Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1923, p. 4

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iifa TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby Riven that the 16 Oells of light plant batteries left with tts for repair and storage, belonging to the Bostwick Pearl Fisheries, will be sold at public sale to cover charges. Public sale to be held at our service station oil Saturday, October 27, 1923. 18-2t W. L. Howell & Co. CARD OF THANKS I take this means of expressing my deep appreciation for the sympathy and kindness extended me by the Christian Mothers' society, the W. C. O. F., the K. of C.; for the beautiful flowers and the kindness of my friends and neighbors in this sad hour of my bereavement. Anton M. Schmitt. AUCTION $1,000 stock of harness and fittings, consisting of ten sets breeching harness and combination team farm harness, halters, collars and strap work. Stock is all hand made. Also several sets of second hand harness. Sale to take place at Crystal Lake on Friday, Oct. 12. „ G. L. Hubbard. In "Parlor Bedroom and Bath" how welcome you'll find the cheery warmth and ruddy glow of a little Portable Gas Heater Use one NOW--roomings and evenings or during the day when rainy and dismal. SAVE COAL! Why start furnace tending yet? In several sizes and styles, on our usual easy terms. Western United Gas and Electric Company C. E. COLLINS. District Manager Whatever your make of battery or your kind of battery trouble* we are here to be of service to you. W. L. HOWELL & CO. Harry Mitchell 45 Fall Opening Sale Suits with $ Extra Pants Made-to-Order Vafma Up to 190 It will pay you to make a special trip to Chicago and order your Pall and Winter suit daring this tale. HARRY MITCHELL ifr-ll Bast Jackson Boulevard Halt BlMk Kact •§ State St., CM--go STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., required by the act of August 24, 1912, of TJie McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly at McHenry, 111., for October 1, 1928. Name of publisher, f.^. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Editor, same. Managing editor, same. Business manager, same. . " Owner, same. Known ~ bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, none. F. G. Schreiner, Owner. Subscribed to and sworn before me this 5th day of October, 1923. John A. Conrad, Notary Public. My commission expires May 2, 1927. The Richmond American Legion post will sponsor a series of fall and winter dances in that village. The dances will be conducted every other Wednesday night. The opening event took place ^last ALFORD H. POUSE r-at-LAw • Tim Sunday school workers of McHenry county are anticipating much pleasure in the coming of Miss Pearl Weaver, state children's division spe-' Jfcialist, who is to be one of the speakers in the county convention at Marengo, Nov. 2. Miss Weaver is well known here, having spoken in more Phone 26 West McHenry, lit Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phone 49 Reasonable Bats* SCHAEFEB BROS. Busying and Transferring Long Distance Hauling McHenry, m. 1 TROMINENT TO BE AT STATE AND COUNTY CONVENTIONS f See How Far It Go Here want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable p r i c e s . We give you what you want. Our satisfied customers are our highe s t recommendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowe&i possible prices., .. - I I I n' i MawMwd M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 41 This it the Coupon That Bring! the Booh Sign and Mail Today t Utility Securities Company 72 West Adam* Street, Chiofo, DL Without obligenon, pleitc send me a copy of the 32-page Year Book of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinoif. The Story of the cPublic Service Company is Well Worth fading Let us send you this interesting 32-page book describing the Company whose services are so essential to the vast residential, manufacturing and agricultural districts surrounding Chicago. Here is the story of Public Service, written as you would have it. Thirty-two pages in colors, of illustrations, charts, photographs and maps telling you about the growth, properties and service of the Company supplying your com' munity with gas or electricity. Can you understand the balance sheet of a public utility? We've made it easy for you in this book. The supply is limited. Write for your copy today! UTILITY SECURITIES . ^COMPANY 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois CELEBRATES 84TH BIRTHDAY MBS. H. C. SMITH SURPRISED ON THIS OCCASION Ike hon* of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson was the scene of a very happy gathering on Sunday in honor of the eighty-fourth birthday of their grandmother, Mrs. H. C. Smith, the affair being a complete surprise to her. Twenty-two of her dear ones were THE MONTAGU* LIGHT OPERA SINGERS Ught opera, always popular, Is featured in costume by the Montagus Stagers In the repertoire of this veteran organisation are scenes from "The Serenade," by Victor Herbert, "Robin Hood,- by Reginald DeKoven, and the "Pled Piper"; selections from "The Mikado," "The Red Mill" and "Madame Butterfly" and complete operettas such as "Gretchen of Holland" and "A Quaker Romance." . , . Incidental solos, duets and quartets from the best song literature lend pleasing variety to the program. One or more readings, such as a sketch from Sir James Barrie's "Quality Street," give further diversion without departing from the superior quality of the Montague program. Doubtless much of the success of this company year after year Is due to ^ ^ the fact that there is no let-up In their musical study. New program features J pajr glasses free of charge. If Community High School KENT & GREEN Real Estate A Insurance Summer Resort, Town and Famn Property Phones 84 A 85-M :: McHenry, 111. For 100 per cent Insurance all branches, call on or phone WM. G: SCHREINEB rn: Phone 93-R. McHENRY m. ^Auctioneering ILLINOIS • Ti"" .nrtflU f Usiasst !G OK'L'jrR L.V HAPPY PARTY* HHAPPV OMC /%> .'