ZBE M'HENRY PLAINDEALS ^ PUBLISHED EVEXY TIOINAT BY i F. G. SCHREINER Ipiic* U. Bank HufUlIn* Talaphone IS-W THURSDAY, JULYI2, 192$" ADDITIONAL PER8ONAL : Mrs. Mary Simon passed today in He metropolitan city. _"'JJohn P. Schreiner passed Tuesday tk the metropolitan city. E. Anderson of Elgin was a iMsiness visitor in town last Saturday, i Miss Vera Adams of Elgin passed week end with relatives near this #y- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Sebron spent the Fourth with Mcjenry relative^ * P. A. Holly and E. W.k Brown of Genoa, 111., were business visitors in tjfrwn last Priday. Mrs. John F. Freund has returned .is her home here after spending a Couple of weeks in Milwaukee. Dr. and ltrs. C. H. Fegers of Keokuk, la., are guests in the homo of Dr. C. H. Fegers in this city. Miss Irene Hough and E. E. Johnson of Chicago were guests for a few days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. ..... Henry Simes and daughter, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, of Crystal Lake spent TViesday as the guests of McHenry relatives and friends. Mrs. Frank Justen and daughter of Chowchilla, Calif., are guests in Ike home of her mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting, northwest of town. Miss Mary Moritz returned to her home in Chicago the first of the week lifter a pleasant visit in the home of llr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Fred Wilye and Edward Brefeld Motored out from Chicago and spent the week end in the home of the Uitter'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Btefeld. v Mrs. L. Epstein and children of Chicago are spending the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner. Mr. Epstein was out for a week end visit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rsnmnssm and daughter, Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. E. Scholle of Chicago were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wr.rd, Mrs. Alsena Chapoll and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sevoria of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs . Robert Thompson over the Fourth. Misses Lelah Ba^on and T-mritt Chamberlin are attending the Ep- Worth league convention at Lake Geneva this week, they going as representatives of the McHenry league. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block and two nieces of Dundee have boon spending the past week in the cottage on Fox river, owned by a number of members of the Zlon Lutheran church of this city. Mrs. Wm. Perkinson and Mrs. John f tersen of Chicago passed the latter rt of last and first of this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Messrs. Perkinson and Pet- •fsen were alio out for a week end flsit. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Milwaukee, Wis., passed last week in the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. She is enjoying a two weeks' vacatrcn. the balance of wfiich will be passed with friends in Chicago and Milwaukee. ---'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8cholle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rasmussen and daughter, Jean, and Miss Irene Hough, all of Chicago, spent the Fourth of July in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wank WfliHt ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE New gravel pits are soon to be opened on three farms lying between Crystal Lake and Cary. Lew A. Hendee, county clerk of Lake county, issued 561 marriage licenses during the month of June. According to a school census recently taken at Harrington, figures give that village K population of 2,040. Lake Villa will ' hold her annual stock, horse and pony show on July 20 and 21. There will also be dancing, vaudeville and other attractions. As a result of a new law which was passed in this state on July 1. members of the Waukegan city commission will receive a pay boost amounting to $75 per month or $900 per year. Plans for the revival of the Elgin road races for next year are already under way and according to reports from the Watch city this big classic is sure to be held there next year. Three men, alleged beer runners operating between Elgin and Chicago, were arrested and two truck loads of beer were seized by prohibition agents on the Higgins road south of Barrington on Monday night of last week. Cement is now being laid on a two mile stretch of road between Antioch and Loon lake and upon its completion the people of Anitoch and vicinity will be able to drive to Chicago or Waukegan without leaving the cement. The Woodstock typewriter factory at Woodstock will close down next Saturday for a two weeks' vacation, thus giving all of its employes an opportunity to enjoy a needed rest. Production will be resumed full blast immediately following the vacation. After the city council had on two previous