Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1924, p. 4

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^•:.r».i'-? .*'-}>• EM SE ACH ESS nJBUSHKD IN THE INTEREST OF THB McHENRY COMMUNITY HlfcH SCHOOL Vol. I McHenry, Illinois, February 7, 1924 No. If STAFF jfttHtor in chief Angola Potoach Assistant editor.. .•... Wi!!iam Nye Sewing .Elizabeth Vogt Athletics William Green Science .'it........... • William Beth Commercijki .t^wCJMigustine Freund Alumni ...1.. V. • .Harold Bacon Senior .. *•»*••... ....... .Helen Powers Junior .. i.»»..... iMildred Zuelsdorf Sophomorpn.^*^*,.;.... .Adele Pufahl Freshman ..... v... v Music tVv.. .Floribel Baasett Girls' Athletics .. Lillian Buss Humor i» » . . . . . Ella Harrison literary ......Jeesie Whiting nibal or Caesar. • •. ! It is the opinion of our history i classes that « man has to be dead before the people realize he is great. We were told the other day that the '"failures" were the people that bothered in making out the programs. " ' _________ COMMERCIAL NOTES The stenography I class is getting t© be rather quiet since Millie is missing. Hie bookkeeping and stenography classes are going rather fast in their sometime between May 30 and Sept., work since the exams. • I. Watch for their advertisement in The bookkeeping students who are the paper. j ahead of the slower ones can make use Owing to the inability to raise the,of the period for studying other necessary amount of ^ioney to put out; gtudies. * • /" - an annual, the seniors have given up' \ question for the commercial the plans to publish the book. We geography class: "If Mary land wdre wish to thank again those people who;her "New York" dress, what would so willingly offered to he^w to'fe&'lBela wear? v cided on their future professions. Business operations are to commence *» "it-. *' -ATHLETICS <, Last Friday night the Huntley basket ball teams came to McHenry. The Huntley first team must have carried a horse shoe or some other good luck omen. They defeated our boys by a score of 22 to 17. None of our boys could seem to get going and it was certain that none of them had a good eye for the basket. The McHenry and Huntley team? have divided equally. At Huntley the second team was defeated and the first team was the victor, but at McHenry everything was in the reverse order. The Moond team won and the. first team lost. McHenry's seconds handed the Huntley seconds a very one sided trimming on Friday night. Our boys kept fighting thruout the game and each one succeeded in making at least one basket. The Huntley boys proved weak at shooting baskets and as a resalt they only made two points in the entire game, both of these resulting from free throws. Green for McHenry made seven field goals and three free throws and was easily the star of the game. In the last quarter of the game Coach Stringer put in his four substitutes with Green. With oar spbs playing Huntley was unable to get a field goal, altho they had three or four chances, but McHenry kept on making baskets, Green getting one basket, Conway, two, and Jepson, one. This was one of the fastest games ever viewed by McHenry rooters, due to the fact that ref' eree Cook of Crystal Lake kept close to every play and did not allow either team to play dirty or rough. One of Huntley's players was put out on four personals And two or three of the others had three each. Green and Thomas had three each and Whiting and Newman each two for McHenry. Are you going to Hebron Friday l%ht? That is the main question of Hie day. The McHenry basket ball teams have not defeated Hebron for the last two years, but they are going out to do it this time. Hebron always has a large crowd of rooters out to support the teams, so we want yea to come and back your team. Wm. M. Green. ing advertising space. Have you seen-- "The Kid"--Cornelia. • "Nice People"--Seniors.; / "The Shock"--Red cards. "The Shiek"--Carl Thorsell. y "Human Wr^ckage"--^EdttCa^jl^^ "The Miracle Man"--Leo Thelen, "The Copperhead"--Lyle Hopper. "Long Live the King"--Mr. Duker. "Four Cylinder Love"--Ralph Clem* e n s . , , v , , . .. , . . . . . . . Musketeers" Daughters" Fauntleroy"- The boys. 7 "Wandering' men girls. Little Lord tine Freund. The Secret Passage assembly to office. "The Eternal , Grind"---Assembly hall pencil sharpener* JUNIOR CLASS NOTES The junior class lias been minus a few members lately, mumps, etc. Hon. Horrors, a test in chemistry j report 8 good time, especially the ride scheduled for Monday. If everyone home. Perhaps some of the senior survives it will be a miracle. Kjri8 could furnish details. I wonder what everyone thinks of The'graduates of McHenry commu- «ur second team now? We are real njty high school attending the Univer-> proud of alT1'"of"- them, especially j 8jty of Illinois ^njoyed a few days' little Willie.'