Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1924, p. 10

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t*V V J#; "V-q . » •»l*'i» • w>»*s*p»• -a * --%' $&? fag til. *--.'> '••••;; M i.' '$"•>;•'•• -. «J. v *• - 1 ** . • \V^-- v •"• ? v .4 'v >#>, 4 »'• -.'V..-j- 8IFOR SERVICE - ' ' ;• ^ -• ' . h. '• ' ^i^r.^^4X-/ -••>'-'v-vf'.'^.:'c, n. .,'.f-v• i. . v •.•••i* • "v• ••=; v - : ' • >" r"-t • •> * T ^ ' * ' '•£ If we haven't got what you want, -|i^0-will get it for yotf^ . « • • r i o H E i t t J N . H. P E T E S C H ' J i i i i i l C0ME8S AND flQERS OF A WEEK * IN WR BUSY VILLAGE . AS Sat- 2 "$'• :'A A-, AFTER INVENTORY » FEB.* 1st TO FEB. l«th .-J*. We have many unusual bargains to offer in Ladies' and Men's Shoes, manufactured by H. F. C. Dovenmuehle & Son. As they have discontinued business, I will close out their fin# at a saving of 25 to 35 per cent to you, all new fall and winter styles and of the best quality in material and workmanship. It will pay you to .supply your shoe needs from this Bargain Feast. ~. "';-r . • • We will make special low prices: on all S weaters,WiBter Underwear, Scarfs and Ladies'Shawl "Scarfs. "20% discount on Mackinaws and Coats. f ^ r ^ 20% discount on Wool Gloves and Mittens. o ^ j "*t t . 2$% discount on Aprons and Dresses. > Come early while selections are large, .v.-*;--' • t~ C>o<i D*Unn4 Pwptly .. M. J? WALSH aatti f e £ ' ' These long winter evenings is the one time of the year when one enjoys and appreciates comfortable furniture. ItVa long ways between now and the days when you will be able to spend the evenings out of doors, so why not make yourself .and family a gift of furniture that will make these winter evenings a real joy. Our line is alWays complete. jyr »• • i i i JACOB JUSTEN * McHENRY, ILL. r-Dessert of Desserts • -'?/ - Ho other goodie can take the place of ice cream f . i>i ' as dessert, all the year 'roundj »- m Ifi McHenry Ice Cream with good cake rounds off the meal and insures its succe^ Everybody likes McHenfy fee b" *¥h' * I &! Cream. *V': tM'f. McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP BY PLAINDKALBK BRAND flANDiB) m BY oug FRIENDS Miss Berteel Spcnew ip|« GkiemfO visitor last Saturday. Miss Elola Boyle passed last urday in the metropolitan city: Mrs. Georpe Meyers passed ast Friday in the metropolitan city. Donald and John Givens were the guests of relatives in Elgin Sunday. Joseph. Nix passed Sunday ps the guest of his wife and son in Chicago. George Jfreund of Chicago spent Sunday as trie guest of McHenry relatives. • Mies JlHift* Harrison passed the week end as tlrtr guest of relatives in Chicago! Atty. W. D. Bartholemetr of Chicago passed Qie week end at Jtuten's hotel here. Henry Provpst of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes. • Mrs. Caroline Schieseie end daughter, Bertha, passed Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Henry Maiman of Wauconda passed several days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Miss Mary Bolger of Hebron spent the week end in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Bolger. Miss Lenore Freund «f Yorkville passed the week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund. Martin Howell of Chicago passed a day last week looking after his property interests at, Howell's Villas. Mrs. D. A. Waiting spent the week end in the homes of her son and daughter at Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Maude Granger of ClyCago passed the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert "Thompson. Mrs. John Miller passed the latter part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. George StofTftl, at Woodstock. Mrs. A. G. Barbian passed the first of the week as the guest of her daughters in the metropolitan ci^y. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. • Robert Weber left Sunday evening for Champaign, 111., where he has ! resumed his studies in the state uni- ! versity. : i Miss Lilliam Freund is spending the ! weeic as a guest in the home of her | sister, Mrs. Frank Spieker, at Burling- I ton, Wis. Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago 'passed a few days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter J. ! Donavin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr.' and. Mrs. John Pint. Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his mother in the home of Mr. ancl Mrs. George Bohr. y Carl Johnson and Stanley Gustavson of Evanston spent the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. PufaW. Mrs. John Schuenemann returned home Monday evening from a several days' visit with her children in the metropolitan city. Mr. and JUrs. Harry Maiman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary of Wauconda were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Engeln and (daughter, Frances, of Woodstock {passed the latter part of last week | with McHenry relatives. Atty. and Mrs. Wm. Perkfnson of j Chicago passed the week end i as I guests in the "home of the latter's par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Thteo. Winkel. ! Miss Rosemary Nye, who is attendl ing school at Notre Dame, Ind., spent {several days last and this week in the home of her fattier, Dr. N. J. Nye. | Miss Mollie Ryan, who has been I guest in the home of her sister, Mrs D. G. Wells, for some time past, left Tuesday morning for Montreal, Can Mrs. Frank Spieker and daughter j Kathleen, of Burlington, Wis., spent ! several days last week in the home of jthe former's father, Michael Freund and family. Miss Alice Miller, Leo Winkel Earl Walsh and John Vycital Were home the latter part of last week for few days' vacation from their studies at the State University at Urbana. 1 tyrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter. Esther, will leave tomorrow for New Orleans and from there expect to go to California, where they will spend couple of months visiting various place;, in the west Paul Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mi's. H. M. Stephenson of Ringwood lefi^last Wednesday for New York city, from whence he has since sailed for England, where he expects to spend several months. Vaughan Jones of Chicago spent the week end with relatives here. He was accompanied *home on Sunday evening by his wife. They expect to make their home in Chicago, where the former holds a good position. Rev. Chas. S. Nix, pastor of St. Mary's church of this city, in coitipany with Rev. Jos. F. Schmitt of Aurora, left Chicago last Sunday evening for a month's sojourn thru the east and south and before their return also plan to visit Cuba. Father Nix's "place in McHenry, during his absence, will be taken care of by Rev. Father Dummermuth, at one time pastor of the Catholic church at Spring Grove, --• . | | IW •••••• Clearance sale on watches at reduced prices at Nye's. • pt' McHRMfcvt me ormwwfe SAT.. r .. Ti-; , Tfe -v, Midnight Alanft Tfec moat rniHoail and UMilUpg wcenel, startling In their cHtna*e». the most heart tugging romance ever •cremed. A drama of bptrievards and alley-way*. A drama ot living, breathing. pulsating life. And a Moat Parfact Caat ALICE CALHOUN, the waif PERCY MARMDNT. the fire captain ClILLKIN LAJfMS, the young crook MAXINE ELLIOTT, the cripple ebon JOSEPH K1LGOUR, the villiaaoua axacutar J. GUNNIS DAVIS. laia cold btoodea Bide KITTY BRADBURY, the grandmother GEORGE PJK.RCE. the gw»e.d|ath«r AND USE COMF.0Y • "BEiiiS UP" t ^#UNDAY. FEBRUARY 10 The Celebrated Feature Dangerous Toys ^ AND THE COMEDY '•CHOP SUEYM .SUNDAY MATINEE AT J:3# jif tiie lst6ferV mother, Mrs. The community £tab dance, held at their,h*M Friday night, vras a complete success in every way. Mc- Andre*#' orchestra muakf*^ ' TBMUOMTi 1001 bargains for 10c e*ch at'Brlekson'a stor*, Mra^Ed. Cmwi^r vas an Elgfo visitor Friday. f ^ J. H. Gracy was a business visitor -tn Chicago Monday. J. P. Green of Woodstock called on ' fihny\ J. K^ieat of Aurot« viBfted rell^pH' heve jSaaMy. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Raymond J. Riley of St Louis, Mo., spent Sunday, with relatives herct . ' Mrs. Stella Peck spent a couple of days last week with relatives in Elgin, ieft Tuesday for Florida,, where Harord Knox attended the au bite shtiw in Chicago last Wednei Miss Ele#nor Phalin spent the week end as the gtiest of relatives at Woodstock. . Thomas Ames spent Monday in Chicago and attended the milk producers' meeting. .... . :$j$> Robert V. Knox visited friends Chicago'and Evanston Friday anljh. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and chicj^ (fren of Woodstock spent Sunday ap^, the ht^ne of B. J. Shine. x ' ,.f? Mrs. H. G. Hill and son, Franci% will spend a'couple of months,' Henry McMillan and M. Ki^ik. tended the annual' meeting of fliVMilk Producers' association "in Monday. • l ', •!: CLASSIFIED DEfAimpT FOR SALE--Horse, harness and cutter. Call phone 136-W. 35 Valentines a# Erickao^k - j B l ' - j r . • * ' i t ; .v .-tap* . v*' ' i - " f ' % . ». (.""••vV.*. '• i'i i'i -V. •u« & «•.. w in th^ worid. E^re seodjttgr this message to ^6u uroimf ? who Have What are often the diost lovable ^ f. . •: • A-Lirv* [usbands whd make moitiey easily, spend it easily^ ^ FOR SALE---Three white (brakes and one set of bobsleighs. Fred Kuntz,i McHenry, 111. ' . 