w^#i*ttr^ " KS ^-' ' 4t, */$• . •. ,v v., *•*, j£| ^-i:: '-'-"S"f.' '. ?U2j"" "\&^r -•- . .'• ^ ' .~'°' J". < ' ^ r- ^§r^: vK* L^ v-I;*r ;^ ^. r rr% ? - ^ ^ #•*** *< %•»*•#* .£ * *'»• >- -* -V* •s'*^ t" *' " •'"S- *?.u W kttr.& &&HW m •ivm ity go into "Ball-Band" Arctics. Combined with expert workmanship, this assures you MoreXfcays' Wear.at lowest eosljpez. day's wear. Extra warm, lined withiieavy wool The Swing W JUDGE CHARLES P. BARNES Two very important, things in tht swinp are the pivrst and keeping the left arm nearly straight. It is almost impossible to make a good drive as to 1 direction or distance unleaa we pivot properly and nothing adds more to •< good direction fend distance than a , fairly straight left arm at the top of *he swing. I dont mean straight like a yard stick, but there should only be a small curve in the left arm, as it Is almost impossible to get either distance or direction when the arms are t practically folded up on or near the yj l"ight shoulder at the trip of the swing. **A»» •-•*- - V '* . lAJl-rubber tope, instead of d0th,i£desir*d. Our new stock of "Ball-Band" is ready for your inspection. Come in and .supply your Mbber Footwear needf , " J , Iraise their club for the swing. u-4this I mean, that when they pail back i-S it heir club for the stroke, they sway their heads and bodies off to the right In the direction they have pulled back "*s fcheir club for the stroke. When this Is done the stroke is spoiled before it •His. started. Many of nil do this unconsciously, #4®u»d one way to correct it ia to prae- 4 fiee swinging in the middle of the * * • ; •r-jfa'-- JOHN STOFFEL v WEST McHENRYV ILL; l ilay facing your shadow. By placing the MW maples for a total 0f 260. your ball in the center of your ^n* was high man of the losing Shadow, you can easily see whether quintet wjth a total of 516. The , your head and body sway to the right sceres; iwyou make the up-strolce. The head Rax4Hg . is the pivot and must be held still as! spnding Pivots. 1 RoSsman When you have addressed -the ball •P* 4. The Right Price, The RightBealer --These Three * &s -Make Success J Juiven a car with a reputation so good thai; Everyone speaks well of it---at a price so loir ,'s that the majority of. motor. car owners calk. w^Mford to buy it-r-and a business-man with suffii* ft^tient capital, aggressiveness, and merchandising &&bility, and you have the ingredients of a sure* £j&re dealer-success. ^ you are the kind ofaJcwiainr-- jma wf ^describe, the Hupmobile is the kind of -a car $f*you want to sell. Ifou cannot handle "just any old car" today a@|nd expect to get by. Tan years ago, it wail &fjb£erent. A dealer could handle any one c§* jpossibly fifty curs and, on a hit or miss basis, m a k e m o n e y . ' \ * . -- . Joday you have:the Hupmobile aa>dm handfuL -#f others, well known leaders, from which yoi| tnust select if you really expect to be in the.. Automobile business. Booaose of a fortunatar : combination of circumstances, the kind of* i|ealer we describe is able now, at this time, tool# lain a i 4c Rroduction $9 Inermmmff' Hupmobile lias never been able to Iceep pfeoc ""jvith the demand. It has enlarged its factories ind increased, in every way ito production laciKties, time after time. > f i • Its production has now however,"increased to ft |>oint where it has been able to throw open new . territory which has hardly been scratched i||^ 4he past by Hupmobile dealers. \ ^Jliis virgin soil is ready for the harvest, aiill - jljou may be sure that sales efforts by Hupmobile dealers in the territories mentioned, will bii-.. tichly rewarded by sales and by profits. tzfiere is opportunity, such as has not faced, automobile dealers in many years. Hupmobile Instead of bong at the apex of its success is Joying a wonderful growth and popularity--p growth that increases day after day and yea* ^ After year. ^ J; '• That growth goes right back to the feci that Hupmobile has always built a good car and ii today building what is really a fine car at a loW |>rice. The public, quick to recognize tru»^. jvorth, has discovered the Hupmobile--ha*. li:jjearn«d for itself, that Hupmobile means lower $ost and a better investment--and the publit is demanding Hupmobiles in unpreoedenfee^ v Volume. PeopteWanttheHapmobih-** They