Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1924, p. 7

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' -rfKi itoalbJ^^Er nmofficent book wwww ,^W contains many profitable eointefifor foflf. M m c6lor ilhS Of Ike World? ofttiioastoeds. It » a Msferpfcee! Each bi wdjwof&fcamioe. Only a limited numb* are • • Your Copy i* Ready ** Wanted below will give you tlifs Dairy Book free provided votf 20 sacks International Special Dairy within 30 days. Buy 5, 10 Every dairyman will prize this volume--Ret yourt of Milk acks today. mm: iUfully processed and mixed, e a bit extra rain la milk, ibrtitote. Inferior brand* offen thes insuf- Acccpt DO . _ ofiered by others mills cannot produce the gams prof-table remlttu hrnoatlooal Spml Dtlr;. Ord« •QUO today. mitfmSTSwJK wwam coonty farners* co-ornuTrvE assn., \ sj west h'ienhy ' • * % . £ •• ~'..: h-^"4h C-l r^sm. * j* :-?5. - 33$. i\ • FEfBKBS OF FOR OUTRIVAL TIE CDLBRAHSEJ! When Dad's days work is done he's entitled to some fun of his Own. He's earned a little time to himself. A spell of rest, a change, something different from JafcV - himself and for'himself--on his ;^#eloved Gulbtanseh? pleasures afford so com plet e v$ change from the workvaday . , '?• |frind. Few are so fascinating, the usual grind--thatVwhat.he. ;.yfew ^ thoroughly enjoyable. Q66ds< " ^ '.rf* "playing is unbelievably eaky beSo why should/folks be fussy t cause of Gulbr-ansen responsiveabout little things like keeping; dinner Waiting when a fellow is, right in the midst of an all-ab- * •orbing, body-and-soul-satisfyiog^ little session of music--played by liess and extreme flexibility. i\nd--with your Gulbransen-- •you get four simple, complete £jM»d exclusive Instruction Rolls /%howin£ 4 tnetbo^1 of correct fdayiog;* - * / *1 Four Models Nationally Priced s'"' „ ' (42t - $495 - S575 - »!» Nye Music and Jewelry Store PHONR U.VJ WESTMcHF.NRY. il ". Qulbransen THE REGISTERING PIANO iSiiick Character Makes Buick Value T*-1 "fkiick value is something more than appears ©n the surface. It is more than the excellence And beauty of Buick design--more than the -greater riding comfort, power and safety that Buick provides. Buick's value comes from ^ the sum total of all those Buick qualities and ' traditions which together make up Buick -I**, Character. A Buick owner fully appreciates , \JBuick character. He knows the dependable, Satisfying and trouble-free transportation" : Hvhich Buick gives, however long or however i ' far a Buick owner may elect to drive his car. B-S3-M-NT W: wn ]r OVERTONE COWEN r: McHENRY, 114.. -- 'HARVARD, ILL? 7 - VOLO Market your eggs at Erickson's. v Mrt. Henry Kasler is on the sick utt. Father Schark spent Friday inCM- •cago. '* Frank Roeing has tastalleda new radio. Bill Wagner spent Friday in lie- Henry. Bill Wagner spent Wednesday in IfSukegan. «- Mrs. Wm. C. Dillon was a Wauconda caller Friday. Mrs. Hej man Molidor spent Tuesday our village. 4. Fred Dunnill was '"a Wppconda ^sailer Wednesday. Joe Hironimus made a business-trip to Geneva Monday. Frank Rossdeutscher motored to Waukegan Monday. Michael Krapf spent Saturday Afternoon in McHenry. - , Math. Freund of McHenry "wjm seen Ifei our town last Friday. v 1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln were McHenry callers Friday. John Rossdeutscher and Louis Bishijp spent Sunday in town. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lefizen motored to Waukegan Wednesday. Peter Wsgener was a business caller in Waukegan last Thursday. George Dasher of Wauconda Was a caller in town last Thursday. Henry Wegener has moved his family to a farm at Big Hollow. Lillian ^Davis of Fort Hill visited jthe local public school Friday. Miss Evalin Hironimus spent Sunday with friends at Libertville. Miss Ruby Peterson spent the w4ek end with her parents in Huntley. " Deputy Lester Ticany and Del Weale were seen on our streets Tuesday. Walter Dillon was a pleasant guest of Mrs. Kirwan Thursday afternoon. Wm. Frost of Round Lake called on friends here last Thursday morning. Mrs. C. McCandless of Round Lake spent Wednesday with Rose Dunnill. Marshal Smith of Roseville was seen on our streets Monday evening. Lloyd Eddy and family, formerly of McHenry, have moved into the Potter place. Letah and Dorothy Vasey spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vasey. #. " Mrs. C. E. Simon of Elgin spent the week (Aid with her sister, Mrs. J as. Kirwan. Art Kaiser, and Irving Molidor of Waukegan spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. .Engeln have moved to McHenry, where Mr.,Engeln is employed. Ben Lenzen of West Fremont visited his mother, Mrs. John Lenien, here Sunday. Wm. Nicholls and