Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1924, p. 3

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oam good Iriri Bread making easy to learn Suod is in itself f-' -Bn education In other cooking. iii - otiiu JOT J V et mkiKlCt r' &The Art of Baking Bread99 i... Northwestern Yeast Cfk 1730 North Ashland Ave* Chicago, HL s Itf* Vvr^ Type of Wrongdoing. ose who injure some to benefit erg are acting as wrongfully as If were turning other persons' property to their own use. MOTHER! GIVE SICK BABY "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Ims Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowito of Baby or Child. THE McHENRY PLAINDEiLER, XeHENSY, i .*'**£ * \" .-fcf\ i • 'f M~ r * -c *f>- •}'•»*«( * 4$ *4 '? .-• 'Afc - *« • •' •' f >• - .-V.' 'T - . *' • j ';«• .< i VHV ',*• 1 Tired and Achy: Fashion has been an engaging subject ever since the beginning of history, and will continue to be until woman ceases to play her traditional role of beauty. Pending the arrival of that sad day, observes a fashion writer in the New York Times, fashion remains of sufficient Importance to enlist the talents and the enterprise of a vast and busy army of artists, artisans and merchants. It is entertaining to watch the evolution of styles and the extremes to which the changes swing. In one season the gown is of conspicuous significance, and when the mode proves to be popular. It lasts, with variations, through several seasons. Millinery and wraps are secondary. They are mere accompaniments of the dress. Another year, the fashion in gowns having become simplified, styles in wraps, furs or accessories are elaborated and featured by designers. From the rich fabrics and fine detail «f » few years ago taste reverted f: f '3&ven constipate bilious, feveror sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine "Callfpr-, nla Fig syrup.*1 No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels So nfcefly. It*" s w e e t f n a t h e Momach>' and starts the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs Say "California" to your druggist and •void counterfeits! Insist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which «*n tains directions.--Advertisement. # Trast to Reader* : In writing novels, the authors usually writ* what they please and trust ' t0 the readers liking Prescriptions Followed. Doctor--"Has your husband had any iodd Intervals since ray last visit, Mrs. Jinks?" Mrs. Jinks (with dignity)-- "He's had nothing except what you op> dered."--London Answers. Dont Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites An exquisite face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, renderingother perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), 20c aach everywhere.--Advertisement Retirement. It Is In retirement that one feels the preciousness of genius and friendship, as one hears best In the silpnce of tlie night the sound of the sea or the song of the nightingale. DAWDELIOW BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles OdC '!DandeUon" for 35 cents.--Adv. Rather. One Who gets up early In the mohili^ p because he wants to rather than because he ought to, has about the right idea. \ SAY "BAYER" when you buy-^K"* proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fqs Colds Headache Neuralgia lumbago Toothache Neuritis jj pheumatis|p^ .Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also Dottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. AapiTia to Ik* ttalir ttatk*af ^Mfir Muufaetar* of MoooaeeUcacldestcr of B&licjilcadfc Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Carter's Little liver Pills --men take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. Yon will relish your meals without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Diniaess,Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. T"hey end the misery of Comtipation. S-DKB;S-dl IW;W1 Price An Original Model in Ciel Blue Velvet Bordered All Around With Chin* Ohilla and Lined With Orehid 8atin. to plain materials and gentle modes. The whalebone and crinoline of modern Paris gave way to the classic Greek in lines, and somehow figured stuffs had no place in the catalogue of fashions. With, costly gowns one must wear correspondingly splendid wraps and furs. A cape of satin or velvet, with a fur collar such as was quite the thing but a little while ago, is the utility wrap of the season, the sort that serves for morning or outing. For a gown of dazzling metal brocade or shimmering lace, with girdles and even shoes Jewel-studded, and accessories fit for the toilet of an empress, the wrap must he of brocade of equal richness, with lining and trimming to harmonize. For midwinter evening