want it because they know that it is built %s carefully, to measurements as precise, df: rfnaterial? as fine, as cars costing two and thre# ;times its price. |n addition, it has the merit of almost ^rtcred- |ble economy of operation, and even more r€h fnarkable economy of upkeep. We are looking * |or business men who are aggressive merchant? Risers--men who can command bank credit, cj| ;; iupply capital direct. Come in and let us show " •you interesting records of profits made by Hupfe mobile dealers in this territory. Write toda>&~» DEFENBERS Aim RIXAt|S TIE BUI< AND FORDS IN ^miDRUCI S toff el , Steilen , Conway .140 156 168 469 163 ;»y*v_K.I5A 149 138 448 148 151 171 127 449 150 a itswlit ->f <Te--a DefH^ers > Rexalls . Baicks Forda ... i Leghorns Oh Henrys . ( . i.^.r.20 . »»»*-.»•» 17 , . ', r .lT *•* 13 . . . . . . . 1 2 lis - 13 15 16 16 20 21 .607 .607 316 .516 J94 J264 • 788 722 719 2229 744 Mtatake In Schedule A slight error has been made in the printed schedule of the games to be bowled by the league. The corrected This week once more Ands .the Defenders and RaxaUs tied for first pbc*h»nor8 in the McHenry bowliag league, while the Buicks and Fords are on an equal - footing for second The meetings of the teams during the past. week. were, marked with low A big error is committed by most j scores, the only team putting up any .golfers in swaying to the right as they ](ijid of a^showing at all Bj Rexalls. r « 1 ^ DR. A I. FROEHL1CH Phys Jan and Surgeon ' Special attention given to X-ray, diagnosis, treatments and dental radiograph. Office hoars: . 9:30 to 10:30 a. a, 1:80 to 8:80 p. m. _ 7:00 to 8:00 p. pu Telephones, Res., 128-W; Office, 128-R WEST McHENRY, ILL. Rexalls n. Buicka The Rexalls climbed into a tie tot first place honors with the Defenders on -Tuesday evening of last woek by taking two out of the three games rolled. Vogt, captain of the winning team, was easily the star of the evening, getting a total of 615 pins fov an a«Rr*ge of 205. .He rolled his high game in the first round, when he hit .With your club, as stated in my last g-( Boley article, the first thing to do in starting the up-swing is to turn your wrists over toward the right, which will carry your club head close along the -ground inside the line of flight for a Distance of about thirty inches, and this is done without any movement of i your forearms, but solely by turning our wrists over to the right, altho it rfis the left wrist that turns the most. < JNOW with a slight movement of your wrists, raise the club on the same lins •or circle till it is twelve or fifteen inches from the ground or mat, and |aap to this point the body has not istarted to pivot and the fore^ftns have inot moved, but everything so far has ibeen done solely by turning the wrists. At this point your pivot starts. Your arms, shoulders 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. . ..CMS 159 138 468 154 ..,'123 147 140 410 137 143 149 161 453 151 ...155 173 126 454 151 ....160 178 182 615 205 Office Hours 9-12 a. nhfv.-;. 2-5 p. mi 7-8 p. nt; 1 Phone 158 Chiropractor F L. MINICK, 3>.C. . . • rt V* "•"» ' •. 3h>lai>r Cteedhn*|^f^ BrefeM Building West McHenry, 111. schedule should read as follows: Thursday, Feb. 14, Rexalls vs. Oh Henrys; Friday, Feb. 15, Buicks vs. Leghorns. If you intend having an aoettoa sale, farm or anything in the auctiaa line, let W. G. Sohreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. mm Yoar SPMIIi «l SUHHEIf SM 'Made To Order of AD Wool Materiri Just received over 1000 new spring and summer samples for you to choose from. Prices range from $23.50 tip. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Place your order before the Easter rush starts. - \ . •- ' - , ' "%3S • As my cleaneT from Chicago comes three times a week, I am able to take rugs of any kind and size to be cleaned and steamed. Also ladies' and gents' hats of any kind at reasonable prices and quick service. JOE DITTRICH JP McHenry • % . 