- MO! T PLAIHDEALER, McHEJCRY. everywhere prefer It \\b>.- ' P * * ' " " V «:•. - I'tylP "' "f' '• »* ' ' f > * *4 -f ' 3kW ^ *' cr;.' • The best way to learn, to ? ^ ; cookr4>egiti Send for free booklet i Art of Baking Bread * Craze i we stern Yeast Co. I?30 N. Ashland Ave-, Chicago ; { »!>?« AMERICA'S HOME SHOE POLISH Black - Tan - White - Ox-Blood •• Brown it made of the finest wax and oils. •often s and preserves lea then Makes shoes Wear longer and look better. • is quickly and easily applied - dunes Keeps shoes trim and tidy. Home Set make* the home care of dtoee eaay "The Shine for Mine" 8ulted His Case. Doctor's J?ife--Since you told Mr. tUchlelgh that he had heart murmur he conies to church ottener. And this morning I noticed him joining In the last hymn. Doctor -- Indeed! What was the hymn? 4 Wife--"Give me a calm and thankful heart. From every murmur free"-- Boston Transcript. BAR CLAY ROOFS IN JAPAN To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples?, redness, roughness or Itching, if any, with Cutlcura Ointment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each.--Advertisement. V%V Jerome Bonaparte Left Bride. ^JflSbrome Bonaparte married Elizabeth Patterson, daughter of William Patterson. one of the leading citizens of Baltimore. The match was opposed violently by Napoleon, Jerome's brother, who was then first consul of France, says the Detroit News. Their mother tried to aid Napoleon In his effort to have Jerome desert his wife. Jerome refused to yield, and then Napoleon asked Pope Pius VII to publish a bull annulling the marriage. The pope replied that after a careful Investigation he could find no grounds for complying with the request of the emperor. Napoleon was furious and at once, instructed his imperial council dt state to declare the marriage null and void, which that body obediently proceeded to do. ' In the meantime Jerome Bonaparte and his wife went to Europe, but Napoleon refused to see his brother. Eventually Jerome yielded to the stronger nature and shamefully deserted his bride. i A "well-known artist who is a keen •bserver of the trend of the tlmea has, expressed the opinion that women are becoming color-blind, says a fashion writer in the New York Times. Be believes they are Indulging in such extravagance of color In their dress and surroundings that their eyes will lose their appreciation of values and after a time will no longer be able to teli one color from another. With true masculine cynicism, this painter Who •ees no inconsistency In blue grass, green skies, and pink snow on canvas, comments thus regarding the fashionable woman of today and her wardrobe. It Is. undoubtedly a season of riotous color. We have been coming to It WOMEN CAN DYE ANY - GARMENT, DRAPERY * ' Dy» ar Tint Worn, Faded Things r 1 ,N«* f6r15 Centa^,^ ; • -nt f!3 Earthquake Causes Order Forbidding ,• Hip of Heavy Materiala for House Coverings. Inquiries for copper roofing to be used In rebuilding the devastated Japanese cities have been ma'de of the Copper and Brass Research assocla tlon. It Is understood that these Inquiries are from sources representing the Japanese government Except for modern American construction In Tokyo and Yokohama, all houses were roofed entirely with large, hand-made clay tile. These made a very heavy roof, which, when the earthquake tremors first came, caused heavy casualties by falling on the fleeing people in the streets, and by their weight brought about a complete collapse of many houses which might otherwise have resisted the earthquake shocks. It Is understood that the Japanese government has already Issued an order forbidding the use of heavy roofing materials and is endeavoring to obtain rooting of the lightest possible weight which, is at the same time fireproof and earthquake proof. The attention of their experts has been drawn to the possibilities of copper roofing, in view of Its light weight and lire-resisting qualities. Took Too Much Time. is one thing, Bridget," said mistress, "that I insist upon. If you break any dishes, come and tell me at once." rsure, ma'am," protested Bridget, "I can't be runnin' to ye every minute •f the day." St Is usually the silly woman who makes a fool of a man. An Abbreviation. "Rim," was a colored lad wtfri dW odd Jobs about a suburban neighborhood. People were glad to have him clean cars, cut grass, trim hedges and so on, always finding him efficient and obliging. Thus as time went on "Bim" became a local character, well known and well Uked by all. There was no little conjecture as to how he came by his name. So a self-appointed delegation called on his mother. "De name done got shortened," she explained. "What's that, auntlef "His full name am Cherubim.?; What We Like. The older a woman gets the more she likes common sense In a man, and the older a man gets the less be Ukes common sense In a woman.