«• ^ • t." v i The famous Allen A Black Cat hosiery for all the ^family at. Erickson's store. Your Mai See How Fir & Go Here ' You want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We • give you what you want. Oyr satisfied • customers arc our highest recom mendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowest possible prices. • M. M. Kieseii McHenry Thons M Hebron has set obt to volunteer fire department. The Hotel Geneva at Lake Geneva, Wis., has just closed its most successful season. A record was set In the number of guests entertained and i among these were persons of natiopal ! and even international importance. SeverAl «big conventions were held there daring the summer. ALFORD H. POUSfc Attorney-at-Law , West McHcnry/lB. £xtde BATTERIES At an age when many batteries are in the scrap-heap, an Exide \yill be giving you vigorous service. W. L. HOWELL ft'CO. r honc itl-^ MrHipii telephone No. 10S-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, . ILLINOIS DO IT NOW! "NOW',' titie beginning of the {all and winter is the tnoct dangerous time oi the year -to drive your, car or truck as the roads are rapidly getting in BAD condition. So be on the sate side and get GOOD insurance on both your car and yourself by insuring with us. The wise man insures BEFORE not AFTER it |>appens. We write insurance ia ait lines, In only the BEST and LARGEST companies. LET US INSURE YOU KENT & GREEN Real Estate and Insurance Phones 34 and 85-M McHENRY, ILL. Opposite City Hall too«B fflays Leath. ' Most young people do in this community. Leath's find a way to please young folks with beautiful furniture, good furniture, and friendly prices. Here are . things for new homes as well as for homes that have served long and faithfully, but thatf now need that something new to make them more livable. A» Leath As :G6. Store# • El (Tin. 71-74 Grove Ave. Rocltford, Opposite Court HoMM Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Dubuque, 576-584 Main St. Freeport. 5-7 W. Main St, Waterloo, 500-5W Lafayettft St. Bcloit. 617-621 Fourth St. Joliet, 215-217 Jefferson St. Janesville. 292-204, Milwaukee St. Eau Claire. Masonic Temple. Oahkosh, 11-13 Main St. Peoria. 325 South Adam* St. Decatur, 432-45* N. Water St. LEATH'S Gulbransen THE REGISTERING PIANO It •inVnm A Heaping Measure of Pleasure --with the Gulbransen ' ^ * PICTURE a beautiful Gulbransen in your home, tpd you playing it. Picture yourself playing, through the pedals, with the ^ouch" of a musician! Picture the keys being pressed down, as in hand playing! Pressed down, not knocked down! There's one of the secrets of Gulbransen superiority. It removes all suggestion of the mechanical and gives you real, intimate, personally- produced music, full of genuine expression. Because the Gulbransen is a Registering Piano, registering your exact touch and expression--because it is different^ from any player-piano you have ever known--because it is so remarkably easy to pedal--your first delight will develop into continued, year after year interest. You'll be a Gulbransen "fan"--youH be enthusiastic, entertaining,-and--mark this statement, proved by the experience of thousands of folks who have Gulbransens--you and your family will get more pleasure out of your Gulbransen than anything you now possess. Nationally Priced--Branded in tile Back White Home Model Country Seat Model Suburban Model Community Model S700 S600 S495 $420 Nye Jewelry & Music Store WEST McHENRY, ILLINQIS SOLON MILLS Visit oar 10c department. Eriekson's. The Parker family were week end visitors in Chicago. Mr. Mackley is around again after a siege of sickness. "When you want good hose buy Armour Plate. Smith Bros. x Mrs. Victor Alms spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Aubert entertained company from Chicago Sunday. R. I. Overton of McHenry was a business visitor in town Friday. Maude Spaulding visited in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Johonnett, Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, Leona, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. A. C. Merrell and wife passed a couple of days last week in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Verl Cornish and Roy Smith of McHenry were callers in town last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "R. TL Tomer and Mrs. Chas. Osborn motored to Harvard last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lynn of* Chicago passed the week end at their summer home here.. - Mr. and Mrs. Art Aubert of Chicago passed Sunday with 'the letter's mother, Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Town of West Chicago passed Thursday of last week in the C. L. Osborn home. All arrangements are completed for the church bazaar to be held in comunity hall Thursday, Oct. 18. Chas. Westlake motored to Chicago Saturday. Miss Anderson '^turned home with him the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. tlawthome of Hebron were guests in the C. G. Hardy home on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Crane and daughter, Dorothy, of Kenosha were guests of Mrs. Will ferennan Sunday. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson spent a couple of days last week in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Earl Monear, at McHenry. Word of the death of she who was Mollie Kelley of Detroit, Mich., was received here t>y friends the past week, she being a sister of Mrs. Fannie Overton, formerly a resident of Solon Hills. RINGWOO© Honorbilt shoes wear good and feel good, buy them. Smith Bros. Splendid new patterns of wall paper carried in stock at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. -C. Rager and Mrs. George Shepard Were Elgin shoppers last Friday. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding spent last Friday with her sister, Mrs. Alma Clemens, in Elgin. Miss Taylor returned last Thursday after spending several weeks with her sister in Winslow, 111. Mr. and Mrs. George Havens and sons of Marengo spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. D, Bacon. Miss Mary Smith went to Hinckley, 111., Friday night to spend the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. F Slater. 4 Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Wm. Coates, Mrs. Alec Anderson and Mrs. Rilla Foss spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Vaugtin Jones in McHenry. Fred Thome of Hinckley, 111., spent part of last week in this community, buying feeding pigs. He shipped them to Hinckley Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet spent Sunday in the Arthur Peet home near Woodstock. Sunday was the birthday anniversary of both brothers. Walter Waterman of Caldwell, Idaho, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock, were week end guests of relatives and old neighbors here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, accompanied by Walter Waterman and Mrs. Lucinda Francisco, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Southwick at Williams Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd drove to Sun Prairie, Wis., Saturday. Miss Agnes Bigelow, who has been spending several weeks there with her relatives, returned with them Monc.ay. The Ladies' Aid society will serve a dinner at M. W. A. hall on Thursday, Oct. 25. The regular price of 25 and 50 cents will prevail. Remember the-parcel post sale. All are cordially invited. TERRA COTTA Sturdy, long wearing work shoes at Erickson's store. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. M. Knox and son, Vernon, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Eva McMillan of Elgin visited at J^er home here Sunday. The bigger the orders the better we like to deliver them. Smith Bros. 1. Raymond J. Riley left Monday for St. Louis, where he will spend a few weeks. \ Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited relatives here from Friday until Sunday. Mrs. M. Knox, daughter, Florence, and son, Robert, visited r«atives at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jj Walsli and sons of McHenry called on relatives and friends here Sunday eVening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund fend daughter, Darlene, of Elgin visited at the home of Henry McMillan over Sunday. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. FOR RENT--Six room flat on the West Side. Call phone 88-M, McHenry. 19-lt FOR SALE--A 35 acre farm near McHenry Good improvements. Inquire of Ben Stilling A Son, McHenry. 46 ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Gerald Carey passed Monday in Chicago. Frank Masqnelet spent last Friday in Chicago. Simon Stoffel was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff was a Chicago visitor Monday. "Mrs. Caroline Schiessle spent Tuesday in Chicago. Wm. Smith was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. R. S. Howard was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Monday. J. C. Bickler attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. j. J. Vycital and daughter, Frances, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Mary McCabe has gone to Chicago, where she will remain indefinitely. Leonard F. Frett of Aurora spent Monday with McHenry relatives and friends. John E. Frettnd attended to business matters fat the metropolitan city Monday. Jos. W. Freund attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. Jacob Freund and daughter, Margaret, were Woodstock shoppers Tuesday. ^ Mrs. Jos. E. Freund, Miss Margaret and Ernest Freund were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Lillian Freund has been spending the past two weeks with relatives in the metropolitan city. Lawrence Donavin of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of his brother, W. J. Donavin, and family. Mrs. Hubert Freund and daughter, Margaret, were« Chicago visitors on Thursday and Friday jpf last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weber at Solon Mii(ls. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May. Mrs. Arthur Smith and children and Miss Tillie Young spent last Thursday with their mother, Mrs. John B. Young, at Elgin. Wm. Bacon, C. W» Goodell and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin saw the Cubs-Sox game at the South Side park in Chicago last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jps. M. Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago passed Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J •Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Conway and daughter, Betty Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conway pa'ssed the week end with friend^ at Whiting, Ind. Mrs. Louis Eucker and two daughters and Miss Delia Stoffet of Chicago spent the week end in the home of their parents, RJr. and Mrs. John Stoffel. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Aicher and Mrs. Helena Heimer and son, Leo, motored to Chicago last Saturday, where they parsed the week end as guests of relativfts Mr. and Mrs. Irwen Reiman, Fred Reiman and Mrs. Selig and daughter, Loretta, of Milwaukee, Wis., were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter, Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Phillips and daughter, Dolly, and Mrs. Wm. Du Chane of Warsaw, Wis., were week end guests of Mrs. Margaret Wallace and Mrs. Verl Cornish. Mrs. Mollie Givens, daughters, Leone and Kathleen, and son, Donald, and Maxine Bacon passed Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Walter Warner and family at Elgin.* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barbian, Mr. and Mrs. M. Birde, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, P. Conley, R. P. Conley and Edmund Barbian of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. • , ADDITIONAL LOCAL You save when you trade *t Erickson's. « All kinds of sheet metal, tin and furnace work. J. J. Vycital. Stop*look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. Completion of route 5, known as the Grant highway, from Freeport to Stockton, is promised within the next month by the Federal Paving company, which has the contract. The completion of this stretch will make a complete concrete highway from Chicago to Stockton, a distance of 125, miles. John Unti has purchased the Mrs. Eva Meyers estate house on the corner of Broad and Green streets and expects.to move his family there within the course of the next few weeks. The house, during the past two years or more, has been rented to Nicholas P. Steilen. Mr. Unti is planning on making some improvements on the house before moving in. For the convenience of the business houses along the south side of Main street, a new alley has been opened from Front street, thru the Henry Heimer property. Heretofore tenants in tjie Brefeld block as well as A. E. Nye, the jeweler, had all of their goods unloaded at the front, but with the new driveway the loading and unloading of goods can be accomplished much more satisfactorily. NOTICE TO HUNTERS Hunting or trespassing strictly prohibited on my farm. Jacob Freund, north of corporation limits, McHenry, 111. • 19-lt* FOR RENT--Flat over my store. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, HI. 14-tf FOR SALE--Natural walnut upright piano. Fine condition. Price, $75.00. Call phone 646-W-l. 19-lt* WANTED TO RENT--Three or four furnished rooms' for light housekeeping. Inquire at Plaindealer. 19* FOR SALE--A Ford touring car in first-class running condition. Apply at The Plaindealer, McHenry. 19-2t WANTED--CTirl to work in hardware store. Must be over sixteen years old. Apply to John Brda, McHenry, 111. 19-lt WANTED--Farm ' 100 to 600 acres near Chicago, fronting on I$ke. I. Barnard, 104 S. Michigan Ave^ Chicago, 111. 19-lt FOR SALE--The Mrs. Asm K. Bishop estate, consisting of a tenroom house and three lots near Fox river. L. C. Bishop, McHenry. 48-tf LOST--In McHenry or on Volo road, a 15-j^Wel, open face Elgin gold watch with gold square link chain. Return to J. J. Dunnegan camp. Liberal reward. 19-lt FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 acies. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, I1L 3-tf FOR SALE--Ice box, heater, gas stove with self lighter, three quarter bed, mattress and springs, linoleum, and kitchen table. Inquire of Mrs. G. C. Steilen, phone 111-R, McHenry, 111. 19-lt FOR SALE--Tile i. C. Holly hoiise located on Court street. Eight rooms, bath room, furnace^ hard and soft water, all in A No. 1 condition. Reasonable terms. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, trustee, West McHenry. 15-tf FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China, boars, sired by Giant Price Again. These are extra boars. If you are looking for thing good it will pay to look over. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111 19-lt* WANTED--Men or women to take orders for gemote guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Etfaainates darning. Salary, $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. International Stocking Mills, NorristoWn, Pa. 17-10t* FOR SALE--We have the following used cars for sale, guaranteed to be in first-class condition, all reasonably priced: 1922 Ford sedan, 1922 Bukk 6 cyl. 5 pass, touring, 1922 Buick, 4 cyl. 5 pass, touring, 1920 Buick, 6 ejrL 5 pass touring, 1920 Buick, 6 cyl. 7 pass, touring with winter top; 1917 Buick, 6 cyl. 7 pass, touring. Overton ft Cowen, Wes£ McHenry. Phone 6. 19 •Ml The Woodstock American Legion • post will sponsor(a fall carnival to. be held at the county seat on Nov. 22, S and 24. ?' O .... * ' USEFUL FACTS ABOUT OUR SERVICE Whafs Behind Your Light Bin? Perhaps all you see on that slip of paper is a lot of figures, a discount date, something about so many kilowatt houxs and the. address of our office. What you don't see behind your light bill is the vast array of man, money and material constantly required to give you light when you pu&4A button. 1 Think of the vast buildings, the fortunes invested in machinery, the army of men from skilled engineers to office staff I Think of the thousands of miles of wire, every inch of w|iich mugt be kept in service. Isn't it remarkable that th4 email turn of money indicated in yoar bill ha* placed alt these /actors to work for you t PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 6J000 tqmdre mites including 180 cities, towns and smaller c G. El McCOLLUM, District Superintendent 1*1 WILLIAMS ST.. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Last Longer-' ; Less Adjustment Bttick four-wheel brakes not only doable the braking efficiency of the new 1924 Buicks by doubling the braking,, surface, but for the same reason lessen the wear on each brake mechanism in proportion. Buick four-wheel brakes laat longer. They require less adjustment and the linings do not wear down as quickly. Simple in construction and positive in action, wheel brakes give added safety under all circumstances. They are of the Buick external contracting type and each .brake has a three-quarter wrap or grip instead of the usual half-way grip. . r Buick four-wheel brakes are operated with a slight on the service brake pedal. The? act quickly. and easily. AH 1924 Buicks (both fours and sixes) have these new fbu*> wheel brakes. In addition, the 1924 Buicks embody further advancements in power, in construction and in beauty thai make Buick more than ever "the Standard of Comparison.**. OVERTON & COWEN ni McHENRY, ILL. \ • HARVARD, ILL. t'V t vjjj • t jVHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 2 - ' Wi M •SM\. '*-£ >"'1 • 'A ' /ll< J