!.iiv v. KT: ,3 4 0-7 N. PAULINA ST. DURING THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON I will continue to come to McHenry every Sunday and Monday. I have improved facilities here which enables me to test eyes as well as in my big offiee in Chicago. Do not hesitate to see me as consultation and examination and free of charge to all and for the poorest of the poor will make a are constantly being developed, and In this way return engagements are welcomed without the necessity for duplication. At St. Patrick's Church Hall, Saturday Evening, Oct. 13 than one of the recent conventions. Another Sunday school specialist who will bring inspiration and help to the convention is Rev. E. H. Koehler of Normal, 111. Mr. Koehler will be remembered by many who attended the state convention at Aurora as one of the speakers there. Our Sunday school association workers were shocked to hear of the death of one of their number last week. Mr. Wm. Sager, county adult superintendent, died suddenly at his home in Marengo last Thursday. This quiet, unassuming man will be greatly missed by those who remain to carry on the work without him. It "was a pleasure to work with' him. The tragedy of loss casts a shade of gloom upon the coming convention plans, but even now the memory of his earnestness and quiet loyalty calls for more serious devotion and solemn consecration of all our energies and resources to united effort in the cause of religious education. 3\ ADDITII Work on tl Wauconda idly. The 1924 automobile license according to announcement just made by Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson, will be yellow figures on a black back ground. According to last Saturday's Waukegan Gazette, the right-of-way has been secured for a high speed thru line for the North Shore Electric railroad from Evanston to Waukegan. J. C. Burkhart & Son, Harvard agents for the Chevrolet cars, have purchased the Harvard garage building in that city, which will hereafter be their show place and headquarters. The city of Crystal Lake is also planning a special election to vote a bond issue which is to pay for a new fire truck, employ an engineer to establish grade and curb lines and also to take care of the present indebtedness. The road construction gang which is to build the cement road thru Grayslake arrived there last week and with good weather, the contractor hopes to lay at least & small stretch of the road this fall. They will have to go some to do it. Charles Hawkins, prominent farmer residing near Gurnee, who attacked Mrs. Bethia Abernathy, superintendent at the Sheridan Road sanitarium one evening last week and then attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a pocket knife, was ordered to the Elgin hospital for the insane at a hearing in the Lake county court at Waukegan last Saturday. A number of Chicago anglers, headed by Larry St. John, fishing ex pert, who is one of the contributors to the Chicago Tribune, are very much interested in the trout streayi on the Charles S. McNett farm near Cary It^is said that a fishing club is now being formed for the purpose of renting the McNett farm and using same -as a private fishing preserve Mrs. Sarah Tobin of Marengo was last week awarded $500 by a jury in the McHenry county court for services rendered her father during the declining years of his life. She had sued the estate for $5,287. Mrs. Tobin WSB represented by Atty. William L. Pierce, while Chas. T Whittemore, administrator for the estate, had V. S. Lumley for his at torney. Something new in passenger trans portation is being tried out by the Chicago & Northwestern railway. At Milton recently people were surprised to see a single passenger coach come in from the north on the rails, stop and continue southward. These motor coaches are being ^tried out with the idea of using them on branches and other short runs for more frequent present to help make the day one long to be remembered. Of her two children living, only Mrs. Alsena S. Chapell of Chicago was present, Mrs. L. *H. Owen of Cushing, Okla., being unable to attend. A chicken dinner was served at one o'clock, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in music, singing and games. A continuous letter was written to Mrs. Owen, each one present writing a line .telling her of the jolly time they were having, but it being saddened by her not being with them. "Grandma Smith," as fche is known to so many in this community, received a great many beautiful gifts, including potted flowering plants, ferns, roses and many friendly greeting cards, all being thoughts of love for her. Pictures of'the group and of the four generations present were taken to help recall this day in years to come. Those present at this happy g-atherof Mcyou intend seeing me, call me up a week ahead. We do not use any medicine in your eyes. I, have over 460 satisfied patients in this township. Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist Qptician ' Chicago Address . McHenry, 111. 8407 N. Paulina St; l Phone 167 Phone Graceland 91>I0. t AJ" THE BEST fOOD TO WAD NOYTTLNCR MAKES A none so CJLAD • jf T APPY Party says that the happiest part of his happy home is the splendid meals they serve at his home. lie says that the wholesome tastiness of a dinner at his house gets one into a proper frame of mind for the music or other entertainment that follows. He is awfully strong for us. He says we sell pure food. He's right. Watch for Mr. Happy Party LFRETT'S "IKETff GROCERY StWESTMdKMKILL IE 3 -- Erickson's Specials Beginning Sat., Oct. 13th and continuing thru Sat., Oct. 20th Gage, Amy, George and Harrison Smith and Agnes Kreuger of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron; Miss Eleanor Eslinger of Farmingham; Mrs. Georgia Clemens, Nell, Ralph and Clarence Clemens, Miss Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of McHenry, Sturdy, long wearing work shoes at Erickson's store. 10 bars American Family Soap__^^.^----S7c 10 bars P. & G. Laundry Soap___ 57c Red Bird Matches, full count, per box.^5c Campbell's Pork and Beans, per can Oc Red Beaqs, per can...__. - -- 10c Hominy, per Can Campbell's Soups, per can AOe iatoes, No. 1 can -.*.1 Oc >, per pkg. 10c w;g. Red Cross Macaroni....... ^--1 Sc l>kgs. Red Cross Spaghetti.. Chipso Soap Flakes, large pkg.. __^..ii^-- -23c Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. can...*..^ 29c L. A. ERICKSON General Merchandise WEST McHENRY, ILL. *9- MEN WANTED For outdoor nursery work. ply to THE D. HILL NURSERY CO. Dundee, 111. Telephone 218 < Dm Plaindsaler for mwi. ir FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH How would you like to be a miracle worker? To heal the "sick, restore sight to the blind, turn weakness into strength, vanquish powerful foes at one blow, master difficult situations by mere personal presence, create or destroy by the simple will to have it so --such things interest us in spite of ourselves. And they should. For ttiey do not belong altogether to the realm of fancy. They are real possibilities-- or else we sometimes do the impossible. Whichever way it is, we have marvelous powers we seldom use and some of us never even dream that we possess them, tho their use might bring us wealth and happiness. I shall have more to say on this subject next Sunday morning, for I am going to speak to you from the pulpit at 11:00 o'clock on "Miracles We All May Perform." The music and every feature of the hour's program will be good. A happy band of children meet at 10:00 o'clock for Sunday school, and while those of the younger group are invited to the church at ten, those of more mature years are assyred of a royal welcome at eleven. And the day will be brighter for all who come. John M. Grimes, Minister. New stock bf wall paper at Erickson's . FIRST METHODIST CHURCH The regular session of the Sunday school will be held at ten o'clock. The Epworth League will hold its evening service at 6:45 with Miss Doris Bacon as the leader. There will be no church services this Sunday. Rev. Albert E. Ashton is the new pastor of the Methodist church, having been transferred from the church at Maiden, 111. Twenty-two of the forty- Beven years of his life he has spent as a missionary in India. During the war he was an army chaplain located in London. Together with his family he will move to the parsonage next Thursday and assume his pastoral duties the following Sunday, Oct. 21. H. C. Bobb has been appointed treasurer for the ensuing year. Rev. Sanger, the former pastor, has been assigned to the North Prairie and Winthrop Harbor charge as announced last week. Miss ftiaryme Barbian is enjoying a three weeks' vacation from her duties at the local exchange of the Illinois MffUlAMLAna /jAmMnV fHE REGISTERING PIANO fc: Instruction Rolls Increase Your Eojoymeat of the Gulbransen The Gulbransen Registering Piano--plus Gulbransen Instruction Rolls--there i§ a combination that will give you many a delightful hour! , ; • / ^ --a combination, too, &at makes mtitlcitat iB dtyt lBK stead of years. As you go over the four Instruction Rolls--playing the pleasing melodies you find there--you cannot help but gain a quick understanding of this new method of playing all music rolls with genuine feeling. Melody notes are checked, pauses are indicated, correct pedaling and accenting are shown. In a word, the Instruction Rolls--exclusive with the Gulbransen--show how to play with expression. As your skill in playing develops, your.interest grows. Soon the Gulbransen becomes to you, as it has to tens of thousands of others, an inseparable sparehour companion-- a hobby, absorbing, fascinating, irresistible! Nationally Priced--Branded in the Bade White House Mo|M Country Seat M«M Suburban Modifl Community Model $700 S600 $495 $420 Nye Jewelry & Music Store WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS -.V'.r

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