Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1923, p. 7

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a 1-&&& mLFORD H. POUSE ;v::' ii West McHmj, m. West M». Arnald Jlltottit passed Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. John Mertea ttflid on Mrs. ILLINOIS Opp. Community High School J Went & green ^ Real Estate A Insurance >. ftjkmmer Resort, Town and Farm Property 84 A 85-M :: McHenry, I1L For 100 per cent Iuvuct In all branches, ctU on or p^nn .ftr-,- WM. 6. SCHREINER Phone 93-R. Auctioneering McHENRY t: ILLINO A. Leath Ac Co. Stores Elgin. 7S-74 Grove Ave. Rockford. Opposite Cowrt HoWM^{ Aurora.3I-.V1 Island Av», Dikaqie. 576-5*4 Main St. PlMpoit. 5-7 W. Main St. - V.., > WMMfoo, SM-SMLafayette St/"' Mek.417421 Fourth St. * M . Joliet, ilS-217 I«ffer*on St. t, • XtaKNWrUle. 242-JM, htlfw.uke* it . E«u Claire. Masonic Traple. v Oahlcosh, 11-13 Main St. ^ BUSINESS « IS GOOD Peoria, 32S South Adams St. OM««r,iai-n wr. wkm-ft. Twenty-odd big trucks are busy<>more than union hours delivering Leath furniture--tre are a little late sometimes. The demand grows monthly for this beautiful, well-made furniture that is sold at the priee usually paid tor the ordinary Itai f>. •/ • •" : . v ^ • ' The Yoin* Folks' Sto#" Successful Home Furnishers WHEN YOU ARE SICK consult a DOCTOR so when you are in need of advice about \ Real Estate & Insurance • . CONSULT US ^ jju we are here to be cJ service to All* ' "#V,: , We buy and sell, town, farm and summer resort property and write insurance only in the safest and best companies. AT YOUR SERVICE •R"- KENT & GREEN? * • • Real Estate and Insurant* Phones 34 and U-M McHENRY, ILL. Opposite City Hall ftf mmm U miJti -h [-•A /•VI Better Music--and More of It-- *with a (julbransen IT/HAT a joy to go to your Oulbransen ami play VV you want, when you want tol What a satisfaction to play so well--with such genuine expression -- that, aside from the personal pleasure of producing the music, it is a real treat tor anybody to heat youl But--playing alone, or entertaining a group of friends --you'll want the particular music that fits your mood, or the occasion. You'll want variety. Variety--certainly the Gulbransen gives you »*>•«• For me Gulbransen plays all musk rolls-- any kind--any mih even electtic reproducing roils. It gives ym * gmmmr Uhmn of music than any player-piano! FOUR MODELS» $420 #495 $600 $700 1YE JEWELRY & MUSIC SIM "WEST McHENRY, ILLINOI^ jOapgit oca I - ^ .. Ptv*9fe«**ne«r Strih ' iWlOMMlWCMiiarMi A Fine Sedan Anyone Can Owtt . How capably Buick provides the maximum, of closed ^•^yacsr comfort, power and utility is well expressed in tbifc. * , ^ew 1924 four-cylinder, five-passenger Sedan. Bverjjfc» ^i^lthing that could be asked for Is here. There ia tb# "'"""^^well-proportioned, attractive body, .Phliu -twill; -- is the famous Buick valve-in-baorf There are the proved Buick four whul brakes. I^Yet with' all of its splendid qualities and mechanic# ^superiorities, the price of this sedan is modest--wit%; |io the means of the majority ofmotor buyoi j»£±m OVERTQNf & COWEN1 McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. 'A-. k XVhca bd>^ Mtnqiobfleg ate Bakfc wfl bafld Frett want to Ckiw^ ek Thursday. fall festival, Woodstock Nov. 22, 28 and 24. Mas Martha Huff spent one day this week with Laura Meyers. Wm. Webor attended to hosimatters in McHenry Monday, tar Schaefer has purchased the A. Smith farm east of McHenry. carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $3.50 per 100 pounds, at Erick- IPX? Barbara Smith called on friends in McHenry Friday <after noon, j " PiWwnw treat your feet with cushion soled shoes, $4*75. Smith Bros. _ Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and Alvina Schumacher were Rlngwood callers Monday. Misa Clara Klein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein, is side with the and Mrs. Joseph Michels moved their new home on Thursday of k. and Mrs. Jes. B. Stilling are happy parents of a baby girl, born of last week. vernment tested alcohol for radiators. Will not freeze or leak. Bast SijJfc. garage, McHenry. and Mrs. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. John H. 1 jjj^nnri Sunday afternoon. l Mrs. John E. Freund of McHenry visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, last Thursday. r~toost complete line of radio and electrical supplies in McHenry county. East Side garage, McHenry. Miss Margaret Smith of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. r If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, l^t W. G. Schreiner cry it for yoj^ Phone 93-R. ,M?r. and Mrs. Peter M. WagfSer and daughters, Cordelia, Agnes and Priscilla, of Volo were Johnsburg callers one day this week. ' Sfisses Ella r.nd Margaret Huemann of Chicago passed the week end in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Warner of Chicago ware week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. The beautiful new home under construction for Henry Thejekjs rapidly nearing completion and [the owners hope very soon to occupy Bams. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Miller, who reside northwest of here, « visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grube and little son of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Grube's ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. The dance at John Jonas' hall last week Wednesday was not so very well attended. Those present report a fins About forty tickets were sold church fair at St. John's will held as usual, Nov. 25, 27 and 2d. The Christian Mothers are already getting things prepared for the and Mn. William Hiller moved week Friday to the John Stilling farm near Solon, formerly occupied Mrs. Stilling's son, Joseph^ and <S5i>ed fancy poultry, docks, chickens and turkeys. Orders now being taken for Thanksgiving delivery. Lewis McDonald, West McHenry. Phone 638-M-2. 23-2t Miss Alvina Miller and Silas Schoel of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund and Albert J us ten of Mo- Henry, Ed. Bauer and Oliva Kattner of Grayslaks were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller. The sisters of Johnsburg have been quite successful in gathering up old clothing and eatables which are to be forwarded to Germany and distributed among the poor people there. Hie shipment will ha made Hm first of next week. RINGWOOD Mrs. L$uis Hall was a Chicago shopper last Thursday. Dalby underwear for ladles and children at Smith Bros.' Legion fall festival, Woodstock armory, Nov. 22, 23 and 24. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $1.75 per bushel, at Erick son's. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders visited relatives in Richmond Saturday, Miss Martha Dailey of Algonquin spent the week end with friends in town.' Mrs. Vaughn Jonas of McHenry was a Monday gueet of her mother, Mrs. Rilla Fo8S. Mrs. Charles Peat spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Henry Hinse, at Crystal Lake. Government tested alcohol for radiators. Will not freeze or leak. Bast Side garage, McHenry. Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent Tuesday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. D. C. Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanborn of Spring Grove were calling on relatives here last Wednesday evening. We are now ready to make or repair any type auto top or curtains. East Side Service station, phone 133-J. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whiting and family are announcing the birth of a bright baby girl, which came to their home last Friday, and she will answer to the name of Rosalie • -V y was taken as a visiting 4ay toy our school teachis* and pupils. Miss Ingram visited the school at Lake Geneva and Miss Smith visited the prtauu-y rooms at McHenry. George Shepard went to a Chicago hospital last Wednesday to have his hand operated upon. The operation was performed on Thursday and George is getting along nicely, which is good news to his many friends. The Home Circle met at the home of Mrs. Walter Harrison last Wednesday. They elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Louis Schroeder; vice president, Mrs. S. W. Brown; secretary, Mrs. John Shehy; treasurer, Mrs. James Rainey. Chairman of eats committee, Mrs. G. A. Stevens. Mrs. A. W. Smith attended a meeting of the food chairmen of the County Home Bureau on Tuesday at the court house in Woodstock. Many interesting subjects were gone over and a few minutes of each local monthly meeting is to be.given to the study of food, which should be a most interesting subject to all our members. OSTEND Man*S and boys' winter <$ps at Erickson's. Legion fall festival, Woodstock armory, Nov. 22, 28 and 24. We have been informed that Mrs. Fred Eppel is the happy owner of a fine, new "piano. Harris brothers and families are riding in a fine, new automobile recently purchased, Government tested alcohol for radiators. Will not freeze or leak. East Side garage, McHenry. Moet complete line of radio and electrical supplies in McHenry county. East Side garage, McHenry. Teacher and pupils of our school are preparing for a basket social to be announced in the near future. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, visited Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Julia Lincoln, near Harvard. Warren Rouen of Belvidere was the guest of Roy Hobart Monday. He came by automobile, returning the same day. Mr. Hoppe made another trip to Chicago last week Friday to consult the doctor. He has been in once a week since he returned from the hospital. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and Warren and Miss Ammie Fran cisco motored to Woodstock last Friday to hear Gov. Len Small talk on hard roads. The cement road now itretches past the hog's back corner and they are at work near the Clark brothers' farm, a short distance from the old Ostend creamery. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund was brought home from the hospital last week Thurs- Commissioner of Highway day and last reports were that he Town of McHenry, County was getting along nicely. The barricade has been moved to a positio^just below Ostend corners so of the of McHenry, Illinois, will hold a public auction on the 21st day of November, A. D. 1923, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at or travelers now use the road from the near the Johnsburg bridge to sell the east end to the corners and tury south. A great relief to milk haulers. We have been informed that we are soon to lose our neighbors, Mrs. Abbie Martin and son, Loren, and wife, who leave in the near future for the balmy south to spend the winter. old planking from said bridge in quantities or lots to suit purchaser. Terms, strictly cash. Dated this 12th day of November, A. D. 1923. John Boyle, Com. of Highways^ Plaindealer ads bring results. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH The order of services for «te first Methodist Episcopal church for ffttfiday, Nov. 18, is: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. and preaching at 11:00 o'clock by the pastor, the Rev. Roland C. Eizey. Subject, "Some Gesimens of Christian Discipleship." Spwsrth League at 6:45 p. m. At 2:30 8uaday afternoon there will be an Important meeting at the church. Every official member is urged to be present. TERRA COTTA Stephen's wool underwear for men at Smith Bros.' Visit the 10c department at Erickson's store. ' Mrs. Fred Davoll was a visitor in Chicago last Friday. - Thomas Frisby of Chicago visited at his home here Sunday. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Legion fall festival, Woodstock armory, Nov. 22, 23 and 24. Mr. and Sirs. M. Knox called on relatives in Woodstock Friday. Misses Neva McMillan and Marion Shales spent Friday in Chicago. » Charles Davis of Michigan is visiting his sister, Mrs. Stella Peck. William Conway of Elgin visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, were Chicagp visitors Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin have been guests of .friends at Virden, EL, for the past week. Most complete line of radio and electrical supplies in McHenry county. East Side garage, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green and son of Woodstock and Miss Vera Doherty spent Sunday at the home of M. Knox. Harold Knox and Frank Doherty were recent guests of friends at Notre Dame and attended the annual homecoming there. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Last Sunday was an interesting day at the Universalist church. Those who were not present missed an hour of both profit and pleasure. The first sermon on "The Story of Religion" will be reviewed briefly next Sunday morning and the second of the series will be given. The specific topic is "Religion's Childhood." The young people's chtftms is furnishing good music and the attendance gives evidence of the fact that the people appreciate the services. A most cordial invitation is extended to all. John M. Grimes, Minister. DANCING ATJonas* Hall, Johnsburg , No^. 21 Notice AUCTION hereby given that the Jmmm W/-. LIGHT AS A FEATHER! - : J That grain^old erust and now-white texture eome from using EiARLY RISER flour. We share with the farmers who grew the wheat the pride we take in this sup«r flour. Choice wheat and scientific milling are what make EARLY RISER flour the wonderful food product that it is. 1 You, too, may share to this pride by wf** RARLY RISER tow. We assure you bakings of which you will be proud. Every sack of EARLY RISER flour is fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or the money *iU be cheerfully, refunded , McHenry Flour Mills WEST McHENRY. ILL. That Have Warmth, Fine Appear- ' ance, Excellent Quality $37.50-$40-$45 These coats represent the maximum in style and quality at their prices. Smooth and rouge surface woolens in plain colors, over plaids and mixtures, tailored as good clothes should be. Others as low as $22.50 are surprisingly attractive - Vrv"^ We have npt forgotten "the boys. A 'fine selection to choose from, 21/? to 18 years, made with all around belt, patch pockets and yoke back. $6.00 to $16.50 Two Trouser Suits Ibw miai mnA vr»nnor men, made ill the most up-to-date models. The fabrics are extremely «1 ^ ? > pleasing to the eye and consist of the finest woolens. $35'00-$37'5Q«$4<>-00 MeGEE'S- CLOTHING STORE •a* •> •:>*?-'I ,«•*=' gm - McHENRY, ILLINOIS V' TlrS? C. „ . £ u S*i . A M i * ? . tm

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