Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1923, p. 5

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flMl i ir i VILLAGE ty, DuPage Henry, ?*• DURING THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON" I will continue to come to McHenry t£nry Sunday and Monday. I have " . jinproved facilities her© which enables •• tfte to test eyes as well as in my big fflice in Chicago. Do not hesitate to Jee me as consultation and examination and free of charge to all and for - f1® poorest of the -poor will make a jpair of glasses free' of charge. If Jou intend seeingv me, call me up a Week ahead. *We _ do not use any pedicine in your eyes. I have ever 450 satisfied patients in this township. - Dr. C. KB.LKR, .. " .v? . Optometrist and Optician • J. tfhhpco Abbess McHenry, III. 0ft N. Paniina St. Phone 167 Oraceland 9C40. Mlfc-i tJUo; ni||ittpe atU up tog , pure |p||pg|ark And; ' fa i jiiliwl yott^i find met courteous aerv&ss »t ^oor dlfpcflfeg. ^ Watch fer Mr.!* it Friday, file district, nted out as a big industrial t«ri- 'm^SrMSSm' A wam and Eland will iiflMb all of Lake counand parts of Mc- Gnmdy and Jnek of tno commitin the belfet that b a ctty of 6,000,- TOWN HALL larging the town Jl^ftgain being agi- With the pros- #ts of basket ball tei^m |ps winter, tke present hall will he found too small to accommodate the crowds, white the place has also proven inadequate at other social fnn<itiinni|pnld therein ie peeent years. •I l'i Tifpjlii~I Phona«$#9 . lj|ajt|sMo Rates i)i«. ) Deceased. were ^INDKAUHI BB> HANDBDINBT Miss Ruth Otoikebrand passed Saturday in CatIcato. Mrs. Margini* McCarthy spent last Saturday in Sljgte. . Miss Elsie Yycital was a Woodstock visitor last Satvrday. Mr. and Mf*. John J. Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. George H. Johnson was a metropolitan eitp^gufcpr last Friday. Dr. and I. Froehlich were Woodstock last Thursday. Mr. Baron were guest* ®f SMtro* < Monday. MissatfUttum an#JMildred Kinsala paased-MosMtey -in tkl metropolitan city. Miss Claw Milier>>p®ssed the week end as the guest of friends "in Chi cago. Misses Catherine Ashbunter spent the *e#k*«nd wMt teniiMA at La- SiSCHABPEB JUntg PlTn nee Haul^i IfeflRIl, 10. •• BLANKETiSA LEL . JtMil received a belated shipment of bed blankets, ootton and woof * ^ ' nap and also new all wool army blankets. On account of th» :"t '•> lateness of the season we are placing them on sale at less than our regular prices. The prices range from-- tttl toH.ll FLANNELETTE BLOOMERS AND PETTICOATS rink and white and blue and white striped bloomers and petticoats, made of good quality outing flannel, regular and extra sizes.SSc ft flit ^ ; MEN'S AND BOYS* SWEATER COATS IS! wool pftllover sweaters for boys Men's altwool sport coats ---- to 9LM COVERALL APROMS^ V i* Ufht and dark colored percale and gingham ooverall apron* '..reduced for quick selling I. Hf. JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry Dinner Sets^i; S Glass Ware' r,.~ ^ "•' ' *\ "% * ' W+ " ' ,t • / * "* v , ^ '* - ; * 4 r your new dinner set *"/,"/ for Thanksgiving \ r *. :S ^ &"*• -v ->• Z,v* , -r * Food dfcappets &%&>•* JOHN J. V.yCITAte RHONE M-ftt •'""jffcfrf'r See,. How Far It :• Go Hen [ ^ You want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you want. Our satisfied customers are our high- ?est recommendation. We sell the best oi» the market at the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phon® U TfTTHETHBR TT a i (x service: to you. We handle only genuine Exide W.LlOWELLICd PtioM t«-R McHcanr with McHenry - V ' - • •> l ' ¥u I V " * 4'. r; -i ( p. "US". - S • The" tjckirTelephoneBii^ry ft;L i •ervice subscribers are requested to call v ; ~*y ^ Ifhe Telephone Company ;!|nd give notice of any changes or corrections that should be made In j|ieir listings 3ie. - . W* BJJNOIS BBLL TELEPHONE COMPANY i", ,»ff Tie Oni ' -Tlit Riacalcn You can be'as forgetful as yon like, Khen have a gas nageil ,^W» oven ceftlrol appfimce, beca«Mtt<iie oven *fememhers. ^ITau^t it. •tthfe desire<kfae#era-j ture. A themoatat cofttrolitMps it there. IMakes Good T ^ You will he Hmlof the Thaokigiviiig turkey, the Christ ma s Pudding, the New Year's pies baked in one of these perfect ovens. Tell us to install a range in your home tomorrow. P?1 10 per cent with order, balance In easy monthl; Installments with your gas WU<kf ^ " •• • .. Western United Gas and Electric Company C. K. COLLINS. DiMrkrt Manager W«. 