wear and for daytime formal occasions fur wraps are exceedingly popular, so they be very choice--sable or ermine or chinchilla, with a decided preference for chinchilla, the price of which has soared to dizzy heights. But for the most elaborate gowns one must have a covering made of one of the new materials. In light or bright colors. An exclusive New York house has presented some melting creations emanating from the ateliers of Paris, in which artists have been inspired by the many alluring colors shown in the materials. Some of the combinations are a Joy to see and to wear. In the styles, the wrap-around, wide sleeve, full length dolman is the most usual. But lately new lines and features have been developed, and the garments depart from the simpler cut and become more complex. All of the latest Paris wrapir are long, some just brashlng the floor' as the wearer moves. A popular model that has decided cacbet Is the straight cojit, instep length, with wide sleeves slightly flaring and drooping over the hand. From the high fur collar at the back a cape falls to several Inche^ below the waistline. The wrap Is built of corn-yellow and gold satin brocade, with a lining of velvet in a deeper yellow, and the collar and deep cuffs are of brown fox fur. In another evening wrap the order of materials Is reversed. Aquamarine blue velvet in a solid color Is, lined with a gay satin brocade, blue and rose and silver. An enveloping collar Is of black fox, and the sleeves, untrlmmed, end in a wide, flaring cuff that 8weeps away from the arm Just below the elbow. This charming garment is fastened at one side with a superb ornament of aquamarines and diamonds, with strands of crystal and blue beads forming a fringe ten Inches long. * A lovely shade of mauve velvet Is modeled Into an evening wrap having a deep plaited yoke, from the bottom of which flails a flounce, like a full cape. The collar Is high, flaring at the back and with a slight roll In the front, and is trimmed with three rows f narrow ermine. This fur also outlines the lower edge of the yoke of plaits. The lining is of brocade satin In pale blue, violet and silver, and the wrap, which is Wide and full. Is slipper length. ** Among the new models in evening wraps that come from Paris houses of authority, some are Important for their artistic quality and because they establish modes that are entirely new. Fourreurs Max create a cape as full, long and enveloping as a nun's. The original is of ivory Salome velvet, gathered slightly on the shallow yoke, from which it falls in full circular form to the floor. A collar formed like a monk's hood, reversed, stands high about the head. It is faced and trimmed with a deep band of black fox, which extends down each side of the cape, opening in front and around the bottom. The lining Is rose-colored. 8le«ves With Wide Flank A prominent Mew York couturtere has translated this idea Into ciel blue velvet with bands of chinchilla, and lined the wrap with orchid satin--a charmingly esthetic combination. A long voluminous dolman of black velvet brocade from this same Paris designer has sleeves that flare to the width of almost a yard and a shawl collar of black fox. The lining throughout is of ermine. Chanel has produced some very happy things in overgarments for evening, one of his models being named bx its importer a "perfect creation." This is of brocade, a weave of metal and silk combining gold, silver, flame and orange in a manner indescribably lovely. The lining is of canary velvet and the collar and the deep cuffs are of natural lynx. Another of Chanel's ideas Is worked out in black velvet; a deep cape slashed at the sides and made slipper length, a voluminous cowl-shaped collar, lining and band all about the edges emphasizing the popularity of black-and-white combinations. Winter Find You Do You Suffer Constant Backache -- Feel Old and Worn Out? Then Follow the Advice of These Good Folks! - YOU get up thole winter mornings feeling tired, weak -- achy all over ? Are you so lame, stiff and miserable it seems you can never get back in trim > Does your back ache with a dull, constant throb? Sharp, rheumatic paint torture you ate very step? , Then you should be giving some attention Hi your kidneys! , Winter, you know, is danger time for the fl^jdneys. That's because exposure to colds and chills wears down body resistance and throws an unusally heavy strain on the hard-working kidneys. The kidneys are apt "Use Doom's," Say These Good Folks: to (all behind in keeping the blood-stream pure, and poisons accumulate that well kidneys would have filtered off. Racking backaches come with stabbing pains; muscles and joints ache constantly; there are