"* - ~ -* ~ «. * ' V ^ >V-;ff3-' -y ** ,w THAT wit StNO TO ALL - IS PAV THIS STORE A NEW VCAR. S CAUL. BE it hereby resolved that you will eat tlw finest foods that.jour parse can furuish during the New Year. Because it hs>s been discovered by Mr. Happy Party and his friends that r e a l economy a b o l i s h e s waste by buy in? foods of the highest character*-. buy them here. Watch for Mr. Happy Party DURING THE FAliL AN® WINTER SEASON I will continue to come to McHenry every Sunday and Monday. 1 have improved facilities hero which enables me to test eyes as well as in my big office in Chicago. Do not hesitate to see me as consultation and examination and free of charge to ail and for the poorest of the poor will make a pair of glasses free of charge. If you intend seeing me, call me up-a week ahead. We do not use any medicine in your eyes. I have over 4^Q. satisfied patients in this township^ -v Dr. C KELLER, .Optometrist and Optician ;.. Chicago Address McHenry, m. 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone 167 Phone Graceland 9540. Pre-Inventory Inventory time is near, we must make a record of every item we have in our store. It is a big job so we have decided to sell -Jnany articles at reduced prices before taking inventory. Gome in and get our prices. JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry NEW YEAR'S DANCE JANUARY 2 Wedding Dance JIB. 9 Wedding Dnce Ju 16 JDancing. eyery Wednesday evening duj|ng -V Jwuiary and FebruMj f ; C> fona# Hall, Jofrnsburg m • > Qbereis oetrana and the S£ ¥> •« ' FOURS live Pawenger Touring I M Bw Pa Two Pwiiinfr Roadster MS Four 1 fliuii f o b B u i c k F m c t o r m m ; § o»«nm«nl fa* to bm i S-S-i Hit OVERTON & COWEN IkiENRY, ILL. HARVARD, !LU Whan better automobiles an Bokk will build tbMk RINGWOOD Visit the 10c department at Mfeson's store. B. T. Butler of Chicago spent the week end with his brother, A. J. Butler. Lewis Schroedder and family spent Christmas in the Arthur Merrill home at Solon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth entertained friends from Chicago over the week end and Christmas. Floyd Hopper, who is working for Overton and Cowen in Harvard, was heme for Christmas. Miss Ingram went to Genesco, 111., Tuesday morning to spend the va$atioff with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent Christmas in Chicago with Mrs. Hartley's father and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Antclifif of Richmond ate Christmas dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Clay Rager, and family. Mr. Thompson of Chicago came out te spend Christmas with his children, who are being cared for by "Miss Ellen Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Olive Southwick of Williams Bay ate Christmas dinner with the lattera^feagrther, Jf. C. Ladd, and wife. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 98-R. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and children of McHenry passed Christmas day as guestsMn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Chaunyey Harrison and children passed Christmas day as guests of Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles, in McHenry. -Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson and daughter of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Volo were Christmas day guests of C. J. Jepson and family. Miss Alice Anderson of Richmond and Miss Irene Anderson of Crystal Lake are spending Christmas with their father, Alec Anderson, and family. Mrs. George Bacon and daughter, Georgia, of Antioch are spending the holiday vacation in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Appleton, Wis., and Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Libertyville are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. The community Christmas exercises were a success in every way. The program was short, but very well rendered, Santa Claus came with a lot of presents for the kiddies, a good lunch after the exercises and last but not least a full house of good people to appreciate all the good things. "JOSNSBURG" Ray Horlick of Woodstock totted on friends here this week. The famous Allen A Black Gat hosiery at Erickson's store. George and Will Tonyan called en friends at McHenry Sunday. Miss Alvera Schumacher was a Jf«- Henry visitor one day this week. Miss Barbara Althoff was a McHenry visitor on Wednesday afternoon. The masses, at St. John's church on Christmas morning were all quite well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and family were visiting with friends at McHenry Tuesday. Miss Agnes Hetfcermann and Misa Julia Smith motored to McHenry Wednesday afternoon. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, over Christmas. Miss Maymc Smith of Chicago is spending the holidays in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Miss Coletta Freund of Chicago is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mra. John V. Freund. * Miss Katherine Oeffling of Chicago passed Christmas day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William OefRing. Mr. and Mra. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith returned home last Wednesday from their trip to Chippawa, Wis. If you intend Jfeving an auction sale, farm or any&ung in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Btckler of Ma- Henry spent Chistmas day with the latter's sister, Mrs*. Joe. J. Mertfes, and family at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and children passed Christmas day as guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. P. A. Neiss, at McHenry. Several from here attended the K. of C. meeting at McHenry Thursday evening of last week. All enjoyed lecture and entertainment. Misses Margaret, Ella and Theresa Huemann of Chicago passed the first of the week in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. The members of the choir of St. John's parish will give a home talent play at parish hall on Friday evening of this week, Dec. 28, at 8:00 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. BEFENUN LEAD BOWLERS FORDS IN RAGS LEAGUE HONORS? ADDiTIONJi«KX(aANftB The Harvaxdf State bank mofed into its new horn* last Saturday morn- Pet 667 600 538 533 533 133 The Defenders are this week leading the local bowling league and the way the cigar men have been going of late it begins to look as if they were going to make a strong bid for the league's first prize. The Oh Henrys are still occupying the cellar position. However, the members of the team are looking for a break /n luck some day and when that time comes they give warning to the others to be on their guard. V Staadkv of Teams /• * W. % Fords ................9 4 R e x a l l s . . . .. * 8 ^ Leghorns'.... Buicks ..... wV.»y»£.i 8' ."',t Oh Henrys 2 IS Defenders Going At Top Speed Maintaining the form displayed in their previous encounter, the Defenders went after the Rexalls with blood in their eyes on Tuesday evening of last week and when the smoke of battle had cleaned the alleys it was found that the Cig&makers had set the druggists back for three straight defeats. Richardson, of the winning Quintet, lead the field,'getting a total of 570 pins. His best effort was contributed in the third game, when he knocked the wooden soldiers for a row of 267. Vogt, captain of the losing team, did the best work for the Rexalls, hitting the wood for a total of 527. The scores: Defenders 1st 2nd 3rd Total A v. Whiting ......135 185 166 486 162 Vhompson ,**.181 152 148 481 160 Knox .. . .192 152 155 499 166 Richardson ..,146 157 267 670 190 A. Meyer* .. .182 188 189 659 186 Rexalls Rosaman Boley .. Bicgler Spurling Vogt .. • ,$36 834 924 2594 864 f -.-'lst 2nd 3rd Total Av. 190 139 448 149 ...... if55 126 128 404 184 ....,,168 139 105 412 187 ...».H34 142 168 444 148 ^i'^'&ei 172 194 527 176 787 769 729 2285 744 Skid Over Oh Henrys The Buicks and Oh Henrys locked horns in a three-game encounter last F r i d a y e v e n i n g , t h e s i x - c y i i m n f } m skidding over the candy men two out of the three gumes rolled. Alfred Patzke, of the Buicks, was high man of the evening, setting the pins down for a tota! of 512. His brother, Walt, with the same team, followed a close second with 497. Robert Weber led the losing team with a total of 491. The scores: Buicks " 1st 2nd 3rd Total At. A. Patzk* .».*184 154 174 612 171 L. Page ,;,W53 192 142 487 162 Kreutzer151 145 142 488 146 W. Patzke ,...154 188 155 497 166 Laures .177 157 143 477 169 \ t*4 > -• ' * * > «19 886 766 2411 804 Oh ftenrys ' 1st 2nd 3rd Total A v. Hankermeyer .148 164 111 423 141 Thies 168 131 169 468 158 R. Page ...W- 84 187 111 482 161 Weber *158 164 169 491 164 &chp#t .