,. , r . v,. _,- ALFORD H. POUSE 'Sis f u, V?• V ot MW IfH •> SIMON STOFFEL agwst tor all claw ef lunnmlj hi tin bast companha WEST McHENBT, - ILLINOIS ^/i^'^Opp. Community High School •' A&* > KENT ft GREEN ' Baal Estate ft Insurance $?•.' J. Summer Resort, Town and Farm Property vftonei 34 ft 85-M :: McHenry, 111. For 100 par cent Insuranea la all brandtaa, call on or phya WM. G. SCHBFJNER Flume 9S-R." / Auctioaeating McHENRY ILLINOIS - - Join Our Christmas Club Now • 11.00 gives you a membership; and even though it doee aeam a bit early to start thinking of Christmas, it will surprise you how fast (fie time flies. Our stocks are now filling with wonderful places of furniture soluble for gifts, and if thete is to be a gift of furniture on your list, 91 paid on your selection will preserve it for you. ' sftVA ' • W . 9ays Loath 4L Laath 9c Co. 71-74 Grove Are. RocUord. Opposite Court Aaron, 31-3 Ulead Are. Dubuque, 574-5M Mils St. Freeport, 5-7 W. Main St. Waterloo. MS-Mt Lsfayette Sfe Beloh, 417-4H Fourth St. Joliet. 21J-J17 leffenon St. Jamevffle. M&-1M. Milwaukee it, Eau Claire. Maaonic Temple. ~ Oahkoah.ll-U Mala St. Peoria. 32 South Adaroa St, Decatur, 433-4M N. Water St.- jftuftiMti Buick Open Cars are Stormtight Parfact protection ia provided from rain and wind. The lower frame of the windshield fits into a permanent rubber grommet Moulded rubber aeala every joint between the frames and poata. At the top a new weatherstrip, steel reinforced, exclude* all air that night enter between the windshield and top, and aide curtains button to the windshield, instepd of the pnt% catering 13M attfht cracfc betweeu theijk i In addition to theae and numerous other refinements, Buick four-wheel brakes afford a greater degree of •slaty on all models. OVERTON & CO WEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them Qulbransen THE REGISTERING PIANO 9 A Heaping Measure of Pleasure --with the Gulbransen TUlCTURE a beautiful Gulbransea ia your home, nod you •*" playing it Picture yourself playing, through the pedals, with the *lpuchM of a musician! Picture the keys being pressed down, as in hand playing! Pressed down, not knocked down! There's one of the secrets of Gulbransen superiority. It removes all suggestion of the mechanical and gives you real, intimate, personally- produced music, full of genuine expression. Because the Gulbransen is a Registering Piano, registering your exact touch and expression--because it is different from any player-piano you have ever known--because it is so remarkably easy to pedal--your first delight will develop into-continued, year after year interest. Youll be a Gulbransen "fan"--youTl be enthusiastic, entertaining, and-- mark this statement, proved by the experience of thousands of folks who have Gulbransens--you and your family will get more pleasure out of your Gulbransen than anything you now possess. , Nationally Priced--Branded in the iSfpic Wljtte Houe Model Cowrtry Seat Model Suburban Model Coin win ] <>' S700 , $600 #495 S420 <|g»--i Miiilllf it MM--------g---- Nye Jewelry & Music Store WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHNSBURG : Warm gloves and mittens at Erickson's. Mrs. Noel of Chicago is visiting with friends and relatives here. Miss Frances Miller is spending a few days with her parents here. A carload of . fine Northern Spy apples, $1.75 per bushel, at Erickson's. Miss Caroline Miller of Chicago is spending a few days at her home here. We gladly give aervice, bat expect customers to be fair to us. Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Schaefer and family moved to Chicago on Friday of last week. Alex Freund of Chicago passed the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Miss Barbara Althotf spent a few days last week with her sisters, Mary and Katherine, at Elgin. Mrs. Henry Hettermann of Burlington, Wis., is staying with her son, Joseph B. Hettermann, for a f®w weeks. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, Mc- Heni'y, 111. Quite a few of our young men went to see "Jesse James Under the Black Flag" at McHenry Monday evening. They enjoyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siehoff and daughter and Mrs. John Peters and son, Karl, and her daughter,, all of Burlington, Wis., visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff Tuesday afternoon. The forty hour devotion, which started Sunday, Oct. 28, was very well attended. The reverend priests who took part ih the closing were Rev. George Schark of Volo, Rev. Chas. S. Nix of McHenry and hia assistant and Rev. Father McEvoy, a missionary father of Milwaukee and Rev. Father Weber of Johnsburg. On Sunday, Oct. 28, the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.. B. Stilling tendered them a farewell surprise at their home near Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs, Stilling are planning to move to Chicago in a few weeks. The evening was passed at card and games and at an appropriate hour delicious refreshments were served. Those who made up the merry gathering were: Messrs. and Mesdames Mike Freund, Steve Engels, Nick M. Justen, Steinsdoerfer, Peter Miller, Ben Justen, Bill Justen, Mike Justen, Henry Stilling, Mrs. John J. Stilling, John and Albert Stilling, Miss Louise Stilling and James Mullins of Chi cago. All report a most enjoyable time. BWGWOOD Warm winter foot wear at Erickson's store. The bigger the orders the better we like to deliver them. Smith Bros. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $3.50 per 100 pounds, at Erickeon's Miss Ethel Bell went to Elgin Sonday, wher£ she expects to attend business college. Mr§. Wm. Coates, Mrs. Foss and two sons, Wayne and Floyd, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Adelaide Coates at Solon. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 9S-R, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Gould and two daughters of Woodstock were week end guests Of Mrs. Gould's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. The Ladies' Aid society will have a social at the h6me of Mrs. Walter Harrison next Wednesday, Nov. 7. Lunch will be served at one o'clock, after which a good program will be given. Everybody invited. Don't miss a pleasant afternoon. Rev. Odgers of Rogers Park, the newly appointed district superintendent, was present at church services Sunday afternoon and delivered the sermon. The first quarterly conference was held immediately after services. A njyrfbef wefce over from Gr^epwoodu) the • services, which were tnoroly enjoyed by all present. V The McHeray Township Home Bureau met last\ week Wednesday with Mrs. C. J. Jepson. About twenty members and friends were present. Enough members have been secured in Ringwood vicinity now so a unit will be organized here. If you want something instructive j^jn the Homa Bureau at Mrs. Chancey Harrison's next Tuesday, Nov. 6. . Miss Edna Baxter of Evanston, HI., the county religion director, was in town last week, helping to make plans for the Sunday school for the coming year. Miss Baxter has been very helpful the past year in our little school and the officers and members of our church are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to the work of the coming year. SOLON MILLS The famous Allen A Black Cat hosiery at Erickson's store. Arthur Bells' family visited at the Dave Elfers home in Randall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorn of Hinckley, 111., spent last Thursday in town. Mrs. C. Hardy, ^Mrs. H. G. Beading and Mrs. Pierce were Chicago shoppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent the latter part of last Week in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Rawson was up from Round Lake Wednesday and spent the day in the Gardner home. , Mrs. A. L. Austin of Springfield passed a few days last week among old time friends here. Mrs. Geo. Westlake and son, Chas., spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Jas, McCannon, at Wilmqt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tibbits drove out from Chicago S^ftday and spent titft -dfltif jj;p Clay Hardy home here. Mrs. Geo. Richardson and children spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Frances Price, at Bristol, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Nortker and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levizey of Kenosha spent Saturday here'with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Smart of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Crane of Kenosha were Sunday guests in the Geo. Vogel home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, Leona, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley were business callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. <5. L. Osborn and daughter, Arlene, motored to Harvard Sunday, they being the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowen. McAndrews' orchestra will give a dance here next Friday night in community hall. All arrangements have been made to take care of a large crowd. A good dud erowd attended the wedding dance last Tuesday night and the ladies of the club served supper. Next Friday night will be the first McAndrews dance. The club ladies will serve the refreshments for these dances the coming winter. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Art Aubert were out from the city Sunday, visiting in the parental home of Mrs. Aubert and Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong having just recently moved from Marias, Montana, to Chicago, where thjy will make their future home. Master James Armstrong is making his homa with Grandma Gifrfrg for the winter. • "• :#X*: OSTEND Winter underwear fof all the family at Erickson's store. A carload of fine Northern " Spy apples, $1.75 per bushel, at Erickson's. Frank Kaiser says he did not speak for this snow fall and does not enjoy it. Alvin Weiss attended a sale on his father's farm west of Woodstock on Tuesday. Mr. Hoppe came home from the hospital last Friday night. He is feeling fine. Mrs. Abbie Martin and son, Loren, and the latter's wife spent Sunday with Woodstock relatives. Will Harris and wife and Fred Eppel and wife attended a dance at Spring Grove last Saturday night. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, Hi. Mrs. Lou Francisco and Mrs. Chas. Shales of Woodstock passed Friday and Saturday in the home of Mrs. Abbie Martin. Gilbert Harris and Wife were Chicago visitors Saturday last. They went to visit Mrs. Harri^' sister, who is in a hospital in that city. The Greenwood gr5cery truck still makes its regular Monday trips thru here. They come by Bull Valley and go as far as Ostend corners and retrace. The cement is in on route 20 a little over the line between McHenry and Greenwood townships. Cars travel the road from the east end to Ostend corners. It was hoped that little Jerome Freund was on the road to recovery. His father, Tony Freund, came home Monday for the first time to say at night, but was called back at fw o'clock Tuesday morning. TERRA COTTA Man's and boys' winter caps at Erickson's. Miss Eva McMillan is spending the week at her home here. Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. When you want good hose buy Armour Plate. Smith Bros. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. Miss Florence Knox was the guest of relatives in Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Marie, were Woodstock callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin and daughter, Ludlle, of Elgin visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Darlene, of Elgin are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Stella Peck. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Powers Saturday. Stop, look and listen. I am now ready to cry your farm auction sales. Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, McHenry, Dl. Misses Marie Knox and Ruth Phalin attended a Hallowe'en party given by Miss Lucile Stenger 4t McHenry Sunday. FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH "The Problem of Law Enforcement" will be the sermon subject. of next Sunday morning. This is the first of a series of discussions of Problems of our Modern Life; other numbers of the series will follow on the first Sunday in every month. There will be discussions of live questions fear or favor. Some rather "tieldM^* situations are going to be WDal without gloves. For example, ' Mlt Sunday's sermon will nttrwarily ia* volve the question of the eighteenth amendment It will be wuith while to to do the unusual (if necessary) and "happen around" to church about elevsn o'clock. John M. Grimes, Mhriatar Fred Bryar of Chicago spent fit# week end with his wife at McCollum'a lake. WHY SOME FOLKS BUY-- SDSub "I would buy it again just for the saving to my furnace iff very cold weather." "It's those days when you have to force a furnace that wear it out" MI just let my Radidnt Fire supply that extra heat and run my furnace as usual." "For between - season use it is perfect." . >*j|t is a Gas Heater-- |Odorless, Smokeless, Dustless, Sootless. Western United Gas and Electric Company C. E. COLLINS. Diatrict Manager w WEEK END SPECIALS '•vv,' 'J,-. -".""ft Early Ohio Potatoes, per pk._25c Northern Spy Apples, per pk. 60c >2^. per bu..-.,$1,75 Hubbard Squash, per lb. 3c 2 cans Sauer Kraut 25c 2 cans Hominy _ _ 21 Peaches, large can.....,... Canned Corn, No. 2 1o Lake View Evaporated Milk, •all can. ---10c Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, per can 22c Campbell's Soups, per can.. 10© Red Beans, No. 2 can. 10o $/pkg. Red Cross Macaroni 4% Spaghetti--..r ^.--25© 3 lb. High Grade Bulk Cocoa 25c Red Bird Matches, full count per pkg. 1# bars American Family Soap ... H bars P & G Naptha Soap_57o 25 oz. can K. C Baking v f|>wdes^-. L. A. .ERICKSON . GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, ILL. ...J •-•'m ;5| Campus ToflR --featured ia big over-plaids The full, roomy overcoat made up ip heavy wool fabrics with big over-plaid pattern aa4 faacy iw^ de&ign are the a$pest and smartest overcoats. . ~ t We have a wide selection to offer-- Kaufman uurttmlogt $37.50-$40.00-$42.50 Others as low as S22.50 overcoats with Campus Togs label guaranteed The high standard of wotkmanship and smart appearance is a source el satisfaction to every wearer of these nationally well known dothes that are guaranteed to render full value for every dollar of cost r ' -• s McHENRY, ILLINOIS «P|PWMP»i»pp VlV'- Ai,. 1 \>'V ; - ' ' 4 * , - J * '" A '•M f \v-v^ % 'ml '*kk Mi