headaches, too, with dizziness and distressing kidney irregularites. Nerves are "jumpy"; one (eels old--all worn out. Give your weakened kidneys the help they need. Use Doan's Pills--a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan '$ have helped thousands. They are recommended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your ndghb&l MRS. JENNIE LOWE, 411 W. Mazan Ave., Dwight, III., says: "Colds usually settled in my kidneys and weakened them. I had backache sad sometimes the severe pains across my back hindered me with my work. When I bent over, it was hard for me to Straighten, because of the pains in my back. My kidneys were weak ,and active. I used Doan's Pills and they helped me fine, ridding iw> of the backache and strengthening my kidneys." JOHN 8CHORE, plasterer, 203 W. Delaware St., Dwight, III., says: "When I caught cold, it usually settled in my kidneys and weakened them. My back ached and when I bent over, (sharp pains darted through my back and I could hardly straighten. I felt tired and listless. My kidneys were weak and active and I had to get up occasionally at night to pass the «eorptions. Doan's Pills -v.-rt right ;\t the trouble and in a short time I felt U¥> per rent better." m Wraps Are Long and Clinging u DOAN'S PILLS Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney* mil dealers, 60c a box. Foater-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. *V ty; Were Suspicious. Mrs. Hash-Brown, a seasoned boarding- house proprietor, entered a butcher shop and was cordially greeted. "Can't I sell you some nice chickens today?" asked the butcher. "Nope," said the lady with marked decision; "I can't serve chicken for at least a week now." "Why not, ma'am?" "On account of my facetious bwt-, ers. My parrot died yesterday." DEMAND ^BAYEfT ASPIRIi Take Tablets Without Fear If Yott 8ee the Safety "Bayer Cross." Warning! Unless yon see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets yon sre not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy|lcians for 23 years. Bay "Bayer" when you byy Aspirin, Imitations may prove dangerous.--Adv. Another Rembrandt. An Antwerp carpenter bought, . for the price of a few francs, from a second- hand dealer, an old picture, of which the subject was, "Jesus Baptized In the River Jordan." An Antwerp art expert discovered on the painting the date 1040 and the signature of Rembrandt. The painting Is said to be worth 2,000,000 francs. Worth \ Teacher--Willie, it's taken yon ly an hour to do this sum an you're ten cents out. Go back a It all over again. Willie--Cau't I pay the difference m las V--New York Sun and Globe. It nearand yet and do The Laugh's the Thing. Dull people are just as good < pany as anybody, if they laugh erously at the others' jokK The man who wrotfes $itli oteg usually loses. Cry for "•«sS V MOTHER:-- Fletcher's Castofia is a pleasant, harmless Substl* tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Qiildren all age% To avoid Imitations, always look for die signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend W mmmm Drecoll revels m tae metal brocades, which be employs in some superb wraps. One that is long a&d clinging is Chinese In feeling, green, scarlet aad gold, with a lining of scarlet velvet, and broad bands of black fox forming the collar and hem trimming. Drecoll's most emphatic novelty Is made but three-quarter length, dolman In shape, Uned and trimmed with silky black fox. Cheruit, too. Is fond of the brilliant metallic brocades, and has established a charming conservative model of rose and silver In large floral design, with a lining of white velvet and a collar of black fox that Is both deep and wide. Negligees In Dainty Colors. In response to the present-day demand for clothes of delicate and luxurious character, a prominent importer offers some negligees of satin and chiffon velvet, In dainty colors, lined throughout with marabou, which forms a collar and trimming along the hem. Nothing more exquisitely dainty can be fancied than one of these robes of pale rose satin, with its down rose inner side; or one of yellow velvet, lined with marabou, the same shade. This house suggests also the petti coats, stockings and boudoir slippers In new and delightful styles that are to be worn with these gowns, Speaking' of accessories, one of the best-known designers in Paris declares that the modern woman is Just beginning to . learn their significance and how to use them, and that she is finding them a source of much diversion. Certainly some of the women who are fastidious about the detail of dress are acquiring a variety of things that add to the chic of their toilet, and are going to extremes of style and expense. Cut steel