**..,**171 143 166 480 160 : '-""b • ^ ^ >r 829 789 716 2334 779 Leghorns Fool the Fords Steilen's Leghorns fooled the Fords last Saturday night. After the Fords had run over the egg producers "in the first trip around, the chicks wisely side stepped the Flivvers and came out on top in the next two settoos. The Fords set quite a dizzy pace in the first game, but failed to get up enough power the next two to catch the Leghorns, and thus their defeat. "Cliff" Buss of the Flivvers knocked the spectators off their seats in the first ganje by gathering in' a total of 232, his efforts during the ne*t two games giving him the honors of high man of the evening with a total of 545. Conway led the winners with a total of 621. The scores: 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. ..232 149 164 64§ 182 ..188 175 157 154 160 146 168 108 164 The 1924 Income tax funis will be very much simplified. The forms will be obtainable on Jan. 2. Eggs were being sold by the pound at Waukegan last week. One peddler sold them at 4 cents per pound. Fivt married women of ^aukegan and North Chicago were arrested at Mandel's store in Chicago last Friday afternoon for shoplifting. Lake and Kenosha county authorities are now searching for thieves who recently stole silver fox from the silver fox farm of A. Hackbarth near Zion City. The animals are valued at $10,000. Hdrold Land, farm hand of Cary, had the first finger of his left hand amputated and the other three fingers taken off at the knuckle in an operation which he underwent at the Woodstock hospital last week following an accident when his left hand waa caught in a corn shredder. A total of $80,392 was subscribed by Methodists qf Harvard in exactly forty-five minutes, following the regular services at the First Methodist church in that city a week ago last Sunday. The fund is to be used for a building program which is to be inaugurated early next spring. A large steel girder covered with cement crashed to the roadway just *fter being set last Thursday morning at the new subway no£ under con struction at Gurnee, Lake county. Fortunately no one was hurt, altho the accident proved quite costly to the contractor. Counterfeit ten dollar bills are being circulated in the Chicago territory. The notes are of ten dollar denomination of the series issued by the Chicago branch of the federal reserve bank and are marked series 7-G. They may be detected by a blur in the picture of Andrew Jackson and the discoloration of the blue seal at the right hand edge of the reverse side. Mrs. William Dahir, wife of the owner of Dahirdale farm, one mile east of Barrington, Miss Elsie Trestic, aged thirteen, and Miss Henrietta Patterson, aged sixteen, died as the results of injuries received when a Ford sedan in which they were riding was struck by a C. A N. W. passenger train on a crossing near Barrington on Wednesday of last week. The first named passed away on a train while being taken to the Palatine hospital, while the latter died at the hospital shortly after noon the pme day. Helen Trestic, aged sfacteen, also an occupant of the ear, waa severely injured, but will recover. Leo Thelen is spending the week as the guest of Elgin relatives. Gerald J. Carey of Chicago spent Christmas day in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Carey. Miss Kate McLaughlin is spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. Otis Murray, at Geneva, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muckler of Elmhurst were Chistmas day guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Asmalsky of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Asmalsky Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder of Chicago were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. ! Mr. and "Mrs. Howard Cairns of Richmond were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, Christmas eve. Mrs. H. C. Clemens and daughter, Nellie, and Miss Gertrude, Ralph and Clarence Clemens were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron. CLASSIFIED DCTARTHEIIT CtinwnHj High School **£'• GREEN ^ it Insurance Resort, Town and Km Property Phonaa 84 * 86-M :: McHenry, IlL Phone 1S6-W. Drayin* McHENRY. ILLINOIS Fords C. Buss Bacon # E. Buss Nickels Justeo .178 148 169 520 460 440 490 178 163 147 168 FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. August Kunz, phone 616-R-2, McHenry. 