--London Opinion. Do you take orders from a Coffee Pot ?* jt.i'. BSVERAOB must be humiliating for thousand! of people to confess that they lack the will-power to stop coffee. They kixrw from ^experience that it ra* cults in irritated nerves; keeps them awake nights; makes them nervous. * Yet they don't Mem to be able to «ay § ^ % If you find that coffee, harms yua> Change to the pure cereal beverage^ Postum. YouTl find it delicious and satisfying. And it is absolutely free from caffeine or any other harmful - drug, so you can drink Postum at axty? meal mych a^you want. ^ - • ^obr4grocer MHs Peetntn tS two forms: Instant Pottum (la tins) prepared instantly -'ifat the cap by tb« addition of boiling water. Postum Ceraal (la peeksgee) for those who " ynftr the flavor brought oat jug toy boQing folly 20 nioatia S The oast of either forte la f| An Artistic, Graceful Tea Gown is Fashioned From Spanish Shawl Over Slip of Silk and Chiffon. rather casually, but the erase for the Egyptian type started the correspondingly lavish use of dyes, and now ther<» appears in the latest styles only enough of black, white and the quieter tones to emphasise the intensity of the hues in the new gowns, wraps and millinery and even In the jewelry. While the other side of the world is engulfed In blackest night of mourning, we, on two shores of the Atlantic, are reveling in the gayest, the most bizarre, and the costliest, fairly Intoxicated by the wealth of It all. The windows of the big shops are ablaze with fabrics fit to adorn a Sheba or a Solomon. The best talent of European ateliers has been engaged In creating for present-day wear such combinations and high lights in the weave and sheen of dress goods as make the lead' ers of fashion of earlier days look like doves. The designs are painted wttb a large brush, and the colors are an education in art. The latest phase of this delirium Is Inspired by Spain, and there Hi s erase for things Spanish. The Spanish shawl has always been used for picture purposes, for fancy costumes, In house decoration and on the stage. But only lately have smart women worn It as a practical wrap, as they wear the newest and moat stereotyped French eape or coat 8panlsh Shawl of Old. The traditional Spanish shawl, that with which we are most familiar. Carmen's cloak of witchery, Is one of many-colored flowers embroidered on a white ground, to be wrapped about the figure in a way made famous by the cigarette girl of Blset's opera. But Carmen probably never dreamed of its possibilities in the bnnfls of tha modistes of the Twentieth century. The many-colored shawl la still shown, the designs exaggerated until roses are embroidered the size of dinner plates. Made to harmonise with modern dress, the shawls are of one or two colors, the number and variety fairly bewildering. In . black and white, yellow and white, royal purple and white, In raisin upon mauve, heliotrope upon gendarme blue, orange upon flame color, scarlet upon jietunia, and so on through the possible blendlngs. Some of tlvem p>-e enchanting, and the style having taken hold, shawls are finding eager purchasers. I Designers of fashions find many I charming adaptations of the Spanish shawl. As an evening wrap over a gown of black velvet it has an as- I sured vogue. Over black or Ivory I satin nothing could be more stunning. In a day when society dashes madly from one diversion to another, women find the shawl a joy because It can be eo easily and so quickly thrown on. The fringe or. the shawls Is now made extremely long, trailing the carpet of the smart restaurants, where It Is seen In all its glory. In a handsome model an all-white shawl is draped gracefully over a white satin gown severely made. Black and gray over orange, and white over jade green are some of ths other combinations evolved as Imagination soars. For day wear the shawl is a comfort to be drawn over the shoulders In the cool air. It makes a delightful tea gown, with foundation of soft satin or chiffon, and a luxury as a dressing gown. However used, the Spunlsh shawl Is loved for itself. Its beauty sod Its softness- Like so many noveltiea that find their way to us from afar, this feature of the dress of a south European country is accepted without question as being Spanish. Tbt> women ol Spain wear the shawl, but it is embroidered by Chinese snd Filipinos. In fact, the Spaniards speak of it as the Manton Manila, and surely none but Oriental wizards with the needls could create those wonders that &ok as If they had never been touched by human hands. Spanish lace has been morv easllj brought Into vogue over here and lot several reasons has been growing *ln popularity. Some lovely gowus made entirely of the lace are shown by rep mondDyes Dont wonder whether yon can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Directions la each package.