8nHh attended to Jsusinees natters in ^ the city Tuesday. * Dr. 8. Fawier,ww*r*othetMtf Woodstock were M«He«ry visiters last Thursday. Dr. C. H. Fegars «pd Mis^ .Eleanor McGee spent Owdaj with^MatfVfis at Wauconda. Mias Rose Huemann is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in the metropolitan city. John I. Sutton of Chicago was a week end guest in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock spent the latter part of last weete with McHenry relatives. Miss Margaret Haue of Chicago is+ spending a few weeks in the home,«( ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dittrich. Mrs. Frank Jackley of Aril ton, la.* spent a few days recently as th# guest of McHenry relatives. Misses Lillian and Marion Stoffel spent the week end in the home of their brother, George"at W oodstock George Meyers of Elgin passed Sunday in the home of his parentsi Mr. and? Mrs. George Megrers Mr. and Mrs. Revere Dean an<| daughter and Glenn Robison of Wood* stock were'McHenry visitors Sunday.' Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, daughter, Roth, and eon. Herbert, passed on|; day last mek in £*> metropolitan city. MOB. John Miller spf nt Saturday, and. Saoday fn the home of her daugh« ter, Mrs. George Stoffel, at Wood« }4itock. Mrs. Frtotem Sangar and son, Rev* " Saager, sf vWin*krop Bar*; hor spent. Tuesday frimls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. tiall of May wood were Sunday guests in the home of the former's papuats, Mr. T«nd<Mrs. Chas. Hall. « Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Conley of Chicago spent the week and in thf home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai G. Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Forest Park spent the week end in the home of the latterV naraata. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Sutton and children were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin at Wau^ tonda 8v»day. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty of piicago mmpa Sanday guests in til* ome of the tatter's parents, Mr. lirs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowllng of ^Chicago were Suwiay gueetii in th* |tome of the latter's parents, Mr. an4 F. 0. Gans. Mr. and Mrs. Fofeat Jensen and and Mrs. Hans J«na« of Wood^ stock ware Sunday goects in the hom# of Mrs. Anna Frisby. Miss Margaret Stenger of Chicagt passed the latter part of last and first of this week with her parents, Mif. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Mrs. John Walsh and daughtet, Genevieve, of Fox Lake were guestf in the home of the former's mother i-' Mrs. B. Frisby, Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons, Walter and Vernon, of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. lir m»A Mw, H. E. Gobel, who have several month! in 4lpir JMN»*r home here, have re» tuaaad to then- ChiMgo home. )by. James Bolton has gone to GflhMfiL UU where she expects t# p^ia winter in the home of to vmmmiui Mrs. L. Row. MpM. HeiMialta Ramsey and of CaMhwa spent Sunday iifr the home of the former's daughter*, Mrs. L. A. Erickson, and family. Mrs. E. E. Bassett and children and Mrs. Majrme Harrtaon and daughter, (kitiiM, lMre guests of Greenwood and Woodstock relatives Sunday. Mrs. Frank Going and daughter#; Mayme, of Chicago passed Uie weelt end as guests in the home of Mrir and Mrs. Clinton E. Martin west off; town. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Wm. Bacon motored to Wauke« gan Sunday, where they were guest# in the homo of Mr. and Mt«. Willard Colby. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyson and Mrs. John Chada and little daughter of North Dakota are spending a feir' days as guests of Mrs. Anna Frisby and other relatives here. Mesdames Mollie Givens, Ed. R. Sutton, Lester Jencks and duugltter, Ruth, and Mrs. F. G. Schrtinet spent Saturday as gue»$* -of Mm Walter Warner at Elgin. *?!*»>• • .