son, Clarks, of Roseville were pleasant callers in town Sunday morning. Leonard Disney of Libertyville was a pleasant caler in some of the local homes Saturday. A sflk hose without whiskers for men. See it. No. 1045 at 75 cents a pair at Smith's. Joseph Vogt was bitten by a coon one day recently, which nearly resulted in blood poisoning. A. C. Ree and Ed. Kennedy were business callers at the Frank Hironimus home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock and family were ^Monday callers of Mr. and |lrs. Mike Wagner. Miss Maude Rotramel and pupils of Volo public school visited the Fort Hill •chool last Thursday. Wm. Lennert and sister, Anna, of £hicago were Sunday guests of Mr. •nd Mrs. Joe Lenzen. Miss Viola Wagner of Fremont was a guest of Adeline Rossdeutscher last Monday, and Tuesday. JohYi Vasey, Mrs. Jay Vasey and daughters, Georgia and Helen, spent Sunday at Passfield's. The Campfire Girls met at the Vasey home last Saturday. Netft Saturday they will meet at Dillons. The state veterinary has been testing the herds of L. V. Lusk and Fred Converse for tuberculosis. Mrs. Wm. Duesing and daughters, Grace and Kathryn, were business Jailers in McHenry Friday. Mr. aiid Mrs. Herman Dunker spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and -sons of Wauconda were callers at the John Walton home Saturday. Miss Ruby Peterson and Mrs. Peter Wegener attended a teachers' meeting at Highland Park Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Guthrie and family of. Waukegan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stadtfeld Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stadtfeld and Ion, Donald, of Wauconda called on Mrs. John Molidor Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher movgd onto what is known as the Het Gilbert farm at Round Lake Saturday. Messrs. Joe Lenzen, Fred Dunnill, frank Hironimus and son, Harry, were business callers in Round Lake Friday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk, Raymond and Esther attended a meeting at the community house at Wauconda Sunday evening. Jack Nicholls and John Oeflting of McHenry called on the former's sister, Mrs. Frank Hironimus, last Thursday afternoon. of Libertyville wpac* callers in the Frank Hironimus home Wednesday afternoon. The Farm Bureau held a and showed several films of pictures at the L. V. Lusk home day night. *• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Dillon and family spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon, at Round Lake. There will be service# at the Volt> M. E. church every Sunday afternoon. Sunday school at 1:45 and church services at 2:80.' Mr. and Mrs. John Hironimus and family of Lake Zurich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Wegener motored to Cortland Saturday and,spent the day with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald. Chas. Haas and George Wehrenberg of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hironimus and family. John Gaa of Fox Lake,' Arthur Gaa of Delavar., Wis., and Robt. Mickey of Barrington were Sunday guests at the S. J. Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and daughter, Genevieve, of West Fremont spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell and family. Rev. James will give a talk and show a few films of moving pictures at the L. V. Lusk home on March 14. Everyone is invited to attend. Sunday guests of Mr. John Oeffling were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children of Crystal Lake spent Friday evening and Saturday in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis and Mr. and . Ray Dowell. r. and Mrs. Earl Converse were Thursday callers at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Converse at Valo, where the former's grandmother is ill. Miss Myrtle Darrell Won the ladw* second prize at the card party held at the Palace theatre last Monday night under the auspices of the Transfiguration Catholic church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, enjoyed Sunday dinner with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs." Waynes Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Myrtle Darrell was the guest of Miss LaVern Wheelock at Wauconda Monday evening and attended the girls' basket - ball game between the freshman and sophomores. Bert Dowell, who was reported moving to his farm northeast of Wauconda last week, is now moving back to the place he rented last year, due to the fact that he recently bought it. Week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington, Lillian Brooks of Kenosha, Harold and William Brooks of Waukegan and Miss Neva Toynton of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the