28-2t FOR SALE--Self feeder stove. Nearly new. Adams, McHenry. hard coal of B. J. 24-tf FOR SALE--One dandy large size hard coal burner, in good condition, price, $20.00. A. S. Parks, Weat McHenry. 28-2t* 8. Conway Bolger . •Stenger *Heimer Steilen . , ..... I, 1 FOR SALE OR RENT--Para, known as the old Math. May farm, located prairie. Seventy acres. 915 740 800 2455 818 1st 2nd 3rd Total AT.!on German ..^150 186 185 621 1741Inquire of Frank May, Spring Grove, 482 161 IlL t 27-tf 478 159' ;-4'.iti'147 162 173 ,-....124 165 197 .146 141 111 .136 146 160 431 143 'M. 702 790 816 2808 770 .. .jerrr CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE OR RENT--The John F. i Freund estate farm located on Johnsburg- Spring Grove road, consisting of 110' acres of land.,. Good buildings. Ben Freund, administrator, McHenry, route No. 3. 22-tf We take this public manner of expressing our sincere thanks to Rev. Chas. S. Nix, members of St. Clara court, W. C. O. F., the Christian Mothers, Catholic Daughters of America, relatives, neighbors and friends for any and all kindnesses extended us during the last illness and after the death of our beloved one. Also do we extend thanks to the donors of flowers. Michael Freund and Family. FOR SALE--The J. C. Holly house located on Court street. Eight rooms, bath room, funiace, hard -and soft water, all in A No. 1 condition. Reasonable terms. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, trustee, West McHenry. 16-tf FARM FOR RENT--116 acre farm four miles east of McHenry on paved road for cash rent. Both buildings and land in excellent condition. Barn for over thirty (30) head of dairy cattle, about 30 acres in good alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Frisby of Chi- All tillable land and productive. Apcago passed Monday as guests of the ply to Charles W. Lehmann, Elgin, former's mother, Mrs. Anna Frisby. 111. * 26~tf We are now in a position to make prompt de- ,s-J§veries on all models of 1924 Dodge Cars NOTE THESE PRICES, TYPE A SEDAN.. ^.$150# TYPE B SEDAN $1355 COUPE $1135 ,, TOURING: $ 965 M| ROADSTER 925 ^ SCREEN TRUCK960 Remember the above prices are for cars delivered and include all charges. Come in and let us tell you why the Dodge car is the one for you to buy. CENTRAL; GARAGE Hettermann, Bros. Johnsburg, 111. * 3*1 r_,>* THE COOK BOOK SAYS use ao much flour, and you do; but did you ever stop to thiak that (ally half the success of your baking is dependent upon how good the Aour is? When you use EARLY R18ER flour and use it right, your baking success is assured. f No flour can be shipped into this territory and oompete with EARLY RISER flour in-both quality and prlee. Shipped lh flour must necessarily be inferior in quality or higher in price. Freight oosts money. EARLY RISER flour is a superior flour because it is milled from the choicest wheat in a modern sanitary mill, by men who know and take pride in good milling. Every sack guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded b$ any dealer* McHenry WEST McHENRY, ILL* fill'!.'ill'i f I! s a • telif UlllllMlllllllI I ! ji| iiii P| ' ,m i!i Mill , ijljjl jij Ijjj .. I I' r l| • |i I i 1111 tiili ft'* , i; ; th I;; ii, iMliiil isnilll : i t 'it ' h f •mm I 11 j|ji| lijiji !U!jj j ii1 IlliiHlllllli ill!! !i lilll1! liil!! F. O. B. DBntorr KJLLY BQunvao $685 Lower Priced Than Ever Before THE "many desirable qualities inherent in the Fordor Sedan commend this car to the consideration of every discriminating motorist. When, in connection with those qmlitiw, the bt price of the car is considered, the value of the Fordor Sedan becomes unique. In it you obtain, at the lowest pwriUa cost a car of snug comfort* good appearance, md high utility. Its convenient operation, dependable pei lm n>an nr> ws long life are well known. The style of its appearance the attractive comfort of its interior, are exactly in line with the present-day demand Yom csm hmy tU$ car through th* Ftd Wmttf JOHN R. KNOX, NcHENRY, ILL t-a*- V V- * \ •Kid t T ii!;4 j H .'l 1^:1 v*V>< » .• i f. * %j fn A 4*+ 1% <5 W f JK- «•. - m * * R7RITIRRTI FINRNR L°NG distance -?•™f ZtNllH lxnbl)L RADIO SETS QREBE RECEIVER .! ZENITH RECEIVER & W. L. Howell & Co. Dealers McHenry, III. Phone 101-R I '•&m