'V-vi.S^ik ' t v^Sj Buicks A. Patzke Kreutaer 4M7 801 747 2895 798| 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. ...171 112 134 417 139 .....161 135 151 447 149 L. Pa«e .140 140 140 420 140 W. Patake ....1*49 135 151 435 145 Lauras .......154 182 180 616 172 775 704 756 2235 745 vs. Oh Henrya Utie" Oh Henrys are still going. Last Thursday evening they took two out of three games from the Fords. Geo. Justen, of the Flivver squad, was high man of the evening with a total of 511, white Bacon, also of the same .. team, was'second high with 482. H. j| Your and hips «"! battles and R. Page were-tied for Istart by turning to the right in pe' jhigh honors for the Oh Henrys, each feet unison and as your club goes on gefcfcing a ^1 0f 468 pins. The up and around for the swing your left | scor#g. ^Iheel leaves the ground and the greater I ForA> * |Bt 2nd 3rd Total Av. , apart of your weight is transferred to |c Bugg >#f4,,|29 139 180 898 133 - tyour right foot with a small portion on! Bacon >u, J76 159 147 jthat part of your left foot that is; Nick#|i ...>w139 148 141 f jtouching tfie ground, which should' ^32 116 160 Ifonly be the inside of the fore part of 170 187 that fodt. At the top of yoor swing your left knee should be pointing toward the ball and you must pivot iround to the right far enough so that ;he ball, your .left knee and your jshoulder are . all practically in a straight line. The toe of your club jet the top of the swing should be ^pointing straight to the ground with your left arm nearly straight, you* J (right elbow in close to your right aide iand both wrists as far under the club as you can get them. It is impossible to hit the ball from inside the line 482 428 398 511 161 143 133 170 730 732 765 2217 740 Oh Henrys 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. Hankermejar .125 133 142 400 133 .....176 147-140 463 154 ...*.f37 158 168 463 154 .,.140 140 140 420 140 ,164 123 169 456 152 R. Page . Schjjnitt . P./Meyers 738 but 677 game went all to pieces, scoring The scores: Defenders 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. 742 701 759 2202 Oafeadera vs. Leghorns The Leghorns took a fall out of thei Defenders last Friday night, walking away with two out of the three games (unless you pivot well to the right, and ^ Whiting was high man of the jno shot can be successful unless it is evening getting a total of 535, while Imade by hitting the ball from inside gtoffel 'wag second high with 459. | the line ef flight. At the top of your, ^ srame the Defenders swing, your hands shwW be about1 jeven with your right ear. g As you start your downward; .swingj hips, shoulders and .amis mu»t whiting <18i 174 180 535 178 .^iwrk in amiaon and without-thinking Thompson .. .150 117 145 412 137 of it your wrists will turn or roll bade; Rnox .i50 148 137 435 145 before the club head reaches the |Min|dc .\U28 109 185 367 122 On the down stroke, be sure your dah | # t j2S 129 146 400 133 comes back in the same path it f<Mlowed on the up swing. Your left heel ..should be back on. the ground b'ust before the ball is struck and un- -!H; [less you aliow the club head to follow out along the line of flight as the ball leaves the club you are likely to have a bad slice in addition to a poor shot. Above all other things, raise your jclub slowly and even have the api ipearance of a very slight pause at the i. |top of the stroke, and be sure to start ? your club down slowly, without anything like speed at the top, but let the speed of the club increase gradually las it approaches the ball, and the Leghorns Heimer . . *29 677 743 2149 715 "l^lLst 2nd 8rd Total Av. ..174 144 137 465 152 Bolger ........167 102 154 428 141 this. You will never acquire anything like a good swing unleaa you start right and practice. You must practice this swing until it becomes so natural it would be hard for you to swing any' other way. It must come as the wood chopper swings hia axe to cut down a tree and as the hunter quickly pulls his gun to his shoulder and drops the bird that has speed of the club should be the great-1 flown up in front of him. When you "? est at the exact time the ball is hit, 1 practice draw a line on the floor or on altho the speed limit is figured for a distance of two feet before hitting the ball and by nearly the same distance tr:..