many guests who attended the surprise birthday party in honor and Mrs. j of Merritt Clark at his home Monday and Mrs. .evening at Wauconda euchre being the Whitcomb of Waukegan and Mr. and . pastime of the evening. The highest Mrs. John Oeffling and family of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson motored score was seventy-three and si* prizes were awarded. The supper was a sumptuous repast and everyone did to Libertyville Saturday afternoon, justice to the five tier birthday cake They were accompanied by the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker, who remained at that place. The young folks of this community were invited by the Epworth league of Wauconda to attend a show, "The Servant of the Heart," at the Wauconda community house Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roling and infant daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosing and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Molidor and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner at Grayslkke. ' SLOCUM LAKE Bert Dowell made a "business trip to McHenry Saturday. Page Smith was a business caller at Volo one day recently. A splendid line of new ginghams and pereaes at Erickson's. Page Smith sawed wood for R. C Hallock near Wauconda Friday. Emmet Geary of Fremont was a guest of his parents last Thursday. Midred Hoffman was a business caller in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Geary were Crystal Lake callers Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary were ct many colors. Everybody departed wishing Mr. Clark many more such birthdays. RING WOOD ^ Mrs. S., W. Brown spent Saturday shopping in Chicago." Miss I. Ingram spent the week end with friends in Elgin. i A large assortment of Easter goods just received at Vycital's. We gladly give service if we get your co-deration. Smith Bros. A, J. Butler spent Monday in the home of his brother, I. Butler, at Elgin. Mrs. Wm. Beth and daughter, Cora, spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Chas. Peet visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Hinze, at Crystal Lake one day last week. . Mrs. Martha Bradley, of Woodstock came Tuesday for a couple of days' visit with relatives. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. John Sheby next week Wednesday, Mai^h 12. This will be a St. Patrick's party and everyone is ^specially invited to attend. 9 - Mrs. Ray Bartholf of Richmond Tuesday afternoon callers at McHenry. spent the week end in the home of her Wm. Johnston and son, Earl, were business callers at Barrington Saturday- Walter Winkle* ata Sunday dinner v itk home folks on the Hoelscher farm. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett and Henry Geary were business callers at Round Lake Friday. Henry Winkler and Flora Grantham of Wauconda were guests of friends at Algonquin Sunday. G. Burnett, accompanied by Ray Paddock of Wauconda, was a business taller at Waukegan. Mary McCabe of Burton's Bridge spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Geary. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Bacon has been ill, but is able to sit up at present writing. Prof. John Y. Beaty of Arlington Heights will be at the Woodman hall Friday night to give an entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid.! He will give one hour of magic work, j thirty minutes of Scotch imitations and ; thirty minutes of black face comedy, j Come and bring all the family. Ralph H. Smith and Miss Matilda' Young of McHenry were married at! St/ Joseph's church in Elgin last. Sat- j urday at 9 a. m. Ralph is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and and evening: his man friends wish him and his bride a happy voyage on the matri- Mr. and Mrs- Martin Burman and ^ monial sea. They are at home to sons of Woodstock were Sunday guests their friends at 402 Villa St., Elgin, in the Blomgren home. I (^Tuesday, March 4, was the seventyMr. and Mrs. McGill were Sunday w evening visitors in the home of Miv and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mildred Hoffman spent Thursday evening with her sister, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Geary were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman at Wauconda. School was closed at Slocum's Lake Friday as Miss Toynton attended a teachers' meeting at Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett. Willard Darrell attended a directors' meeting of the C. P. & W, railroad at the town hall Thursday evening last. Mrs. G. Burnett spent Tuesday and sixth birthday anniversary of Mrs. Frances Hall and the day was observed by inviting some of the neighbors to a five