Is back In favor after many years. Long ago It was much used In millinery,J In dress trimming and for shoe ornaments, as it still is. But the demand for chains and other personal ornaments Is so universal that ingenuity has exhausted the list of semi-precious stones and suitable materials, and is making of fine cat steel very beautiful pendants, bandeaux, earrings, even bracelets. it v Short Fyor Ja ckets and Very Long Cloth Coats tlf Two pleasant urns to relieve a cough/ Take your choice and suit y«ur taste. S-B--or Menthol ' flivor. A sure relief for cough* ' ctkta and hoarseness. Put on« in your mouth at bedtime. koep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS COUCH DROPS MENTHOL. Stnnnlng litHe tight for jackets. very much aj>t>revlated in length, dividing favor with cloth coatCs, usually long are In the fashion picture. The short fur Jackets are often of some sports fur, such as civet cat or leopard, worn with plain bright-colored wool frocks. Cloth coats, both for city<and sports wear, are more attractive than they ever were. This Is the age af beautiful fabrics, and the new fancy weave materials, both of domestic and Imported origin, make coats that must be straight of line to reveal the full beauty of the material. From Rodier comes a brown figured material flecked with orange, and a lighter tan fabric that alternates fuzzy horizontal stripes with plain ones Fur collars^are nearly always of the long favorite, or any rich brown fur to match a brown that appears In the »coat A gorgeous sable evening cape on rather voluminous lines appears quite perpendicular Mines about the wearer. But when she/ throws it back from her shapely shoulders, there Is a colorful surprise in store. Like 'the newer fabrics that reflect the Chinese Influence launched at the Grand Prix ball In Paris, the bla«fc crepe lining Is embroidered all over in a Chinese garden scene. There are little figures and trees, and from the trees hang small colored lamps--actually sequins--a bit larger than the ordinary. Tassels of gold, red, blue and green swing from the lamps each time the wearer moves. Care of Umbrella. Always dry umbrellas open aikd never keep them tightly rolled up, as this helps to cat the cover in the seams. If you want your umbrella to last double the usual time, make It a rale to pour a few drops of oil into tlie top notch about once a month. Tills prevents the ends of the ribs from rusting, and so prolongs the life of the X Teach your child internal **): .1 M WmH* Omm Omk TlmSklm fjjfv THE mother who permits constipation in her baby or old* child is risking the health, even the life of her litde one. , ,* It must be remembered that an infant is helpless, unable to tel that constipation is making its life miserable. Consequently the mother must be able to recognize signs of constipation iijfcj her baby. Convulsions, night terrors, grinding the teeth in aleepf' feverishness, fretfulness and such symptoms--any of theae noa# indicate that poisons from baby's stagnant intestine are flood* ing the little body. In older children biliousness, coated tongue, loss of appetit# warn the mother that constipation is present. Constipation, unchecked in youth, may lead to serious consequences, lit,' constipation, according to intestinal specialists, lies the primary cause of more than three-quarters of all illness, including thdk gravest diseases of life. Laxatives Only Aggravate ComUHmHom The mother should not resort to laxatives. A noted authority says that laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation but by their continued use tend only to aggiavaie tba cwwlifa«| and often lead to permanent injury. Why Physicians Favor Lubrication J Medical science, through knowledge of the intestinal gained by X-ray observation, has found in lubrication a means i overcoming constipation. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrate# and softens the hard food waste and hastens its passage through •aid out of the body. Thus Nujol brings internal cUanlinns^ Not a Median§ , f Nujol is used in children's and general hospitals and is prescribed by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine o> laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it i3 harmlrisa. Let your infant or child have Nujol regularly--and see cheeks, clear eyes and happiness return once more. ? Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting the habfe of internal cleanliness. Take Nujol yourself as regularly as yoa brash your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggist* .'•tk... , I „ ^ Nujol its* iu. mt. orr. For Internal CleanUnessW^ IifVfc ;wi i < s^wp(Wiii iwm|| iii" 1

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