes Baskets, each....Tie GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, tUL , -hk

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