!' t . jrest in the homws of their parents Bussy: "I am following in the over the week end. They were forced footsteps of Barney Google for I to return to again take up their feel an attack of the "heebe zeebies" scholastic duties on last Monday morncoming upon me." j jng. The semester exams at the uni-; It looks as tho "Bobbie" Vlaiy and j versity have just been completed. William Nye had eloped, btft we see j Those, visiting home folks were:! he has returned without her and knows; Alice Miller, Leo Winkel, John Vy-' GIRLS' ATHLETICS ; The first game of the tournament between the girls' teams of the high school was played between the -juniors and seniors last Friday night after school. The juniors defeated the seniors, the score being 38 to 27 The juniors managed to keep about eleven points ahead of. the seniors all t^ru the game and were at one time nineteen points ahead of them. V ; Miss Angela Petesch . played forward in Miss Zuelsdorf's ' place and With Miss Ahrens' help accomplished good team work and made many points. The positions of the players oil the junior team was changed, how- OVer, because of the absence of Guard Vasey. We admit the seniors . payed a good game and managed to JBet a good score. The next game ifill be played between the sophomores lipid seniors. The juniors also appre dated the yelling for their team. • Lillian Bus». f t r SENIOR SCHOOL NOTES Congratulations to the junior girls basket ball team. ..'1 The physics class is*going to take up """""the study of radio. '~~*rr Miss Richmond is suffering from an . 'A'. Wonder if Mist Pryor isn't mistaken about the talking in the typewriting room. It must be the rattling j of the typewriters that makes her j think that the students are talking. Send us his sweet simplicity, His tenderness, his love, His sympathy for those o So like the- One above. We need his pure unselfishness,! That marked his every deed, His deep and rugged honesty, In these days of graft and greft* The love he bore his fellowmen, > His passion for the right, His deep abiding faith in God, H* • That was his' guiding light. His calmness in the face of *ston% . That was with him all tiletln% His kind forgiving spirit,. > j: : His patience so sublime. ' , This is the ardent prayer, Oh God, Sent up from the hearts ofTO^ That you send his spirit and influence To live with us again. This was written for the Em Se Ach Ess by William Charles Cook. '! . / You Can If You Think You Cut, If you think you're beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don't, If you'd like to win but think you Can't It's almost a cinch you wont. If you think you'll lo3e, you're lost, For out in the world you find "' J Success begins with a fellow's, will;. It's in the state of anind.'^ Full many a race is lost T - Ere ever a step is run; f * V And many a coward fails Ere ever his work begun. Think big and your deeds wilt Think small and you'll fall behind, Think thpt you can and yotf will. It's all in the state of mind.' * If you think you're outclassed yon are; You've got to think high t<^ rise, You've got to be sure of yourself before You can win a prize. Life's battes don't a ways go 5 >;VTo the stronger or fMter MM, But soon or late the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks he can. Author Unknown • ' 1J 1 JOKES "When a person is blind his hearing is more aeuje," said the professor, explaining the law of compensation. "Oi see'" said Pat. "Oi've always noticed that . if a man haa-#s«B:. j££ short, the other is longer.",- ~ r C o r r e c t - - t ' , ^ r 'ibfficeir'; very • angry: "Not a man in this division will be given liberty this afternoon." . • v , " . <• ' Voice: "Giv* me' liberty give me death." v f-' • 'Officer: "Wfto said that Voice: Patrick Henry." f The Bull Ladje . Painful Absent minded dentist, tinkering he sit he sit inside the ho<iij$; of hi? car: "Now I'm most." JMiSfp Ashburner the laciest boy I Some' Epitaifti , A Senior 4peep wisdom--swell hett* f • Brain ftfver- he's ? " An Eaeay on The - Chicago board 6f caused a classic essay to be immortal ized in type., It's aboalt ygas written by a young The essay: "What a wonderful ^ the frog are. When he stand he Almost. When he hop he<fly, |He ain't got hardly. Hf'. ain't got no t no sense, naraiy. ; tail hardly, eithef. Whe«| , on what "TO ain't-got, al?9|- afraid this is going to hurt, yon An officer was showing an oM 1« •a 'little." * 5 •T • lover the battleship. • • • In ^iglkh III Oub V , i:J '"This," said he, pointing -Miss Ashburner: "Was Bunyan scribed plate on the deck, is wner» . i\ ^ f f o o i ; b o y ?" , g a U a n t c a p t a i n . f e l l . ^ | " Harold:, "O^ Wi fa pl*yed fcftaeball rj^fo wonder," replied the oA Sunfla^" 1 j'^jnearty slip<>ed on it myself. "Phree - MUSIC :;7C. - Orchestr4 ?f|le ansic for the operetta hae-arrived and the orchestra is hard at work mastering same. The time is , very short to complete this big piece ^-Senior j 0f work and the orchestra will have jto do some tall hustling to prepare -Fresh-Tfchemselves f^r the masterpiece- ! Glee Club Augus- The work that has been done is for the Operetta. It is coming along fine -Hall from and the memorizing of the songs has begun. The planning of the custumes ! for the gypsy rover is being done. ALUMNI NOTES Soveral of McHenry's young col- j legians from the University of Illinois diie to colds, jOUineyed to Crystal Lake to take in the basket ball game and dance. All :•*! •mmm nothing of her whereabouts. The stenography I class have beeti working on the review of word sign! for at least a week and what do you think, they know them by heart, the exact page and everything. A number of the pupils of the high school attended the basket ball game at Crystal Lake last Saturday night cital and Earl Walsh. THE MIRRORED MAN* Continued Story by Leone Glvens After a while the' footsteps slowly and softly went down the long hall and finally died away. Though the night was warm, Marie shivered. Again she ' considered waking the and were rather disappointed for the j gjris and again she thought that it game wasn't as good as they expected. | was best to have them remain sleep- Sounds emerging from the girls'j ing. Marie slowly slid ou« of bed and cloak room'about 12:0(^ o'clock every j felt her way toward the door and j equally slowly and softly she slid the j lock into place. Now they were se-1 cure. What if there should have j been some one in the joom ? What if j Say, the floor was made to walk on. I she had locked him in ? She felt her j I'm just coming up for pir, ttu&s j way back and sat on the side of the | r bed to listen. In this position she ( gncyclopedius Arikqricua» j waited for what seemed to her almost Rube: The guy that tfi~mk§ "Sin£ j half ah hour. Then she reached the I Sing" is a lullaby. ~ /^^old, heavy lamp and lighting it slowly Sissy: The guy that thinks the cot- went toward the door. Softly she! day: Get off my hat. Where's my -other .golofefcf Come early and avoid the rush. att. ton gin is something good to drink. *-- Attack of chicken pox. ' The English IV class are very busy getting material for source themes. Rosalie, how about an article in next week's issue of "Em Se Ach Ess ta love? The seniors have completed American history this week and are.ready to begin civics. _ ' * We were sorry"to be defeated by ttife junior girls Friday afternoon, but watch us next time. Lost--A silver double compact at the game Friday night. Finder kindly leturn. to the office. * The physics class was minus three of its members laet Friday as a result of excessive happiness. - Anyone desiring instructions in regard to oiling sewing machines see Florence. Classes at all hours. Several of the seniors attended the game at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Hope McHenry has as good luck in defeating Hebron Friday night. Owing to Leo's bad habit of chewing and depositing the remains on other people's property, three unlucky '^seniors were driven from physics class Ife'.Friday. ' 1 We wer^s all glad to see Alice, Leo, •' J6hn and Earl Friday afternoon. |~ They refused to give speeches before "Ti1° the high school, but we all did our !*£/' ,, share in asking question*. (i-tSenoritas Stilling and Freund de- SOPHOMORE NpTES Aak Bussie about the tadpole*! legs. Ha, ha! -• Lenore Cobb #!• absent from school Monday. Just wait until you see the sewing I girls* spring hats. We want to congratulate the second team, boys for winning Friday night. Ask Willie, Pagie and Bernie if they had an exciting time Saturday night. * The girls are practising the operetta with the boys' chorus and it means a lot of hard work. Mr. Tallmadge didn't know he had such valuable water in the lab. found sheep (paresite). _ Orchestra practise has bee|i changed to Wednesday on account Of Mjv Sears having difficulty in getting/nere. Geometry class must "admit Mr. Duker is a good teacher. Wonder how he makes up the clifflcult figures. When it comes to (basket ball the girls are right there.i The .students enjoyed their game Friday