35-lt Toulouse geese. West McHenry. 34-2t FOR SALE--Four John A. Anderson, Phone 611-R-2. WANTED--Girl for general housework. Mrs. T. A. Bolfeer, McHenry. Phone 608-J-2. ' 35-lt FOR SALE--A Duroc Jersey boar, 1V* years old and of Pathfinder blood. Priced to sell. John A. Anderson, West McHenry. Phone 611-R-2. 34-2t STORE FOR RENT--West McHenry, 111. West room of my building, suitable for ice cream parlor or other business. Jos. W. Freund, W**t McHenry, 111. 34-4t LOST--On Monday of this week omewhere on road between McHenry and Spring Grove, a tire carrier with wo tires; also a scoop shovel. Finder cindly notify John A. Thennes, McHenry. * 35-lt m and when they get a raise, have ^ov thought Mrt What it ^iU. buy ai oncf. • • J*' ^ ! - W-' ' .f •*,- We want you persuade this belov^c thrift of yours TO BANK THAT RAISE, and t ?tO bank ten per cent ojf his income regularly. OR SALE--Property in the city of McHenry. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 35-tf FOR RENT--The Hanly farms, oae of 350 acres and two of 120 acres eacfc. Also house and lot. Inquire sf Ci W. Harrison, Ringwood, 111. . 35-tf him to join our 1" K "} • *"^1 •* \ N NO U NCEM ENT--Leading Chicago manufacturer has fine standard; piano, partly paid for, which reliable' party can have for balance of small monthly payments. - P. O. Box No. 72, Chicago, 111. * - < 84-2tt? rYPEWRITERS FOR RENT--SpeV cial price of $2.00 per month to students. Regular rental price, $3.00, monthly. All machines in first-clas^ ondition. W. F. Conway, Woodstock, 111. Phone 18, 181-J. 34-24 BABY CHICKS--'In 100 lota, assorted 512; Leghorns, $13; Barred Rocks, St; C. Reds, Anconas, $15; Wyandotites, Buff Orphingtons, Minorcas, $18| - 'ostpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Far->' ow Chickeries, Pfeoria, 111. ' 32-24t FOR SALE--House and two lots. House has all modern conveniences Terms, half cash, balance on time.1 Possession given within thirty day$. of sale. James Revor, West Me Hehry. 34-tf WANTED--Men or woasea to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children; elimi sates darning. Salary, $75 a weel(^~TP full time; $1.50 an hour spare jtiinee Cottons heathers, silks. Internat* onal Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa| SOLON MILLS Visit Uie 10c department at Erick* son's. P. B. Pinney of Grayslake was :aller in town Saturday. C. L. Osborn and E. E. Cropl< {were McHenry callers Monday. Miss Sylvester was a caller .itf; own the latter part of the week. Gus Aim of Chicago was a Sundaj guest in the Mrs. V. Aim home herev Alfred Park of Chicago was alt over Sunday guest of his family here^ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Berry of Chii* •ago spent Sunday in their summer lome here. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bennett of Chit cago were callers in the Jack Pestejft lome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of fryon's Grove were callers in town Sunday evening. Mrs. John Schumacher of Spring Grove was a caller in the Gerda Aim home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Todd of Lakes were guest* of Mrs. Gib^s Wednesday. j4mesf Jackson ia remodeling baqb into a hen house. Earl «Monea|r of ^McHenry is assisting him in th* wirk. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Armstrong ot Chicago spent the week end. in • 0 w if- ; fit---- / £• -:W w him this adveftisemeilt WEST M^HENRV, ILL. Horn *' Ten Club M I V'i: < f vOn February 12th we pay distmguishect homage to Abraham Lincoln with al^'-';^ too little recognition of the magnificent^ ^ mother who-reared m- Nancy Hanks Lincoln diecfm^her^ i tired, overburdened pioneer mother.r^t? Not one labor-saving device did shej^.u'. own. She spun the. wool for the clqthe^cVV an4 sewed them by hand. She washed^ ', on a board, cooked over a fire whith ^j the tended herself, groped her way|? about the windowless cabin in the un4i# certain light of the fireplace. She died? 43 yean wfore hef son was inwigurated.»f^| •, -"VP vf l 'f* m -.% r- %• ' • '••v.'r* ,wt Somewhere in America today, anotheii^ youne mother it rearing a future president.. Her household labors are lifted by eleo£?$ trical appliances. Electricity washes thcK clothes, cooks the food* cleans the rugv lights the home. ^ This mother will live to see her son inaugurated, her fpap by electrical service. i*- .. ... fW". ^ t;; But mMM tmpA*™ OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS IjKssi'v* -. •£>.<I1., *q*ate mm--4Qjl C|tia rr*th, Cas McCOLLUMi DMtriat Crystal Lake, Illinois V 1,* yam m m

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