--Advertisement. HEALTH FOR •v ; * y ; x * WORKING WOMEN Sure Cure. Ton go to your druggist;" said the doctor to his patient, "and ask him for some lodhydrargyate of iodine of potassium, some ankydroglucochloral and some dioxyamidoarseno-bonzol, and I should not be surprised if with those we shall be able to triumph over your loss of memory." pound IJelp You to Bec&ne WdL WOMEN NEED SWAMPdtOOT "Thousands of- women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of anF" bition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome soch conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingh&mton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.--Advertisement. Long Enough. lir. Skinflint--The paper says skirts are to be worn longer than ever. Mrs. Skinflint--Well, you needn't be figgerln' on me wearin' mine any longer. I've worn It five years this comln' fall.--Harper's Bazaar. TITOUSHNRW OT PTTTS NSV? TO WOTK IT1 homes. olTiees, stores, mills or factories who are physically unfit for work, with often an aged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for support. Standing all day week in and week out, or sitting in cramped positions a girl often contracts some deranged condition of her organic system which calls a halt to her procress and demands restoration to health before she can be of use to herself or anyone else. For these distressing weaknesses and derangements these girls have found health to do their work in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Brooklyn, NT.--"Lflke many girls, I had troubles every month, says Carolyne Mangels, "and they interfered with my work as 1 could never be sure of my time. Mv mother often suggested that I take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, but I never did until lately. I have had •ery good results, and am now a private secretary and do my work without missing a day. I recommend your medicine to every girl who 'is of having troubles like I have had. <4j[ St., Brooklyn. N. Y. < Office Worker Helped { Milwaukee, Wis.--"I have taken v v Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COBB- * I* ; pound and Lydia E. Pinkham's Moodi '• Medicine for three and a half vearL a ^ J and they have improved my health ?, wonderfully. My mother also has; • v!" taken the Vegetable Compound and . I we recommend it to our mends. I ^ am working in an office now and OB always do my work as I do not have J the troubles I had at first, I read of - your Vegetable Compound in tha newspaper and you may use my let- ; ter in that way if you wish to do so.** --ELEANOR SHEBLAX, 637 36th St, Milwaukee, Wis. Pains and Headache Webster, Mass.--"1 was all down, had a bad complexion, aad, suffered with pains and backache and; was dizzv at times and felt weak. I ; worked in a mill and my girl chain told me about your wonderful medl- 1 cine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable * Compound. I am feeling much better? since taking it."--MARY PUZA, IS West Street, Webster, Mass. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Iiook upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women** will be sent yoa free upon request. Write-; to the I-ydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co., Lynn, Munduuettl^ This book contains valuable information. BABIES CRY FOR "CASTORIA" -Sa. Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castorla has been in use for over 30 years as a resentatlve bouses, usually in black. 1 pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas- Its silky softness Is much liked, and the addition of a bit of Jet, a colored girdle, a garniture of flowers, (Ives chlc to many of them. The introduction of the lace in deep flounces, on the skirt, for sleeves, collars, berthaa capes and scarfs, of as a part of the gown Itself, is shown In many graceful models. One of the moat attractive designs seen this season from a New York couturlere Is a dancing frock of Ivory Spanish lace mad* over a slip ot peach-colored satin. It was built Is the style of the sixties, with full skirt of ankle length, snug bodice and s wide ruffle of the lace around the decollete neck. A trailing spray of flower* at one side finished a slender girdle of silver cord. A drop skirt of pale rose chiffon, upon whlcu was sewn a deep band of sliver lace showing through the outer skirt, made a most enchanting costume. Spanish lace n now dyed In a great variety of delicate shades for evening gowns, and In one respect is economical, because so little trimming Is r» quired. That anything so fanciful Is dress can endure is unlikely, but for tha time Spain and things Spanish an vary much In the limelight Spanish Influence