occasions refused to confirm Mayor Green's appointments for chief of police and city attorney at Woodstock, the members of that body at a meeting held last Friday evening finally voted favorably to the mayor's wishes. Woodstock's now parking space is now in use. The ground purchased as a postofRce site is being used for the purpose. In the evening the place is brilliantly lighted, while a watchman is kept on duty from 7:00 until 10:30 o'clock on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Several hundred motorists and residents of Antioch and vicinity were given a real thrill a week ago last Sunday when a plane crashed into a tree and fell to the ground near that village. The plane, driven by E. F. Skocdopole, was in Antioch for the purpose of taking up passengers. It had just left the baseball grounds with the pilot and one passenger, Alvin Pullen of Antioch, when the driver of the machine misjudged the distance, with the result that the tail of the kite" hit a span of wires and before the driver was able to get the machine under control the craft plunged into a tree and fell to the ground. Neither of the two occupants were injured, altho the machine was badly damaged. In the breaking of tiie wires fire was set to one of the big poles and for a while the spectators witnessed some real fire works. HANGS UP NEW LOW SCORE Harry Morris, professional at the McHenry Country club golf course, hung up a new mark here Monday when he made the nine hole course in thirty-tour, the lowest score registered since the establishment of the course and a score which is very likely to stand for a long time to come. A few of the local members of the club have hung up very re 8 pec table looking scores, but none have been able to reach the forty mask. wm" QUARTER Of A CENTURY y 1TEM8 CLIPPED FROM PLA|X» DEALERS OF SB TEAM AGO The board of supervisors met for the annual July meeting on Mondayt The McHenry county fair will be held in Woodstock on August H to 26 inclusive. The little daughter of August RcWBmann. aged about eight years, has been very ill at their home on the Hanly farm. Bids were received on Monday, for repairing the bridge across the crock in the center of the village damaged by the late flood. The work of putting in the mill dam at the Bishop mill is progressing rapidly. Dassow A MeDonald of Greenwood have the contract. The enterprising firm of Barhina Bros., cigar manufacturers, are doing a thriving business. They manufactured the past year over 300,000 cigars. F. L. McOmber and family, Mrs< & Gilbert and son of this village aWJ Mrs. Emma Phillips and son of Chicago had a picnic at McCoHum's lake on Tuesday. Tuesday morning Alt* Dermont's house at Richmond was discovered to be on fire and on account of absence of fire protection was totally destroyed. The McHenry and Woodstock base ball nines crossed hates at Gages park in this village the first of the week, which resulted in victory for McHenry by a score of 24 to 20. Ralph Swan, son of Thos. F. Swan of Elgin, was accidentally killed at or near Algonquin on Monday by the accidental discharge of a gun. He was about fifteen years of age. The Park hotel in West McHenry is undergoing quite extensive re* pairs and changes. FWe new sleeping rooms will be added, a new office built and other needed improvements. Harry Hanly had the misfortune, while harnessing a horse one day last week, to get his right arm caught on a sharp hook in the wall, lacerating the muscle quite severely. Dr. Abt dressed the wound. Isaac Wentworth has just completed the census of the school district with the following results: Number in the district over sixteen and under twenty-one, 169; number from six to sixteen, 295; number of six and under, 168; total number of inhabitants in the district, males, 044; females, 642, total, 1286. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen of Ringwood celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday, July 5, 1898. Nearly two hundred guests were present, coming from several places and many states. The reception was held at the residence of their son, H. W. Allen. The golden wedding was celebrated in the same house as was their silver wedding in 1873. Died--At her home in this village on Friday evening, July 8, 1898, Mri. Lora M. Eldredge, beloved wife of Charles T. Eldredge, aged 54 years, 10 months and 8 days. Up to within twenty-four hours of her death she had been around superintending her household duties and planning for the future. She leaves four children. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in this village and took place from the Universalist chunk on Sunday. " Plaindealer ads bring results. The Plaindealer is very desirous. of securing a regular correspondent at Johnsburg, one who will send us a news letter each week. Anyone interested kindly communicate with us.