o'clock dinner. Mrs. Hall received letters, cards and telegrams of congratulations besides a number of nice gifts. Her many friends hope she will live to celebrate many more birthdays. The Home Bureau met with Mrs. C. J. Jepson on Tuesday. Miss Hattie Souder of Urbana conducted a school of instructions. Those who attended were: Mrs. Brooks of Hebron, Mrs. G. H. Johnson of McHenry, Mrs. Celia Thomas and Mrs. Leonard of Greenwood, Mrs. W. Gardner and Mrs. Lynn Overton of Solon and Mrs. Ed. Turner of Spring Grove besides several mem- Wednesday at the H. Grantham home. bers of the Ringwood unit. It was a in Wauconda, caring for her sister, who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pfannenstill of Area spent Saturday evening with the former's parents, Mr.* and Mrs. John Pfannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were guests of Mrs. Kirk's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell, at Grayslake Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of very instructive meeting. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mrs. J. E. Freund was a business visitor in Chicago today. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Schmitt spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Nick Bertrang, at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. S. N.' Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young, Mrs. Art Smith and Ed. and Willie Young attended the an. "' wedding of their sister, Mathilda, to Crystal Lake attended the euchre club * ... . . a . party held at the Darren-Matthews Mr- Smith' Saturday mornhome Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews entertained the members of the Wauconda Euchre club Friday evening. Favors were won by Willard Darrell and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake, both playing as substitutes for the evening. Appetizing refreshments ing at Elgin. NOTICE TO BOY SCOUTS Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the McHenry Boy Scouts is to be held at Weber's hall on Monday evening of next week, March 10, starting at 7:30 o'clock sharp. Mr. Wm. The famous Allen all the family aft Erickson's. ¥OU CAS We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays us ..f$> keep just what our customers demand, so we never try to sell you something just as good.'1 Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. YOUR AT THE FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK McHenry, Illinois M. M. Niesen McHenry PboM M STOFFEUS SPECIALS Jap Rose Toilet Soap, 3 bars for ; 22e « Huck Towels, 20x30 ^-,.; lte Gingham Petticoats...T.l..SSc Was. Handkerchjefs, 3 for... lie Muslin Petticoats. 7Se Union Linen Toweling, yd ISe 9-4 Muslin, bleached, per yd..Me Boys' Slipover Sweater* ... tt*7S Knit Petticoats.. Was. Fibre Silk Hosef. Stc Muslin Gowns SSc Women's High Shoes, to close, per pair_ $l.W, $1.25 to $2J5 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY 'O -VOTE FORALFORD H. POUSE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY McHENRY COUNTY v, The State's Attorney is the law enforcement officer of his County and it is the sworn duty of himself and \h2i staff to prosecute all offenders who violate the law. Mc- Henry County is no exception to this rule. If I take the oath of office as State's Attorney I *ri8 perform the duties of that office in such manner to maintain respect for the law and to honestly and efficiently Enforce the law. H. Althoff will be present and give were served at the close of the games' instructions on map making and read- THE TEACHER OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE "Learn' to use your home food products, particularly flour, aHl.- save money."' The quality of EARLY RISER flour is undisputed and the economy of it* use is known; its price contains no waste freight * Why should our farmers' wheat, the very best wheat that grows OUt-doors, be shipped hundreds of miles to be milled, and then flour and mill feed shipped back into our community when it is being milled right here into EARLY RISER flour, which is as good a flour as there kff Try a °°"1' of EARLY RISfciR flour with your next grocery order --y<jH'll like it. -• * . " - J McHenry Flour Mill*, ^ WKST McHENRY, ILL. ' ;/, - /v • . 'r'\ * " - GREBE ovrvivroc ZENITH lu'tl!'lvllRa THE NAME s ' &C0. STANDS FOR • . THE BEST IR * ie.'j . * V ^ •• V ^ Storage Batteries- I Farm Electrfc Planfs ; KOHLER 11® \ ^qHT PlJ&fr EXIDE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE AUTO STARTER AND GENERATOR REPAIRS 8 HOUR CHARGING SERVICE ' ..V ' • V- • • « r : ' ' « # r '•* y. " ' "• ' . $1 ---4. t •iv -v'&p 5

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