Dominates Accessories Postum FOR HEALTH There's a Reason With Spanish shawrs and gowns of Spanish lace come irresistibly the fan, the comb and other accessories. Fans are exceedingly smart They are of lace with sticks of amber, shell, Ivory or mother of pearl, some studded with brilliants. Feather fans are the most fashionable. They are shown In gorgeous plumes and novelty feathers, and are regarded as the quintessence of elegance. One part of a Spanish woman's dress Is likely not to be adopted by her American sisters; that is the mantilla. Maturity of thought and beauty comes so early under the skies of Spain, that the mantilla is accepted. But one cannot fancy a Spanish mantilla with bobbed or plastered locks and the general flapper makeuo. In a season so ornate and colorful as the present with flowers, wraps and furs worth a king's ransom being worn, the smaller things of the toilet quite logically follow the line. Apropos Spanish shawls and gowns and laces, the moat bewitching slippers to ha worn with lace dnnoe frocks are shown in satin and brocades. They are to be had in dainty shades In many different styles, with expensive buckles or ornaments o*f rhinestones. or rosettes of lace. Tb* fancy sandals of the summer are repeated In theaa shoes with numerous variations. Buckles are both large and small. Bibbon bows, fan-shaped ornaments and tiny jeweled buttons are among tht> popular trimmings for setting j|< an evening shoe, and the heel must be French or Spanish, a heel de luxe oa a slipper of white and silver brocade being studded with rhinestones. The stockings are more sheer and fancy than ever before. Medallions of chnattily are let into the Instep of black ot white silk stockings, and some exceptionally dainty lace patterns extend from the vamp to the boot top. One hears less now of the French or the Cuban heel. It must b*> the Spanish heel, particularly on shoes for after noon, which differ little escapt la colat from evening slippers. Leather Applique Is Returning to Favor Psjphwork Is coming Into Its own Wg«in. but bringing with It certain improvements which make it a much more artistic pastime than It was in bygone days. One of the most fascinating varieties is carried out with scraps of leather. These make attractive bags, collar and cuff sets and trims on bats. It is work that Is worth doing well, as it wears, a very long time and does not soil or crumple. A sufficient assortment of leather cuttings is sold at art goods counters. The shape of the article to be covered should be cut out In lining or any odd material, as this is simply required as a foundation. The patches may be laid on without attempting to follow any particular design of a striking nature, or they may follow some pattern. The best plan Is to place a few of the largest pieces In position first and these should be secured to the foundation by a spot of gum. The ar tlcle should then be covered with «i tlece of tracing paper and the ortur matches roughly outlined In pendL This will Insure the pieces fitting correctly together, ss the outlines can be traced onto the leather and cut out neatly with sharp scissors. The piece* should be fastened down with a little gum. If they are tacked In position the thread' tends to leave a mark oa the surface of tbe leather. The engee of the patches should be feather stitched or finished with a cross-stlich Chamois leather makes effective lin Ings for patchwork leather arttvlea and it is very easy to manipulate^ Bead Novelties for Trimming. Formal gowns stress the importance of beads as a trimming, and each man ufacturer has returned from Parts with some distinctive type or novelty with which to individualize his handling ol this garniture. Odd shapes and nov elty compositions tend to (he general interest accorded this trimming, and the use of contrasting colors does not exist Self Shades and crystal are the generally accepted means toward a season of formal brilliance tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians recommend It. The genuine bears signature of Nervousness Explained. "One of the old stock," said the host's description of Jamea, tha old and trusted head butler. This Immaculate servant knew to a nicety the right degree of servility to adopt to his master's guests, according to their rank. He never slipped, he never smiled, and to see h}m conducting operations at a dinner 4>arty was to see an artist at work. And yet tonight James, the immaculate. was plainly unnerved. Courses were served in their wrong order, wine was spilt and, as a Anal blow, salt was upset upon a very superstitious and Important old man. "Anything wrong, James?" the hoet had Inquired soon after the dinner started. "No, sir," gallantly answered theold servant At last, however, when the women had retired to the drawing room be begged a word with the host "I beg your pardon, sir," he murmured In a respectful undertone, "but might I have leave for a few moments now? My house Is on fire."