• ttMa of John H To All Whom It May You are hereby notlBpd that on Monday, the 3rd day of Dwiiwhsr, tm, the Administrator of sajkl Brtate will present to the OotttSSf Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, his final report of his acts and doings as such Administrator and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and his administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you choose so to#K * JosepfchH. Huemann, 22*3% ', Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Alford H„ Pouse, Atty. , -Estate of Thaedeve Schiessle, Deceased. The - msbtnigned, having been appointed ' Enaee^rix of the last Will and Testament of Theodore Schi»ssle, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before -the Caanty >Cotitt of Mc- IIenr3r ColBpiy^«at the fiaarfc House in Wooff|frk,.Hat th e Jannaty Teim, on the &xh> Mswday in Jsnaavy next, at which, tune all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and reque|*e<SMU--dfjr'tM»f>urpose of having ^djusfrf. All persons iadHMid to .t--Id Bliite are re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this Slst day of October, A. D. 1923. 22-3t Karoline Schiessle, Executrix. NOTICE e, Atty. Estate of Charles L. Page, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed executors of the last Will and Testament of Charles L. Page, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, herebr give notice that they will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 5th day of November, A. D. |92S. Martha A. Page and Charles Ray Page, Executors. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $1.75 per bushel, at Erickson's. WAUKEGAN COMMISSIONERS RAISE THEIR SALARIES • Syd ney, who for years} bile license No. 1, ||; new his license befofir l A huge gravel wast capacity of from 75 to 84jh is now under constntttUtt on W. Kiltz farm, consisting of 27C and located about two and miles east of Crystal Lake, farm has been purchased by th< consin Lime and Cement eoaajmny. ^ An early morning burg tar was frightened away one morning iast^^* week while engaged in drilling a holei ' I thru the rehr door of the J. W. Gil- - ^ bert furniture store at Crystal Since then the business men oijAgt I city h^ve been agitating moi^MM^ quate police protectum. Among the "" ' suggestions offered "are the employ- 22-3t4ment of an additional! night man and a clock system wherc^..,-,w-wr ; present watchman will be oblif^Vtai; The Waukegan city commisaion last week went on record ^is voting an increase in their pay ©f $100 per month, thus taking advantage of a recently enacted' law which permits commission form cities to create a board of local improvements by ordinance and fix their salaries. The commission has put into effect an ordinance which creates a bdard of local improvements consisting of the mayor and four commissioners. The regular salary of the Waukegan commissioners in the past has been $1,700 and that of the mayor $2,000 per year. Under the new ordinance, which becomes effective on December 1, the commissioners will receive an annual salary of $2,900 and the mayor $3,200. The Plaiudealer for newa. punch the clocks at regular interval^ so that his movements may b«* checked up. George Popp, an Aurora salesman,." is trying to recover $17,000 he clata^ that he was swindled out of eral baseball pool operators. story is to the effect that he gaged by the operators to dispose of tickets in the various shops in Aurora. .'k He bought the tickets at 43 cen* aa* ^ sold them for sixty, taking a (WjB~ mission of 17 cents on each ticket ho w sold. He decided, however, that ho could make money faster by buying all | of the tickets himself at 43 cents each and thus collecting the prise money offered. He says he won several times, but was never able to get event finally mortgaging his home and ill the property he owned in an effort t<| recoup. vi?-> Th«I924M<xM " ttoSbt //vS $1225 $» a» b, factory V0& ; 44^ rWZ. :XThe 19S4 Modal Stndebaker dM€d CATS Af€ q||g|* wM •JiW Both body and cliatrii aw $|prodnood in Stndebaker plants where painstaking Mrs. lir. • • • •lis pisv:: the practice. By manufacturing complete frames, benttes, tops, castings, forglngs, and atamplnga, parts-makers* profits aro eliminated from costs, and one ^profit only ia included ia "" Stwkbaker pricM. Phone or call for dmnmutnr i. "* /• •ifc ? t 1 <ightSiiit ' Sedan >X $& 50 fam. k. factory >' (fel v-c r - - MONEAR PHALIN, '"if": 'm

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