night very much. Will someone please help Mr. Stringer's English II class and explain how they are to write up their arguments ? The stujdents have taken separate seats in eighth period assembly. It means no more good times (including the gossip). Wonder why Linny doesn't put some opened it and shivering with fear she peered out. She looked up one end of the hall, but saw nothing. Then she looked towards the end in which the mirror was stationed. At first she saw nothing, but then with a start she almost dropped the lamp. In the mirror she saw the reflection of a man. He was standing looking at her. His hair was shaggy and rather gray and his eyes were large and black and had in them a rather vacant stare. Even as she watched, the man slowly vanished thru a door also shown in t^e-« mirror. .At last she had discovered the secret. Fearing to stay linger in the hall she hurried back into, her roorrLjind threw herself on He the befr,-Jto<rC|£jpified to speak. Morning came and with it thoughts of the past night. Should she tell the girls? Why, they would only laugh at her. Had it really been true or Campu* T|p In order to clean our shelves and make room f&r our spring stock, which will soon arrive, we are offering these special prices on the following desirable merchandise, which cbnsists '* of broken patterns but all sizes are represented. -4' LOT y Ik '-.Urn- W *v... *£,• ,(}*• Men's Overcoats--Half and full belted models, all this season's merchandise mm •M T*" 1 ** ¥ ' ' \U; . only a dream ? It seemed awfully real. "Say, thought you said thft house was haunted. Yes, haunted without? !even ^ sign of a ghost. That's why I 'came along. Never saw a ghost in my life and I did want to see one so bad. Suppose I ^aye to stay tho so the ghosts don't eat you girls," jabbered Mildred or Dolly as the girls called her. As it was a warm and sunny day the girls planned a picnic to a nearby lake. They had a very good time and returned home that evening very tired. One by one they filed thru the long action into his part in the operetta! corridor. With a shudder Marie rewhile practising it. We can't say he's! membered the occurrence of the pre very bashful. U , Eng. II classes are beginning to read Julius Caesar. By the looks of the introduction we're not going to enjoy it immensely vlous night and wondered which was the door that the man had entered. During the day Marie and Dot had met two young men whom they had gone to college with and -decided to When the lights went out Monday j go to a show with them that evening. The other two girls planned to stay home and retCd. Twelve-thirty found Dot and Marie . *>> •• v':. '•-<y * • V ' MM--: • -VMen's and young men s suits clnd overcoats--The models arid cloths are all desirable and represent super values, many of the suits have two pair of trousers, specially priced "i- : . - Men s and young men s suits and overcoats--This lot consists of our best grade of suits and overcoats, all hand tailored, beautiful patterns and striking models^You are sure to find something in this line that will please you. V M" morning the students said "No lights, no work." But of course they had to go on again, our hard luck. Earl Walsh, John Vycital and Leo'just ffeturning home. They hastened Winkel visited Miss Pryor's assembly up the walk, Dot in the lead. Marie Friday af|^rnoon and told her who should hav* front seats. Hope she wasn't influenced by them. FRESHMAN NOTES JV In algebra I the freshnHtti 4 Are struggling with fractions. The ancient history classes Tare' studying the campaign of Caesar. The Eng. I classes are beginning "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner." Elmer Zuelsdorf, after trying to get the mumps for gi week, is back in school again. They were trying to decide which was the greater military leader, Hanhappened to glance up at one of the windows and saw a faint light gleaming from the window. What was the matter? Could it be that the girls had changed their room just to terrify them ? (To be cdntinued) SEND US ANOTHER LINCOLN Send us another Lincoln, In ths hour of gravest need, To keep us in the path of right, To guide us and to lead. With the world so fuirof trouble, Of turmoil and of strife We need now as never The influence of his life HEN'S ALL RUBBER FOUR BUCKLE OVERS ^ Special at S3* 29 BRUSHED WOOL SWEATER COATS Special at $4.85 .... . MEN'S ! WORK VESTS Moleskin shell and sleeve, knitted collar and cuff $3.95 ^ MEN'S SWEATER COATS t»- • Jersey ribbed, brown and green heather mixtures Special at .$4.6$ - Jm. McHENRY, ILLINOIS gf -v1

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