--Mew York Mail. Take yoor choice and suit your taste. 8-B--or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs. Colds and hoarseness. Put ost In your mouth at bedtime. Atwmya keep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS 1 SB. COUCH DROPS MPfflj, • ' famous since W47 (mm"P "*••*«* Help Wanted. Sandy and his lass had been sitting together about half an hour in silence. "Maggie," he said at length, "wasna I here on the Sawbeth nlcht?" "Aye, Sandy. I daussa^you were. "An* wasna 1-.^# <ls Monday nlcht r Y "Aye, so ye were." "An' I was here on Tuesday nlcht. an' Wednesday nlcht, an' Thursday nlcht an' Friday nlcht T" 'An' this is Saturday nlcht, an' I'm here again?" "Well, I'm sure ye're very welcome." Sandy (desperately)--Maggie, woman! D'ye no begin to suspect something?"-- The Continent. In Seeds and Labor. "What did you plant In your Me garden this summer?" "About half of my Income." Probably No Exception. "Every Jack has his Jill." "Bow about the steeplejack?" Olive Emblem of Athenifc How the olive tree came to be the emblem of Athens is told in Greek mythohtgy. Two deities--Minerva and Neptune--wished to found a city on the same spot. and. referring the matter to Jove, the king of gods and men decreed that the privilege should be granted to whichever would bestow the most useful gift on the future inhabitants. Neptune struck the earth with his trident and forth came a warhorse. Minerva produced an olive tree, emblem of peace. Jove's verdict was In fa^or of Minerva, who thus became the patroo goddess of Athens. Twiste& .. • It was bis first great speech, and wanted It to b^ a success. •; I His oration waa long and passionate and he wished to and It with a warn* ing. He could have couched his warning in the old proverb about locking tha stsble door after the horse was stelan, but that was too commonplace He wanted something original. He thought of something bettoK Then he shouted: "Don't I beg of yoa --don't wait till the house takes flra before you summon the tire Take It From Mary, Father--I met the school principal today; he's very dissatisfied with yoa. Little Mary--Don't you care, daddy, it's all In the spirit of the tlmea Die. satisfaction is spreading, you know, and people are striving for something they'll never reach, Instead of bslag * satisfied with what they have--Just as you've always said. j _ _ Just a Week's Run. • "What sort of a baseball taaartiB your town?" "Well, sir. the first week of the asa* son we were sure we were going to win the pennant, and now tbeNIi hardly anybody in this town can Ml yon whether the team la la Isarlh a% sixth place." "J Easy to Understand. "Goodness! We'll inlsj the opera," she said. Impatiently. "We're been waiting a good many minutes tor that mother of »mine." "Hours 1 should say," he replied, somewhat acrlmonlously.- "Ours." cried she. rapturously. "Oh, George, this is so sudden!" Then she fell upon his neck.--Standard Times. Dont Despair. ^ No affliction nor temptation, no guilt nor power of sic, no wounded spirit nor terrified conscience, should 1 us to despair of help and comfort God.--T. Scott laduce t Vom Even a professor of mathematics Is seldom sble to figure a woman's age correctly. Hooting at a Stall. When a man claimed damagee the county court for his stall knocked over, a motor driver said sounded his hooter. Judge--I fail to see any ad' tn hooting at a stall.--Loudon Tit- That Chap's Been Here, Toe The fellow with no place to go and all day to get there In is usually tha chap who is a fool for motorcar spa«|- ing.--Pleasant Hill Tlmea. Probably the top round of tfc* M* der exists only in the Imagination, m nobody has succeeded in reaching IL Majorities are inclined to he The man who wants to buy a shirt can't And one. Grape-NutsandMilk- One of the few COMPLETE FOODS •yyHEN you watch robust men an^1 women at work or at play, dod it ever occur to you that their strengt •nd health are largely due to the kini of food they eat? Grape-Nuts an£ milk supplies complete and balanced nourishment of tho highest order. This delicious dish provides the valuable wheat and mill* proteins; the "food minerals," phos* Became of its nutritive properties its crisp texture, and its easy digest* Ability, Grape-Nuts is the best-balenced cereal food lor young aad old. When used as an ingredient in other phorus, woo end iU fl^. foods, it adds remarkable zest and vitamins. \ s valuable nutritive elements. Recipes • will tflaHlv he fiirnUheH nn rennert- -W:: ;4| :rn -THE BODY BUILDER "There's a Reason : Sold ky Grocers Everywhere! dkde by ftMtum Cereal Cotapaa- fntf , Battle Greek, iiidiiiitai