- The Gambilf Moto 2230 Michigan Avenue "Chicago^ ilL afterwards. As you finish your stroke with your follow thru, your arms should be extended out their full length along the the grass and put a piece of paper or some other obstacle on the opposite side of the line of flight from where you are standing, but close to the line, and see that your driver does not hit it, or reach the line of flight until it comes in contact with the ball and line of flight, and while your left leg then you are hitting from the • inside, is practically stiff,-your body should come forward on to your left leg and left foot, so that only the toe of your right foot is touching the ground, altho of course at the extreme finish of your stroke the speed of your club has carried your body around so that you are facing in the direction the ball haa gone, and your arms and club have gone around to the left and should be in practically the5 same position on the left side that they were in on the right at the top of your stroke. Every movement from start to finish, in making your siring, must have the appearance of smoothness and and your club will follow out along the line of flight and not turn sharply to the left as soon as the ball is hit and ruin your shot with a bad slice. In other words, you must work out the swing by practice when you are not playing the game. I practice hours at a time and enjoy it. It is impossible to make a good drive and try to think of the numerous things that enter into it. Diligent practice will give you accuracy and a splendid swing, but when you are in a game and about to hit the ball forget everything except that you are to hit that ball. Don't think of your stance, your rhythm. Get the stroke first and the | griPf your arms, your elbows, your speed will come later. There must j shoulders, your feet or the follow be no appearance of lunging or chop- j thru. Bring your driver back slowly ping at the ball and until you have 1 and with your eye on the side of the learned the stroke, take it easy and ball where you are going to hit it, wait for your club head to reach the don't think of anything else, but speed ball. In other words, aa. your dubjUp your club as it approaches the ball is going into the ball, don't let j and soak it It is speed, speed and your hands get ahead of the club, and j more speed, and when you combine not-one stroke in ten is good unless you finish with your weight on your left foot and only the toe of your right foot touching the ground. I wish you particularly to smoothness • and rhythm, and even a fair amount of speed, with a proper pivot and a good follow thru you will have no reason to complain as to the length of your drive or its direction. Chicago and North Western System C &N. W. Rjr. _ i , ^StP; M, fcO. Ry. The Railroad Dollar SOME men in public life fu-e proposing to compel reductions io rates with no thought of making such reductions possi- - He by aiding in the reduction of expense*. #ftpHE railroads today are returning back * * to the people by way of wages, purchase of materials and supplies, and tax$s, almost all the money they take in. F REDUCTIONS in rates are to be had, there must first be some way of reducing expenses. present^level of freight rates is iiet *• caused by the valuation of the railtoads nor by .U)e «ei retura tbeyi are re- ...tooeiving; IN 1922 each dollar received from patrons of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company was used as follows: Paid {pr materials Paid for taxes - Paid for labor Paid for interest - Paid for rentals - ftud for dividends Total - cents .dM6 •*18.92 7.67 0.59 4.00 160.00 ,_A STUDY of t h e f o r e g o i n g t a b l e w i l l jt\. show where the railroad dollar is going. 3 M " A' 91.19 '. * SALE BEGINS AT a. m„ Sat., Feb. FOR ONE DAY ONLY We have just received a large factory 'shipment of ladies' aprons and house dresses in fine quality percales- These garments, cut full, in the latest styles, are exceptionally well made witb deep tons and n e a t trimmings. ",.7 j - .' L Owing tO'^e~:W^nui8^-in"'Siz^ from 34 to 5^ this sale presents an unusual opportunity for ladies who wear stout or large sizes to,supply their wants, as well as for those who require only the medium or smaller sizes* • 7 ;V.^ ...... ' - _ The fegular retstff value of these aprons rauge froto- $1.50 to $2.50 each. For this day only we have priced them each at $1.19 GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, IUL ' hi • » ' # ' • - •»>« IL * -km * 1